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DJIA 20957.90 À 0.04% NASDAQ 6072.55 g 0.37% NIKKEI 19445.70 À 0.70% STOXX 600 389.37 g 0.04% BRENT 50.79 À 0.65% GOLD 1246.40 g 0.69% EURO 1.0921 g 0.10%

What’s May Accuses EU of Swaying Vote

News British prime minister’s
comments come as
tailed far-reaching demands for erately timed to affect the result
the Brexit deal, Mrs. May said of the general election,” she said.
they represented a hardening of The raised tensions followed
in the German press. Mrs. May
said European press reports
had misrepresented the British
bloc official toughens
Business & Finance
negotiating position
the bloc’s nego-
tiating stance.
In a televised
By Laurence Norman
and Valentina Pop in
a dinner with Mrs.
May and Euro-
pean Commission
negotiating position.
The ratcheting-up of the
rhetoric shows how the negoti-
Brussels and Jason
he eurozone enjoyed
solid growth last quar-
ter, with GDP rising 1.8%.
Tensions between the U.K.
and the European Union esca-
speech to vot-
ers ahead of a
June 8 general
Douglas in London
President Jean-
Claude Juncker a
week ago.
ations over Brexit, which have
yet to formally begin, have the
capacity to fall prey to sour re-
Surveys point to a further
acceleration this quarter. A1
lated Wednesday after British
Prime Minister Theresa May
accused European politicians
election, she accused “some in After the meeting, EU offi-
Brussels” of willing the Brexit cials warned that the British
talks to fail. “Threats against government still had illusions
lations between the two sides.
Nonetheless, Mrs. May may
see an electoral advantage in
For Europe
 Puerto Rico was placed and officials of issuing threats Britain have been issued by Eu- about what it could gain from depicting the impending nego- Signs of economic revival in
under bankruptcy protec- against Britain. ropean politicians and officials,” the Brexit negotiations, and re- tiations as requiring an un- the euro currency zone are
tion, setting up a showdown Hours after the EU’s chief she said, without being specific. ports of what was described as yielding response. multiplying, indicating that
with Wall Street firms owed negotiator, Michel Barnier, de- The threats “have been delib- a disastrous meeting appeared Please see BREXIT page A2 Europe is finally healing from
billions of dollars. A1 a crisis-racked decade.
 China’s HNA raised its
stake in Deutsche Bank to
almost 10%, making it the
Presidential Hopefuls Square Off in French Debate By Marcus Walker
in Berlin, Jeannette
lender’s top shareholder. B1 Neumann in Madrid
and Nick Kostov
 Shale producers, many in Paris
of which rely extensively
on debt, face the threat of The 19-country eurozone
higher interest rates. B1 enjoyed a second successive
quarter of strong growth in
 Big banks are pulling
early 2017, outpacing the U.S.
back from car loans, helping
Business surveys point to a
drive down sales and raising
further acceleration in the
fears of a deeper slump. B1
current quarter. Markets are
 VW said quarterly profit rising strongly as confidence
soared 45% despite contin- in the economic outlook
ued fallout from the emis- swells. Corporate earnings are
sions scandal and confirmed rising briskly from a year ago.
its full-year outlook. B3 Eurozone politics also ap-
pear headed for greater stabil-
 Tesla’s loss widened as it
ity than looked likely only a
boosted spending before at-
few months ago, although the
tempting a shift to become a
outcome of Sunday’s French

mainstream auto maker. B3

presidential election remains a
 Wall Street advisers are risk. Investors, however, are
pouring cold water on a U.S. confident that pro-European
Treasury plan to issue 50- Union centrist Emmanuel Ma-
year and 100-year bonds. B1 cron will beat anti-EU nation-
alist Marine Le Pen.
 Facebook’s revenue
Gross domestic product in
surged 49% last quarter as
Europe’s single-currency bloc
more advertisers flocked to
grew at an annualized pace of
the platform. B1, B4
1.8% in the first quarter, the
 The U.S. Treasury named EU said, maintaining an accel-
an acting comptroller to eration over the past year. The
head the OCC, the top na- purchasing-managers index in
tional banking regulator. B5 April hit a six-year high, sug-
HEAD TO HEAD: Marine Le Pen, left, went on the offensive in the only live one-on-one TV debate in the French presidential race, saying gesting more improvement to
 J.P. Morgan will move
rival Emmanuel Macron, right, is the candidate of globalization. Mr. Macron leads Ms. Le Pen in the polls by 20 percentage points. A3 come. Economists say the eu-
500 to 1,000 jobs out of Lon-
Please see EUROPE page A2
don as the bank begins to im-
plement post-Brexit plans. B5

World of Difference
More U.S. business schools are
reporting a drop in international
 May accused EU politi-
cians and officials of issu-
applications to full-time
two-year programs. B3

ing threats against Britain, Percent of schools with falling

saying that they were will- applications from abroad
ing Brexit talks to fail. A1
 Macron and Le Pen $89,000 muscular-dystrophy treatment was shamed, then sold
squared off in a live French
presidential debate, pitting a 40
staunch EU defender against
Climbing Fast
drug for muscular dystrophy
in the U.S.
a nationalist critic. A3
Entrepreneur Jeffrey Since 2010, prices received for Marathon set the price at CONDUCT IN
 North Korea accused
China of “insincerity and be-
20 Aronin said a few years ago
he hoped to eventually sell
U.S.-made pharmaceuticals have $89,000 a year. Some fami-
lies were paying about
increased about six times as much
trayal,” as it sought to stave Marathon Pharmaceuticals as goods and services overall. $1,200 a year to buy the
off pressure from Beijing on 0 LLC, which he controls and drug, a steroid called defla- U.S. NEWS, A5
its weapons programs. A4 runs, for billions of dollars, Pharmaceuticals zacort, from an online phar-
2011-’12 2016-’17* All goods and services
 A U.S. citizen detained in according to a person who macy in the U.K.
North Korea is being inves- *Through mid-February %50 +49.6%
heard the comment. Some Instead of conducting
Source: Graduate Management Admission

tigated for seeking to over- Council (GMAC) Application Trends Survey employees have said they large clinical trials to test its
throw the government. A4 and the Association to Advance Collegiate now expect him to shut safety and effectiveness,
Schools of Business down the company. 30 which might have cost tens
 The Fed held rates
THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. His deflated ambition is a of millions of dollars, Mara-
steady and indicated it 20
sign of the increasingly hos- thon spent about $370,000
would stick with its plans
tile reaction to drug compa- 10 +8.35% to license data produced in
to proceed with gradual
rate increases this year. A5
nies that specialize in
sharply raising the prices of
earlier clinical trials.
It took only a month for
 The House passed a $1.1 Puerto Rico old medications. Mr. Aronin
’10 ’11 ’12 ’13 ’14 ’15 ’16 sticker shock to cascade into TRACK FOR
trillion spending bill that did that over and over again Note: Price changes are based on the Producer criticism from families of pa-
funds the U.S. government
through September and
Bankruptcy for 15 years, most recently
after Marathon won ap-
Price Index. 2016 data are preliminary.
Source: Bureau of Labor Statistics
tients with Duchenne muscu-
lar dystrophy, a rare and fa-
averts a shutdown. WSJ.com U.S. NEWS, A5
 House Republicans are
Kicks Off proval in February to sell a THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Please see DRUGS page A8

working on changes to
their health-care bill, hop- A Showdown Fidget Spinners Confound Teachers,

Oracle #1
ing to bring the measure
up for a vote this week. A5
And...Sorry, I Got Distracted
 FBI chief Comey de- Federal officials placed i i i
fended his decision to alert Puerto Rico under bankruptcy
Congress about a Clinton protection, setting up a show- Toy meant to help pupils focus spins out
email probe less than two
weeks before the election. A5
down with Wall Street firms
owed billions of dollars in the of control in classrooms; ‘mesmerizing’ SaaS Enterprise
 Clinton took the blame for
her election defeat but said
largest-ever U.S. municipal
debt restructuring and further BY ANNE MARIE CHAKER in the palm. The user typically Applications Revenue
complicating the U.S. terri- pinches a fidget spinner at its
sexism, Russian interference
tory’s efforts to pull itself out Well-meaning adults de- central bearing, then sets it
and Comey’s letter helped
of a financial mess. cided a good prescription for spinning in a fast, smooth and
sink her candidacy. A5
A federal oversight board schoolchildren with attention oddly satisfying way—some-
 Venezuela’s district at-
torney condemned state vio-
lence against protesters and
installed by Congress invoked
a special type of bankruptcy
that puts Puerto Rico’s stand-
issues was a toy that prom-
ised to divert nervous energy.
They called it the
times releasing it on its gyro-
scopic force like a classic top.
“It started with #1
praised the constitution. A4 off with creditors before a fed-
eral judge in San Juan.
“fidget spinner.”
What they never
two or three kids in
class,” Mr. Mosher
CONTENTS Markets...................... B8 The decision marks the imagined is that says. “Now a third of
Business News...... B3 Middle Seat.......... A12
start to what could be a these spinners the class has them.”
Capital Account.... A2 Opinion.............. A10-11
lengthy legal fight as Wall would become hot His pupils used them
Oracle Salesforce
Crossword.............. A12 Technology............... B4
Finance & Mkts... B5,7 U.S. News............. A5-6 Street watches to see how items in American for a bit more than Cloud Cloud
Heard on Street.... B8 Weather................... A12 other indebted municipal gov- classrooms, and that Fidget spinner self-focus—showing 14.5% 12.4%
Life & Arts......... A9,12 World News....... A2-4
ernments may fare in confron- all the fidgeting them off, passing
€3.20; CHF5.50; £2.00; tations with investors. with them would someday them around, “holding it up
U.S. Military (Eur.) $2.20
Puerto Rico and its agencies create an epidemic of mass and letting it ‘tap-tap-tap’ to 1,000+ Employees Segment, 2015
owe $73 billion to creditors, distraction. a pencil.”
dwarfing the roughly $18 bil- Bill Mosher, a fifth-grade He wrote to parents saying
lion owed by Detroit when it teacher at Spring Hill Elemen- he supported the toys’ use if
entered what was previously tary in McLean, Va., says he it helped children focus on
the largest municipal bank- started seeing fidget spinners lessons. “We have had a few oracle.com/applications
ruptcy in 2013. The territory in class a few weeks ago, after instances already where Source: IDC “Worldwide SaaS Enterprise Applications Market Shares, 2015: The Top 15 by Buyer Size,”
s Copyright 2017 Dow Jones & racked up its tremendous debt spring break. these toys have become more doc #US41913816, Dec. 2016; Table 4. For the purposes of this report, SaaS enterprise applications include
the following application markets: CRM, engineering, ERP, operations and manufacturing, and SCM.
Company. All Rights Reserved
load during a decadelong re- They were flat two-headed of a distraction than an aid,” Copyright © 2017, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Please see DEBTS page A6 or three-headed tops that fit Please see FIDGET page A8
For personal non-commercial use only. Do not edit or alter. Reproductions not permitted.
To reprint or license content, please contact our reprints and licensing department at +1 800-843-0008 or www.djreprints.com
A2 | Thursday, May 4, 2017 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.


Why Rising Bank Stocks Should Worry Fed

When the “reversal rate” for the rate cause loans are linked to
Federal Re- at which easy-monetary pol- The Low-Rate Squeeze long-term rates and deposits
serve raises icy switches from stimula- In Sweden, negative interest rates were passed on to commercial-bank lenders but not depositors. In the to short-term ones, a flatter
interest rates, tive to contractionary. U.S., higher rates have cheered bank investors. yield curve also erodes prof-
the stock mar- The idea is controversial. its, a finding confirmed by
ket usually Fed officials have disputed Swedish interest rates U.S. 2-year Treasury yield S&P 500 Commercial Banks both the Chicago Fed and
takes it badly. These days, the link, and in Europe, Industry Index BIS studies.
though, one big sector is banks report that while low 8% 1.4% 450 The BIS authors caution
praying for tighter monetary rates have hurt profits, they Lending rate* that it is difficult to disen-
policy: banks. have also helped lending. 6 Deposit rate* 1.2 400 tangle any negative effects
Lenders’ stocks have been Nor is the U.S. now near Policy rate of low interest rates and a
on a tear, rising 24% since such a reversal rate. The flatter yield curve on banks
4 1.0 350
the November election, and economy is growing solidly from the overall weak eco-
not just on hopes the Trump and the Fed has signaled it nomic environment, which
administration will reduce hopes to raise short-term 2 0.8 300 both keeps rates low and
regulation. After all, banks rates this year by another hurts the demand for credit.
have rallied almost as much half percentage point from 0 0.6 250 With economic growth
in Europe. the current target of be- now picking up around the
Rather, it reflects two tween 0.75% and 1%. world, central banks don’t
Federal Reserve rate in- –2 0.4 200 have to worry as much about

creases, expectations of ut the reversal rate, if 2008 ’10 ’12 ’14 ’16 2016 ’17 2016 ’17 the health of commercial
more, and confidence the it does exist, casts a *For nonfinancial businesses Sources: Riksbank; WSJ Market Data Group (bond yield, index) THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. banks. Nonetheless, they
European Central Bank large shadow over the may need to keep the un-
won’t push rates further into future. Structural forces, fall found some evidence dropped, but not as much, found that in 2009 and 2010, usual dynamics that occur at
negative territory or expand such as weak productivity that they do. and their deposit rates, falling interest rates bol- low rates in mind.
bond buying. growth and a glut of global Precisely why is unclear, which were already at zero, stered bank profits, but from The longer the ECB keeps
That is the opposite of savings, likely mean central but the likeliest culprit is the barely fell at all. 2011 to 2014 they had the rates negative, the harder it
the usual relationship. Ris- banks will have to push rates impact on commercial banks. This also affects bank opposite effect. The BIS also will be for commercial banks
ing rates typically hurt close to zero more often They profit from the margin profits. A study by two Chi- looked at 108 global banks to recover.
banks by raising their cost than in the past. There may between what they charge cago Fed economists found and found that as interest For its part, the Fed,
of funds and damping de- be circumstances when this on loans and what they pay that lower interest rates rates drop, lending rises— which is debating when to
mand for loans. does more harm than good. depositors for the funds they tend to depress banks’ re- until rates reach very low start shrinking its balance
The inversion of this his- Standard economics says lend out. When central banks turns on assets. levels, when lending starts sheet, may want to consider
toric relationship is omi- that as interest rates drop, push their policy rates below That study did find that to shrink. the effect on banks. Selling
nous. It suggests that central they increase the demand for zero, commercial banks are this effect was more than some of its $4 trillion in

banks’ use of interest rates credit and investment, raise reluctant to impose that on offset by stronger loan hen interest rates bonds should push up long-
near or below zero to revive stock prices and thus wealth, their depositors by charging growth, more fee income and dropped to zero, term rates, which would re-
stagnant economies can and weaken the currency ex- them a negative rate on lower loan-loss provisions. central banks turn strain growth, but in the
backfire by undermining change rate, which is good their accounts. Moreover, the value of to another tool for stimulat- other direction it would
bank profits and capital and, for exports. For example, between banks’ bondholdings rises as ing demand: buying bonds, steepen the yield curve and
thus, their ability to lend. In theory, interest rates early 2015 and mid-2016 rates drop. which reduces long-term bolster banks’ incentives to
Two Princeton University shouldn’t lose their potency Sweden’s Riksbank pushed But those offsets may di- rates. This compresses the lend. That should provide
economists, Markus Brun- as they fall below zero. Yet a its policy rate from zero to minish over time. Research spread between long-term some comfort as the Fed
nermeier and Yann Koby, study presented at the Inter- minus 0.5%. Loan rates by by the Swiss-based Bank for and short-term interest slowly returns monetary pol-
have coined the term the national Monetary Fund last commercial banks also International Settlements rates, i.e. the yield curve. Be- icy to normal.

EUROPE Playing Catch-Up

GDP for the world’s major economies has …while many eurozone economies have been …which could be partly attributed to those
Why Spain Is on
Path to Recovery
recovered from the 2008 financial crisis… slow to recoup their losses… countries’ higher unemployment rates.
Continued from Page One
rozone could grow by close to Cumulative change in GDP since 1Q 2006 Cumulative change in GDP since 1Q 2006 Unemployment rate, seasonally adjusted Banking cleanup helped revive
2% this year, a fast pace by the investment in small businesses
20% 20% 30%
region’s standards.
At advertising giant Publi- U.S. Germany
cis Groupe SA, sales in France 15 16.0% 15 15.7% 25 Many economists say
grew 12% in the first quarter. U.K. France Spain is benefiting from its
The company tends to be a 10 12.9% 10 9.5% 20
restructuring of banks in 2012,
useful bellwether for the Eurozone Spain when it closed or merged
Eurozone 18.2%
French economy, because its 9.2% lenders and forced the survi-
5 9.2% 5 15
clients are a diverse set of Spain Italy vors to beef up provisions for
French businesses. Japan 6.7% 11.7% soured loans. The cleanup en-
Publicis Chief Executive 6.3% abled Spanish banks to pass
0 0 10 France
Maurice Lévy said the “excel- 10.1% on to debtors the European
lent growth” in early 2017 was Eurozone Central Bank’s measures to
particularly surprising given –5 –5 Italy 5 cut the cost of credit.
that companies tend to with- Germany Spain’s biggest scar from
hold ad spending in the run-up –10 –10 0 3.9% the crisis remains unemploy-
to presidential elections. “This 2006 ’08 ’10 ’12 ’14 ’16 2006 ’08 ’10 ’12 ’14 ’16 2006 ’08 ’10 ’12 ’14 ’16
ment. At over 18%, it is the
time we didn’t have a period highest in the eurozone after
where clients adopted a wait- Sources: Eurostat; OECD (U.S. and Japan GDP) THE WALL STREET JOURNA Greece. Spanish employers are
and-see attitude towards in- hiring workers rapidly again.
vestment because of the un- Fuzesi, an economist at J.P. And the European Central of the year, surprising analysts global competition. At Groupe “The Spanish economy is
certainty,” he said. Morgan in London. Bank’s assorted measures to who predicted that the com- Roux-Jourfier, a 160-employee recovering from the great cri-
Growth is spread unevenly, Persistently low oil prices cut the cost of credit appear mon currency would fall to engineering company that sis,” said Christian Morales, a
with Italy in particular still have helped a continent that to have made a difference, giv- parity with the greenback. makes components for sectors 33-year-old who is planning to
struggling. Scars from the cri- imports the bulk of its fuel. ing governments and other Car sales are rising. Italian- including aerospace and en- open a restaurant in Madrid.
sis years linger in swaths of Eurozone governments, apart debtors breathing room, econ- American car maker Fiat ergy, first-quarter sales were Mr. Morales is among the
the eurozone, ranging from from Greece, have broadly omists say. Chrysler Automobiles NV re- down over 5% from a year ear- beneficiaries of Spain’s tour-
high debts and unemployment stopped fiscal belt-tightening Financial markets are em- ported an 11% rise in first- lier. “It’s getting harder and ism boom. A record 75.6 mil-
to weak banks and a legacy of as bond markets have recov- bracing Europe’s upbeat quarter profit, aided by sales harder to make sales,” said lion people visited Spain last
mistrust between creditor and ered from the eurozone crisis. growth outlook. growth in Europe. CEO Fabrice Roux. “I have in- year. Safety concerns have
debtor countries. Germany’s government has In dollar terms, the Euro France is struggling for lift- credible competition from led travelers to shift their va-
Still, fears that Europe had raised spending to deal with Stoxx 50 index is up almost off. The economy grew at an an- countries that are considered cations to Spain from other
forgotten how to grow are the influx of refugees. House- 12.7% this year, nearly double nualized 1% in the first quarter. low cost. That includes Spain, Mediterranean destinations.
quickly receding. holds and companies have the S&P 500’s gains. The euro Many smaller businesses, four hours’ drive from me.” —Laurence Norman,
“The recovery feels broad- paid down debt, opening the has also climbed against the which make up the backbone —Georgi Kantchev and Eric Valentina Pop
based, it feels resilient, and door to more consumption and dollar, trading at $1.09 com- of France’s economy, are still Sylvers contributed to this and Jason Douglas
the pace is decent,” said Greg investment. pared with $1.05 at the start struggling to adapt to rising article.

BREXIT he hoped that could be done

by October or November but
that was in the U.K.’s hands.
“Some have created the il-
if they meet the EU’s five-year
residency requirement.
Those rights should be en-
forceable for EU citizens who
paper argues.
Mr. Barnier said such rights
should be directly enforced by
the European Court of Justice,
March 2019.
The document also under-
scores the differences between
the EU and the U.K. on the
liabilities with the EU—for ex-
ample, guarantees on loans
made by EU bodies while the
U.K. was a member—and Brit-
Continued from Page One lusion that Brexit would have have previously lived in the the EU’s top court, giving it a Brexit bill, or the sum the EU ain will need to continue to
Earlier, in his first news no material impact on our U.K. but since left and should role in Britain until “well after wants the U.K. to pay to honor make payments for specific
conference since EU leaders lives or that negotiations can continue to allow family mem- the U.K. leaves.” Mr. Barnier its past spending pledges. funds like the EU’s refugee
last Saturday agreed to nego- be concluded quickly and pain- bers of an EU citizen residing said the court should also have It says the U.K. will need to payments to Turkey, the docu-
tiating guidelines for him, Mr. lessly,” Mr. Barnier said. “This in the U.K. to move to Britain a direct say over other aspects agree on an annual payments ment says.
Barnier repeatedly emphasized is not the case.” in the future, it says. of the divorce deal, setting up schedule, established in euros, —Jenny Gross in London
that Brexit would be painful Wednesday’s paper said EU EU citizens should also get a potential clash with the U.K. meaning Britain will carry the contributed to this article.
and complicated. citizens in the U.K. and British the current broad range of government which wants to be exchange-rate risk. There will
He laid out new details of citizens in the bloc should be housing, tax and other wel- rid of EU courts’ jurisdiction need to be specific arrange- THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.
the bloc’s opening negotiating guaranteed lifetime residency fare benefits available, the after leaving the bloc, due in ments on the U.K.’s contingent Europe Edition ISSN 0921-99
stance that were in some re- The News Building, 1 London Bridge Street,
London, SE1 9GF
spects tougher than previ-
ously advertised, including
ensuring that EU citizens in
CORRECTIONS  AMPLIFICATIONS Thorold Barker, Editor, Europe
Grainne McCarthy, Senior News Editor, Europe
Cicely K. Dyson, News Editor, Europe
the U.K. keep their welfare Darren Everson, International Editions Editor
benefits and residency rights Mylan Chairman Robert J. with international creditors Joseph C. Sternberg, Editorial Page Editor
for their lifetimes. The more Coury received about $59 mil- showed 10-year bond yields
Anna Foot, Advertising Sales
detailed stance must be lion in retirement benefits from Greece, Portugal and Ire- Jacky Lo, Circulation Sales
signed off by EU governments and other pay as part of his land beginning on Oct. 16, Andrew Robinson, Communications
Jonathan Wright, Commercial Partnerships
later this month. transition from executive 2012. The chart incorrectly la-
Wednesday’s negotiating chairman to a nonemployee beled the data as starting on Katie Vanneck-Smith,
directives weigh in on the chairman role, on top of Oct. 16, 2011. Global Managing Director & Publisher

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THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Thursday, May 4, 2017 | A3

Top French Candidates Trade EU Barbs

PARIS—Emmanuel Macron
and Marine Le Pen squared
off Wednesday in the only
live head-to-head debate of
the French presidential elec-
tion, pitting a staunch de-
fender of the European
Union against a nationalist
who wants to unravel it.
Seeking to close a 20-per-
centage-point gap in the polls
before Sunday’s vote, Ms. Le
Pen went on the offensive in
the prime-time show, saying
Mr. Macron, a former inves-
tor banker, is the candidate
of globalization.
“You are the France that
submits to European de-
mands,” Ms. Le Pen said.
For Mr. Macron, who is
running for elected office for
the first time, the debate was
a test of whether he can hold
his footing under pressure
from a battle-hardened Na-
tional Front candidate who
is tapping into deep resent-
ment of globalization and the


Mr. Macron said Ms. Le
Pen’s anti-EU stance is de-
featist and France can com-
pete with European rivals by
simplifying regulations for
small business and making
labor law more flexible.
“Confronted with this “You are the France that submits to European demands,” Marine Le Pen told rival presidential candidate Emmanuel Macron in Wednesday’s debate.
mind-set of defeat, I repre-
sent the mind-set of con- to repatriate powers in Paris company BVA. servative and far-left candi- knocked out in the first BVA.
quest,” Mr. Macron said. and implement protectionist In the 2012 election, more dates who were knocked out round. Around a third of voters
The debate was watched trade policies. Mr. Macron, than 17 million watched the in the first round of voting. Beyond the result itself, intending to cast their ballot
closely by investors, who however, embraces the EU duel between current Presi- In an attempt to cross the Sunday’s vote will be key to for Mr. Macron are doing so
sold French assets when Ms. and prescribes labor over- dent François Hollande and political spectrum, Ms. Le determining the strength of because he is seen as the
Le Pen polled high ahead of hauls to help France compete his predecessor, Nicolas Pen went after blue-collar the two candidates’ parties “least bad” of the candidates
the April 23 first-round vote. in global markets. Sarkozy. votes last week by making an in legislative elections in and another third to block
If Ms. Le Pen can turn the ta- The debate, which started With polls consistently impromptu appearance at a mid-June. the path of Ms. Le Pen, ac-
ble on Mr. Macron during the at 9 p.m. local time, was ex- showing Mr. Macron on track factory scheduled for closure Even as Mr. Macron is cording to a survey by BVA.
debate, it could cast renewed pected to draw millions of to win 60% of votes Sunday, just before her rival was due likely to win on Sunday, a “Macron tonight faces the
doubt over the outcome of an viewers, as 34% of France’s Ms. Le Pen has a mountain to there. She also has attempted margin below 20 points challenge not only of secur-
election that is crucial for 47.6 million registered voters climb in the debate. to tap center-right voters by would sap the momentum his ing his election but getting
the future of the EU. said they were sure to tune To stand a chance of rival- lifting sections on French upstart party En Marche—On well elected to push a dy-
Ms. Le Pen proposes pull- in and a further 31% saying ing Mr. Macron, the National identity from a speech by the Move—needs to win a namic that is favorable for
ing France from the euro and they probably would, accord- Front candidate needs to pick mainstream conservative majority, said Adélaïde his presidency,” Ms. Zulfikar-
a radical overhaul of the EU ing to a survey by polling up supporters from both con- François Fillon, who was Zulfikarpasic, an analyst at pasic said.

