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Healing Life On Earth of NCOV-19

by Adam
Please share this protocol on your page and encourage every practitioner you know in whatever spare
time they have to start working on this problem.

• Dear Biofeedback Family,

A week ago Tuesday, I was awoken by a phone call from our partners in
China. They were calling to warn us and to let us know what is really
going on in China. I was told that virtually every city in China is under
lock down “Quarantine”. People are not allowed to leave their houses
without cause and when they do, nothing is open and there is nowhere
to go. They actually have to order the groceries through an app. Grocery
delivery normally takes 1 day and now takes a week to 10 days. I began
to call my friends all over China and Asia. What I have been told is that
the level/degree of contagion and the mortality rates are both being very
under-reported. It was then I knew that we needed to come together
and do group sessions.
Our beautiful planet, brothers and sisters of earth and the animals of earth are under attack. NCOV-19 is very real
and not likely to stop anytime soon without our help. Together I believe we are powerful. I believe if we work
together we can make a difference. The time has come to unite as one and to support life in healing itself. Please
forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against earth.
It is no longer the China Coronavirus. It is, in fact, the World Coronavirus. This virus is very likely man made and as
such it is our responsibility to make it man/woman resolved! Apparently NCOV-19 can also infect animals. We
must protect them.
SARS-COV-S2. What does it mean? SARS means “severe acute respiratory syndrome”, Coronaviruses are strain viruses most
commonly found in bats. There are over 400 variations of coronavirus most are no transmissible to humans. The S2 part is
interesting. S2 means Spike protein #2. This spike protein is what “docks” into epithelial cells through the ACE2 (Angiotensin
Converting Enzyme 2) gene receptor site and “downloads” the virus into cells. The pharmaceutical companies plan to develop
there ncov-19 vaccine focusing on ACE2 gene receptor immunity. So will we….
*Before Starting this protocol make sure you have a picture of the earth on your desktop or in your
pictures folder for easy access. You will require use of the picture later in the protocol when
In the “Demographic” panel enter name of the client. Use “All Life on Earth” for the name and select
both for the gender. Then proceed to enter in birthday.
Enter today’s date as the date of birth, for each day we are born anew. Place of birth is Planet Earth,
and for country you will enter “Milky Way Galaxy”
If the system prompts you to address the biorhythm concerns of the day please do so, select the
“start” button and then the “Treat” the close and proceed to calibration.
Select “Load Patient Picture”
Select “OK”
Select your picture of “earth” from your desk top or from your pictures folder, then select “open”
Click “OK”, then proceed to select “ Fast Track Calibration Program” at the top of the screen.
Run the test as you normally would
The first thing we must do is calm things down. All of the fear, anger, confusion and despair is not
serving the solution we must create. Love heals all. There is a reason the sayings stick with us. From
the “Programs” drop down menu select “NLP Emotional Growth Stress Reduction”
Select “Mental Factors + Emotion Chart” from the items liste below
Select the following emotion from the list by “double clicking” on the emotion, Fear, Anger, Confusion
and Hopeless Despair. You will see them load into the white hold tray
Select “Treat + Test Emotions with phase stabilization”
Continue to “Treat” until the Love Index doubles the Frustration and your rectification at the bottom of
the page is 85% or better.
Quercetin, mother nature will always provide a way and the rest-leave to a Canadian. Dr Michael
Chretien’s work with the anti viral usage of Quercetin, may be one of our best hopes to treat infection.
(Quercetin 6119, 448, 9045)
Type “Quercetin” in to the “white search tray” and select the “Search Above Tray” button to run the
search function. ( you will be repeating the following steps for each of the 3 items, done individualy
one at time. Once we achieve excellent shaping function we will proceed to the next of the 3 items.
Continue reading for context)
In the “Auto Focus Bio Resonance Zap” drop down menu, select “Auto Focus Zap 3 Mins”
Select the “Zap 3min” key and address your first of 3 Quercetin remedies in the test matrix.
If the shaping function bars are not full with the caption above reading “Excellent” rather than
“Shaping Function, select the “Auto Focus Bio-Resonance Zap” drop down menu and then select
“Unzap” which will restore your key to being a “Treat” key.
Continue to “Treat” “Quercetin” until “Excellent”. Upon achieving “Excellent” response, proceed to
follow the above steps for the other two “Quercetin” and train to excellence.
Under the “EPR Enhancements” drop down menu select “Stimulate Reaction/Duplicate Remedy”
Type in the following; “Invert gene compatibility of NCOV-19 spike protein with humans and animals
ACE2 receptor sites”, then select the “Start Correction” key and continue until “Correction” value is
From the “EPR Enhancements” drop down menu select “Orgone Generator”
Type into white hold tray the following; “Neutralize Coronavirus 2019 | New strain of Coronavirus.
Release, reduce and neutrilize all related symptoms including Fever, Flu, Pneumonia, ARDS, Septic
Underneath the green “Direction of Pulse” select “Send Pulse Virtual”, set timer to 30 minutes, then
select “Activate SCIO Device Pulse”
Please forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who
trespass against earth.
Thank You for helping to heal life on earth!

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