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It’s Full of Sparks


1. Download It's Full of Sparks or another freemium game. 

2. Play this game, give it a try. 
3. Take a look at the various freemium options that may be available. 
4. Decide which of these options you would like to pick. 
5. Now for your assignment, you need to:
a. Record the name of the game that you played. If you couldn't download the game for
some reason, just use It's Full of Sparks as your example. 
b. Tell us which options the game provided you with. Please describe the nature of the
freemium and how much these different options cost you. 
c. Did you decide to purchase the freemium? Why or why not?
d. What did you learn about freemium pricing from this exercise? 


You will be given a quantitative assessment for your response to each question. The following
represents a guide for the quantitative assessment:

 10 points: Superior performance, excellent. An excellent response is one that

demonstrates originality, creative thinking, references to relevant lecture, discussion
forum responses, or current news, and provides strong supporting evidence.
 9 points: Well above average, exceeds expectations. An above average response
addresses the entire question and provides sufficient supporting evidence.
 7 points: Passing, meets expectations. A passing response does address most of the
question, but more relevant details or supporting evidence could be provided.
 5 points: Insufficient answer, incomplete, lacks supporting evidence. An insufficient
response is incomplete. Only part of the question is addressed and supporting evidence
is lacking.
 0 points: No answer, completely irrelevant answer, inadequate material, and/or evidence
does not fit the argument.

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