Left and Far-Right Vie for German Workers MIDDLE EAST
BY ANTON TROIANOVSKI “We simply want to show that working-class voters forge new low 10% overall. the city council, he represents
we are normal people.” allegiances. In March, the But here in the Ruhr region, Essen’s hardscrabble north Trump, Abbas Meet
ESSEN, Germany—Guido A protester right behind Dutch Labor Party withered in dotted with the relics of coal end, where opposition to im- In Washington
Reil, a foreman in a coal mine him held aloft a sign: “Voting national elections, drawing mines and steel plants that migration is driving people
and longtime union member, AfD is so 1933.” less than 6% of the vote and once provided hundreds of away from the center-left. President Donald Trump met
has been marching on May Day In Germany, exit polls from coming in fourth. Last month, thousands of jobs, the center- “I want all this scum that’s with Palestinian leader Mah-
for better pay and working recent state elections show left is being challenged. washing up here to flow back moud Abbas, saying the U.S.
conditions for three decades. that working-class voters are On May 14, the Ruhr will out,” said one 61-year-old elec- would take part in the pursuit of
But as soon as he arrived at more likely than the rest of the vote in North Rhine-Westpha- trician who used to vote for peace between Israelis and Pal-
this week’s parade, dozens of population to vote for the AfD,
Disappointed blue- lia’s regional election, where the Social Democrats but now estinians and vowing, “We’ll get
fellow marchers surrounded mirroring the preferences of collar voters are Mr. Reil is a candidate. Ahead backs the AfD. “The foreigners it done.”
him to try to separate him their peers in America’s Rust of the vote, seen as a preview bother me. That’s it, really.” The meeting Wednesday
from the column, chanting Belt for President Donald
looking to forge new of the Sept. 24 national elec- Social Democratic officials was the first Mr. Trump has had
“Shut up!” and “Get out!” Trump and in France for na- political allegiances. tion, the AfD is targeting blue- acknowledge concern about with Mr. Abbas, although the
The reason: Mr. Reil, for tionalist Marine Le Pen. collar workers disappointed their working-class base drift- two have spoken previously. Mr.
years a member of the labor- “We must recognize that we with the center-left’s past sup- ing to the AfD but say they are Trump, standing alongside the
aligned Social Democrats, quit have AfD sympathizers and AfD port for pro-business reforms confident their chancellor can- Palestinian leader at the White
the party last year to join the voters in our own ranks in 39% of factory workers in and immigration. didate, former European Par- House, stressed that his admin-
anti-immigrant Alternative for rather large numbers,” said Al- France sided with Ms. Le Pen “He represents the interests liament President Martin istration wants to be involved as
Germany. As elections ap- fons Rüther, secretary for Essen in the first-round presidential of the little people rather than Schulz, will minimize those a mediator in talks but wouldn’t
proach here, he and others like of Germany’s main metalwork- election, compared with 21% of betraying them,” Mr. Reil’s losses. Mr. Schulz has pledged seek to impose a solution.
him are at the focal point of an ers union, IG Metall. “We aren’t all voters, according to pollster campaign poster says. to address “unfairness” in the Mr. Abbas said he favors a
intensifying battle between reaching them…. The fear of Ifop. Mr. Reil, a foreman in the economy and to fight “for the two-state solution, and com-
left and right for the votes of losing one’s job and the fear of For now the phenomenon region’s last operating coal Germany of the hardworking plained that the Palestinians are
the German working class. foreigners are more powerful.” has been more muted in Ger- mine, is at the forefront of the people rather than the Ger- the world’s only people living un-
“We do not want to pro- Much of the recent political many, with the Social Demo- AfD’s drive for working-class many of the self-appointed der occupation. Mr. Trump has
voke,” Mr. Reil said, referring upheaval in Western Europe crats—the traditional party of votes, having switched to the elites.” He promises improved said he would favor a two-state
to himself and a handful of has stemmed from the weak- the working class—still near party last year after 26 years retirement benefits and new solution if that were the out-
other AfD backers with him. ness of the center-left as 30% support and the AfD be- with the Social Democrats. In labor protections. come chosen by Israelis and Pal-
estinians as part of a settle-

Race Scraps a Descent Prize; Change Too Steep Under Mr. Trump, the U.S.
has smoothed strained ties in
the relationship with Israeli
Prime Minister Benjamin Netan-
BY JOSHUA ROBINSON after he caught a guardrail on yahu, who visited Mr. Trump at
a descent while going more the White House in February.
The organizers of the Giro than 40 mph. And in 2015, Do- —Carol E. Lee
d’Italia, one of the most fa- menico Pozzovivo had to quit
mous bike races in the world, the race after a gruesome EUROPEAN UNION
have always known that keep- crash while aggressively
ing fans interested for all rounding a corner. Bloc Won’t Require
three weeks can be tricky. So Giro organizers knew from Visas of Americans
for more than 80 years, they the start that the award would
have included secondary be a tricky sell, according to a The EU won’t impose visas
prizes to spice up the action. person familiar with their on American travelers in retalia-
Like the Tour de France, the thinking. tion for the U.S. continuing to
Giro crowns the best climber, That is why it was intro- exclude five EU countries from
the fiercest sprinter and the duced without a major an- its no-visa program, the bloc’s

most “combative” rider. nouncement or even a press executive branch said.

But ahead of Friday’s open- release. Assiduous observers Imposing visas, as requested
ing stage in Sardinia, one new of the race were left to dis- by the European Parliament in
Giro award caused such a cover it in the Giro’s official March, would be “counterproduc-
storm in the professional pelo- rule book. tive” and would scuttle diplo-
ton that the race scrapped it Race organizers are often matic efforts with the U.S. to
just 48 hours before the start. confronted with the problem expand the Visa Waiver Pro-
The Giro was offering a cash of balancing spectacular tele- gram, said European migration
prize of up to €15,000 vision with rider safety. commissioner Dimitris Avramo-
($16,381), in effect, for the cra- Christian Prudhomme, the poulos on Tuesday.
ziest rider in the bunch: the Giro d’Italia organizers dropped a prize for the fastest descender after cyclists warned of crashes. director of the Tour de France EU lawmakers in March made
fastest descender. said in a 2015 interview with a nonbinding request for the Eu-
“Seriously?! If this true you announced that the fastest de- than 50 miles an hour is by far scender in Giro? I hope this is The Wall Street Journal that ropean Commission, the EU’s ex-
should be ashamed,” Trek-Se- scenders’ prize would be can- the most dangerous part of a joke,” Team Sky rider Wout he often heard from fans that ecutive body, to retaliate after a
gafredo rider Jasper Stuyven celed. being a professional cyclist. Poels wrote on Twitter earlier his stages weren’t daring deadline expired last year for
tweeted at the Giro’s official “The spirit of the initiative At those speeds, any debris this week. “What about enough. They wanted death- bringing Poland, Croatia, Roma-
account after hearing about was to highlight an important on the road or a skid of the safety?” defying feats of courage and nia, Bulgaria and Cyprus within
the Pirelli Prize for the Best skill which is an integral part inch-wide wheels can send the The Giro’s recent history is speed, like a time-trial in a de- the U.S. visa-free travel arrange-
Descender. “Aren’t there al- of a cycle race without putting cyclist into the side of a littered with dramatic crashes scent. ment.
ready enough crashes? Clearly the riders’ safety in jeopardy,” mountain or over a guardrail. on downhill sections. “We would never do that. It “The EU will always choose
you only care about sensa- they said. Seasoned pros try to avoid de- In the 2009 race, Pedro would be irresponsible. It’s in- engagement, commitment and
tion.” “Rider safety is, and re- scending at full-tilt unless it is Horrillo was left in a coma af- sane,” Mr. Prudhomme said. patient diplomacy over any form
On Wednesday morning, mains, the priority of the Giro absolutely essential. ter he plummeted down a 200- “Yes, it could spice things up, of unilateral retaliation,” Mr.
following a backlash from the and the race organizers.” “Life threatening idea to foot ravine. Two years later, but to what extent: killing Avramopoulos said.
cycling community, organizers Racing downhill at more give a prize to the best de- Wouter Weylandt was killed people? It makes no sense.” —Valentina Pop
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North Korea Slams China

Pyongyang accuses
former ally of betrayal Pyongyang Details Kim Sang Dok committed April that Mr. Kim had been de-
“criminal acts of hostility aimed tained as part of an investiga-
over its pressure on Detainee’s Charges to overturn” the Pyongyang re- tion into “matters that are not
gime—“not only in the past but connected in any way with the
nuclear program U.S. citizen accused of seeking also during his last stay before work of PUST,” and declined to
to overthrow government interception”—the Korean Cen- comment on any of his activities
BY JONATHAN CHENG tral News Agency said on beyond his teaching work. KCNA
Wednesday, adding that the said his subject was accounting.
SEOUL—North Korea ac- SEOUL—A U.S. citizen de- “interception” had taken place South Korea’s Yonhap News
cused China of “insincerity tained last month in North Ko- April 22 at the capital’s interna- Agency reported in April that
and betrayal” in a commentary rea is being investigated for tional airport. Mr. Kim is in his late 50s and
published Wednesday, calling seeking to overthrow the gov- Mr. Kim taught at Pyong- had been involved in aid work
statements in the official Chi- ernment, the state-controlled yang University of Science and in North Korea.
nese media “an undisguised news agency said. Technology. The school said in —Jonathan Cheng
threat” to Pyongyang, as it

sought to stave off pressure
from Beijing on its nuclear and publications, the People’s Daily U.S.,” and that China was exer- the North Korean weapons
missile programs. and the Global Times, that ap- cising “big-power chauvinism” programs, citing the two coun-
“China should no longer try parently alluded to the possi- that meant “the dignity and tries’ close economic and his-
to test the limits of the DPRK’s bility of Beijing confronting vital rights of the DPRK should torical ties. Beijing in return Guo Wengui appears in an online interview with Mingjing News.
patience,” North Korea said in North Korea militarily, or end- be sacrificed for the interests has said its leverage is limited

Tycoon Claim Roils

the commentary published by ing friendly ties between the of China.” and has pressed the U.S. to en-
the official Korean Central News two neighbors and Cold War Last month, U.S. President ter into unconditional talks
Agency, using the acronym for allies, if it didn’t halt its weap- Donald Trump met Chinese with Pyongyang.
its formal name, the Democratic ons programs. President Xi Jinping at the China and North Korea have
People’s Republic of Korea.
“China had better ponder over
the grave consequences to be
entailed by its reckless act of
The commentary also re-
ferred to Chinese press state-
ments about North Korea’s
weapons programs threaten-
Mar-a-Lago resort in Florida,
where Mr. Trump says that he
offered China more favorable
trade terms in exchange for
enjoyed friendly ties since the
years immediately following
World War II, when Commu-
nist parties in both countries
Politics in Beijing
chopping down the pillar of the ing China’s northeast, which help on confronting the threat took power and fought in one BY CHUN HAN WONG “Listening to the one-man
DPRK-China relations.” borders North Korea, and from North Korea. another’s wars. The two coun- crosstalk performed in the U.S.
The commentary, which about how Pyongyang’s ac- In February, China said it tries have described their ties BEIJING—Online allegations by Guo,” a user wrote on the
was attributed to a person tions were giving the U.S. an would suspend coal imports as being as close as that of by an exiled businessman Weibo microblogging platform.
identified only as Kim Chol, excuse to deploy more strate- from North Korea until year- “lips and teeth.” about corrupt ties between “Feeling more shocked than
comes as China seeks to get gic assets to the region. The end, potentially depriving In recent decades, however, China’s political and corporate watching ‘In the Name of the
North Korea to curb its weap- article said that the U.S. mili- Pyongyang of a key source of bilateral ties have become in- elites are riveting many Chi- People,’ ” ran the post, which
ons programs, amid pressure tary buildup in Asia was aimed revenue, a move that Mr. creasingly strained, as China nese and threaten to intrude has been taken down but is
from the U.S. and other United at China, not North Korea. Trump has pointed to as a sign opened its economy while on the Communist Party’s available on the censorship
Nations members. China’s hardening line on of China’s willingness to turn North Korea grew more iso- plans for a carefully choreo- monitoring site WeiboScope.
North Korea’s latest state- North Korea, the commentary the screws on North Korea. lated and pursued a nuclear- graphed leadership transition. Mr. Guo didn’t respond to
ments referred to recent arti- said, showed that Beijing was Mr. Trump has said that weapons program that antago- Guo Wengui, an up-by-the- requests to comment.
cles in two official Chinese “dancing to the tune of the China holds the key to halting nized the region. bootstraps tycoon who says he Mr. Xi is almost certain to
has lived in the U.S. since be anointed to a second five-
2015, has said in rambling year term as party leader at
video interviews and a deluge the congress. Party insiders
of Twitter posts that he has say he wants to avoid contro-
detailed knowledge of wrong- versies that could undermine
doing by senior Communist his efforts to install allies and
Party officials, their relatives sideline rivals. Mr. Guo has
and their associates. targeted one of those allies,
Mr. Guo has provided scant Wang Qishan, a senior Com-
evidence to substantiate his munist Party official who
allegations. Still, they are the spearheads Mr. Xi’s antigraft
talk among many politically drive. The government’s infor-
minded Chinese, and China’s mation office didn’t respond
government has launched a to a request to comment.
multipronged campaign to dis-
credit him.
The Foreign Ministry dis-
missed his allegations as false-
Beijing has launched
hoods and called him a “crimi- a multipronged bid to
nal suspect,” without detailing
any charges; Interpol, at Bei-
discredit the exiled
jing’s request, issued an arrest businessman.
notice. Leading Chinese media
have published articles por-
traying him as an unscrupulous
businessman. Mr. Xi emerged from the

The government’s full-throt- 2012 congress as party chief,

tle response underscores the and launched a far-reaching
stakes for Beijing. Mr. Guo’s al- corruption crackdown that he
legations, flowing freely from has called an existential battle
exile through a broad online for party legitimacy.
megaphone, have the potential Mr. Guo’s disclosures could
to exacerbate behind-the- be similarly disruptive this year,
scenes jostling among senior regardless of their veracity. His
leaders seeking positions in followers on Twitter, which op-
Gina Lopez takes questions at a press conference after Philippine lawmakers rejected her appointment as environment secretary. the Communist Party leader- erates beyond the reach of Chi-
ship that a congress is set to nese censors, have ballooned to

Duterte Environment Nominee Blocked appoint this year.

“The way state and propa-
ganda machinery have been
mobilized to launch a coordi-
more than 152,000, from 20,000
about two months ago. When
the share prices of two banks
and a Hong Kong-listed arm of
BY JAKE MAXWELL WATTS on Appointments, which acts after her defeat. “It is the con- 2013 was a director of Nickel nated attack on a whistleblower HNA Group, a Chinese conglom-
as a confirmation authority stitutional right of every Fili- Asia Corp., a large listed miner. is unlike anything that has hap- erate, fell in recent days, some
MANILA—A Philippine con- for certain positions nomi- pino to a clean and healthy en- Mr. Zamora’s brother, Manuel pened before,” said Bao Pu, a financial analysts attributed it
stitutional body rejected the nated by the president, voted vironment,” she told reporters Zamora, is the founder and Hong Kong-based publisher in part to Mr. Guo’s tweets hint-
appointment of Gina Lopez as 16-8 against Ms. Lopez, local on Wednesday, shortly after chairman of Nickel Asia. One of whose company specializes in ing their involvement in mis-
environment secretary, deliver- media reported. leading the local press corps the mines Ms. Lopez closed be- books on Chinese politics. deeds. The companies declined
ing a blow to President Ro- The chairman for the com- in an off-key rendition of R. longed to the company. In particular, allegations of to comment.
drigo Duterte, who has sup- mission’s vote on Ms. Lopez, Kelly’s “I Believe I Can Fly.” “When people make choices high-level graft could under- In interviews and tweets, Mr.
ported her overhaul of the Sen. Manny Pacquiao, who an- Ms. Lopez challenged a and influence [the political mine public confidence in Guo has said his whistleblowing
country’s mining sector. nounced the result, said the powerful lobby with her cru- process] based on business in- President Xi Jinping’s signa- is aimed at protecting himself,
The rejection of Ms. Lopez, outcome wasn’t his personal sade against the mining indus- terests, transgressing the right ture anticorruption campaign, his family—some of whom are
who closed dozens of mines in choice, calling it the “longest, try’s environmental record. of every Filipino to what God Mr. Bao said. still in China—and his business
the world’s largest nickel-ore dramatic and most-watched” The confirmation of presiden- had given them, it is wrong,” On Chinese social media, interests. He has said he would
exporter during her 10 months confirmation in the Philippines. tial appointees has long been a Ms. Lopez said after the an- where political gossip is often decide what evidence to dis-
in office, is seen by her support- The commission, made up of highly politicized process here. nouncement. She was Mr. Du- censored, users have compared close and when as he negotiates
ers as a win for big business members of Congress, didn’t Among those on the confir- terte’s nominee to lead the De- Mr. Guo’s disclosures with a with Chinese officials.
over the interests of consumers. say why it rejected Ms. Lopez. mation commission is Rep. partment of Environment and television series dramatizing —Yifan Xie in Shanghai
The bicameral Commission Ms. Lopez was emotional Ronaldo B. Zamora, who until Natural Resources. Mr. Xi’s anticorruption drive. contributed to this article.

Venezuela Attorney General Criticizes Maduro Regime

BY ANATOLY KURMANAEV turned her into an unlikely and legal behavior from citi- ditch effort to avoid elections
AND KEJAL VYAS face of dissent after having zens if the state takes deci- that polls show his party
served for a decade as a pillar sions that don’t accord with would easily lose.
CARACAS—Venezuela’s top of the Socialist government. the law,” said Ms. Ortega. The push to recast the con-
prosecutor, already under “It’s time to come to terms Born into a rural family of stitution has also drawn sting-
pressure for criticizing the au- with ourselves,” the 59-year- eight, Ms. Ortega said she was ing criticism from the U.S.,
thoritarian government she old lawyer said at her office in captivated by the message of where senators on Wednesday
serves, on Wednesday con- the capital. “It’s time to hold social inclusion propagated presented a bill urging Presi-
demned state violence against talks and to negotiate. It means Mr. Maduro’s charismatic pre- dent Donald Trump to take
protesters, decried the strato- one has to yield on decisions decessor, Hugo Chávez, while tougher actions to address
spheric inflation racking her for the good of the country.” she worked as a provincial Venezuela’s meltdown, includ-
country, and praised the con- Talk like that is unusual criminal lawyer in the 1990s. ing slapping sanctions on Ven-
stitution President Nicolás from a top-ranking Venezuelan She joined Mr. Chávez’s gov- ezuelan officials responsible

Maduro wants to eliminate. official, particularly one like ernment as a legal adviser for abuses and corruption.
Attorney General Luisa Or- Ms. Ortega, who has long when he won the presidency Many of Ms. Ortega’s critics
tega’s comments to The Wall drawn the ire of rights groups and redrafted the constitution say she is looking to clean up
Street Journal, in a rare inter- for using what they considered in 1999 and has since married her image in case of a change
view, appeared to confirm her kangaroo courts to lock away a ruling party lawmaker. of government in Caracas. “I
break with the hard-line leftist political foes and for allegedly A pocket-size copy of the don’t trust her. She can’t just
regime, which expects unques- helping the government bury Chief prosecutor Luisa Ortega speaking to the media last month. constitution adorns her other- change her mask that easily,”
tioned loyalty as it wrestles charges of rampant corruption. wise bare desk, and her gov- said street protester Marta
with a growing surge of public The government appears to While Mr. Maduro has in- and due process guaranteed, ernment office is devoid of im- Corrales at a recent rally.
unrest. be trying to shunt her aside in tensified the government’s complaining of hundreds of ar- ages of Mr. Maduro. “This Others say her intentions
With the oil-rich nation en- the face of her displays of inde- crackdown on protests and bitrary detentions by National constitution is unbeatable,” are sincere. In a polarized na-
trenched in a punishing eco- pendence. Her speeches no lon- civil unrest that have cost at Guard and intelligence police. Ms. Ortega said. “This is tion, said Nizar El Fakih, a
nomic crisis and a bitter power ger get live coverage from state least 31 lives in recent weeks, Her comments undercut the Chávez’s constitution.” lawyer who has defended a
struggle between the govern- TV, she has lost her bodyguards Ms. Ortega has denounced the government’s argument that That same constitution is host of high-profile Venezue-
ment and the opposition, Ms. and the Maduro government use of armed civilian groups the street violence embroiling what Mr. Maduro now says lan political prisoners. “she’s
Ortega’s carefully couched crit- has ramped up the use of mili- that do the government’s bid- the nation stems exclusively needs redoing. Rights groups trying to carve out a third
icisms of Mr. Maduro’s slide tary tribunals to circumvent ding. She has urged that the from right-wing agitators. have slammed that initiative way, looking for a way to sep-
into authoritarianism have the public prosecutor’s office. right of protest be respected “We can’t demand peaceful as the unpopular leader’s last- arate herself from Maduro.”
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THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Thursday, May 4, 2017 | A5

Health-Bill Changes Lure Holdouts Fed Stays
On Track
New amendment adds view Wednesday. “That would
$8 billion over five
years to offset costs
be like my saying for you to
take the train to New York, I’m
going to give you $3.”
For 2 Rate
for high-risk patients
Sen. Chuck Schumer of New
York, the chamber’s Democratic
leader, said, “The proposed Up-
WASHINGTON—House Re- ton amendment is like adminis- BY NICK TIMIRAOS
publicans are working on al- tering cough medicine to some-


terations to their faltering one with stage-four cancer.” WASHINGTON—The Federal
health-care bill, hoping the “High-risk pools are the real Reserve held short-term inter-
late changes can woo enough death panels,” Mr. Schumer est rates steady and indicated
holdouts for them to bring the said in a statement. “They Wednesday that recent soft-
bill up for a vote this week. mean waiting forever in line for ness in economic data
unaffordable health insurance.” wouldn’t alter its plans to pro-
By Kristina Peterson, Health insurers are closely ceed with gradual rate in-
Louise Radnofsky watching developments on the creases this year.
and Carol E. Lee legislation for elements they Following a two-day policy
say they need to continue meeting, officials unanimously
GOP leaders won back Rep. participating in the market at held their benchmark rate
Fred Upton (R., Mich.), a for- all. Those included continua- steady in a range between
mer House Energy and Com- Rep. Fred Upton is flanked by Rep. Billy Long, left, and Rep. Greg Walden at the White House. tion of the law’s cost-sharing 0.75% and 1%, while noting in
merce Committee chairman, subsidies that help cover costs a statement that slow growth
who said Wednesday he would lier this week, also said at the to assist people with expen- tives, who had balked at an ear- for some low-income people. earlier this year was “likely to
support the bill if it includes White House Wednesday that sive medical costs who lier version of the bill. But the On Wednesday, Medica, a be transitory.”
an amendment he is proposing he had come to support it, couldn’t afford coverage. That measure alarmed many centrist nonprofit insurer, said it was The central bank raised
to bolster protection for peo- with the addition of Mr. Up- could include a high-risk pool Republicans, including Mr. Up- considering pulling out of the rates by one quarter percent-
ple with pre-existing medical ton’s amendment. or other options. ton, who worried it could allow marketplace in Iowa next year, age point at its March meet-
conditions. One day earlier, “Today, we’re here an- If the bill passes the House, costs to rise for people with a move that would leave most ing, when officials penciled in
Mr. Upton had dealt a blow to nouncing that with this addi- it faces an even greater chal- pre-existing conditions. of the state without any com- two more quarter-point moves
the bill’s prospects when he tion…we’re both yeses on the lenge in the Senate, where Re- The Freedom Caucus, a con- pany offering exchange plans. this year. Many analysts ex-
said he couldn’t support the bill,” Mr. Long said. publican senators are at odds servative group of lawmakers, “We are examining the po- pect those actions in June and
bill in its current form. The House GOP bill, which over issues such as Medicaid. plans to continue to support tential of limited offerings, but September.
“I support the bill with this would repeal and replace the The Republican Party controls the bill with Mr. Upton’s our ability to stay in the Iowa Investors hadn’t expected
amendment,” Mr. Upton said Affordable Care Act, has been 52 seats there and can lose no amendment, so long as it insurance market in any capac- the Fed to raise rates Wednes-
at the White House after on shaky ground since Rep. more than two votes. At least doesn’t make any substantive ity is in question at this point,” day and were looking for sig-
meeting with President Donald Tom MacArthur (R., N.J.) in- three GOP members have sig- policy changes, an aide said. Medica said in a statement. nals about whether recent
Trump. He said the bill would troduced a measure that naled misgivings. Democrats said the $8 bil- Despite the optimism ex- softness in economic data, in-
likely move forward in the would allow states to opt out If the Senate does pass the lion provided under Mr. Up- pressed by Messrs. Long and cluding a slowdown in infla-
House on Thursday. of some of the 2010 health bill, it is likely to amend it sig- ton’s amendment fell far short Upton, it wasn’t clear Mr. Up- tion in March, might alter
Mr. Upton’s amendment law’s regulations. It would al- nificantly to address the con- of what was needed to help the ton’s proposal would secure plans for their next meeting,
would add $8 billion over five low insurers in states that get cerns of centrists in that people with pre-existing condi- support from enough of the June 13 to 14. As of Wednes-
years to high-risk pools to waivers to charge higher pre- body—and that version, in tions who could face far higher skeptical Republicans to get to day morning, investors placed
help offset costs for people miums to people with pre-ex- turn, could be rejected by con- costs under the House GOP bill. the 216 votes needed to pass a roughly 70% probability of at
with pre-existing medical con- isting health conditions who servatives back in the House. “It’s so completely inade- the bill, given that no Demo- least one rate increase by
ditions, an aide said. let their coverage lapse. Mr. MacArthur’s measure se- quate,” Rep. Nancy Pelosi of crats are expected to support it. June.
Rep. Billy Long (R., Mo.), To get a waiver, states cured the endorsement last California, the House Demo- —Anna Wilde Mathews While officials noted that
who had opposed the bill ear- would have to have some way week of many House conserva- cratic leader, said in an inter- contributed to this article. economic activity had slowed,
they pointed to strengthening
in the labor market and firmer

Yates to FBI Chief Defends Email Actions

spending from businesses,
which has lagged behind in re-
cent quarters.


