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Rules 1964

1. Short title, commencement and application

(1) These rules may be called the Central Civil Services(Conduct) Rules, 1964.

(2) They shall come into force at once.

These rules are not applicable to:-(a)Railway Services, (b) Member of All India
Service,(c) a holder of any post in respect of which the President has, by a general or
special order (d) Gramin Dak sevaks.

Rule 3(1) (i) Govt. Servant should maintain absolute integrity.

Rule 3 (1) (ii) Maintain devotion to duty
a) Not completed the work
b) Careless
c) Refusal to OT
d) Late Attendance
e) Laxity
f) Early Departure
g) Absence from duty.
Rule 3 (1) (iii) Do nothing which is un becoming of a Govt. Servant
a) Non maintenance of Office Decorum
b) In subordination
c) Criminal Activities
d) Untouchability
e) Joining college without permission
f) Arrest/Conviction not informed
g) Playing Cards during duty hours
h) Non maintenance of family
i) Accept prizes
j) Failure to vacate quarters
Rule 3 (A) Promptness and courtesy
a) No G.S. shall in performance of his official duty acts in
discourteous manner.
b) If the official dealing with the public or otherwise adopt
dilatory tactics or willfully cause delay in disposal of work
assigns to him.

Rule 3 (B) Observance of Govt. Policies
a) Act in accordance with the Govt. Policies regarding age of
b) Preservation of environment
c) Protection of Wild life and cultural heritage
d) Observe the Govt. policy regarding prevention of crime against
Rule 3 (C) From 13.2.08 Prohibition of sexual harassment of working women
a) No G.S. shall indulge in any act of any sexual harassment to any
women at working place.
b) Every G.S. who is in-charge of a work place shall take
appropriate steps to prevent sexual harassment to any women at
working place.
1. Physical contact or advances.
2. Demand or request for sexual favour
3. Sexually coloured remarks.
4. Showing any pornography (obscene literature)
5. Any other unwelcome physical, verbal or non verbal conduct
of sexual nature.

Rule 3 (2) 1. Every G.S. holding supervisory post shall take all possible
steps to ensure the integrity and devotion to duty of all Govt.
servant under his control.
2. Govt. Servant shall act in his best judgment while performing
official duties or exercising powers except while acting under
direction of Supervisor
3. The direction of the official Supervisor shall ordinarily be in
writing if unavoidable such oral directions be confirmed in
4. The Govt. Servant who has received the oral directions from
Superiors, the official shall seek for written confirmation
where upon the official supervisor shall confirmation in
Rule 4 Employing of near relatives in companies/firms with whom we are
having official dealings (Permission required)
Rule 5 Taking part in political /election not permissible
Rule 6 Not to join banned association
Rule 7 Demonstration/Strike prohibited.
Rule 8 Without the previous sanction of Govt or prescribed authority a
Govt. servant shall not participate or Radio/TV/Press.
However is exempted, if it is in the bonafied discharge of his duties

or if the article is purely literacy, art or scientific.
Rule 9 No criticism of the Govt
Rule 10 Evidence before committee compulsory, but it should be appointed
by the Govt. only and not private.
Rule 11 Unauthorized communication of information prohibited.
Rule 12 Non subscription from public.
Rule 13 Gift should be accepted as per schedule for wedding anniversary,
religious functions gifts from relatives and personal friends.

Group A= Rs.7000 Group B=Rs.4000

Group C= Rs.2000 Group D=Rs.1000
In other cases
Group A & B =Rs.1500 Group C & D = Rs.500
While a farewell entertainment of substantially private and informal
character may be held in honour of such officers on the eve of
retirement or transfer, as permitted under the proviso to Rule 11 of
the Central Civil Services (Conduct) Rules, 1955 and gifts of trifling
value [as defined in the Explanation to rule 10 (2) of the above rules]
presented and accepted on such occasions, it is hardly healthy or
desirable to allow the practice of accepting gifts from the staff.
Rule 13 (a) Dowry giving/taking or abetting (encouraging) prohibited.
Rule 14 No public demonstration accepted.
Rule 15 No private trade/employment
Rule 15 (a) 15 A. Sub-letting and vacation of Government accommodation.

(1) Save as otherwise provided in any other law for the time being in
force, no Government servant shall sub-let, lease or otherwise allow
occupation by any other person of Government accommodation which
has been allotted to him.

(2) A Government servant shall, after the cancellation of his

allotment of Government accommodation vacate the same within the
time-limit prescribed by the allotting authority.
Rule 16 No investment/lending/borrowing. Rs.500/- from friend can be
taken without interest.
Rule 17 Not to be insolvent and habitual indebtness
Rule 18 Immovable property prior permission required. Movable property of
value exceeds Gr. A=20000, Gr. B=15000, others =10000 permission
is required.
Rule 19 Without the previous sanction of Govt. a G.S. should not have
recourse to any court or to the press for the vindication (to prove)

of any official at, which has been the subject matter of adverse
criticism or an attack of the defamatory matter.
Rule 20 No outside influence or political pressure to be brought for
appointment/transfer/posting or any work.
Rule 21 Restriction regarding marriage.
Rule 22 Intoxicating drinks/drugs not acceptable.
Rule 22A No Government servant shall employ to work any child below the age
of 14 years.
Rule 23 If any question arises relating to the interpretation of these rules,
it shall be referred to the Government whose decision thereon shall
be final.
Rule 24 The Government may, by general or special order, direct that any
power exercisable by it or any Head of Department under these
rules (except the powers under Rule 23 and this rule) shall, subject
to such conditions, if any, as may be specified in the order, be
exercisable also by such officer or authority as may be specified in
the order.

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