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Task 2


“Johari Window”

Lecturer :

Ifdil, S.HI, S.Pd, M.Pd, Ph.D, Kons

Zadrian Ardi, S.Pd, M.Pd

Arranged By

Name : Lara Amanda Dwidjo

NIM : 18006081

Guidance and Counseling

Faculty of Education

Universitas Negeri Padang

Johari Window Theory
A. Self Introduction
Self is a combination of motives that have distinctive personal values and behaviors, and
self will distinguish a person from others. Since approximately 4 centuries BC, the great Greek
philosopher Socrates said: know yourself. Self-introduction is one's ability to see one's strength
and strength. weakness that exists in him so that he can respond appropriately to demands that
arise from within and from outside.
One way to identify ourselves is through the johari window which describes our self-
knowledge. Johari Window is a model that describes the level of openness and level of
awareness about ourselves. This model is important in interpersonal communication. Johari
Window is derived from the abbreviation of the names of the two formators, namely Joe Luft
and Hari Ingham, which presents a model that can be used to learn to know someone better.
Where the model is dividing the human self into four areas of selfhood, which is seen in the
following chart:
The self-introduction area of the Johari Window can be seen in the diagram below:  
Known by self   Unknown by self
Arena "Diri Terbuka"   Blind Area    "Diri Buta"   
  Hidden Area "Diri Unknown Area "Diri Tak Dikenali"

There is certain information about ourselves (strengths and weaknesses) that is known by
ourselves and others (area I, open self). The information may be received from visual cues, such
as wearing red today, such as being afraid of snakes or voting for a particular candidate in an
election that has already taken place. It can be in the form of thoughts (cognitive) or affective
feelings and / behavior.
At the same time, a person may have personal problems, such as needing / needing
money, but being afraid to speak in public, or confused, etc. who may not want to talk about it to
others. This describes only oneself knowing it, while other people do not know it (area II,
closed / hidden self).
Besides that, there may be other information that other people know, but don't know
myself. For example, the face turns red, cuts other people off, or the body shakes when talking.
This information is known by others, while sometimes you do not know it (area III, self blind).
Finally, there are areas of information that neither self nor others know about. This area is called
the inexpressible self or the unconscious self. The purpose of this self-disclosure process is to
continue acquiring more information regarding oneself (self-knowledge), in order to open up
unknown potential areas.
Courage to open up as mentioned above includes efforts to try new behavior, exchange
thoughts and feelings with others, and try to do things that might be difficult. In this way, the
individual begins to recognize more of his abilities and weaknesses, as well as to know how
other people perceive and respond to him.

B. Self Introduction to Others

Humans as social beings certainly cannot be separated from the need to communicate
with other people because that is why humans as social beings cannot be separated from social
interactions that exist in community life, starting from the family sphere, place of residence to
Communication is indeed a very important thing and this ability must be owned by
anyone if you want to feel success in various things and professions that you are involved in and
there are many theories that try to explain communication in terms of knowing yourself and
others because without knowing yourself and others, communication will not be achieved.
And one theory that discusses communication and is used as a reference in various worlds as a
starting material for good communication is the Johari Window theory or Johari Window is one
way to see the dynamics of self-awareness, which is related to our behavior, feelings, and
motives. by Joseph Luft and Harry Ingham in 1955 is useful for observing the way we
understand ourselves as part of the communication process.

C. The Role of Opening Up in Counseling Services

In self-disclosure guidance and counseling services will be very important. Self-opening
here is not only in the counselor's self-disclosure but how the counselor persuades his clients to
open up to him. With the opening of the client in counseling, then:

1. The counselor will be able to better understand the client's personality.

2. Counselors will find it easy to explore client problems so that they can help clients to
solve their problems in order to achieve KES and avoid KEST.
3. The results of the counseling will be more optimal and efficient.


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Supratiknya, A. 2004. Komunikasi Antar Pribadi (Tinjaun Psikologis). Yogjakarta: Kanisius
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