Despite only modest gains
in household spending, the
statement said, “the funda-

Warnings WASHINGTON—Federal Bu-

reau of Investigation Director
mentals underpinning the con-
tinued growth of consumption
remained solid.”

On Flynn James Comey defended his de-

cision to alert Congress about
a reopened investigation into
The statement echoes re-
cent public comments from
Fed officials that indicate the
BY DEL QUENTIN WILBER Hillary Clinton’s email use less bar to knock the Fed off its
AND ARUNA VISWANATHA than two weeks before the policy path could be higher

2016 presidential election, now than it was in previous

Former Acting Attorney saying he still believed it was years.
General Sally Yates is expected the right choice. Fed officials were also set
to testify before Congress next “Even in hindsight…I would to drill down into details
week that she warned White make the same decision,” Mr. about when and how to reduce
House officials that former na- Comey said Wednesday, speak- the bank’s large holdings of
tional security adviser Michael ing in an impassioned tone be- mortgage and Treasury securi-
Flynn wasn’t being truthful fore the Senate Judiciary ties at Wednesday’s meeting,
when he denied having dis- Committee. continuing a discussion that
cussed U.S. sanctions with a Mr. Comey acknowledged it they kicked off in March.
top Russian diplomat, accord- made him “mildly nauseous to The postmeeting policy
ing to people familiar with her think we might have had some statement didn’t offer any de-
version of events. impact on the election,” but tails on the securities portfolio
The testimony is likely to said he was forced to choose discussion, meaning investors
contradict White House asser- between two bad options—to James Comey stood by his decision to reveal that a probe into Mrs. Clinton’s emails was reopened. will need to wait at least until
tions that Ms. Yates had merely “speak” or “conceal.” the May 24 release of the min-
given White House counsel The testimony marked Mr. thing that ever happened to said, raising Mr. Comey’s role gress. utes from the meeting to
Donald McGahn a “heads up” Comey’s first public appear- Hillary Clinton in that he gave in the 2016 election and the “Somehow, her emails were gather more information
in a Jan. 26 meeting that Mr. ance in front of Congress her a free pass for many bad FBI’s probe of Mrs. Clinton’s being forwarded to Anthony about how much work remains
Flynn had misled Vice Presi- since his March disclosure deeds!” email server. Weiner, including classified in- to forge consensus over their
dent Mike Pence about the na- that the FBI is investigating Asked about whether Mr. The hearing was scheduled formation,” Mr. Comey told strategies. Another set of key
ture of his conversations with whether members of Donald Comey gave a “free pass” to as an annual oversight session the senators. dates before next month’s
a Russian diplomat. Trump’s 2016 campaign col- Mrs. Clinton in deciding not to about the bureau. Neither Mr. Weiner nor Ms. meeting will be the release of
The vice president had earlier laborated with the Russian pursue criminal charges Mr. Comey disclosed that Abedin has been charged with the employment reports for
said that Mr. Flynn hadn’t dis- government to influence the against her, Mr. Comey stood classified email from Mrs. any crime. The FBI determined April, this Friday, and for May,
cussed sanctions with Russia’s presidential election. by his earlier statements that Clinton’s email account ap- in early November that noth- on June 2.
ambassador to the U.S. The con- His comments came one the evidence obtained in the pears to have been forwarded ing new was discovered in the The central bank’s meeting
versations between Mr. Flynn day after Mrs. Clinton par- Clinton probe wasn’t enough to Anthony Weiner, the former emails found on the laptop. this week followed a stretch of
and Russian Ambassador Sergei tially blamed Mr. Comey for for a “prosecutable case.” New York congressman whose Mr. Comey also said he somewhat discouraging re-
Kislyak took place on Dec. 29, her defeat, saying she was “on Senators opened the hearing laptop was at the center of the wasn’t an anonymous source ports about the economy.
the same day the Obama admin- the way to winning” until Mr. Wednesday with questions controversy over the reopen- for media reports on FBI Gross domestic product grew
istration levied sanctions on Comey alerted Congress in the about the Russia investigation. ing of the email probe. Mr. probes, nor had he authorized at a 0.7% annual rate in the
Moscow for alleged meddling in last two weeks of the cam- “Where is all this speculation Comey said Mr. Weiner’s wife, his staff to serve as anony- first quarter as consumers
the U.S. election. The timing of paign that the FBI was exam- about collusion coming from?” top Clinton aide Huma Abedin, mous sources. He declined to reined in spending despite re-
the conversation was coinciden- ining new emails that could be Senate Judiciary Committee would often forward him answer in open settings any cent surges in household con-
tal, said Mr. Pence. relevant to a then-closed in- Chairman Chuck Grassley (R., emails to print for her. questions about whether the fidence surveys and an in-
In fact, Mr. Flynn discussed vestigation into Mrs. Clinton’s Iowa) said in opening remarks. The FBI had previously dis- FBI was investigating such crease in stock prices.
sanctions with Mr. Kislyak and use of a private email server He asked for a quick resolution closed that officials uncovered leaks, saying he didn’t have Inflation also weakened un-
misled Mr. Pence about the na- while she was secretary of to the Russia investigation, urg- Mrs. Clinton’s emails on a authorization from the Justice expectedly in March. The Fed’s
ture of the conversations, ac- state. ing the FBI to “get to the truth computer belonging to Mr. Department to make any dis- preferred measure of inflation
cording to U.S. intelligence in- Late Tuesday night, Mr. soon.” Weiner days before Election closures. dropped 0.2% in March from a
tercepts of the diplomat’s phone Trump tweeted twice in an ap- “This hearing takes place at Day last year as part of an un- Mr. Comey warned that he month earlier, pushing annual
calls, former officials have said. parent response to Mrs. Clin- a unique time,” the ranking related investigation—prompt- expected foreign governments increases back below the cen-
Ms. Yates is expected to tes- ton’s comments, suggesting Democrat on the panel, Sen. ing Mr. Comey to reopen the to continue targeting U.S. elec- tral bank’s 2% target, accord-
tify that she expressed alarm to that Mr. Comey was “the best Dianne Feinstein of California, investigation and notify Con- tions. ing to data released Monday.
Mr. McGahn about the conflict
between what transpired in the
phone calls and how the White
House was describing the con-
versations. She also told Mr.
Clinton Faults Self, Others for Loss
McGahn that the national secu- BY PETER NICHOLAS the Electoral College and the said she is writing a book that
rity adviser’s false assertions presidency while losing the will discuss her ill-fated presi-
put him at risk of being compro- Hillary Clinton took the popular vote. Mrs. Clinton said dential bid. In a bit of intro-
mised by Russian intelligence blame for her election defeat he appealed to people’s emo- spection, she said the cam-
operatives, the people said. in comments Tuesday but also tions during the race but has paign repeated some of the
The White House has said said sexism, Russian interfer- since struggled to make good same mistakes from her un-
Mr. McGahn informed President ence and Federal Bureau of In- on what she cast as unrealistic successful 2008 run.
Donald Trump about the issue, vestigation Director James promises. “I take absolute personal
and Mr. Trump ultimately asked Comey’s letter raising 11th- In a reference to Mr. responsibility,” Mrs. Clinton

Mr. Flynn for his resignation. hour questions about her Trump’s failure to repeal Pres- said. “I was the candidate. I
The general outlines of Ms. email practices combined to ident Barack Obama’s Afford- was the person who was on
Yates’ account have been re- sink her candidacy. able Care Act, Mrs. Clinton the ballot.”
ported, but Monday will be the The former first lady and said that she, by contrast, Still, Mrs. Clinton said her
first time she airs her version secretary of state described “wasn’t going to appeal to campaign was ultimately un-
of events in public. herself to an interviewer on people’s emotions in the same done by outside forces. She
Ms. Yates, who couldn’t be Tuesday at the Women for way my opponent did, which I said she was “on the way to
reached for comment on Women International confer- think is frankly what is getting winning” until the campaign
Wednesday, has been called to ence in New York as a “citi- him into all kinds of difficul- was upended by Mr. Comey’s Hillary Clinton said misogyny was a factor in the election.
testify at a Monday hearing of zen” who is now “part of the ties now in trying to fulfill actions and other develop-
the Senate Judiciary Commit- resistance” arrayed against those promises he made.” ments she deemed unfair. The dent Vladimir Putin, Mrs. Clin- hurt me and help my oppo-
tee’s subcommittee on crime President Donald Trump. Since the campaign, Mrs. FBI declined to comment on ton said he “certainly inter- nent.” Mr. Putin on Tues-
and terrorism, headed by Sen. Mrs. Clinton took a few Clinton has been selective in Mrs. Clinton’s assertion. fered in our election, and it day denied his government
Lindsey Graham (R., S.C.). swipes at Mr. Trump, who won her public appearances. She Referring to Russian Presi- was clear that he interfered to meddled in the race.
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A6 | Thursday, May 4, 2017 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.


Trump Aide: Nafta Redo Won’t Hit Farms

BY JACOB BUNGE ket for U.S. corn and ethanol. “I think it would be difficult to
But Mr. Perdue said other negotiate anything better than
U.S. farmers and ranchers segments of the U.S. farm sec- we currently have,” Mr. Moore
won’t be worse off after the tor could benefit from a fresh said.
Trump administration renego- look at Nafta. U.S. dairy farm- Mr. Perdue said he is also
tiates the North American ers face hurdles selling some working on a proposal to help
Free Trade Agreement, accord- products in Canada, he said; foreign-born workers to staff
ing to Agriculture Secretary U.S. sugar producers and Flor- U.S. dairies. The issue has
Sonny Perdue. ida fruit producers could also been a sore point for milk pro-
Mr. Perdue, who was sworn benefit. ducers whose year-round op-
in April 25, said in an inter- “We’re going to try and bal- erations aren’t aided by a sea-
view that President Donald ance the scorecard,” said Mr. sonal work program geared
Trump needs to weigh Nafta’s Perdue. He wouldn’t further toward fruit and vegetable
impact on all corners of the specify what agricultural mar- growers.
U.S. economy, not just agricul- kets the U.S. may target in ne- “We’ll provide to the presi-
ture. The 23-year-old agree- gotiations. dent solutions to that that I


ment between Canada, the U.S. The farm sector has think will be well received by
and Mexico has underpinned a watched for signs that Mexico American society,” he said.
boom in American crop and and Canada are preparing to Lawmakers will also soon
meat exports. Some people in reduce their reliance on U.S. begin debating the next farm
the farm sector fear revamp- farm products in case fresh bill, a huge packet of legisla-
ing the pact could endanger negotiations significantly tion that underlies the U.S ag-
those gains. change the terms of trade. ricultural economy and other
“I can assure you that nei- “We know Mexican authori- programs such as food stamps
ther this president, nor [Com- ties have prepared for that,” for the poor. Mr. Perdue
merce Secretary Wilbur] Ross, said Soren Schroder, chief ex- claimed food-stamp assistance,
nor I are going to negotiate or Agriculture Secretary Sonny Perdue speaking during an interview on Wednesday in Washington. ecutive of Bunge Ltd., one of formally called the Supple-
accept a worse deal than we the largest grain-trading com- mental Nutrition Assistance
have it now,” Mr. Perdue said. might pull out of Nafta. states backed Mr. Trump in economy. U.S. farm exports to panies. “They can act tomor- Program, contains wide dis-
“Our goal is to make it better While Canada’s prime min- the November election. Mexico were about $18 billion row if something happened, parities in administration
for all producers.” ister and Mexico’s president Mr. Trump “may have had a in 2016, according to U.S. and the loser for sure would costs between states, among
Mr. Perdue, among the last urged Mr. Trump not to end perception that Nafta was trade figures, up from $4.2 bil- be the U.S. farmer.” other flaws.
of Mr. Trump’s cabinet mem- the pact, Messrs. Perdue and somewhat disadvantaged in all lion when the agreement was Ron Moore, an Illinois “I think there is appetite
bers to be confirmed, was Ross helped persuade him by aspects,” Mr. Perdue said. “He signed in 1994. Mexico is the farmer and president of the certainly for a better managed
thrust immediately into high- showing Mr. Trump a map of gave us more time to negotiate top buyer of U.S. corn, pork American Soybean Associa- program both from the con-
stakes trade discussions after states where jobs would be that rather than terminate.” and chicken, and a major cli- tion, said farmers were open sumer standpoint and from
White House officials sug- lost if Nafta ended. Many of Nafta has become a critical ent for U.S. eggs, beef and to “modernizing” Nafta. But if the [retailer] standpoint,” Mr.
gested last week that the U.S. those farming and border cog in the U.S. agricultural milk. Canada is a major mar- the U.S. withdrew completely, Perdue said.

Hotel California
Inspires a Lawsuit,
But Not a Hit Song
Eagles say band never visited Mexico
getaway, sue over trademark rights
BY JACOB GERSHMAN and, among other things,
served as the inspiration for
The hotel has been de- the lyrics in ‘Hotel Califor-
scribed as a “lovely place” to nia,’ which is false,” states
stay the night. And there is the complaint.
plenty of room—provided Representatives for Hotel
you make a reservation California weren’t available
weeks in advance. to comment on Tuesday.
For years, the Hotel Cali- The hotel’s marketing ma- PAUL NATKIN/GETTY IMAGES

fornia in the sleepy coastal terials are coy about its Ea-
getaway of Todos Santos, gles ties. “Many visitors are
Mexico, has reminded people mesmerized by the ‘coinci-
of the indelible Eagles song dences’ between the lyrics of
that shares its name. And for the hit song and the physi-
years, the Eagles have de- cality of the hotel and its
nied that the sunset-hued surroundings,” its website The Eagles, performing with Jackson Browne (second from left) in 1979 in Chicago, say a Baja hotel is cashing in on their 1976 hit.
boutique property has any says. But there is also a dis-
connection to their 1976 claimer saying its owners modeled it and resurrected foot in that hotel,” the lawsuit on merchandise the tune is played through-
soft-rock hit. don’t “have any affiliation the original Hotel Califor- band’s manager told The sales, alleging the hotel is out the hotel.
But this week, the Eagles with the Eagles, nor do they nia name. Wall Street Journal in a hawking memorabilia that The lawsuit comes more
sued the operators of the promote any association.” The lawsuit filed Monday 2001 interview. trades on the song’s en- than a year after the Mexi-
hotel in Los Angeles federal Hotel California opened in alleges that some hotel The Todos Santos estab- trenched familiarity. can hotel sought a “Hotel
court, accusing them and the Baja peninsula in 1950, guests really believe they lishment isn’t the only Ho- The band claims rights California” trademark cover-
others of unlawfully cashing more than a quarter-century are sleeping in music his- tel California in operation. over merchandise bearing ing jewelry, bedsheets and
in on their song and in- before the Eagles song per- tory. “THE Hotel California There is a hotel by that the song title, including T- clothing. Last year, the Ea-
fringing on the band’s vaded pop culture. The suit of Eagles fame,” reads one name in Santa Monica, Ca- shirts, posters, bathrobes, gles objected to the registra-
trademark rights. alleges it was later known as TripAdvisor review cited in lif., too. But the Eagles key chains, playing cards, tion in a filing with the U.S.
The hotel leads “U.S. con- Todos Santos Hotel. an exhibit accompanying don’t have trademark rights mugs, guitar picks and re- Patent and Trademark Office.
sumers to believe that [it] is In 2001, a Canadian cou- the complaint. over hotel names. So they frigerator magnets. Those proceedings are cur-
associated with the Eagles ple bought the hotel, re- “No Eagle has ever set are basing much of their The lawsuit also alleges rently on hold.

DEBTS Reckoning Approaches
Puerto Rico general-obligation bond prices have tumbled in recent
years as the island’s fiscal straits grew more dire. Investors are
tors for the next decade, less
than a quarter of what they
are owed. Creditors called it a
slap in the face, saying the ECONOMY sonnel were conducting water
Continued from page A1 now bracing for a long-awaited restructuring. board wasn’t trying in good rescues in the town of Pocahon-
cession, beginning when tax faith to reach a consensus. Service-Sector Activity tas in northeast Arkansas, where
100 cents per dollar of par value
credits that had built up its The Title III request, while Accelerated in April a levee had been breached and
manufacturing base expired. unprecedented, isn’t unex- floodwaters were rising.
Hedge-fund creditors 90 pected. U.S. service-sector activity ac- Rivers were still cresting in
holding defaulted general-ob- The board has signaled in celerated in April, a sign of mo- Missouri, where officials had
ligation bonds were on the Puerto Rico
negotiations that it wouldn’t mentum for a broad swath of closed Interstate 44 near St. Louis
verge of a consensual agree- 80 Federal plan slashes consider paying creditors the economy heading into the and volunteers were busy topping
sells its Puerto Rico’s debt
ment Tuesday before the last general payment by a third. more than the plan allowed, second quarter of the year. levees with sandbags to keep the
oversight board intervened obligation bond. according to people familiar The Institute for Supply Man- swollen rivers from pouring into
to stop negotiations, accord- 70 with the matter. agement on Wednesday said its cities along the Meramec River.
Congress creates
ing to people familiar with restructuring process
A legal stay protecting index of nonmanufacturing activ- More rain began to fall on
the matter. for Puerto Rico. Puerto Rico from lawsuits ex- ity—which tracks industries in- Wednesday, with up to four more
The slide into bankruptcy pired Monday night. cluding health care, finance, agri- inches forecast, and the three
marks a new low in Wall 2014 ’15 ’16 ’17 The board is pushing a culture and construction—rose to states were bracing for additional
Street’s relations with Gov. Ri- Source: Municipal Securities Rulemaking Board THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. combination of debt restruc- 57.5 in April from 55.2 in March. river crests and flooding.
cardo Rosselló, a newcomer turing and spending cuts in a A number above 50 indicates ex- —Kris Maher
who pledged as a candidate to Puerto Rico, such as spiraling bid to revive an economy pansion. Economic activity in the
repay the territory’s debts, pension obligations and out- scarred by a 45% poverty rate nonmanufacturing sector grew EMPLOYMENT
shrink the government and dated infrastructure. and a population decline. for the 88th consecutive month.
strengthen ties with the U.S. But the strain is acute in Puerto Rico, the board de- One dark spot was the em- ADP Reports Rise
Creditors clashed with the Puerto Rico, where retired cided last week, will raise wa- ployment index, which declined In Private Payrolls
previous administration of teachers and police in Puerto ter rates on consumers, liqui- to 51.4 from 51.6. The Labor De-
Alejandro Garcia Padilla but Rico don’t participate in Social date its decades-old industrial partment will release payrolls Private U.S. employers contin-
saw Gov. Rosselló as a likely Security, making big cuts to development bank and seek data for April on Friday. ued to hire solidly in April, but
ally in their fight to be repaid, pensions a virtual impossibil- concessions from creditors of “Despite this report, we con- the growth slowed from recent

said Chas Tyson, vice presi- ity. additional government agen- tinue to expect a bounce-back in months as the economy returns
dent at Keefe, Bruyette & The action by the board, cies. services employment growth in to full employment.
Woods Inc. “Now it seems like which creditors lobbied Con- But the governor remains in the April employment report, a Firms across the country
the honeymoon’s over,” Mr. gress to create, could mean a difficult position, trying to source of data we believe gives added 177,000 workers to their
Tyson said. deeper losses on bonds than balance fiscal belt-tightening a superior read on service-sector ranks last month, according to
Puerto Rico’s day of reckon- investors and analysts have with the demands of residents activity,” Rob Martin of Barclays payroll processor Automatic
ing has been years in the mak- anticipated. Puerto Rico will and placating the federal over- said in a note to clients. Data Processing Inc. and fore-
ing. face off against angry hedge sight board while campaigning —Sarah Chaney casting firm Moody’s Analytics.
For more than a decade, funds, mutual funds and bond for U.S. statehood ahead of a and Jeffrey Sparshott Economists surveyed by The
the government and its munic- insurers in the court-super- Puerto Rico Gov. Ricardo Rosselló plebiscite on Puerto Rico’s po- Wall Street Journal expected an
ipal corporations borrowed vised proceeding known as Ti- litical status. WEATHER increase of 175,000. Mark Zandi,
more to buy time to stave off tle III, a legal mechanism cre- Any write-downs also Creditors, meanwhile, are chief economist of Moody’s Ana-
deeper economic overhauls. ated by Congress to would impact bond insurers likely to dispute whether Rain-Soaked Middle lytics, said job growth slowed
With government payrolls restructure debts by force Assured Guaranty Ltd., MBIA Puerto Rico has met the legal States Brace for More primarily due to a pullback in
down over the past decade, when negotiations break Inc. and Ambac Financial requirements to invoke Title construction and retail jobs.
pension funds have fewer down. Group, which have guaranteed III when the board spent less Several Midwestern states March’s jobs gain, initially re-
workers contributing and are An initial round of restruc- billions of dollars of Puerto than a month negotiating to were bracing for more rain after ported at 263,000, was cut to
now underfunded by an esti- turing talks failed to deliver Rico’s bonds. restructure a complex pile of days of heavy storms caused at 255,000. The ADP report is
mated $45 billion. an accord between creditors, Negotiations revolved claims, people familiar with least 12 deaths and swamped based on private payroll data in
State and local govern- including rival groups of around a board-approved fis- the matter said. towns and shut highways in parts addition to lagged-behind gov-
ments across the U.S. face hedge funds who are battling cal plan that allocates about —Matthieu Wirz of Missouri, Arkansas and Illinois. ernment data.
some of the same pressures as for priority. $787 million a year to credi- contributed to this article. On Wednesday, emergency per- —Imani Moise
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A8 | Thursday, May 4, 2017 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.


