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1. It means the total shares of stock issued under binding subscription contracts to subscribers or stockholders, whether or not fully or partially
paid, except treasury shares.
a. Authorized capital stock
b. Issued capital stock
c. Paid in capital stock
d. Outstanding capital stock
2. I. Non-stock or special corporations may, through their articles of incorporation or their by-laws, designate their governing boards by name
other than as board of trustees.
II. The SEC may place the corporation under delinquent status in case of failure to submit the reportorial requirements 3 times, consecutively or
intermittently, within a period of 5 years.
a. Only I is true
b. Only II is true
c. Both are true
d. Both are false
3. Every corporation, domestic or foreign, doing business in the Philippines shall submit to the SEC:
a. Annual financial statements audited by an independent certified public accountant: Provided, that if the total assets or total liabilities
of the corporation are less than P 60000000 the financial statements shall be certified under oath by the corporation's treasurer or
chief financial officer.
b. A general information sheet.
c. All of the above.
d. None of the above.
4. I. The SEC shall exercise visitorial powers over all corporations, with powers shall include the examination and inspection of record regulation
and supervision of activities, enforcement of compliance and imposition of sanctions.
II. Should the corporation, without justifiable cause, refuse or obstruct the SEC's exercise of its visitorial powers, the SEC may revoke
certificate of incorporation.
a. Only I is true
b. Only II is true
c. Both are true
d. Both are false
5. The SEC shall have the power and authority to:
a. Exercise supervision and jurisdiction over all corporations and persons acting on their behalf.
b. Impose sanctions for the violation of the Revised Corporation Code, its implementing rules and orders of the SEC.
c. Promote corporate governance and the protection of minority investors, through, among others, the issuance of rules and regulations
consistent with international best practices.
d. All of the above.
6. The SEC shall have the power and authority to:
a. Issue opinions to clarify the application of laws, rules and regulations.
b. Issue cease and desist orders ex parte to prevent imminent fraud or injury to the public.
c. Hold corporations in direct and indirect contempt.
d. All of the above.
7. An arbitration agreement may be provided in the articles of incorporation or bylaws of a corporation.
II. Regulators such as the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas and the Insurance Commission shall exercise primary authority over special
corporations such as banks, nonbank financial institutions, and insurance companies under their supervision and regulation.
a. Only I is true
b. Only II is true
c. Both are true
d. Both are false
8. The SEC shall have the power and authority to:
a. Issue writs of execution and attachment to enforce payment of fees, administrative fines, and other dues collectible under the
Revised Corporation Code.
b. Prescribe the number of independent directors and the minimum criteria in determining the independence of a director.
c. Impose or recommend new modes by which a stockholder, member, director, or trustee may attend meetings or cast their votes, as
technology may allow, taking into account the company's scale, number of shareholders or members, structure, and other factors
consistent with the basic right of corporate suffrage.
d. All of the above.

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