DRUGS with an empty chair and a

placard with his name on it.
According to a transcript of
the hearing, Mr. Cummings
Rep. Robert Aderholt (R.,
Ala.), chairman of a House
subcommittee that oversees
funding of the FDA, said Mara-
Continued from Page One criticized Mr. Aronin for sig- thon’s price increase might be
tal condition that primarily nificantly raising the price at a sign that companies “have
strikes young boys, a shame Ovation for a heart drug that found a way to game the sys-
campaign from congressional treats premature babies. “To- tem.”
lawmakers in both parties and day, Mr. Aronin is CEO of a An FDA spokeswoman de-
then a surprise deal by Mara- new company called Marathon clined to comment on Mara-
thon to sell the treatment to Pharmaceuticals, and they ap- thon but said the agency is re-
another company. parently use the same business viewing its processes for
Marathon has no other rev- model,” Mr. Cummings said. identifying so-called orphan
enue-generating products and Marathon’s chief executive drugs to make sure the pro-
is looking to sell its other drug was shaken by having his gram “is functioning in the
assets, two people familiar name called out at the House most efficient way possible.”


with the matter said. committee hearing, according Researchers who sold their
Mr. Aronin declined to com- to a person familiar with the data to Marathon also were
ment. In response to ques- matter. He soon said privately shocked. “We did not know
tions, Marathon spokeswoman that he planned to sell the that the price would be sky-
Wanda D. Moebius said in an heart drugs. high,” said Robert C. Griggs, a
email that the Northbrook, Ill., In February 2015, Valeant neurologist at the University
company is “proud of our suc- paid $350 million to acquire of Rochester School of Medi-
cess in securing FDA approval the two heart drugs and five cine and Dentistry.
for Emflaza,” the drug’s new other drugs from Marathon.
brand name. “We will continue Valeant raised prices on the
to manage the legacy matters Jeffrey Aronin has sharply raised the prices of old medications at two companies led by him. heart drugs threefold and six- An open letter
of Marathon Pharmaceuticals.” fold the same day. Four days after Marathon
Analysts expect the new Valeant declined to com- announced the $89,000-a-year
owner of the drug, PTC Thera-
peutics Inc., to charge less
Buy, Raise Price, Repeat ment. After criticism, Valeant
said last year it wouldn’t raise
price, the company posted on
its website a 1,000-word “open
than Marathon had planned Marathon Pharmaceuticals began acquiring older prescription drugs in 2008 and the prices further and would letter to the Duchenne com-
but far more than deflaza- moved quickly to raise their prices before selling them to Valeant Pharmaceuticals. offer rebates to all U.S. hospi- munity” from Mr. Aronin.
cort’s price in foreign coun- tals. “We hear and understand
tries, where it is approved for Price when bought by Marathon Pharmaceuticals Marathon began pursuing your concerns around the
other conditions but not mus- Price when sold by Marathon Pharmaceuticals deflazacort as a Duchenne price,” Mr. Aronin wrote. He
cular dystrophy. treatment in 2013. Some peo- said Marathon was “pausing
PTC will announce its price AMYTAL SODIUM OPIUM TINCTURE SECONAL SODIUM ple who worked with Mr. our commercialization efforts
and launch plans next week, (Sedative) (Diarrhea) (Sedative) Aronin said the move made in order to meet with Duch-
said Jane Baj, a spokeswoman. $1,541.28 perfect sense given Mr. enne community leaders and
$1,500 per 100 capsules Aronin’s previous success. explain our commercialization
Other people were surprised plans, review their concerns,
Similar strategy that Mr. Aronin decided to discuss all options, and move
It’s too soon to tell if Mara- pursue the controversial strat- forward with commercializa-
thon’s fast retreat damaged egy again, especially given tion based on the resulting
the long-term viability of the 1,000 how he reacted to criticism plan of action.”
business model of sharply $806.62 about the heart drugs. Ms. Furlong read the letter
raising the prices of old drugs. $733.05 per 118 milliliters The company didn’t do the aloud at a meeting of Duch-
Other companies that have per 500 mg of powder late-stage clinical trials enne parents, who had gath-
used a similar strategy include needed to win FDA approval to ered to meet with lawmakers
Valeant Pharmaceuticals Inter- 500 market deflazacort. That step and advocate for research and
national Inc. and Horizon is often cited by companies as new drugs. Catherine Collins,
Pharma PLC. a justification for their prices. a parent, said Marathon’s pric-
Mr. Aronin, 49 years old, Instead, Marathon paid uni- ing was “predatory” and
has defended Marathon’s pric- versities, researchers and the “gross.”
ing for deflazacort, partly by Muscular Dystrophy Associa- The backlash kept growing.
noting that Marathon had to ’07 ’08 ’09 ’10 ’11 ’12 ’13 ’14 ’07 ’08 ’09 ’10 ’11 ’12 ’13 ’14 ’07 ’08 ’09 ’10 ’11 ’12 ’13 ’14 tion to license data from stud- The Pharmaceutical Research
conduct more than a dozen Note: Figures show wholesale acquisition prices ies in Duchenne patients in and Manufacturers Associa-
small studies to test the drug’s Source: Truven Health Analytics THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. the 1990s, according to inter- tion, a trade group, said Mara-
safety and absorption in the views with the researchers. thon’s actions were “not con-
body. The company has de- drug-industry executive. partly because they were “un- In 2013, Marathon bought The day that the FDA ap- sistent with the mission of our
clined to say how much it Mr. Aronin, the owner of an der priced,” according to a two injectable drugs from proved deflazacort for sale in organization.” Marathon re-
spent. $11 million mansion in the copy of the presentation re- Hospira Inc.: Nitropress, a the U.S., Marathon announced signed from the group in
According to Marathon, Chicago suburb of Highland viewed by The Wall Street treatment for extremely high it would charge 70 times more April.
getting the drug approved in Park, Ill., overlooking Lake Journal. blood pressure, and Isuprel, a than what many families had Mr. Aronin’s brother, Greg
the U.S. helped patients be- Michigan, started his first Ovation raised prices of five drug for slow heart rates. been paying to buy the drug Aronin, a former Johnson &
cause otherwise insurers drug company in 2000. He has of the drugs by an average of Marathon then raised their from the U.K. A similar ge- Johnson lobbyist hired by
wouldn’t pay for deflazacort. described the strategy of that 1,360% and kept the price for prices by 3,500% and 350%, neric drug sold by several Marathon, defended the com-
The drug isn’t a cure but helps company, Ovation Pharmaceu- one about the same, according respectively. companies in the U.S. typically pany in meetings with con-
improve muscle strength, the ticals Inc., as resurrecting to data from Truven Health In 2014, Marathon’s pricing costs less than $10 a month, gressional staff members. His
FDA said. drugs neglected by bigger Analytics, part of Interna- practices drew scrutiny. After but some doctors think it has trip to Mr. Aderholt’s office
“Jeff truly sees himself as companies. tional Business Machines receiving complaints, staff more side effects than deflaza- “did not go well,” said a per-
bringing innovative treat- “If some of these products Corp. Abbott declined to com- members for Rep. Elijah Cum- cort. son familiar with the matter.
ments to patients,” said a per- were with Big Pharma they ment. mings (D., Md.) started look- Some Duchenne families Staffers for Sen. Charles
son who has worked with Mr. would probably sit on a shelf,” In 2009, Ovation sold itself ing into the price increases on were pleased that Mr. Aronin Grassley (R., Iowa) asked Mar-
Aronin. Mr. Aronin is Mara- Mr. Aronin told the Chicago for $900 million to Danish Nitropress and Isuprel. had made it far easier to get athon for published studies
thon’s chairman and chief ex- Tribune in 2002. drugmaker H. Lundbeck A/S. deflazacort but were horrified comparing Emflaza to cheaper
ecutive and owns a large stake Ovation was open about Mr. Aronin got about $60 mil- at the steep cost. steroids, but “that hasn’t come
in the company. boosting prices. As Ovation lion from the sale, based on “Jeff Aronin is a terrific in,” said a spokeswoman for
For years, big price in- was in the process of buying his stake of about 7%, accord-
Marathon announced guy, but it’s hard to put your- Mr. Grassley.
creases for niche drugs often six drugs from Merck & Co. in ing to a person familiar with the sale a month self in the shoes of these fami- Marathon soon began talks
got little public attention, says 2005, Ovation looked for a the matter. A private-equity lies,” said Pat Furlong, presi- with PTC to sell Emflaza, ac-
Richard Evans, founder of SSR partner to market the drugs firm owned most of the rest of
after the $89,000 dent of a Duchenne cording to Shane Kovacs,
LLC, an investment research outside the U.S. Ovation. price tag caused ire. foundation. Her two sons died PTC’s chief financial officer.
firm in Stamford, Conn. One In a presentation shown to Marathon was established of the disease. “Maybe they When the sale was announced
reason is that the market for potential partners, Ovation in 2008 and had offices in came in using a model that in March, Mr. Aronin said in
those drugs is small compared said it had acquired a rare-dis- Deerfield, Ill., according to an they used sometime back and another open letter that the
with those of blockbusters ease drug from Abbott Labora- archived version of the com- Marathon’s drugs became were successful with, and said: deal was “the best path for-
produced by pharmaceutical tories in 2003 and then “im- pany’s website. Marathon was part of a broader investigation ‘This will work again.’ ” ward.”
giants. mediately repriced the led by Robert S. Altman, listed by Mr. Cummings and Sen. Messrs. Cummings and According to people famil-
As companies got more ag- product from $289/vial to as the company’s founder. He Bernie Sanders, a Vermont in- Sanders sent Mr. Aronin a let- iar with the matter, Mr. Aronin
gressive, though, insurers $1,950/vial” in the U.S. In couldn’t be reached for com- dependent. Mr. Aronin refused ter requesting details on the seemed to have concluded that
grew resistant and sometimes about two years, Ovation ment. to provide much of the infor- price and urging him to lower the negative publicity was in-
refused to pay the sharply upped the price of another Ab- That year, Marathon bought mation requested by congres- it. Sen. Tom Cotton (R., Ark.) surmountable. He decided to
higher prices. The practice bott drug, the barbiturate two barbiturates and a diar- sional investigators, according called Marathon’s pricing sell despite reservations from
also prompted congressional Nembutal, from about $18 a rhea medication and soon to two people familiar with “nothing short of outrageous.” a Marathon executive who fa-
investigations and hearings vial to $133 a vial. raised their prices twofold to the matter. Lawmakers from both par- vored trying to ride out the
into companies such as The presentation showed fivefold, according to data Mr. Aronin declined to at- ties questioned whether Mara- controversy.
Valeant and Turing Pharma- that Ovation planned to in- from Truven. tend a hearing organized by thon took advantage of a spe- The Emflaza sale was com-
ceuticals LLC. crease U.S. prices on the drugs Mr. Aronin began working Messrs. Cummings and Sand- cial FDA approval program for pleted in April. Marathon got
“Once they started doing it being acquired from Merck by at Marathon in 2012, accord- ers, citing travel outside the rare-disease drugs. The pro- $140 million in cash and stock,
routinely, it started getting at- an average of about 500%. ing to his LinkedIn profile, U.S., said a spokesman for gram grants seven years of plus more than 20% of the
tention, and the rest is his- Such drugs presented a “high which calls him the company’s Sen. Dick Durbin (D., Ill.). Mr. market exclusivity before ge- drug’s future sales and a po-
tory,” says Mr. Evans, a former margin business opportunity,” founder. Aronin’s absence was noted nerics can be approved. tential $50 million payment.

FIDGET “mesmerizing.”
She was at a friend’s house
recently when one came in the
mail. “She started spinning it,
that gives spinners a bad
name. Fidget spinners are on
this week’s faculty-meeting
agenda at Newtown Friends
Minico, chief executive.
One of her suppliers is Top
Trenz Inc., a Bay Shore, N.Y.,
manufacturer and distributor
Continued from Page One and I thought it was awe- School in Newtown, Pa., says of leggings, hair accessories
he wrote, warning he might some.” At school, groups of Sarah Hensley, who teaches and socks for teenage girls. Its
have to “temporarily confis- children gathered to watch seventh- and eighth-grade spinners, made in China, are
cate the toys.” spinning sessions. English there. patterned with designs such
Fidget spinners have in When Avery sought one of Ms. Hensley says the school as gumballs and sprinkles.
short order become school- her own, “every store was out has long let students use “We get about 200 orders per
yard currency, traded among of it,” she says, which added stress balls and other devices hour,” says Jamie Glassberg,
students seeking them in their to the allure. She finally to help with attention issues co-partner.
various colors and patterns— found a glow-in-the-dark vari- or anxiety. But many students Playing with them is “like

after they scour store shelves ety at a local T-shirt store. say they play with fidget spin- smoking cigarettes.” he says.
for them. “Sometimes I balance it on ners in class for fun, she says, “You just want to play with it
“Yesterday I received 72 of my head.” not to help concentrate. and it gives you a relaxed,
them and when school let out At school, she plays with “This new style of fidget soothing feeling.”
I felt like Willy Wonka in the spinners only during recess, toys,” she says, “really falls At Toys “R” Us, spinners
chocolate factory,” says Tony she says. She heard one into a gray area.” are “landing right now” at the
Windle, owner of T.W. Bon- teacher banned them from The spinners are part of a A group of fidget spinners at Wonder Works toy stores. giant retailer, says Richard
kers, a toy store in Placerville, class. broader category of toys Barry, global chief merchan-
Calif. “Kids lined up in my It isn’t clear how the fidget meant to offer focus, including that some students become anybody would pay $20 for dising officer. “While the
store. One kid was so excited spinner came to life. The idea “fidget cubes,” “thinking completely focused on them. these.” They sold in two days. trend is hot,” he says, “we are
he was shaking.” is widely credited to an ex- putty” and “fidget controllers” The American pupil’s desire “I have been through super focused on making sure
The gadgets, small enough pired 1997 patent describing with buttons and switches. to fidget with them spun up Beanie Babies, Webkinz, Silly the product we are getting is
to sneak into a pocket and “a toy which is spun on the The spinning “can be very so quickly as to make retailers Bandz and Rainbow Looms,” coming from the best, most
costing $5 to $25 or more, finger for the amusement of stimulating, very captivating,” like Rob Placer dizzy. says Christine Osborne, owner reputable sources and tested
started as tools learning spe- children and adults.” Manufac- says Jacqueline Sperling, re- “Seven weeks ago, we of Wonder Works chain of toy through our robust safety
cialists and school counselors turers have been feverishly search director at the McLean started getting three or four stores in Charleston, S.C. standards.”
prescribed for children to help filling orders. Anxiety Mastery Program in calls a day for fidget spin- “We’ve never seen a craze hit Avery’s father, Jason Gour-
them focus their fidgeting en- Children began posting vid- Cambridge, Mass. ners,” says Mr. Placer, owner this quick, this fast.” vitz, says he would rather his
ergy on a sideline activity, al- eos of themselves doing tricks Such tools, she says, when of Family Fun Hobbies in Revenues from fidget spin- daughter played with a fidget
lowing them—the argument with spinning spinners— geared to students with atten- Hamilton, N.J. “I had no idea ners totaled $2.6 million in spinner than her cellphone.
went—to keep eyes on the catching them midair, tossing tion deficit or anxiety, can what they were.” April, up from $300,000 the “She is texting and Instagram-
teacher. them hand-to-hand and bal- provide brain stimulation to He found three suppliers, month before, at Learning ming and watching other peo-
Avery Gourvitz, an 11- ancing them on noses. help focus or a soothing outlet and the first batch of 24 spin- Express Inc., a franchise ple’s blogs and that kind of
year-old fifth-grader in Liv- Which is the kind of activ- for excess energy. The prob- ners came April 4. “My man- chain of 120 toy stores na- nonsense,” he says. “I prefer
ingston, N.J., calls them ity, done in the classroom, lem with spinners, she says, is ager thought it was crazy that tionwide, says Sharon Di- an analog toy to a digital toy.”
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THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Thursday, May 4, 2017 | A9

a cosmic being named Ego—not
Anton Ego the carnivorous food
critic from “Ratatouille” but just
plain Ego, played by Kurt Rus-
sell—announces himself to be Pe-
ter’s father, and not just his fa-
FILM REVIEW | By Joe Morgenstern ther but the father that Peter’s
human mother would have wanted
him to be. This leads quickly to a

A Second, charming scene, both lyrical and

lightly parodic, in which father
and son toss a football that isn’t a
football but a glowing blue orb.
(The director, once again, was

Dimmer ‘Galaxy’ James Gunn. In the first “Guard-

ians” he had a script collaborator.
This time around he gets sole
writing credit.)
Yet the charm vaporizes
quickly. Ego’s planet, where most
of the action plays out, isn’t a
particularly interesting place,
even though it’s more than a
planet in the conventional sense,
and Ego, whose paternal concerns
conceal darker designs, proves to
be an awfully ordinary villain.
The father-son drama can’t com-
pete with the physical action. The
action, in turn, can’t find a focus,
though there’s no lack of events
(stolen batteries, if you please,
set the plot in motion); or threats
(the Guardians are under attack
from a race called the Sovereign,
whose leader, Elizabeth Debicki’s

Ayesha, has bright gold skin; or

perilous flights (one of them
through a quantum asteroid
field); or, for that matter, embed-
ded commercials for future devel-
opments in the Marvel Cinematic
WHEN A GAMBLE pays off big in Baby Groot (voiced by Vin Diesel), above; Gamora (Zoe Saldana), Nebula (Karen Gillan), Peter Quill (Chris Pratt), Drax Universe.
the movie business, it’s followed (Dave Bautista) and Rocket (voiced by Bradley Cooper), below The most affecting perfor-
not by another gamble but by a mance is given by Michael Rooker
calculation. as Yondu, the blue-skinned bucca-
“Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. neer who’s been more fatherly to
2” probably couldn’t, and defi- Peter than Ego could ever be, bi-
nitely doesn’t, recapture the ology notwithstanding. A new
sweet and singular silliness of the character, an unworldly empath
original, though the new edition named Mantis (Pom Klementieff),
from Marvel Studios and Disney has antennae growing out of her
has its rewards. The opening forehead; otherwise she’s a cari-
credits are delightful, with Baby cature of a shy, self-effacing Asian
Groot—a twiggily downsized ver- woman. Rocket, the weapons-
sion of the sentient tree voiced by savvy raccoon voiced by Bradley
Vin Diesel—dancing blissfully to Cooper, seems to have undergone
the strains of Electric Light Or- a humorectomy; he’s nowhere
chestra’s “Mr. Blue Sky” while, be- near as funny as before. Drax
hind him, desperate Guardians (Dave Bautista), the muscle man
fight for their lives against enor- who can’t grasp metaphors, has a
mous tentacled monsters. Subse- pithy dictum to offer: “There are
quent combat sequences paint ex- two kinds of beings in the uni-
travagant action in pastel hues. verse, those who dance and those
Cartoonish characters reveal who do not.” Zoe Saldana’s
touching inner lives. Still, the gal- Gamora is back, and so is her es-
axy isn’t big enough to contain corporate calculus at work—turn- of the draw. (The film already of rebellious misfits serves as a tranged sister, the darkly danger-
the meandering plot, which sends ing a lighthearted goofball into a earned more than $100 million surrogate family, just as Dominic’s ous Nebula (Karen Gillan), parts
the hero, Chris Pratt’s Peter Quill, seeker of weighty truths, and, in last weekend in its international team does in the immensely suc- of whom have been manufactured
on a quest to discover his iden- the process, making him a specta- debut.) A sense of belonging is cessful “The Fate of the Furious.” and all of whom it’s impossible to
tity. (Half human, Peter likes to tor to much of the action. what audiences crave in these And the family is expanded after ignore. The movie doesn’t dance,
call himself Star-Lord.) That’s the The hero’s quest is surely part fractured times, and Peter’s team a crash landing on a planet where but she does.



board so they could work on their
bikes. Before the rideout, riders fed
air into their tires and attached
TEENAGERS ARE JUMPING on plastic sleeves to their spokes to
bicycles again. But parents hoping make them spin with color.
their children would get more ex- “I used to be an inside boy,”
ercise probably didn’t envision said 11-year-old Jaidon Rodriguez.
bike riding like this. He saw wheelie riders on YouTube
A specific kind of BMX riding is and now says he rides so much
taking off among children and that he’s given away his videogame
teens. It involves popping wheelies console. He pedals to the bike shop
and riding in and sometimes to meet up with others and says he
against traffic, usually without hel- likes that “everybody gets to-
mets. The style, which some call gether, has fun and just rides.”
bikelife, is growing despite de- His mother, Rosa Sanchez, says
cades of declines in bike riding she likes that her son is staying

among children. busy, but sometimes worries about

BMX, which stands for bicycle his safety. She tells him to go
motocross, includes everything slowly when trying new tricks. Jai-
from the hilly dirt-track races at don has been doing yard work to
the Olympics to trick-riding in earn money to buy an SE Bike, the
parks or on the street. BMX bikes hottest brand, riders say.
generally have a single gear and About a decade ago SE
thick frames and tires. started making retro bike
Bikelife began in the streets of models for riders who
New York and Philadelphia and is came of age riding
spreading to other areas as riders BMX in the 1980s,
post images of tricks and group says Todd Lyons, a
rides on social media. 45-year-old for-
The Pied Piper is 25-year-old A type of BMX riding is taking off among some young riders. Corey Murray, inset, spurred mer pro BMX
Harlem native Darnell Meyers, controversy in April when a group ride organized for his birthday rode onto a Philadelphia freeway. rider who is now
who has over 200,000 followers on brand manager
his @RRDBlocks Instagram page year, but their ranks surged 43% by Dre with first-person videos of Corey said of for SE Bikes. The
and imitators as far away as Brazil from 2013 to 2016. That’s com- him turning public stairways and the bike commu- bikes that became
and London. Mr. Meyers posts vid- pared with a 1% rise in mountain railings into his own freestyle-rid- nity, “Everybody’s the most popular
eos of himself and others doing biking and a 6% drop in traditional ing course. Jay Z raps about “Nigel just a family. If I had 29-inch wheels—
tricks in New York traffic. His road cycling, according to the Sylvester with these bike flips” on see a kid wheelie-ing larger than BMX bikes’
namesake move: riding with his Sports & Fitness Industry Associ- the recently released Frank Ocean down the street, I’m typical 20-inch wheels—
front wheel up for block after ation. song “Biking.” gonna talk to him.” to fit adults.
block. Roughly half of BMX riders are On April 23 in Philadelphia, No injuries were reported in the But the bikes are hot with
A bike messenger by day, Mr. younger than 18, according to the about 200 people riding with well- freeway incident. Capt. Sekou Ki- young riders doing wheelies, in
Meyers knows that some of his association. known wheelie rider Corey Murray nebrew of the Philadelphia Police part because Mr. Meyers endorses
riding is dangerous. He says a fall Some ride used children’s or in honor of his 17th birthday ped- Department says he encourages them.
once knocked him unconscious mountain bikes to do wheelies. aled onto a freeway. State law pro- children to be active, “but we Sales of SE’s BMX bikes in-
while he rode in a park. He posts Specialty bikes can cost more than hibits riding bikes on freeways strongly discourage any action, creased 31% in 2016 over 2015,
videos of wipeouts along with his $800. without permission. whether it’s a bike or car or adult says Patrick Cunnane, chief execu-
feats to show young riders the The wheelie movement “is re- Corey was later arrested on or juvenile, which places individu- tive of Advanced Sports Enter-
risks. ally uniting a whole generation of misdemeanor charges of disorderly als in danger.” prises, which owns SE Bikes.
“They all want to ride with me, kids in inner-city areas,” says Ni- conduct in connection with the A few dozen young riders gath- “Do I condone breaking traffic
do some of my stunts,” Mr. Meyers gel Sylvester, a 29-year-old, pro ride. Corey’s lawyer, Perry de ered at Firth & Wilson Transport laws? Absolutely not,” Mr. Cun-
says. BMX rider from New York. Marco Jr., said Tuesday afternoon Cycle before Corey’s group ride, or nane says. “Do I enjoy the tricks
The nation’s 3 million BMX rid- Instead of entering competi- that Corey hadn’t entered a plea rideout. The bike shop has become and watching them in parking lots
ers are a fraction of the 50 million tions, Mr. Sylvester has earned and that Corey declined comment. so popular among wheelie riders and doing these phenomenal
who rode any kind of bike last sponsorships from Nike and Beats In an interview before the ride, that its owners erected a public tool things? Absolutely.”
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A10 | Thursday, May 4, 2017 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.

Climate Editors
Keeping Greece Afloat Have a Meltdown
n a year filled with European elections, no 3.5%, or somewhere in between—and whether
one wants another debt crisis—even if this Greece’s debt should be forgiven or restruc- I’ll admit it: I would the beat’s originators are mostly gone.
have found it fasci- The job has passed into hands of re-
requires pretending that Greek politicians tured more than it already has been.
nating to be party to porters who don’t even bother to feign
will implement pro-growth re- Investors know these argu- the discussions ear- interest in science—who think the
forms they’ve repeatedly Athens and its creditors ments don’t matter unless lier this year that led magic word “consensus” is all the sup-
shunned. move to avoid a debt Greece begins making itself an to oscillating head- port they need for any climate claim
That’s the meaning of this attractive place to do busi- lines on the New York they care to make.
week’s tentative agreement crisis before elections. ness. Greece hasn’t been able BUSINESS
Times home page re- Take Inside Climate News, an online
between Greece’s creditors to tap bond markets since By Holman W.
ferring to the new publication, lately accruing degraded
and Prime Minister Alexis Prime Minister Tsipras’s far- EPA chief Scott Pruitt journalism prizes, whose title echoes a
Jenkins, Jr.
Tsipras’s government. Though the details aren’t left Syriza Party won power in January 2015. alternately as a “de- successful series of specialist newslet-
public, Athens has agreed to make certain re- A government that wants to reinstate collective nier” or “skeptic.” At ters like Inside EPA and Inside the
forms in exchange for an approximately €7 bil- bargaining to make it harder to hire and fire least it would have been fascinating Pentagon that charge fancy prices for
for 20 minutes. detailed, crunchy, reliable information
lion disbursement from a 2015 bailout package workers isn’t serious about reform.
Ditto the hysterical discussions un- about the U.S. government.
so Greece can meet July debt repayments. Tuesday’s deal doesn’t require Greece to doubtedly now arising from an ano- Inside Climate News might sound
We’re told the pact includes lowering the in- start to meet its new pension and tax commit- dyne piece of climate heterodoxy by like it’s doing the same but it isn’t.
dividual income-tax threshold, more pension ments until 2019, a year after its current bailout the paper’s newest columnist, a former Search its website and the term “cli-
payment cuts, the sale of 40% of the national expires. Athens also secured a provision to dole Journal colleague who shall remain mate sensitivity,” the central preoccu-
power company, the transfer of other assets to out rent subsidies, child support and other nameless, in which he advises, some- pation of climate science, appears zero
a privatization agency (with no guarantees any- goodies if it meets certain fiscal targets. By the what obscurely, less “certainty” about times. Any reporter who is truly curi-
thing will actually be sold), and minor labor way, Greece’s debt is 179% of GDP and growth “data.” ous about what scientists know and
market reforms, such as allowing more shops this year is projected at an anemic 1.5%. Whether or not this represents how they know it would not be work-
to open on Sundays. This is supposed to reduce But the details matter far less than the poli- progress in how the U.S. media cover ing there. Asking such questions would
the climate debate, a trip down mem- only get him or her suspected of deni-
the deficit by 2% of GDP. tics of timing. Prime Minister Tzipras, with a
ory lane seems called for. In the 1980s, alism.
Implicit here is the idea that balancing the slim parliamentary majority and facing a 2019 when climate alarms were first being
fisc with tax hikes, spending cuts and regula- election, wants to avoid a July default and Ger- widely sounded, reporters understood
tory tinkering is more important than institut- many wants to avoid a debt crisis before its own the speculative basis of computer How did science reporting
ing reforms that will stimulate the economic September election. Tuesday’s deal must be ap- models. We all said to ourselves: Well,
growth Greece needs, and which is the coun- proved by the Greek parliament and eurozone in 30 years we’ll certainly have the
get so detached from the
try’s only hope of escaping its debt trap. Ger- finance ministers before money can be dis- data to know for sure which model underlying science?
many, the Netherlands and other European persed. Assuming the parties agree before forecasts are valid.
Union creditors nonetheless continue to haggle Greece defaults, the one certainty is that Greece Thirty years later, the data haven’t
with the International Monetary Fund over and its creditors will be back at the same stand answered the question. The 2014 re- But not even the EPA’s Mr. Pruitt or
whether Greece’s fiscal surplus should be 1.5%, a year from now. port of the Intergovernmental Panel on the New York Times’s newest recruit
Climate Change, voice of climate or- exhibits the ill grace to phrase the “so
thodoxy, is cited for its claim, with what” question.

The Tories’ Vulnerability 95% confidence, that humans are re-

sponsible for at least half the warming
“So what” is the most important
question of all. So what if human ac-

between 1951 and 2010. tivity is causing some measure of cli-
ritain’s media establishment is having consumer spending, but there are conflicting Look closely. This is an estimate of mate change if voters and politicians
fun lampooning Prime Minister The- signals. Manufacturing expanded a mere 0.5% the reliability of an estimate. It lacks are unwilling to assume the costs
resa May’s repeated promise of “strong in the three months to March 31, down from the most important conjunction in sci- (possibly hugely disproportionate to
and stable leadership” as she 1.2% in the fourth quarter, ence: “because”—as in “We believe X any benefit) of altering the outcome of
campaigns ahead of a na- The British economy while a new purchasing man- because of Y.” the normal evolution of energy mar-
tional election in June. But ager’s index released Tuesday Not that the IPCC fails to offer a kets and energy technology.
the latest numbers under-
is slowing amid indicates stronger growth. As “because” in footnotes. It turns out Even liberals have noticed that cli-
Brexit uncertainty. this estimate is largely an estimate of mate advocacy has morphed into a re-
score that her biggest prob- Japan has long demonstrated,
how much man-made warming should ligion, unwilling to deal honestly with
lem is a weakening economy. currency depreciation isn’t have taken place if the models used to uncertainty or questions of cost and
The Office for National the key to economic competi- forecast future warming are broadly benefit. Climate apoplexy, like many
Statistics reported Friday that British growth tiveness and rising prosperity. That requires correct. single-issue obsessions, is now a form
in the first quarter decelerated to 0.3% from supply-side policies that boost investment and The IPCC has a bad reputation of entertainment for exercised minori-
0.7% the prior quarter, the worst performance labor productivity. among conservatives for some of its ties, allowing them to vent personal
in a year. On an annual basis growth slowed Little of this appears to be on the Prime press-release activities, but the reports qualities that in most contexts they
to 1.2% from 2.7%, which is a rate only a conti- Minister’s agenda even as difficult Brexit ne- themselves are basically numbing tes- would be required to suppress.
nental European could love. The slowdown gotiations make such policies more impor- timonies to how seriously scientists Whether apocryphal or even a joke,
was particularly pronounced tant. On Sunday she promised not to raise take their work. “If our models are re- who did not delight in the story of
in service industries sensi- liable, then X is true” is a perfectly “Zach,” the young Democratic staffer
Britain’s 20% value-added tax, but she left
valid scientific statement. Only leaving who supposedly stormed out of a post-
tive to consumer spending, open the possibility of raising other taxes. out the prefix, as the media routinely election meeting after cursing the
such as retail. She’s said little about paring back Britain’s does, makes it deceptive. party’s incompetent elders because,
As in the United States regulatory state or reforming the National We don’t know what the IPCC’s next thanks to Hillary Clinton’s defeat, “I’m
and other developed coun- Health Service. Her government has also assessment report, due in 2021, will going to die from climate change.”
tries, consumption powers floated energy price controls as a sop to be- say on this vital point, known as cli- For the record, Zach, an estimate
much of the British economy. leaguered consumers. mate sensitivity. But in 2013 it wid- recently touted by the Washington
The pound has depreciated Mrs. May’s approach has opened up the ened the range of uncertainty, and in Post precisely because it was five or
since Britons voted to leave Tory Party to criticism that its economic the direction of less warming. Its cur- 10 times worse than previous esti-
the European Union in June, stewardship represents a “threat to living rent estimate is now identical to that mates had this to say about the conse-
raising import prices and standards,” as the Labor Party’s shadow of the 1979 Charney Report. On the quences of climate change. If unad-
key question, then, there has been no dressed, they would reduce economic
helping to fuel inflation, Theresa May chancellor John McDonnell recently put it.
progress in 38 years. growth by one-fifth over the next 85
which hit 2.3% in March. Mrs. May is lucky that Labour’s prescriptions For journalists, the climate beat has years.
Prices are rising faster than wages, squeezing for higher taxes, more spending and more been singularly unrewarding. It has In other words, under the worst
disposable income. The British Bankers Asso- regulation would be worse, and the Tories consisted of waiting for an answer scenario, Zach’s grandchildren’s world
ciation recently reported a dip in consumer have a large lead in the election polls. But that doesn’t come. By now, thanks to would be only nine times richer than
borrowing, a further signal that Britons are Mrs. May’s main political vulnerability is retirements and the mortality tables, ours today.
tightening their belts. slow growth amid the uncertainty of Brexit,
Keynesians claim the falling pound will and her election manifesto needs proposals
boost exports and compensate for reduced to do better.
James Buchanan Was
Not Draining the Swamp No Andrew Jackson
epublicans and Democrats are jousting $45 million to fund three more years of Wash- By James S. Robbins ory still had been in charge. As the
over who won the battle over this ington, D.C.’s popular school voucher program,

crisis broke, the pro-Union Louisville
week’s omnibus spending bill, and we’ll as well as money for western wildfire fighting resident Trump delved into (Ky.) Journal asked: “Will James Bu-
give the call to Democrats be- and disaster-related repairs speculative history this week chanan, who occupies the chair of
cause they fought to a draw The latest U.S. budget at NASA. when he asserted that “had An- Andrew Jackson, emulate the energy
while in the minority. Repub- drew Jackson been a little bit later of the great Tennessean, or will he
licans will be hard pressed to
deal is mostly a win for outConversely, the bill zeroes
dollars to the interna- you wouldn’t have had the Civil War.” like a craven, cower before . . . the
use the power of the purse to government as usual. tional Green Climate Fund Mr. Trump’s critics pounced, calling mad antics of those over excited fa-
his conjecture puzzling, ignorant and natics?” Unfortunately, we know the
set priorities until they re- (set up as part of the Paris
bizarre. But the president has a answer.
turn to regular budget order. climate accord), and it re- point. Buchanan’s secretary of state, Lewis
The $1 trillion agreement to fund the gov- scinds, consolidates or terminates more than President Jackson’s able handling Cass, had a front-row seat for both
ernment through the end of this fiscal year on 150 federal programs or initiatives, including of the Nullification Crisis in 1832-33 crises. A former Army general, Cass
Sept. 30 is essentially a modest trade: Republi- such high priorities as the Christopher Co- was a common topic of discussion was Jackson’s secretary of war during
cans got a boost in defense spending and a few lumbus Fellowship Foundation or the Na- when South Carolina seceded from the Nullification Crisis and oversaw
policy riders, while Democrats got money for tional Foreclosure Mitigation Counseling Pro- the U.S. in December 1860. Jackson, military preparations in case things
some domestic priorities. The agreement pro- gram. The bill cuts $81 million from the through a combination of threats and
vides $15 billion in supplemental defense Environmental Protection Agency, returning persuasion, had convinced South Car-
spending, which is overdue, even if that is only it to 2009 levels. olina to retract a law that purport- Trump has a point about Old
half of President Trump’s military request. The The bill also continues the GOP deregula- edly allowed the state to nullify fed-
eral laws—in particular protective Hickory and the Civil War.
deal does not include Mr. Trump’s proposed tion drive. In particular, the bill forbids the IRS
tariffs. The New York Times noted in
cuts to the federal bureaucracy. from spending to issue regulations that would 1860 that those who had been alive
Republicans are right that the bill finally change political standards for nonprofit social- then “cannot fail to be impressed went south in South Carolina. In 1860
breaks the Obama-era rule that every defense welfare organizations, and it bars the Securi- with the various points in common, he advised Buchanan to do exactly
dollar be matched by a domestic-spending dol- ties and Exchange Commission from issuing and points of contrast, between the what Jackson had readied to do: beef
lar. Mr. Obama held the military hostage to his rules that require corporations to disclose po- events of that period and those of the up the presence of federal troops,
domestic agenda, and some Democrats wanted litical contributions. It also ends the federal present day.” move customs collection to the off-
this damaging parity to continue as a price of attempt to regulate lead in ammunition or The critical contrast was the man shore forts, and send in warships to
their votes in the Senate. The GOP made clear fishing tackle—a particular sore point with in the White House. Jackson was a make the point. After Buchanan re-
this was a nonstarter, which is at least a down hunters and rural Americans. daring military hero and frontiers- jected his counsel, Cass resigned
payment against military decline. Republicans could accomplish more if they man, brave and indomitable. When rather than see the Union dissolve on
South Carolina fomented the Nullifi- his watch. He probably wished he had
Democrats are crowing that they killed were united, but too many conservative mem-
cation Crisis mere weeks after his his old boss back.
scores of Republican policy and spending “poi- bers refuse to vote for any spending bills. This landslide re-election, Jackson swore When Lincoln took office, he tried
son pills” and also won money for their priori- means the GOP must rely on Democrats for to hold the Union together at any to reverse Buchanan’s disastrous
ties. They blocked funding for Mr. Trump’s passage, which means accepting some of their cost. course. He consulted Jackson’s procla-
border wall, though Republicans included priorities. The Senate filibuster rule also gives President James Buchanan, on the mation against nullification when
some $12 billion for border and customs secu- the minority the whip hand unless Republicans other hand, was a mild-mannered writing his inaugural address, which
rity. Democrats got an increase in National In- want to risk a government shutdown. lawyer and diplomat. The secession pleaded for patience and invoked the
stitutes of Health spending, though many Re- Republicans need to get back to the busi- crisis came when he was a lame “mystic chords of memory” in hopes
publicans also supported that. Despite their ness of passing the 12 separate appropriations duck, waiting for Abraham Lincoln to of swelling affection for the Union and
claims, Democrats did not “preserve” funding bills, so Congress can debate programs and set take office. Buchanan triangulated, avoiding civil war. But at that point
saying secession was illegal but he conflict was inevitable. The crisis
for Planned Parenthood. The bill contains no priorities with more deliberation than a giant
was powerless to stop it. Conse- might not have gotten so far had
direct dollars for that group, but rather funds catch-all bill that no one has time to read. If quently, six other states followed James Buchanan been a tough leader
grants that will be issued by Health and Hu- Democrats balk, Majority Leader Mitch South Carolina in leaving the Union like Andrew Jackson.
man Services, which is unlikely to approve any McConnell should consider ditching the fili- before Lincoln’s inauguration on
for the controversial abortion provider. buster for appropriations. These giant spend- March 4, 1861. Mr. Robbins is author of “The Real
Most of the domestic funding increases and ing bills are a favor to those who want giant Some believed this could have Custer: From Boy General to Tragic
decreases are GOP priorities. The bill contains government. been nipped in the bud if Old Hick- Hero.”
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THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Thursday, May 4, 2017 | A11


Give Trade Paranoia the Heave-Ho

By George Melloan American nativists last year ad- It also finds that while the U.S. na-

opted “globalization” as a newly dis- tional economy remains by far the
onald Trump’s frequent covered menace. Yet there’s nothing world’s dominant one, it has grown
cries of “America First!” new about globalization. It got going less so over that period.
raised fears that he was five centuries ago when Europeans in- One big reason is that “though the
launching a war against vented large, square-rigged ships that United States once had among the
global trade in a mis- could travel long distances on the lowest corporate tax rates in the in-
guided effort to “save” American jobs. open ocean without reprovisioning. dustrialized world it now has the
Those fears are subsiding, as recent To what purpose? A bright fourth- highest.” As the study confirms and
Journal articles have noted. grader will most likely give the right Republican tax reformers in Con-
The Trump threat to tear up the answer: to expand trade. gress understand, those high rates
North American Free Trade Agree- The Dutch, English, Portuguese are not big revenue producers be-
ment awakened the farm lobby: Hey, and Spanish sailed with goods from cause multinationals choose not to
wait a minute, we sell a lot of food to Europe to trade for the silks of China, bring home their overseas earnings
Mexico! Nafta will now be treated the spices of Java or the gold of the for the IRS to grab.
more carefully. Congress is in no Andes, though the last they mostly The CFR report cites two other
hurry to finance the Great Wall of stole. Trade gained momentum with reasons why capital investment in
the Rio Grande, and certainly Mexico new goods yielded by the Industrial the U.S., both domestic and foreign,
won’t. Mr. Trump’s nativist in chief, Revolution. A merchant class grew has suffered: the explosion of busi-
and began to match the power of the ness regulation, and soaring national
landed aristocracy. A middle class debt and entitlement obligations.
Advice for Trump: Tell was born and has expanded enor- These burdens cast doubt on the U.S.
mously, world-wide, ever since. capacity for further growth. The U.S.
Bannon to hit the showers, Today’s world is “globalized” like continues to “underperform” in ex-
revive TPP, and undo never before. In the space of 38 ports relative to other advanced
years, China has become a great economies, the study says.
Obama’s economic legacy. trading nation again, lifting millions What are the lessons for the

out of poverty. India is shedding the Trump team? Tell Mr. Bannon to hit
post-1947 socialist torpor inflicted the showers. Revive the Trans-Pacific
Steve Bannon, is being trumped by on its people by English academics. Partnership trade negotiations with
wiser heads, at least sometimes. The Trade barriers have vanished in Eu- Japan and 10 other Pacific Rim coun-
president ended his announcement rope along with its history of bloody $80 trillion economy exceeds 3% an- competition, but also to domestic tries, which Mr. Trump injudiciously
of the strike on Syria with a globalist warfare. With the steady evolution of nually, outpacing U.S. growth thanks competition and, most important, to scuttled. Also pursue the Trans-Atlan-
touch: “God bless the world.” an educated middle class and more- to the burgeoning of places like automation and technological ad- tic Trade and Investment Partnership
But Mr. Trump turns a friendly enlightened leadership—and despite China and India. A rising tide of vancement as old industries disap- negotiation with Europe. Trade agree-
ear to the everlasting protectionist the atavistic forces always in play— trade lifts all boats. pear and new ones form. There’s ments are not only good economic
demands of the softwood-lumber more people than ever enjoy new so- In the post-World War II era, Re- dislocation, but today, despite ev- policy but good foreign policy.
and steel industries. So it’s not a cial and economic opportunities. publicans and Democrats alike knew erything, unemployment is 4.5% of Most important, devote full atten-
bad time for Washington to get a Economist Robert Mundell, who that the road to economic recovery the workforce, close to the 4% sta- tion to what Barack Obama and the
refresher course in market econom- helped create the euro, has long ar- was paved with trade. The Kennedy tistical definition of full employ- progressives broke. Make a new start
ics and what does and doesn’t cre- gued that there is only one economy, Round lowering of trade barriers in ment. on ObamaCare reform. Accelerate
ate jobs. Politicians are constantly the one created by the peoples of the 1960s was an enormous success. The slow economic growth in the the scrapping of antibusiness regula-
tempted to go to war with markets this planet. Multinational corpora- The U.S. promoted a borderless Eu- U.S. over the past decade has resulted tion. And press ahead with tax re-
in a bid to win votes. When they do, tions like IBM, Toyota and BASF may ropean economic union and created not from what the world has done to form. If those efforts succeed, Ameri-
they and their constituencies al- have national identities, but their NATO to protect its members from America but what America has done can business can hold its own in
ways lose. Markets are a force of factories, supply chains, sales offices stifling Soviet imperialism. Ameri- to itself, according to a Council on competition with anyone in the
nature, and attempts to use the and investors are networks that cans were enthused by Deng Xiao- Foreign Relations study “How Amer- world.
state’s police powers to crush them blanket the globe. Private bankers ping’s 1979 decision to open up ica Stacks Up.” It says that the U.S.
invariably end in misery. Ask the and government central banks ex- China to trade and were soon invest- “depends far more on the global econ- Mr. Melloan, a former deputy edi-
Russians—or, for that matter, the change currencies at the rate of $5 ing in this massive and highly suc- omy than it did two decades ago, and tor of the Journal editorial page, is
survivors of 1970s price controls in trillion a day to provide the global cessful enterprise. international trade and foreign invest- author of “When the New Deal Came
the U.S. economy with money. Growth of that Americans lose jobs to global ment are increasingly vital to U.S.” to Town” (Threshold Editions, 2016).

Why Kansans Asked What’s the Matter With Republicans

By Ron Estes The day after the election, this their promise to repeal and replace ObamaCare exchanges increased an and may pull out of the exchange

newspaper ran an editorial called “A ObamaCare. My campaign’s internal average of 25% this year. next year. I can’t—and won’t—be
ast week I had the honor of be- Warning in Wichita.” Here was the polling showed that health care was During the 2008 presidential idle in Congress while people in my
ing sworn in at the House of Journal’s conclusion: “The real les- a turning point. campaign, Barack Obama promised district suffer.
Representatives, where I’ll rep- son is that Republicans need to unite In the spirit of heeding this warn- to lower annual health-care premi- The AHCA isn’t perfect, but the
resent Kansas’ Fourth Congressional to demonstrate a record of accom- ing—and, far more important, doing ums by $2,500 per family. Instead bill has been improved over the past
District. I’m brand new and eager to plishment going into 2018. If they the right thing for the country—I’m the cost of employer-sponsored fam- month. Besides, it’s only the first
learn. But I do have a perspective can’t bridge their differences, they’re announcing my support for the ily coverage increased by $4,372 be- step in what will be multistage pro-
none of my colleagues share. I know in trouble.” AHCA. I urge my colleagues to do tween 2010 and 2016, according to cess of reform. Health care is a com-
firsthand what it’s like to campaign in That’s exactly right. When Repub- the same. the Kaiser Family Foundation. That plex topic, but the AHCA’s principles
an environment that many found un- licans pulled the American Health means the cost of ObamaCare’s bro- are simple. The bill focuses on low-
imaginable only a few months ago—a Care Act, or AHCA, on March 24, the ken promise is now $6,872 per fam- ering costs and emphasizes the
country in which Donald Trump occu- frustration among Kansas voters, When the health-care bill ily—enough to cover the mortgage ABCs—access, benefits and choices.
pies the White House and Republi- particularly Republicans and inde- for months, buy a second car, or pur- Most important, it’s based on a be-
cans have majorities in both cham- pendents, was palpable. Enthusiasm was pulled, my House chase any number of things more lief that the best way to provide care
bers of Congress. The message from for the campaign waned and anxiety campaign’s polling found valuable than paying exorbitant pre- for all is to create a health system
Kansas voters during last month’s soared. A district that is typically miums and deductibles for inaccessi- focused on patients instead of cen-
special election was crystal clear: very favorable for Republicans sud- voters demoralized. ble health coverage. tered around the government.
Produce results or go home. denly became much less favorable. The ObamaCare debacle has also As a fiscal hawk and former state
The campaign to fill the House Voters expected results and it looked proved yet again that access to gov- treasurer, I plan on spending a lot of
seat vacated by Mike Pompeo, now like we weren’t delivering. Put simply, failing to act would be ernment health-care programs does my time in Washington blocking
director of the CIA, was closer than No other explanation adds up. It is unconscionable. Republicans can im- not guarantee access to health care. wasteful spending and working to-
many had anticipated. In November, true that special elections are unique prove the status quo—and we must. As costs skyrocket, choices are dis- ward a balanced budget. But finding
Mr. Pompeo won re-election by 31 and turnout is traditionally low. But This isn’t about politics or process. appearing. Nearly one-third of U.S. the courage to get to “yes” on the
points. Mr. Trump carried the dis- that doesn’t explain the 15-point It’s about people. ObamaCare is un- counties have only one insurer offer- AHCA is far better for the country—
trict by 27 points. I won by seven. swing in the Republican candidate’s questionably hurting more people ing plans on ObamaCare’s ex- and more threatening to Demo-
The power of incumbency may have margin of victory from 2010 to 2017. than it is helping. It is forcing Ameri- changes. Kansas is lucky. We have crats—than being stuck on “no.”
played a role, but the last time the The race tightened in large part be- cans to buy insurance they don’t like, two. But Blue Cross Blue Shield, the
seat was open, in 2010, Mr. Pompeo cause voters became worried that don’t need, and can’t afford. The company that covers the most peo- Mr. Estes, a Republican, represents
won by 22 points. Republicans were going to renege on benchmark premium on the federal ple, has suffered significant losses Kansas’ Fourth Congressional District.

The Military Needs Modern Ways to Attract and Manage Talent

By Leon Panetta produce enough snipers, the Navy is replacing the current system with a Defense Department invests heavily career aspirations would create a
And Jim Talent straining to keep officers who oper- more flexible model that expands the in training them. A new fighter pi- more skilled military while improv-

ate its ships’ nuclear reactors, and military’s access to talent. This model lot, for example, costs $11 million. ing satisfaction and retention.
board the Navy’s newest air- all branches have struggled to build would reward experience and perfor- To ensure the military does not lose Serving in the military will always
craft carrier in early March, new cyber units. mance without unduly burdening access to trained people who have require sacrifice. On the battlefield
President Trump vowed that These examples portend larger military families. and back home, service members
the United States “will have the finest difficulties ahead. Even with the U.S. Since the draft ended in 1973, all place what’s best for the military
equipment in the world—planes, ships being threatened by enemies near new enlistees must be recruited. But A rigid, bureaucratic ahead of their personal desires. Ca-
and everything else.” But what good and far who are evolving strategically the recruiting process—primarily reer service members typically will
will this equipment do if the military and technologically, our military still geared toward young adults—is personnel system made move nearly a dozen times—usually
lacks the personnel to use it? operates with a personnel system de- trapped in the past. The future force sense in 1947. Now it’s with a family in tow. This can help
People are the vital ingredient to signed in 1947 to fight the Soviet will also require experienced profes- produce well-rounded troops. But it
America’s military edge, but increas- Union. Unchanged since then, this sionals with highly valuable skills dangerously out of date. also results in stress and instability
ingly they are in short supply. “The one-size-fits-all system for recruit- such as engineering, cybersecurity for military families. We recommend
Air Force has a shortfall of almost ing, retaining and promoting troops, and foreign languages. We recom- giving service members more influ-
1,500 pilots,” Joint Chiefs Chairman treats nearly every service member mend discarding policies that pro- already volunteered to serve, it ence over when and where they
Gen. Joseph Dunford testified before as an interchangeable cog. hibit experienced individuals from must make it easier to make the move. They should not have to make
a House committee in March. Simi- That is why we led a Bipartisan entering the military at higher ranks transition from active duty to the the untenable choice between serving
larly, the Army is offering bonuses Policy Center task force focused on so that the military can entice tal- reserve or National Guard. their nation or their family’s best in-
to convince soldiers to extend their modernizing how the military man- ented recruits. The military could encourage terests.
enlistments, the Marines cannot ages its personnel. We recommend Once troops are recruited, the troops to continue serving by allow- Uniformed service is not a calling
ing them to compete for promotion. for every American, nor does it need
Military promotions today are largely to be. But to build a strong force ca-
Notable & Quotable a seniority-based system governed by
predetermined timelines. Those not
pable of succeeding against future
threats, the military must be attrac-
Rupert Murdoch Robert Thomson Sahar Omer reporting in the Har- promoted on schedule are kicked out. tive to Americans with the skills and
Executive Chairman, News Corp Chief Executive Officer, News Corp vard Crimson, May 1: We recommend placing increased talents that are necessary to keep
Gerard Baker William Lewis emphasis on merit and allowing indi- America safe. As an all-volunteer
Editor in Chief Chief Executive Officer and Publisher Harvard libraries will no longer viduals to seek promotion when force, the U.S. military competes for
Matthew J. Murray DOW JONES MANAGEMENT: charge 50 cent per day fees on ready. This will allow troops in criti- talent with the world’s top compa-
Deputy Editor in Chief Mark Musgrave, Chief People Officer; overdue books. cal specialties, like cyber, to master nies, best universities and highest-
Edward Roussel, Innovation & Communications;
Anna Sedgley, Chief Operating Officer & CFO;
The change, one of several de- their skill sets without racing to meet performing organizations. The mili-
Michael W. Miller, Senior Deputy;
Thorold Barker, Europe; Paul Beckett, Katie Vanneck-Smith, President tailed in a post on the Harvard Li- arbitrary promotion cutoffs. Con- tary must work to make its offer
Washington; Andrew Dowell, Asia; OPERATING EXECUTIVES: brary system’s website, went into versely, high-performing service more competitive.
Christine Glancey, Operations; Ramin Beheshti, Product & Technology; effect on April 1. . . . members, ready for greater responsi- As Congress considers a military
Jennifer J. Hicks, Digital; Jason P. Conti, General Counsel;
Neal Lipschutz, Standards; Alex Martin, News; Frank Filippo, Print Products & Services; “The goals of these changes are bility, could be promoted more buildup, it should include in its
Shazna Nessa, Visuals; Ann Podd, Initiatives; Steve Grycuk, Customer Service; to improve the student experience quickly. agenda bipartisan defense personnel
Matthew Rose, Enterprise; Kristin Heitmann, Transformation; and embrace a ‘One Harvard’ ap- Some people would prefer to keep reform to create a 21st century force.
Stephen Wisnefski, Professional News Nancy McNeill, Advertising & Corporate Sales;
Jonathan Wright, International proach for borrowing material flying than have a desk job or be- To strengthen our military, we must
Paul A. Gigot, Editor of the Editorial Page;
Daniel Henninger, Deputy Editor, Editorial Page
DJ Media Group: across Harvard Library,” wrote Ste- come chairman of the Joint Chiefs of focus not only on new ships, planes
Almar Latour, Publisher; ven Beardsley, Harvard’s associate Staff. The military must recognize and tanks, but also on those who sail,
Suzi Watford, Marketing and Circulation; Professional Information Business: director for access services admin- this. We recommend creating new fly and drive them.
Joseph B. Vincent, Operations; Christopher Lloyd, Head; istrative operations and special career paths for those who want to
Larry L. Hoffman, Production Ingrid Verschuren, Deputy Head projects, in an email. devote their military service to a par- Mr. Panetta, a Democrat, served
EDITORIAL AND CORPORATE HEADQUARTERS: “We have witnessed firsthand the ticular specialty instead of pursuing as defense secretary, 2011-13. Mr.
1211 Avenue of the Americas, New York, N.Y., 10036 stress that overdue fines can cause senior ranking command. Allowing Talent, a Republican, was a U.S. sen-
Telephone 1-800-DOWJONES
for students,” Beardsley continued. service members more say in their ator from Missouri, 2002-07.
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A12 | Thursday, May 4, 2017 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.


THE MIDDLE SEAT | Scott McCartney

Behind Delta’s April Meltdown

The airline’s internal investigation blames jammed phone lines for cascading problems; changes to come before the summer

SPRING BREAK for hundreds of promised to boost spring-break

thousands of Delta Air Lines pas- staffing levels in the future.
sengers was disrupted by thunder- Changes are already happening,
storms in Atlanta that led to an Mr. West says. The older crew-
epic meltdown for the usually reli- tracking communications system,
able airline. At the root of 4,000 which has been previously ex-
canceled flights: telephone busy panded to allow for electronic
signals. communications in routine re-
An internal investigation into scheduling situation, will be ex-
the April failure found the biggest panded.
problem was that Delta’s 13,000 Delta thinks it has found better
pilots and 20,000 flight attendants ways to anticipate thunderstorms.
calling in for new assignments In addition, it will make adjust-
couldn’t get through to the people ments to add more buffer to crew
in Atlanta on the front lines of re- schedules to absorb delays before
building an airline schedule. they hit mandatory rest require-
Though puzzling in the age of ments. And Mr. West says Delta
instant digital communications, it had already started to keep more
turns out employees were depen- crews together with the same plane
dent on dialing and circuits were all day, and will now do that more.
overloaded. Computers told gate This can minimize disruption. If a
agents rescheduled crews would plane, pilots and flight attendants
be there; customers waited at are all scheduled to reshuffle to dif-
gates for hours. Then flights would ferent flights, a single delay can
end up canceled for lack of a crew impact three other flights.
member lost in Delta’s communica- The airline will also double the

tions fiasco, unaware of the as- size of the crew-tracking team and
signment. add phone lines for them by June.
A recovery that should have And by the end of August execu-
taken the airline a day or two tives hope to have a system to
stretched into the following week. send crews information about
In Atlanta, flights were canceled Delta experienced a weeklong meltdown after a series of storms revealed shortcomings in trying to reschedule crews. their trips electronically.
well after midnight, after under- Mr. West says Delta’s crew-
ground airport trains had shut season. Delta says it is ready to What’s more, back-office issues sengers and flights. Trouble in At- tracking system, which he said is
down. That forced dazed vacation- handle summer crowds and storms have proven to be big problems at lanta cascades world-wide. old but has received a 50% capac-
ers to walk more than a mile and is already making changes in Delta and other carriers. Last Au- Delta says it, and Atlanta, aren’t ity improvement over the past
through corridors littered with its operation based on findings gust, a power failure at its control too big to handle storms. But the year, can send automated voice
sleeping bodies like a zombie apoc- from last month’s mess. But the center crippled Delta. A computer airline has learned where it needs mails or emails to crews in typical
alypse. (The airport says it did episode is a reminder for travelers glitch in January led to canceled to spend on more capacity. Delta storm recovery situations.
keep trains and concessions operat- of the hazards of airline reliability flights. Southwest Airlines also had created a task force of nine differ- But this time there were too
ing late some nights and provided when booking flights too close to a computer failure in 2016 that led ent work groups to autopsy the many questions that required
water, blankets and amenity kits.) big events like weddings or cruise- to major disruption for travelers. meltdown. phone calls, such as queries about
“Our infrastructure was over- ship departures. Delta says there was nothing Mr. West and CEO Ed Bastian particular assignments or lack of
whelmed,” says Gil West, Delta’s Thunderstorms are more diffi- routine about the triple whammy sent a memo to employees assignment. When crew members
chief operating officer. “We know cult for airlines to handle than of storms it weathered the first Wednesday with results of the called in, they got busy signals.
we can’t control the weather, but blizzards or hurricanes because week of April. The airline says its task force investigation and Part of the problem was too few
we definitely own the recovery.” their timing and location are hard crew-tracking system had handled changes that were being made. people to answer calls.
The Delta collapse, somewhat to predict. the load in the past, but this time “Thanks for pulling Delta out of Now Delta has decided to add
overlooked while attention was fo- The concern for travelers is found its limits. the ditch,” the memo said. They more full-time people to that job
cused on the violent dragging of a whether bigger consolidated air- Atlanta is the thick trunk on noted that one problem was many and train others who could be
United passenger off a plane in lines are now less nimble and Delta’s flight-schedule tree. About positions were short-staffed for pulled in from other duty in a se-
Chicago on April 9, has significant more complex, and thus more 60% of Delta’s 1,250 airplanes go holiday crowds because so many vere weather situation. In the fu-
implications for travelers in the prone to major disruption from through Atlanta each day. It’s the Delta employees had themselves ture, communications will include
spring and summer thunderstorm routine storms. world’s largest airport in both pas- taken spring-break vacation. They mobile phones.

Weather The WSJ Daily Crossword | Edited by Mike Shenk

Shown are today’s noon positions of weather systems and precipitation. Temperature bands are highs for the day.
-15 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 61 Get rid of 25 Agitated states
Riga -5 13 14 15 62 Film editor’s 26 Modify legally
g w
0 technique 28 Fee for hand
Moscow 16 17 18
C p h g
Copenhagen 5 63 “Death in Venice” delivery?
10 19 20 author 29 Capone chaser
D bli
Dublin 15
Warsaw 21 22 23 24 Down 30 Ballpark buy
A d
Amsterdam 20
25 1 Ten billion
Brussels 25 26 27 28 29 31 One of 640 in a
30 angstroms
Kiev square mile
Frankfurt Pra
Prague 35 30 31 32 33 34 2 Exclusively
32 Christie creations
Paris Munich
i h 35 36 37 3 Pool cry
V Warm 34 Model maker’s
d 38 39 40 4 Protester’s need
Geneva Cold
position 36 After-dinner
Milan h
Bucharest 41 42 43
5 Like Turkish request
44 45 46 47 48 49 coffee
Showers 40 Fanciful
Rome t b
Istanbul aspiration
50 51 52 53 6 Diner dessert
d id Rain
54 55 56 57 7 Ltd. kin 42 Hungry, perhaps
L b
58 59 60 8 Utmost degree 43 Listeria
Algiers Athens
Ath bacterium,
T i
Tunis Snow
61 62 63
9 French battle site for one
of WWI
Flurries 45 Is wild about
10 Frank
Ice COLOR SEPARATIONS | By Alice Long 47 It reaches speeds
11 Perfect place of 150 miles per
Global Forecasts City Hi
Lo W
Hi Lo W City Hi
Lo W
Hi Lo W
Across 25 Where the 41 Crayon color
12 Round hour
s...sunny; pc... partly cloudy; c...cloudy; sh...showers; 1 Call from the Helmand River
Geneva 14 4 t 21 9 s Ottawa 15 4 c 9 6 r 42 It may be offered numbers?
t...t’storms; r...rain; sf...snow flurries; sn...snow; i...ice nursery flows 48 Owl’s grasper
Hanoi 32 24 s 31 24 pc Paris 18 7 sh 20 11 pc for off-peak
Havana 31 22 s 31 22 pc Philadelphia 19 12 pc 19 13 r 27 Crayon color travel 15 Physicist for 49 Big name in TV
Today Tomorrow 5 1 for photons
Hong Kong 29 23 t 28 24 pc Phoenix 39 23 s 40 24 s whom an talk
City Hi Lo W Hi Lo W Honolulu 29 22 s 29 22 s Pittsburgh 17 11 r 20 7 r and 2 for 30 Like many double 44 Like the nerve induction unit is
Amsterdam 12 7 sh 13 7 pc Houston 24 12 s 26 11 s Port-au-Prince 33 23 pc 33 23 pc gravitons entendres we call the 50 Tooth part
Anchorage 10 3 c 11 3 s Istanbul 22 13 s 21 13 pc Portland, Ore. 28 12 t 15 6 sh
Athens 27 17 s 28 17 s Jakarta 32 24 t 32 24 t Rio de Janeiro 27 20 s 28 21 pc 9 Flight part 33 Sudan president “funny bone” 51 Gravy Cravers
17 Bring together
Atlanta 20 10 t 13 9 pc Johannesburg 22 9 s 23 9 pc Riyadh 40 25 s 40 23 pc 13 Pizzazz al-Bashir 46 Gap buy brand
Baghdad 35 20 pc 34 19 pc Kansas City 19 8 pc 21 8 s Rome 20 10 pc 21 10 s 20 Refuges
Baltimore 19 13 pc 22 11 t Las Vegas 36 23 s 37 23 s Salt Lake City 25 12 s 29 16 s 14 Color 34 Sequence of 47 Put away 53 Did laps
Bangkok 36 28 c 33 27 t Lima 25 20 pc 25 20 pc San Diego 23 16 pc 22 16 pc nucleotides 23 Violent video
Beijing 27 11 s 22 9 pc London 15 9 c 14 9 c San Francisco 22 12 pc 18 10 pc 15 Fondue favorite 50 Bolted game 55 Cold and damp
Berlin 11 8 sh 13 8 sh Los Angeles 28 15 s 24 15 pc San Juan 31 25 sh 31 25 sh 35 Amazon device 56 X
Bogota 20 10 r 19 10 pc Madrid 28 14 pc 25 9 t Santiago 26 6 s 24 7 pc 16 Rack setting, that answers to 52 Mischievous 24 Over toast, at
Boise 29 15 s 29 10 c Manila 34 27 t 34 27 t Santo Domingo 30 22 pc 30 23 pc perhaps “Alexa” sort the diner 57 Criminal charge
Boston 15 8 s 13 11 r Melbourne 17 8 s 20 12 pc Sao Paulo 25 16 t 24 16 sh
Brussels 13 8 sh 14 8 pc Mexico City 27 12 t 23 12 pc Seattle 24 12 t 15 7 sh
18 Crayon color 36 Active bunch 54 Crayon color Previous Puzzle’s Solution
Buenos Aires 26 14 pc 26 16 pc Miami 31 25 s 31 21 t Seoul 27 15 c 26 9 pc 19 Tarzana neighbor 37 Targets of
Cairo 30 18 s 30 18 s Milan 18 8 t 22 11 s Shanghai 23 17 sh 26 16 c 55 Lord Protector C A T N A P I P A D L A B
Calgary 24 7 s 26 9 pc Minneapolis 19 8 s 22 11 s Singapore 31 25 c 32 25 pc 20 Light bulb units pulldowns during England’s D R A G O N B O A T S T R I
Caracas 31 26 pc 32 26 pc Monterrey 29 12 sh 31 12 s Stockholm 12 0 s 18 7 s Interregnum E N D E D M I L T O N
Charlotte 24 12 t 17 9 pc Montreal 16 6 c 11 6 r Sydney 21 14 pc 22 15 pc 21 1927’s Flying 38 Winged archer G A B R I E L P A G E O N E
Chicago 11 5 r 14 5 pc Moscow 11 1 c 12 6 pc Taipei 31 24 pc 29 23 pc Cloud, e.g. 58 Elected
Dallas 23 11 s 25 11 s Mumbai 34 29 s 35 29 s Tehran 27 17 c 26 15 c
39 Sicily’s highest A L B A I S I S E R I
Denver 20 6 s 24 8 s Nashville 20 8 t 12 7 sh Tel Aviv 24 15 s 24 16 s 22 Politically point 59 Giver of S T Y L E U K E S S K
Detroit 9 6 r 9 5 r New Delhi 40 25 s 41 26 s Tokyo 21 16 c 21 17 pc powerful group Starbuck’s orders K A T A N A P R I E
40 Brawler’s V A N I L L A T R U S T
Dubai 39 30 s 39 31 s New Orleans 22 12 c 23 13 s Toronto 9 6 r 10 5 r E L I C I T W I E S T
Dublin 14 7 pc 13 7 pc New York City 16 10 pc 17 13 r Vancouver 19 11 pc 15 7 sh 24 Spring spots weapons 60 Sunburn soother G I G S A T I N S H E E T S
Edinburgh 13 6 pc 13 5 s Omaha 20 7 s 22 8 s Washington, D.C. 20 15 pc 23 13 t A C H T R O T S I R K A Y
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Frankfurt 16 9 t 17 8 sh Orlando 32 18 pc 25 15 t Zurich 16 4 t 19 6 sh N E T S S N S O N S E T S

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© 2017 Dow Jones & Company. All Rights Reserved. * * THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Thursday, May 4, 2017 | B1

Euro vs. Dollar 1.0921 g 0.10% FTSE 100 7234.53 g 0.21% Gold 1246.40 g 0.69% WTI crude 47.82 À 0.34% German Bund yield 0.327% 10-Year Treasury yield 2.309%

HNA Lifts Deutsche Bank Stake Rising

HNA holds the shares
through a special-purpose
trading and investment-bank-
ing businesses in the U.S.
harbor uncertainties about
its ability to meet profit and
FRANKFURT—Chinese con-
glomerate HNA Group has be-
company managed by C-
Quadrat, which also holds the
voting rights for HNA’s
In March, Deutsche Bank
said C-Quadrat’s founder and
chief executive, Alexander
cost-cutting targets.
At Tuesday’s closing price,
HNA’s stake of 204.7 million Pressure
Oil Firms
come Deutsche Bank AG’s Deutsche Bank stake. Schütz, was nominated to join shares was valued at roughly
largest shareholder after in- Deutsche Bank, HNA and C- the lender’s supervisory €3.4 billion ($3.7 billion).


creasing its stake in the Ger- Quadrat declined to comment. board, ahead of the annual HNA Group began as an
man lender to almost 10%. In February, the German meeting scheduled for May 18. airline operator before ex-
U.S. public filings show bank said, in response to news His appointment would give panding into hotels, tourism,
HNA raised its stake to 9.92% HNA had become a major the managers of HNA’s stake logistics, real estate and fi- BY BRADLEY OLSON
through C-Quadrat Asset Man- shareholder, that it “welcomed sway over high-level decision- nance. HNA’s most high-pro-
agement (UK) LLP, the U.K. in principle any investor with making and oversight of file acquisitions have been U.S. oil companies have
subsidiary of Austrian asset a long-term view.” Deutsche Bank management. U.S.-based companies. proven remarkably resilient
manager C-Quadrat Invest- HNA, through C-Quadrat, The German lender’s HNA gained attention this even during a prolonged season
ment AG. HNA previously held had signaled it was looking to shares have rebounded after year for investing abroad de- of lower oil prices, but a loom-
a 4.76% stake in the lender, fil- increase its stake, but not hitting multiyear lows last spite strict capital controls in ing threat could limit their
ings showed. above 10%. Intentions to exceed Deutsche Bank’s logo on flags. fall because of fears about its China. The group’s executives growth and profitability: rising
HNA’s increased stake in that threshold would trigger capital position. Deutsche’s have said the group largely fi- interest rates.
Deutsche Bank makes it the additional reporting require- also would scrutinize any po- recent earnings statements nances takeovers through off- A new Columbia University
lender’s largest shareholder, ments, and crossing the 10% tential move by a single share- show its main businesses are shore cash flow, so it doesn’t study warns that higher bor-
ahead of members of Qatar’s ownership line would require holder, including HNA, to stabilizing after a tumultuous have to move cash out of China rowing costs, such as an in-
royal family and U.S. money German regulatory approval, amass a 10% or greater stake 2016, when fears of big regu- to continue its shopping spree. crease of 2 percentage points in
manager BlackRock Inc., ac- lawyers and analysts say. in a financial firm like latory fines unnerved clients —Kane Wu global interest rates, could es-
cording to public filings. Analysts say U.S. regulators Deutsche Bank that has big and investors. Investors still contributed to this article. sentially erase the efficiency
gains that many shale produc-
ers have achieved.
HEARD ON That represents a potential
problem for U.S. drillers in
coming years, as the Federal
By Stephen Wilmot Reserve ponders gradual rate

A Single “Low interest rates have

been a major contributor to the
shale boom,” said the author of

Number the study, Amir Azar, an energy

banker and fellow at Colum-
bia’s Center on Global Energy

Shows VW Policy. Higher rates may not

“reverse the boom, but it could
make a lot of shale production

On Rebound uneconomic.”
Most small- and medium-
size shale producers rely exten-
Volks- sively on debt, borrowing
wagen’s amounts double or triple their
namesake annual earnings primarily
brand, tar- through high-yield bond issu-
nished by ance to finance drilling opera-
fraudulent tions across the country. Their

diesel-emissions data and in- cost of borrowing goes up as

efficient business practices, interest rates such as the Lon-
is suddenly looking almost don interbank offered rate,
as profitable as its peers. which is used as the benchmark
The recovery isn’t as spec- reference in the study, rise.
tacular as the latest numbers Many U.S. companies have
suggest, but is still hugely sought to address this vulnera-
encouraging. bility by reining in spending to
The single most closely Banks are posting higher losses on defaulted car loans, and borrowers are falling behind on payments. Above, a New York dealership. levels that are in line with
watched figure among VW’s costs, something few did

Lenders Pull Back From Auto Debt

investors is the operating when oil sold for more than
margin for Volkswagen Pas- $100 a barrel two years ago.
senger Cars—the division that The new strategy of living
makes VW-branded cars out- within their means, which the
side China. It hit 4.6% in the Bankers’ caution shows seeing right now is a pull- industry has termed “cash flow
first quarter, making the busi- Braking back and the resulting pressure neutrality,” has attracted signif-
ness almost as profitable as up in declining U.S. car Auto loan originations, quarterly on unit vehicle sales.” icant attention from investors,
smaller French peers. Re- sales as lending to Wells Fargo
Some banks, including re- but remains an elusive goal
nault’s automotive margin last $12 billion gionals Fifth Third Bancorp for most producers.
year was 4.9%; Peugeot’s was riskier borrowers ebbs Santander and Citizens Financial Group Cash has become king for ex-
6%. General Motors and Ford Consumer USA Inc., are beginning to retreat ecutives wishing to prove their
make better margins, but they BY ANNAMARIA ANDRIOTIS from higher-quality “prime” resilience in the face of low
are boosted by Americans’ AND CHRISTINA REXRODE auto loans as new risks emerge. prices, and many are likely to
preference for more lucrative 8 “It’s been an overheated sec- focus on the issue this week as
trucks and SUVs. Big banks are pulling back tor,” said Fifth Third Chief Ex- earnings season begins in ear-
Last year, the margin of sharply from auto loans, help- 6 ecutive Greg Carmichael. “The nest for smaller U.S. companies.
Volkswagen Passenger Cars ing drive a drop in car sales auto business just isn’t as at- As oil prices remain mired
was just 1.8%. But this isn’t and raising fears the slump 4
tractive right now.” around $50 a barrel, only a few
directly comparable with the might deepen. Some anticipated the mar- companies have hit the mark in
first-quarter figure, because Wells Fargo & Co., one of the ket would cool off after record the past year. ConocoPhillips,
the company introduced a largest U.S. auto lenders, last 2 new car sales in 2015 and one of the largest U.S. produc-
sensible accounting change: month reported a 29% fall in its 2016. But banks are also post- ers, did so in the first quarter,
Low-margin distribution auto-loan originations for the 0 ing higher losses on defaulted the company said Tuesday, gen-
units that sell multiple VW- first quarter compared with a 2013 ’14 ’15 ’16 ’17 auto loans, hit by a mix of erating about $500 million
owned brands used to be year earlier. The decline, the big- more borrowers falling behind more in cash than it spent on
counted within Volkswagen gest for the San Francisco-based Source: the companies THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. on payments and the declining new investments and dividends.
Passenger Cars; from this bank in at least five years, was value of used cars. “Our focus on free cash flow
year, they will sit in the part of a common refrain in ingly showing up in car sales, had ramped up for years. When lenders repossess generation and the lowering of
company’s “Other” bucket. quarterly announcements from which Tuesday came in worse “A very accommodating fi- cars, they resell the vehicles our break-even price is showing
Adjusting last year’s num- lenders including J.P. Morgan than expected for April. The nance environment had been in and use the proceeds from the up in our financial performance
bers for this change would Chase & Co., Ally Financial Inc. declines are mostly occurring place for some time,” said Bruce sale to recover as much of the for the third straight quarter,”
have brought the VW-brand and Santander Consumer USA in lending to riskier borrowers, Clark, lead auto analyst and se- unpaid balance as possible. De- Donald Wallette, chief financial
margin up to 2.2%. Holdings Inc. in particular those with low nior vice president at Moody’s clining values mean that lend- officer of ConocoPhillips, told
That still suggests the un- Bankers’ caution is increas- credit scores, where lending Investors Service. “What you’re Please see LOANS page B2 Please see RATES page B2
derlying margin has more
than doubled. The company
gave as reasons the success
of its Tiguan crossover as
well as “optimized fixed
Ultralong Treasurys? No Thanks Revenue at Facebook
costs” when it pre-released
key expectation-busting fig- BY JOSH ZUMBRUN the securities won’t have dence of strong or sustainable
Surges, Fueled by Mobile
ures last month in line with much interest. demand for maturities beyond BY DEEPA SEETHARAMAN more time watching video.
local stock-exchange rules. A committee of Wall Street The Treasury’s Borrowing 30 years.” Chief Executive Mark Zucker-
Muted sales growth—outside advisers is pouring cold water Advisory Committee, com- The committee meets quar- Facebook Inc. reported an- berg has pushed his company
China, VW-brand unit sales on a proposal by U.S. Treasury posed of representatives from terly, in advance of a regular other surge in revenue in the to weave more video through-
crept up 1.2%—suggests it Secretary Steven Mnuchin to some of the largest financial release by the Treasury on its first quarter, as more advertis- out Facebook’s products,
has focused on getting issue 50-year and 100-year institutions that participate plans for financing the U.S. ers flocked to the platform de- building on its strength in
higher prices rather than U.S. government bonds, argu- heavily in the bond market, debt. Currently, the U.S. Trea- spite questions about its mobile—and mobile advertis-
selling more cars. ing that the big pension funds told the Treasury that “the sury issues no debt longer video-ad performance and ing—that has fueled Face-
The big question is how and insurers expected to buy committee does not see evi- than 30 years. Mr. Mnuchin handling of violent, graphic book’s growth for years.
sustainable the new margin has argued that ultralong content. But in prior quarters, Face-
is. The company’s guidance bonds could be a useful tool The company said revenue book has cautioned that reve-
is discouraging: Management for locking in today’s low bor- rose 49% to $8.03 billion, up nue growth will drop “mean-
is sticking with its already- rowing costs well into the fu- from $5.38 billion in the year- ingfully” in the middle of 2017
surpassed target of a 4% ture. Last month, the Treasury earlier quarter. The social-me- as the company stops jamming
margin by 2020 for the VW- requested the advisory com- dia company reported first- more ads into the news feed.
brand business. Yet this is mittee analyze the viability of quarter net income of $3.06 Video could fill the growth
surely cautious: After years bonds longer than 30 years. billion, compared with $1.73 gap, analysts say.
of underdelivering, manage- Monique Rollins, the acting billion, a year ago. Facebook has been working
ment is understandably in- assistant secretary for finan- Facebook’s user ranks grew on its video ad products. Ear-
tent on underpromising. cial markets, said that despite to 1.94 billion from 1.86 billion lier this year, Facebook started

There will no doubt be the advisory committee’s cool at the end of 2016. testing ad breaks—ads that
bumps in the road, but the response, the Treasury would The jump in revenue was a appear in the middle of a
long anticipated VW-brand re- “continue to study” longer- sign of how marketers are in- video—in both live broadcasts
covery does seem under way. term bonds and seek input creasingly embracing Face- and on-demand videos.
from a “broad community” be- book and its Instagram photo-
 VW posts sharp rise in Construction of the Panama Canal in 1915. The U.S. Treasury yond just those on the com- sharing app, where  Facebook bolsters its
quarterly profit.......................... B3 issued 50-year bonds to fund the building of the canal. Please see BONDS page B2 Facebook’s users are spending content-review staff.............. B4
For personal non-commercial use only. Do not edit or alter. Reproductions not permitted.
To reprint or license content, please contact our reprints and licensing department at +1 800-843-0008 or www.djreprints.com
B2 | Thursday, May 4, 2017 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.


These indexes cite notable references to most parent companies and businesspeople
in today’s edition. Articles on regional page inserts aren’t cited in these indexes.

Abbott Laboratories...A8
Allianz ......................... B7
Ally Financial..............B1
H. Lundbeck................A8
HNA Group..................B1
Horizon Pharma..........A8
1Malaysia Development
Crown Trial Draws Closer
Amazon.com ............... B3 Imperial Brands .......... B3 PTC Therapeutics........A8 China assigns cases
International Business
Machines .................. A8
R against 18 employees
B Iskandar Waterfront
Range Resources........B2
of the casino operator
Holdings Sdn ............ B7 S
ITV...............................B3 Santander Consumer
to district-level court
BNP Paribas...........B7,B8
J USA Holdings ........... B1
C Simpson Thacher & Chinese authorities have
Cabot Oil & Gas..........B2 Johnson & Johnson....A8 Bartlett.....................B5 handed over the criminal
Carlyle Group..............B7 JPMorgan Chase.........B1 SolarCity......................B4 cases of 18 employees of Aus-
China Railway J.P. Morgan Chase......B5 SSR..............................A8 tralian casino operator Crown
Engineering...............B7 K SunRun........................B4 Resorts Ltd. to a district-level
ConocoPhillips.............B1 Kawasaki Kisen Kaisha T
Covington & Burling...B5 By Wayne Ma


.....................................B3 Time Warner...............B3
C-Quadrat Investments in Hong Kong
L TRX City......................B7
.....................................B1 and Mike Cherney
Liberty Global ............. B3 Turing Pharmaceuticals
Crown Resorts............B2 in Sydney
U prosecutor’s office, bringing
Delta Air Lines.........A12 Marathon
Pharmaceuticals.......A1 Uber Technologies ...... B4 them one step closer to trial
Deutsche Bank............B1
Merck .......................... A8 V after being detained for more
E than half a year, according to
Mitsui O.S.K. Lines .... B3 Valeant Pharmaceuticals
EOG Resources ........... B2 people familiar with the case.
N-O International.......A8,B8
F The assignment to a dis-
Netflix.........................B3 Vanguard Group..........B2
trict-level jurisdiction, Shang-
Facebook......................B4 Volkswagen............B1,B3
New York Times.........B3 hai’s Baoshan District People’s
Ford Motor..................B8 W
Nickel Asia..................A4 Procuratorate, as opposed to a A Crown property in Australia. Eighteen Crown staffers face a gambling-related probe in China.
G-H Nippon Yusen..............B3 Wells Fargo.................B1 higher one at the city or na-
General Motors...........B8 NuTonomy...................B4 Whiting Petroleum.....B2 tional level, could mean that sentencing restrictions than a zen and senior Crown execu- miliar with the case said. Mr.
criminal charges might be lim- higher court. However, he cau- tive Jason O’Connor; two Groffman said the process

INDEX TO PEOPLE ited to gambling offenses, ac-

cording to a person close to
the case. Gambling offenses in
tioned it has the same author-
ity when it comes to bringing
charges for any offense.
other Australians, one Malay-
sian and a number of Chinese
could take as long as six and a
half months.
The Malaysian consulate in
A H O China carry a maximum sen- The move to a district-level One of the Chinese detain- Shanghai had no update on the
Aronin, Jeffrey ........... A1 Halmy, Christopher.....B2 O'Connor, Jason..........B2 tence of three years. prosecutor’s office was first ees was later released on bail. status of the Malaysian de-
Hunt, Lacy...................B8 Otting, Joseph............B5 “You’re going to have less reported by the Australian Fi- Foreign casinos have be- tainee, a consulate official said.
in the way of judicial and nancial Review. come increasingly dependent Australia’s Department of
Brown, Jeffrey............B2 prosecutorial resources,” a While specific charges ha- on Chinese high-rollers, devot- Foreign Affairs and Trade said
C Iagnemma, Karl .......... B4 Patterson, Warren......B7 second person close to the ven’t been detailed, the Crown ing significant resources to at- it has been providing consular
K Piegza, Lindsey...........B8 case said, adding that this employees were detained on tract their business. But under assistance to the three Austra-
Carmichael, Greg ........ B1
Q could “signal the intention of suspicion of committing gam- Chinese law, foreign casinos lians detained in Shanghai
Chowfla, Sangeet ....... B3 Kaplan, Jon ................. B3
lesser charges.” bling-related crimes, according aren’t allowed to promote since Oct. 14.
Clark, Bruce.................B1 Keller, Tom..................B3 Quarles, Randal .......... B5 A Crown spokeswoman had to the Australian government gambling in China. “The investigations and de-
Clayton, Jay ................ B5 M Z no immediate comment. and people familiar with the Now that the case has been tentions are ongoing and pro-
Crozier, Adam ............. B3 Malone, John .............. B3 Wallette, Donald.........B1 Nicolas Groffman, an attor- matter. handed over to the prosecu- ceeding in accordance with
ney at Harrison Clark Rick- They were taken into cus- tor’s office, it might take as Chinese law,” a representative
G Musk, Elon..................B4 Wengui, Guo...............A4
erbys who has worked on sim- tody by China authorities long as four and a half months for the department said.
Griffiths, Ian...............B3 N Z ilar cases, said the district- starting on Oct. 13. The de- before the start of a trial and —Rob Taylor
Groffman, Nicolas.......B2 Noreika, Keith.............B5 Zuckerberg, Mark ....... B4 level court has more tained include Australian citi- a list of charges, a person fa- contributed to this article.

BONDS year bonds. The yield on the

30-year Treasury dropped to
2.955% late Wednesday from
2.982% on Tuesday.
Treasury is what types of in-
vestors would buy ultralong
bonds, especially if the mem-
bers of its advisory commit-
issued small numbers of long-
term bonds. Canada has a 50-
year bond, Austria has sold
70-year bonds. Ireland, Mex-
The U.S. advisory commit-
tee said pension plans, life in-
surers and annuity companies
are a “potential” source of de-
100-year bond is not worth
Currently, the longest U.S.
bond is 30 years in duration,
Continued from the prior page The Treasury needs neither tee aren’t interested. Rela- ico and Belgium are among mand, because such firms although the Treasury has ex-
mittee. An update will be pro- legislative changes nor the ad- tively few individual investors countries that have issued have liabilities that may be perimented with longer bonds
vided at a future quarterly visory committee’s approval, have 100-year or even 50-year 100-year bonds. due long into the future. But in the distant past.
announcement, the Treasury to move forward with ultral- investing horizons. Most of these offers, how- the committee said that pen- President Dwight Eisen-
said. ong bonds. Still, the commit- Due to pension funds, in- ever, have been sporadic or sion plans would “not be a hower had a campaign pledge
The notion of ultralong tee’s opinion is likely to weigh surers and index funds, “there one-time issuances that would large or reliable source of de- of “stretching out” the na-
bonds has riveted Wall Street. heavily on the Treasury’s deci- will be underlying structural have little impact on those mand for ultralong issuance” tional debt, and his Treasury
When Mr. Mnuchin first sion. The members of the ad- demand for 50-years, but it nations’ long-run borrowing and said that most insurers Department issued two 40-
floated the idea in a November visory committee include sev- could be at the expense of costs. The U.K. relies most would prefer to have more year bonds. From 1955 to 1963
interview on CNBC, it sent eral primary dealers—the other longer-date Treasury is- heavily on ultralong-term 20-year bonds. a total of seven ultralong
long-term interest rates climb- institutions authorized to par- suance,” said Gemma Wright- debt, but the nation also has Given the likelihood of lim- bonds were issued. Early in
ing as investors anticipated ticipate directly in Treasury Casparius, a principal senior regulations that require its ited demand for 50-year bonds, the 1900s, the Treasury is-
that rates would need to rise auctions—and some of the portfolio manager at Van- pension funds to buy the the committee said their yield sued 50-year-bonds to fund
to accommodate a greater vol- world’s largest hedge funds guard Fixed Income. In other debt, so there is no question would likely be higher than the construction of the Pan-
ume of longer-term debt. and asset managers, such as words, the success of a 50- in the U.K. that there is de- that on 30-year bonds. This ama Canal.
Yields move inversely to bond Vanguard Group and Black- year bond could deal a blow mand for such bonds. Due to would make the long bonds Over the years, however,
prices. Rock Inc. The committee’s to a 30-year bond. “They can, the demand forced by these less attractive as a way to re- the Treasury concluded it
The 30-year bond strength- chairman is Jason Cummins, over time, get a deep liquid regulations, the yield on 50- duce U.S. borrowing costs. could most efficiently finance
ened Wednesday, after the ad- the head of economic research pool of investors. The ques- year bonds is generally lower The committee went even large amounts of debt
visory committee cast doubt at hedge fund Brevan Howard. tion is: at what annual rate?” than the yield on 30-year further in its discussion of through regular auctions of
on the idea of 50- and 100- A key question for the A number of countries have bonds. 100-year bonds, saying “the 30-year bonds.

LOANS about the auto market in

March, when it lowered its
growth expectations for the
year. The comments contrast
The slowdown in loan volume
marks a turnaround for the
auto-loan sector, where origina-
tions grew consistently in recent
capital are excluded.
To make ends meet in the
past two years, companies such
as Whiting have either bor-
Continued from the prior page with Ally CEO Jeffrey Brown’s years. It also calls into question rowed heavily or issued new
ers are recouping a smaller statement last summer that he whether the bullish run in auto shares to be able to continue
share of those balances. Lenders lending is coming to an end. drilling.
who are repossessing cars tied to Car loans have been among While some companies con-
prime auto loans that were secu- the fastest-growing consumer- tinue to rely heavily on new in-
ritized in 2015 are recovering
Car loans were one lending categories since the fusions of cash from Wall Street
about 51% of the unpaid loan bal- of the fastest-growing last recession. Banks and other to make ends meet, the industry
ances on average, down from lenders began increasing origi- as a whole has come a lot closer
56% for 2014 loans and 65% for
consumer-lending nations about seven years ago to balance, according to an anal-
2011 loans, according to S&P categories. in search of more revenue as ysis last month by Tudor Picker-
Global Ratings. the mortgage market slumped. ing Holt & Co. A group of almost
“There is a more cautious As competition intensified, 50 exploration and production
tone across the industry,” said lenders loosened underwriting companies, the primary engines
Christopher Halmy, chief fi- was “bullish” on auto lending standards by courting borrow- of the boom, are set up to out-
nancial officer at Ally Finan- and the bank didn’t have rea- ers with lower credit scores spend their cash flow by about
cial, on the bank’s earnings call sons to be concerned about the and extending repayment peri- $4 billion this year if oil prices
last week. Ally also warned loans it was originating. ods on loans. Small nonbank average about $55 a barrel. That
lenders also jumped in, relying is down from about $15 billion
ADVERTISEMENT on the bond market as an out- in 2016, according to a study
let to sell their loans. last month by energy analysts at
The Mart

But increasing losses have Tudor Pickering Holt.

sapped some banks’ enthusi- In 2018, the producers are
asm. Annualized net losses on poised to generate more cash
BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY securitized subprime auto than they spend by more than
loans increased to more than $2 billion if prices are at that
10% late last year, the highest level, a sign of sharp improve-
level since February 2009, ac- ment given that before the
cording to Fitch Ratings. The 2014 crash, most spent $2 or
figure slipped back to 9% in $3 for every $1 they generated
March, but that was the high- from operations.
est loss reading for that month Mr. Azar said he doesn’t
since at least 2001. foresee a huge production de-
The worsening performance is cline even if prices remain low
occurring despite unemployment Workers on an EOG oil rig last year in Texas. The shale producer and rates rise quickly. Instead,
remaining low. It may continue to kept spending below cash flow for the final two quarters of 2016. consolidation is a far more
worsen, even if the jobs picture likely outcome, as companies
remains bright. Fitch in Decem-
ber lowered its outlook perfor-
mance for securitized subprime
auto loans for 2017, even though
RATES day, did so for the last nine
months of the year.
Others who exercised finan-
cial discipline last year already
that have generated cash and
reduced debt can buy strug-
gling producers, he said.
The impact of higher rates on
it isn’t forecasting a broader eco- Continued from the prior page returned to spending more. shale producers may be uneven.
nomic slump. investors Tuesday in a confer- Whiting Petroleum Corp., one Some have reduced debt and
Wells Fargo said it expects ence call. of the largest producers in hold investment-grade credit
its auto portfolio to decline in Range Resources Co. and North Dakota, spent about ratings, which means their in-
size this year. Ally has been Cabot Oil and Gas Corp., two $1.68 in the first quarter for ev- terest expenses would be lower
expanding into other loans, in- companies that specialize in ery $1 it took in from opera- and they are likely to be able to
cluding mortgages and credit natural-gas production, also tions, according to S&P Global function with less debt.
BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY TRAVEL cards, as it tries to diversify generated more cash than capi- Market Intelligence. “Shale is here to stay, and I
beyond autos. Santander Con- tal expenditures in the first In 2016, they spent 92 cents don’t see anything that would
sumer, a unit of Spain’s Banco quarter. for every dollar they took in af- stop prices immediately,” he
à As with all investments, Save Up To 60% Santander SA, has been paring The largest U.S. shale pro- ter outspending at nearly a said. But higher debt costs will
appropriate advice should First & Business back on lending. The com- ducer, EOG Resources two-to-one ratio in 2014 and make “a lot of shale production
INTERNATIONAL pany reported a 21% drop in Inc., which reports next 2015. A Whiting spokesman uneconomic for small produc-
be obtained prior to Major Airlines, Corporate Travel
Never Fly Coach Again!
auto-loan originations in the week, kept spending below said that the company gener- ers. Then, larger producers will
entering into any
www.cooktravel.net first quarter from a year ear- cash flow for the final two ated cash “in line” with its be able to scoop them up.”
binding contract. à (800) 435-8776 lier, following a 20% decline quarters of 2016. Apache spending in the first quarter —Erin Ailworth
for all of 2016. Corp., which reports Thurs- when the effects of working contributed to this article.
For personal non-commercial use only. Do not edit or alter. Reproductions not permitted.
To reprint or license content, please contact our reprints and licensing department at +1 800-843-0008 or www.djreprints.com
THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. * * Thursday, May 4, 2017 | B3


U.S. Business Degrees Lose Global Appeal VW’s Profit

Soars Amid
BY KELSEY GEE “We’ve been inundated with have dire consequences for

The American M.B.A. de-

gree, already losing luster at
questions from prospective
and current students asking
what’s going to happen,” said
both business schools and
companies, said Mr. Ainslie. “If
we can no longer educate or
home, is facing a new chal- Jon Kaplan, assistant dean of hire the best and brightest tal- BY WILLIAM BOSTON
lenge from abroad. For the the M.B.A. program at the ent from all over the globe,
first time in more than a de- Paul Merage School of Busi- that could be catastrophic for BERLIN—Volkswagen AG
cade, most graduate business ness at the University of Cali- American economic growth,” on Wednesday confirmed its
schools are reporting a decline fornia in Irvine, where about he said. outlook for the full year and
in applications from interna- half of all students come from “If this trend we’re noticing reported a sharp rise in first-
tional students. outside the country. “The sim- persists over a longer period quarter profit despite the con-
Applications from foreign ple answer is we’re not sure.” of time, it could have an im- tinuing fallout from its emis-
students for the academic After issuing multiple ver- pact on the financial viability sions-cheating scandal.
year beginning in August sions of a travel ban earlier of some schools,” said Sangeet The German car company
were down at this year, President Donald Chowfla, president of GMAC. said net profit for the period
BUSINESS nearly two- Trump last month called for a “Budgets are already under rose 45% to €3.35 billion ($3.66
EDUCATION thirds of all review of a program that al- stress as state funding is billion), boosted by cost-cutting
two-year lows foreign workers to stay harder to come by.” and higher margins at its VW

M.B.A. pro- in the U.S. to perform high- Recruiters from University brand. Adjusted operating
grams in the U.S. through the skilled jobs. Critics say the of Pittsburgh’s Katz Graduate profit, which strips out one-
end of February, according to current rules displace Ameri- School of Business traveled to time items, increased 27% to
a survey by the Graduate can workers. India in 2012 amid a shift in €4.4 billion. Revenue rose 10%
Management Admission Coun- Only 31% of the 324 Ameri- The University of Pittsburgh’s Katz Graduate School of Business strategy to focus more heavily to €56.2 billion. The numbers
cil. Interest from interna- can M.B.A. programs surveyed attributes a drop in applications largely to cooling foreign interest. on foreign students, according are in line with preliminary fig-
tional students has weakened reported gains in international to director of admissions Tom ures released last month.
in recent years as programs student applications from the icans due to an improving job sociation to Advance Collegiate Keller. The trip generated a The company’s robust earn-
overseas have become more same time in 2016, the small- market and increasing under- Schools of Business. In the surge of interest from the ings come as it continues to
competitive, according to est share in 12 years. For the graduate student debt bur- same period, the share of inter- country, and applications for grapple with the emissions
GMAC. But the trend has ac- 2015-16 application cycle, 39% dens. In response, U.S. busi- national students grew from its M.B.A. ballooned from a scandal—where it admitted to
celerated since the fall. of programs reported gains in ness programs have amplified 22% to 27%, the survey said. low of roughly 430 that year installing software in millions
The latest declines come as such applications. Two years their sales pitch overseas to University of Rochester’s to over 700 in 2015. of cars over a decade that al-
many foreign students ex- prior, nearly two-thirds of pro- fill their classrooms. Those ef- Simon Business School had a This year, applications have lowed vehicles to cheat on
press uncertainty about the grams reported gains. The forts have helped contain single-digit percentage drop in fallen 16%, a drop Mr. Keller emissions testing. The revela-
Trump administration’s immi- council declined to share more broader enrollment declines. international applications this attributes largely to cooling tion plunged the company into
gration and work visa poli- detailed application numbers. Overall enrollment in two- year, according to Dean An- foreign interest. Mr. Keller crisis in 2015 and led to penal-
cies, according to deans, ad- The souring foreign senti- year full-time M.B.A. programs drew Ainslie, a development said he expects around 25 stu- ties, fines and compensation
missions officers, recruiters ment comes at a difficult time fell by more than a third from that raised concerns about a dents in next fall’s incoming payments of nearly $25 billion.
and GMAC, which administers for business schools. Demand 2010 to 2016, according to a longer-term decline in enroll- Class of 2019 will come from The scandal still lingers,
the entrance exam most appli- for the pricey M.B.A. has survey of 352 U.S. schools by ment. A prolonged drop in in- outside the U.S., three or four with the company as recently
cants take. weakened among young Amer- business-school accreditor As- ternational applications would fewer than the class before. as last month ordered by a
U.S. federal judge to pay a
$2.8 billion criminal fine.

Broadcaster ITV to Lose Growth Overseer Nevertheless, Volkswagen

reaffirmed its forecast of a 4%
rise in full-year revenue and
said it expected to achieve an
BY STU WOO companies, remains a poten- amortization. The ad market offer subscribers. U.S. regula- operating profit on sales of
tial target for telecommunica- improved during Mr. Crozier’s tors are reviewing AT&T Inc.’s between 6% and 7% this year.
LONDON—ITV PLC said tions giants such as Liberty tenure, boosting revenue to blockbuster $85 billion bid to In 2016, the company reported
Adam Crozier would step Global PLC, ITV’s biggest £3.1 billion and Ebita to £885 buy Time Warner Inc. revenue of €217 billion.
down as chief executive on shareholder and the world’s million in 2016. A spokesman for Liberty However, the fallout from
June 30, after seven years largest international cable op- Citigroup analysts said Global, which owns 9.9% of the diesel scandal is begin-
overseeing significant growth erator by subscribers. Wednesday that Mr. Crozier’s ITV, declined to comment on ning to hit Volkswagen’s cash
at the “Downton Abbey” Created in 1955 as the team implemented a clear its plans for its stake. resources. In the first three
broadcaster. country’s first commercial net- strategy, reducing reliance on ITV said it has a succession months of the year, Volks-
With the amicable parting, work to provide competition ad revenue while boosting the plan and that finance chief Ian wagen reported net cash out-

Britain’s largest commercial to the state-supported British size and quality of its content- Griffiths will lead the company flows of €2.6 billion in the
television network loses a Broadcasting Corp., ITV was production business, which has in the interim while also add- automotive division. As a re-
leader who has shown it is pos- navigating an advertising-mar- made shows including soap op- ing chief operating officer to sult, the division’s cash flow
sible for traditional broadcast- ket slump when Mr. Crozier era “Coronation Street.” his existing role. Mr. Crozier, declined by about €3.9 billion
ers to combat the viewership took over in 2010. That year The telecommunications 53 years old and the former from the previous year. Net
shift to online competitors the company reported £2.1 bil- and media industries have head of England’s soccer gov- cash on the company’s bal-
such as Netflix Inc. and Ama- lion ($2.7 billion) in revenue been exploring mergers as erning body, said in a state- ance sheet remained strong
zon.com Inc. and £408 million in earnings wireless carriers and cable op- ment that he would explore at roughly €23.6 billion at the
ITV, with its production before interest, taxes and erators covet content they can roles in the private sector. Adam Crozier, in July 2016. end of March.

Tesla’s Spending Deepens Loss

BY TIM HIGGINS was helped by a 69% rise in crease production to 500,000
sales of Model S sedans and vehicles next year toward a
Tesla Inc.’s first-quarter Model X sport-utility vehicles goal of 1 million in 2020. Tesla
loss widened as the Silicon compared with a year earlier. made about 84,000 vehicles
Valley company cranked up Tesla delivered about 25,000 last year.
spending, working to make the vehicles in the latest quarter, Tesla’s shares, which have
critical shift from a niche lux- its best performance yet and a risen about 50% this year, fell
ury brand to a mainstream remarkable change of fortune 1.8% to $313.20 in after-hours
auto maker. from a year earlier, when Chief trading on Wednesday.
The Palo Alto, Calif., com- Executive Elon Musk was The auto maker finished
pany reported a loss of $330.3 struggling to work out the March with $4 billion in cash TI M E , A H E RMÈ S OB J ECT.
million, or $2.04 a share, com- kinks in the new Model X SUV. on hand. It raised more than
pared with a loss of $283 mil- The sales growth puts the $1 billion in new debt and
lion, or $2.13 a share, in the company on pace to meet Mr. stock issued to help bolster its
year-earlier quarter. Musk’s goal of selling 50,000 cash balance as it increases
On an adjusted basis, the vehicles in the first half. He spending to prepare for the
company’s per-share loss of aims to begin initial produc- Model 3. During the quarter,
$1.33 was significantly deeper tion of its first mass-market China’s Tencent Holdings Ltd.
than what analysts surveyed electric sedan, the Model 3, in disclosed a 5% stake in Tesla.
by Thomson Reuters expected. July with the goal of ramping Tesla followed that vote of
A year earlier, the company up production to 5,000 a week confidence with a record sales
reported an adjusted per-share during the fourth quarter. number in April, propelling its
loss of $1.46. Revenue more Mr. Musk is betting the shares to new heights and
than doubled to $2.7 billion, Model 3, a $35,000 four-door pushing its market value
topping analysts’ estimates. sedan, will broaden the com- above those of Ford Motor Co.
Tesla’s automotive business pany’s appeal and help in- and General Motors Co.

APPLE terioration from the 3.1% decline and the early days of Donald
in the same period a year earlier. Trump’s administration. In the
Quarterly Revenue Tobacco net revenue climbed recently completed quarter, New
Drops Again in China 9.3%, but dropped 5.5% at con- York Times reported a 5.1% in-
stant currency. crease in revenue to $398.8 mil-
China continues to be a weak Overall, Imperial, which makes lion, from a year earlier. In all,
spot for Apple Inc., with quar- the JPS and Gauloises brands, the company reported a profit of
terly revenue in the country fall- said net profit rose to £675 mil- $13.2 million, compared with a
ing again despite growth in all lion ($871 million) for the six year-earlier loss of $8.3 million.
other regions. months ended March 31 from —Austen Hufford
Apple said Tuesday that reve- £290 million a year earlier. Reve-
nue in China, Hong Kong and nue rose to £14.3 billion from SHIPPING
Taiwan fell 14% to $10.7 billion £12.81 billion.
for the quarter ended April 1, —Saabira Chaudhuri U.S. Regulator
the fifth consecutive quarter of Rejects Application
decline in the region. That com- NEW YORK TIMES
pared with 5% growth globally. The U.S. maritime regulator
—Eva Dou Subscriber Growth has rejected an application by
Gets a Big Boost Japan’s three biggest shipping
IMPERIAL BRANDS companies to operate as a
New York Times Co. said it merged company while their
Caffeine Gets Jolt had the best quarter for sub- transaction is being completed.
As Smoking Slumps scriber growth in its history, An approval would have given
though it warned the pace of container operators Nippon
Imperial Brands PLC on growth would slow in the sec- Yusen K.K., Mitsui O.S.K. Lines
Wednesday reported lower half- ond quarter. Ltd. and Kawasaki Kisen Kaisha
year operating profit and said it The media company said paid Ltd. the right to share ships and
is investing in a caffeine-based, digital subscriptions reached 2.2 port calls, and to negotiate with
low-calorie product designed to million in its first quarter, an in- third-party service providers as a
give users a boost of energy as crease of 348,000 from the prior single company, while their $2.7
part of an effort to diversify. quarter. Overall, the New York billion merger is months away
The remarks come as Impe- Times reported 3.2 million total from being approved by Japa-
rial—the least diversified of ma- subscribers. nese regulators. Slim d’Hermès, L’heure impatiente
jor tobacco companies—works to The boost in subscribers Kawasaki declined to com- For the moments to come.
combat the impact of declining comes as many media compa- ment. NYK didn’t return re-
cigarette volumes. Imperial on nies, from cable-news outlets to quests for comment and Mitsui
Wednesday reported total to- newspapers, have enjoyed audi- OSK couldn’t be reached for
bacco volume fell 5.7% in the pe- ence growth as a result of inter- comment.
riod to 126.3 billion sticks, a de- est in the 2016 presidential race —Costas Paris
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B4 | Thursday, May 4, 2017 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.


SEC Probes Solar-Energy Firms Beijing

U.S. studies whether they earn commissions only on

Sunrun and SolarCity

properly disclosed
systems that are actually in-
Tesla Inc., which bought So-
Control on
contract cancellations
larCity in November, said on
Friday it would stop making
door-to-door solicitations. The
Tech Firms
BY KIRSTEN GRIND electric-car company said the BY EVA DOU
decision reflects “what most
Federal regulators in the of our prospective customers BEIJING—China will
U.S. are investigating whether prefer, and will result in a bet- launch new security reviews
solar-energy companies are ter experience for them.” on foreign and domestic
masking how many customers The SEC investigation and technology suppliers starting
they are losing, said a person other problems now facing so- June 1, implementing an ele-
familiar with the matter. lar companies are the latest ment of its new cybersecu-
The Securities and Ex- example of troubles surround- rity law aimed at tightening
change Commission is examin- ing companies that say they state control over technology
ing whether San Francisco- help homeowners “go green.” and information.
based Sunrun Inc. and Elon The solar industry lately The review will apply to
Musk’s San Mateo, Calif.-based has suffered from a series of companies that provide net-
SolarCity Corp. have ade- problems:greater competition work products and services.
quately disclosed how many from smaller players that has It will likely include compa-
customers have canceled con- led to price cuts for services, nies such as International
tracts after signing up for a falling prices for solar panels Business Machines Corp.
home solar-energy system, the and more stringent regula- and Microsoft Corp. that sell
person said. tions in some states. hardware and software in
Investors use that cancella- Nationwide, companies are China.
tion metric as one way to expected to increase the num- Although the standards
gauge the companies’ health. ber of solar-electricity systems are more restrictive than
Companies typically give cus- installed by less than 3% in current practices, the mea-


tomers a few days after sign- 2017, according to the Solar sures announced this week
ing a contract, or even up un- Energy Industries Association. are less restrictive than draft
til the time of installation, to That is off from an increase of measures circulated for in-
back out of a deal. 16% last year and about 64% in dustry comment in February.
Some solar-energy compa- 2015. The measures will apply to
nies have recently disclosed in Diminished growth expecta- foreign companies providing
public filings and earnings tions have hit shares of solar- hardware or services to Chi-
calls that increasing numbers panel installers. Sunrun’s stock nese companies in sectors in-
of customers are canceling, is trading at roughly $5, down cluding energy, transporta-
but the companies have pro- Some customers say they were strong-armed into buying solar-energy systems by salespeople. more than 60% since its peak tion and finance, as well as
vided few details about the in December 2015. those selling to government
number of cancellations or tions have always been based nia and Florida, with custom- say they didn’t realize they Two smaller providers, agencies, public services and
their impact on the compa- on actual deployments.” ers saying they are paying had actually signed contracts. Sungevity Inc. and Verengo other “critical infrastruc-
nies’ business. For years, solar compa- more on their utility bills, not Many said they believed they Inc., recently filed for bank- ture.” Those suppliers will
The SEC recently issued a nies—which number about less as they were promised, were just giving permission ruptcy protection. have to submit their prod-
subpoena to Sunrun and inter- 4,000 private and public firms and have been sold expensive for a consultation. Cancellations grew to be so ucts and services for review
viewed current and former in the U.S.—have enjoyed ex- systems they can’t afford, ac- “In the residential solar in- large at SolarCity that in early to a new committee adminis-
employees about the adequacy plosive growth, transforming a cording to Freedom of Infor- dustry, integrity and word-of- 2016, before the company was tered by China’s internet reg-
of its disclosures on account fledgling sector into a $33 bil- mation Act requests filed by mouth recommendations are sold to Tesla, about half of its ulator, the Cyberspace Ad-
cancellations, said the person lion industry that generates the Campaign for Accountabil- paramount,” the Solar Energy customers were backing out of ministration of China.
familiar with the investigation. electricity for more than 1.5 ity, a consumer-watchdog Industries Association, a trade contracts before solar panels Product security will be
The SEC is also looking at So- million homes nationwide. group, and according to law- group, said in a statement in could be installed, said people evaluated by factors including
larCity, the person said. To generate business, solar suits filed by customers. response to questions. “Our familiar with the matter. vulnerability to tampering,
An SEC spokesman declined companies have long relied on Some customers say they investigation of state public At Sunrun, that cancellation supply-chain risks and cus-
to comment. Representatives thousands of salespeople who were strong-armed into buy- records suggests that the figure grew to be as high as tomer-information protection.
for Sunrun didn’t respond to knock on doors, make cold ing solar-energy systems by number of complaints repre- 40% earlier this year, accord- The committee can also turn
multiple requests for com- calls and even trail people as sales representatives who sents a very small fraction of ing to people familiar with the down a product for unspeci-
ment. A spokeswoman for So- they shop at retailers, accord- threatened to sue them if they the number of successful solar figure. The cancellation rates fied risks to national security.
larCity said in a written state- ing to salespeople, executives didn’t proceed with a project installations nationwide.” were especially high among The checks are being imple-
ment that the company “has and homeowners. or to place a so-called me- In its statement, SolarCity customers who were ap- mented to ensure technology
remained focused on reporting Hundreds of complaints chanic’s lien on their homes— said: “We strongly encourage proached by salespeople at is “secure and controllable,”
the quality of our installed as- have been filed against solar a measure used to force a our sales team to pursue only their doorstep or while they the Cyberspace Administration
sets, not pre-install cancella- companies to attorneys gen- homeowner to pay for a home- customers who are truly inter- were shopping at big-box wrote in the announcement
tion rates. Our growth projec- eral in Texas, Oregon, Califor- improvement project. Others ested in moving forward, and stores, these people said. dated Tuesday.

30% PeugeotDrawsonSelf-DriveStartup
Book your 3 day pass off on your

NuTonomy Inc., the startup

that beat Uber Technologies

Inc. to the streets with a robot

taxi, will work with Peugeot
to integrate autonomous vehi-
cle software into the French
auto maker’s 3008 sport-util-
ity vehicle for on-road trials.

The two companies plan to

WHERE have a small number of Peu-

geot 3008 SUVs ready for test-
ing in September in Singapore.
“The ambition, if all goes
well, we’ll have our software
on hundreds if not thousands A nuTonomy car being tested in Boston. Peugeot plans to try out
of [Peugeot] vehicles,” said the startup’s autonomous-vehicle software this year.
Karl Iagnemma, nuTonomy co-
founder, in an interview. “You test fleet of Chrysler mini- according to the company.
can’t just put your software vans by 500 units as it lets It is also testing a small
onto a memory stick and plug hundreds of families try the number of vehicles in Boston,
it into a USB port in the car vehicles in Phoenix. where city officials recently
and expect the car to drive it- Cambridge, Mass.-based nu- expanded the geographical
self. It requires a substantial Tonomy, which aims to put a area that the cars may travel.
amount of vehicle engineer- revenue-generating fleet of ro- Peugeot, officially known as
ing.” bot taxis on the road in 2018, Group PSA, joins traditional
The strategic partnership first began testing Renault and auto makers in trying to navi-
announced Wednesday puts Mitsubishi vehicles in Singa- gate the development of tech-
nuTonomy on a similar path as pore in August, days before nology that may upend tradi-
Waymo LLC, the self-driving Uber began its road tests in tional car ownership. The
tech unit of Google-parent Al- Pittsburgh. NuTonomy is French auto maker returned to
phabet Inc., which began inte- nearing almost 20 vehicles on the U.S. market in April after
grating its autonomous tech- the road in Singapore, with exiting decades ago, with car-
nology with Fiat Chrysler plans to double that amount sharing rental services in Los
Automobiles NV last year. The over the next six months, fol- Angeles and San Francisco.
tech company announced last lowed by the addition of sev- —Adrienne Roberts
week that it was increasing its eral hundred cars next year, contributed to this article.

Facebook Bolsters Content-Review Staff

JUNE 15-16-17 / PARIS 2017 BY DEEPA SEETHARAMAN tent, as opposed to preventing up its content moderation team

AND JOSHUA JAMERSON its site from being used to dis- to 7,500. Most reviewers are
play such content. The Cleve- contractors, not full-time em-
Facebook Inc. said it would land video was up for roughly ployees, and burnout is high,
hire 3,000 more staffers to re- two hours; the Thailand video experts and former workers
“Something big “Entrepreneur “France and its vibrant ecosystem view content in an attempt to stayed up for 24 hours. say. A small subset of workers
is a French of startups will be the Silicon curb violent or sensitive vid- “If we’re going to build a manage live videos.
is happening
eos on its site without scaling safe community, we need to “It’s an incredible commit-
in France” word” Valley of Europe”
back its live-streaming tools. respond quickly,” Mr. Zucker- ment of resources. It took
Mike Butcher, Eric Schmidt, John Chambers, The planned hires, an- berg wrote, adding that videos them almost 10 years to de-
TechCrunch Alphabet Inc Cisco nounced by Chief Executive posted on Facebook of people vote 4,500 jobs to doing this,”
Mark Zuckerberg in a post hurting themselves and others said Kate Klonick, resident fel-
Wednesday, are in response to in the past few weeks has low at Yale Law School’s Infor-
the Facebook posting of such been “heartbreaking.” mation Society Project and au-
ORGANIZERS PLATINUM PARTNERS violent videos as one last Mr. Zuckerberg said Face- thor of a recent paper on
JUNE 15-16-17 / PARIS 2017
month showing a Cleveland book would make it easier for content moderation at tech-
man fatally shooting another users to report problems to the nology companies. “The only
man. A week later, a man in company so reviewers can thing I question is being able
Thailand killed his 11-month- more quickly determine if a to maintain quality on content
old daughter in a live video. post violates its standards. The moderation review as they
Mr. Zuckerberg’s proposed company is also investing in ar- take on, train and update a
fix, which would increase tificial intelligence, in hopes system for this huge number
Facebook’s roster of 4,500 re- that AI can one day detect vio- of new workers.”
viewers by two-thirds over the lence as it is unfolding, but that A Facebook spokeswoman
next year, addresses the technology is a long way off. declined to say if the new
amount of time it takes Face- Meanwhile, it could be a hires would be contractors or
book to remove graphic con- challenge for Facebook to ramp employees.
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THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. * Thursday, May 4, 2017 | B5


Chief Is
Fiduciary Rule Is Tough to Kill
Trump’s effort to end Congress has invoked fre-

Appointed retirement-savings
regulation is foiled by
quently in recent months to kill
other Obama-era regulations.
Regulations that have already

For OCC Obama-era planning

taken effect also can’t be killed
by presidential decree and in-
stead must follow the same no-
BY RYAN TRACY BY LISA BEILFUSS tice and comment periods used
during the approval process.
WASHINGTON—The Trump Opponents of a landmark “Clearly the prior adminis-
administration announced its retirement-savings regulation tration was very deliberate and
intention to replace Comptrol- hailed President Donald thoughtful about how they
ler Thomas Curry as the top Trump’s election as their structured this rule,” said Rob-
U.S. national banking regulator chance to kill the rule, or at ert Cirrotti, head of retirement
later this week. the very least defang it. But and investment solutions at
The Treasury Department three months into the new ad- Pershing LLC, a division of
said Wednesday that he would ministration, it is proving Bank of New York Mellon Corp.

be succeeded on Friday by tough to quash. “It’s the very reason that made
Keith Noreika, who will serve It’s not for lack of trying. it difficult for Trump to just kill
as the acting comptroller. Mr. Shortly after his inauguration, this by executive order.”
Noreika is a banking lawyer Mr. Trump ordered the Labor Other channels to killing or
who worked for years at Cov- Department to review the “fi- watering down the rule remain
ington & Burling LLP and duciary” rule’s economic im- open, however. Labor Secre-
more recently headed the fi- pact on retirement savers and tary Alexander Acosta, who
nancial regulatory practice at the financial-services industry, Phyllis Borzi, ex-assistant labor secretary: ‘We knew from day one that we were going to be sued.’ has pledged to reconsider
Simpson Thacher & Bartlett with an eye toward revising or Obama-era rules, could choose
LLP. rescinding it. The department ically changed,” said a person can families $17 billion a year to withstand legal scrutiny and not to meaningfully enforce
The Trump administration is in the midst of that process, familiar with the Labor De- and reduces annual returns on industry objections. And the the regulation. Experts, how-
is said to be considering Jo- a spokeswoman said, with partment’s process. More retirement savings by a per- rule’s staying power has been ever, say this tack might invite
seph Otting, a former chief ex- both career civil servants and likely, the person said, is a re- centage point. bolstered as consumer aware- lawsuits. Congress could over-
ecutive of OneWest Bank, as political appointees cooperat- laxation of certain elements, Critics dispute those figures ness has grown in the year turn the regulation, but other
its eventual nominee for full- ing to comply with the presi- such as client disclosure re- and have argued for years that since it was approved and as efforts to do so have proved
time comptroller, which re- dent’s memorandum. quirements, while preserving smaller investors would be cut some of the biggest financial unsuccessful and a new legis-
quires Senate confirmation. Yet people on both sides of the heart of the rule. “This is a off from advisory services. firms, including Merrill Lynch lative push likely wouldn’t
The move to replace Mr. the debate say the rule, which pretty damn good compro- Part of the annuities industry and Morgan Stanley, have start until after the Labor De-
Curry, reported by The Wall requires stewards of tax-ad- mise,” the person said. said it faced extinction with- spent heavily on compliance partment completes its re-
Street Journal on Monday, will vantaged retirement savings The fiduciary rule, which out looser exemptions. preparation and marketing. view. The rule could also be
give the administration its to act in clients’ best interests was approved last spring, was The rule has been bul- Protocol and legislative tim- indefinitely postponed as part
first major imprint on a U.S. rather than their own, may the centerpiece of President warked in large part by the ing have provided additional of a broader plan by congres-
bank regulatory agency. survive both a 60-day delay in Barack Obama’s efforts to help Obama administration’s de- road bumps for opponents. sional Republicans to roll back
Mr. Curry’s five-year term the compliance deadline and middle-class families build re- sign. The original economic re- Technically approved last June, Obama-era financial rules, said
ended in early April, but he the regulatory review process tirement savings. The former view and rule-making process the rule falls outside the 60- Arjun Saxena, a partner at
continued to serve in the job. relatively unscathed. administration said conflicted were meticulous, people famil- legislative-day limit of the Con- consultancy Pricewater-
Mr. Otting would be the “It’s unlikely to get dramat- financial advice costs Ameri- iar with the matter say, meant gressional Review Act, a law houseCoopers LLP.
first former banker to serve as
controller since the 1990s and
would be expected to carry
out the Trump administra-
tion’s promise to encourage
more bank lending. That could
J.P. Morgan Plans Initial Shift of Jobs Out of U.K.
represent a shift in tone from BY MAX COLCHESTER Union after the U.K. quits the could reach 1,000 over months, if the U.K. is cut off from the of the people said.
Mr. Curry’s tenure, during AND EMILY GLAZER trading bloc. The job moves one of the people said. bloc. U.S. banks previously J.P. Morgan staffers have
which the OCC has at times wouldn’t necessarily go just to The move underscores how concentrated large chunks of begun compiling paperwork to
criticized bankers for making J.P. Morgan Chase & Co. those three cities but could be bank relocations out of the their investment-banking ac- apply for licenses. The bank
loans the agency viewed as will move between 500 and spread across a range of Euro- U.K. are becoming a reality as tivities in London to build had already been perusing of-
overly risky. 1,000 jobs out of London as pean hubs that J.P. Morgan op- Brexit negotiations get under economies of scale. Now they fices in Dublin and Frankfurt
Mr. Trump has ordered a the bank begins to implement erates across the Continent, way. Estimates of how many have to find ways to partially to increase scale. It remains
broad review of financial regu- its post-Brexit plans, accord- the people said. U.K. financial-industry jobs are unwind them. unclear exactly how many jobs
lations, but appointees of for- ing to people familiar with the After the two-year Brexit ne- at stake vary from a few hun- In J.P. Morgan’s case that will ultimately be moved to
mer President Barack Obama matter. gotiating period ends, the bank dred to 75,000. will mean running its EU cus- the EU. J.P. Morgan Chief Ex-
still run all the major bank The U.S. bank plans to bulk will re-evaluate its plans and Banks have been putting tody business out of Dublin, ecutive James Dimon has said
regulators, including the Fed- up operations in Dublin, Lux- move further jobs if necessary. finishing touches to backup treasury services from Luxem- up to a quarter of the bank’s
eral Reserve, Consumer Finan- embourg and Frankfurt to At first, a few hundred employ- plans to ensure they can still bourg and European invest- 16,000 staff in the U.K. may
cial Protection Bureau and serve clients in the European ees are expected to move, but it sell products into the EU even ment bank from Frankfurt, one have to move.
Federal Deposit Insurance
Corp. The comptroller’s office
appointment gives the admin-
istration its own ally in charge
of the chief regulator of large,
New SEC Head Gains
federally chartered banks.
Treasury Secretary Steven
Mnuchin said Wednesday that
Clearance From Senate
the administration will shortly BY DAVE MICHAELS “We’ve gone a long time
name someone to the vacant since there has been a top-to-
post job of Federal Reserve WASHINGTON—The Senate bottom review of all the rules TI M E , A H E RMÈ S OB J ECT.
vice chairman in charge of late Tuesday approved Presi- the SEC imposes on the public
bank oversight, and that nomi- dent Donald Trump’s choice to markets,” said Richard
nee wouldn’t necessarily be lead the Securities and Ex- Breeden, a former Republican
paired with choices for two change Commission, elevating SEC chairman who sits on the
other vacancies on the Fed’s a Wall Street lawyer who board of Steris PLC, an infec-
governing board. hopes to turn around the de- tion prevention company.
One candidate under con- cline in the number of public “Will he succeed? Not com-
sideration for the Fed vice companies over the past 20 pletely and fully, because no
chairman job is former Trea- years. one can do that. But can he
sury official and private-equity Jay Clayton’s agenda could move the needle? Absolutely.”
executive Randal Quarles. be aided by an unusual align- The Senate vote to approve
Mr. Mnuchin said Mr. Nor- ment of political forces that Mr. Clayton, 61 to 37, included
eika “has deep experience in escaped the SEC’s most recent tough criticism from top Dem-
helping banks operate in a leaders. He will enter office ocrats, including Sens. Sherrod
safe and sound manner, pro- without a checklist of regula- Brown of Ohio and Elizabeth
vide fair access to financial tions mandated by Congress, Warren of Massachusetts. The
services, and provide credit which passed sweeping legis- pushback included criticism of
needed for business expansion lation in 2010 that pinned Mr. Clayton’s legal ties to
and job growth.” down the SEC with an abun- Goldman Sachs Group Inc.,
Mr. Mnuchin also praised dance of directives both auda- forged during his career as a
Mr. Curry, thanking him for cious and picayune. partner at Sullivan & Crom-
his service and saying that Mr. Clayton said it was a well LLP. And it underscores
during his tenure, “the OCC “distinct honor” to take helm the resistance to any deregula-
has effectively worked to ad- of the agency. “I look forward tory moves he makes.
vance its mission to ensure to working closely with my Mr. Clayton’s ties to Gold-
that national banks and fed- fellow commissioners and the man will prevent him from
eral savings associations oper- dedicated career staff at the voting on matters that directly
ate in a safe and sound man- SEC to serve the American affect the bank. But they won’t
ner.” public and advance the SEC’s impair his work on regulations
important mission,” he said. or his use of the SEC’s bully
For now, his most pressing pulpit to shape what the regu-
commitment will be finding lator expects from companies.
ways to reverse a two-decade Michael Piwowar, the SEC’s
trend of the government layer- acting chairman, has already
ing new regulations on public given firms leeway to skirt
companies. Some constraints some expensive requirements,
were reactions to marketwide including a rule that forces

crises, such as measures that firms to trace their use of

forced firms to adopt strin- minerals that could be sold by
gent protocols against ac- armed groups in Africa. Re-
counting fraud. While Mr. publicans revile the rule view-
Clayton will have a Republican ing it as a special-interest pro-
Congress behind him, as well vision that imposed costs on
as the support of stock ex- companies and didn’t further
changes and business trade the SEC’s mission to protect
groups, large investors could investors and spur financing
rebel against efforts that are for businesses. Mr. Clayton has
Joseph Otting is said to be in perceived as reducing trans- signaled his concern about
the running for permanent post. parency or other protections. such rules.


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Nikkei 225 Index STOXX 600 Index S&P 500 Index Data as of 4 p.m. New York time
Last Year ago
19445.70 Market Closed Year-to-date s 1.73% 389.37 t 0.16, or 0.04% Year-to-date s 7.73% 2388.13 t 3.04, or 0.13% Trailing P/E ratio * 24.17 24.12
High, low, open and close for each 52-wk high/low 19633.75 14952.02 High, low, open and close for each 52-wk high/low 389.53 308.75 High, low, open and close for each P/E estimate * 18.42 17.65
trading day of the past three months. All-time high 38915.87 12/29/89 trading day of the past three months. All-time high 414.06 4/15/15 trading day of the past three months. Dividend yield 1.97 2.19
All-time high: 2395.96, 03/01/17

* P/E data based on as-reported earnings from Birinyi Associates Inc.

20000 390 2390

65-day moving average

19500 380 2350

19000 370 2310

Session high 18500 360 2270

65-day moving average

Session open Close

18000 350 2230
Close Open

65-day moving average

Session low 17500 340 2190

Bars measure the point change from session's open

17000 330 2150
Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr.

International Stock Indexes Data as of 4 p.m. New York time Global government bonds
Latest 52-Week Range YTD Latest, month-ago and year-ago yields and spreads over or under U.S. Treasurys on benchmark two-year
Region/Country Index Close NetChg % chg Low Close High % chg and 10-year government bonds around the world. Data as of 3 p.m. ET
World The Global Dow 2732.88 –6.31 –0.23 2193.75 • 2741.83 8.1 Country/ Spread Over Treasurys, in basis points Yield
MSCI EAFE 1839.92 –6.59 –0.36 1471.88 • 1956.39 7.2 Coupon Maturity, in years Yield Latest Previous Month Ago Year ago Previous Month ago Year ago
MSCI EM USD 984.46 –3.73 –0.38 691.21 • 1044.05 24.0 5.250 Australia 2 1.678 38.0 41.9 52.2 99.4 1.681 1.752 1.752
4.750 10 2.601 29.2 32.9 36.4 67.1 2.610 2.687 2.471
Americas DJ Americas 574.18 –1.27 –0.22 480.90 • 577.99 6.3
3.000 Belgium 2 -184.4 -181.7 -178.5 -122.4 -0.555 -0.555 -0.466
Brazil Sao Paulo Bovespa 66154.26 –567.49 –0.85 48066.67 • 69487.58 9.8
0.800 10 0.762 -154.7 -152.3 -150.4 -136.2 0.757 0.820 0.438
Canada S&P/TSX Comp 15551.63 –68.02 –0.44 13535.54 • 15943.09 1.7
0.000 France 2 -0.456 -175.4 -171.6 -173.4 -115.7 -0.454 -0.504 -0.399
Mexico IPC All-Share 49096.39 –492.45 –0.99 43902.25 • 50147.04 7.6
1.000 10 0.808 -150.1 -146.3 -137.2 -124.0 0.817 0.951 0.560
Chile Santiago IPSA 3728.27 –23.29 –0.62 2998.64 • 3786.05 15.7
0.000 Germany 2 -0.723 -202.1 -198.3 -203.3 -124.2 -0.721 -0.803 -0.484
U.S. DJIA 20957.90 8.01 0.04 17063.08 • 21169.11 6.0
0.250 10 0.327 -198.2 -195.0 -204.5 -159.7 0.330 0.278 0.203
Nasdaq Composite 6072.55 –22.82 –0.37 4574.25 • 6102.72 12.8
0.300 Italy 2 -0.096 -139.4 -134.5 -130.7 -80.2 -0.083 -0.077 -0.044
S&P 500 2388.13 –3.04 –0.13 1991.68 • 2400.98 6.7
2.200 10 2.266 -4.4 1.8 -18.0 -32.8 2.299 2.144 1.472
CBOE Volatility 10.54 –0.05 –0.47 9.90 • 26.72 –24.9
0.100 Japan 2 -0.201 -149.9 -146.3 -139.7 -99.8 -0.201 -0.167 -0.240
EMEA Stoxx Europe 600 389.37 –0.16 –0.04 308.75 • 389.53 7.7 0.100 10 0.020 -229.0 -226.1 -224.8 -191.0 0.020 0.075 -0.110
Stoxx Europe 50 3204.84 6.97 0.22 2626.52 • 3205.17 6.5 4.000 Netherlands 2 -0.623 -192.1 -189.5 -198.9 -123.1 -0.633 -0.759 -0.474
Austria ATX 2997.41 –15.17 –0.50 1981.93 • 3017.21 14.5 0.750 10 0.552 -175.7 -173.3 -178.4 -149.9 0.547 0.539 0.302
Belgium Bel-20 3932.86 22.98 0.59 3127.94 • 3933.64 9.1 4.750 Portugal 2 0.383 -91.5 -90.6 -139.6 -44.7 0.356 -0.166 0.311
France CAC 40 5301.00 –3.15 –0.06 3955.98 • 5305.95 9.0 4.125 10 3.461 115.2 127.1 124.2 109.0 3.551 3.565 2.890
Germany DAX 12527.84 19.94 0.16 9214.10 • 12532.25 9.1 2.750 Spain 2 -0.279 -157.7 -153.5 -144.9 -83.0 -0.273 -0.219 -0.072
Greece ATG 748.61 14.68 2.00 517.10 • 748.72 16.3 1.500 10 1.612 -69.8 -63.4 -68.6 -22.7 1.646 1.637 1.573
Hungary BUX 32077.72 –824.90 –2.51 25126.36 • 34334.92 0.2 4.250 Sweden 2 -0.653 -195.1 -191.7 -183.6 -118.5 -0.655 -0.606 -0.427
Israel Tel Aviv 1403.50 4.75 0.34 1372.23 • 1490.23 –4.6 1.000 10 0.577 -173.3 -168.8 -173.0 -98.7 0.593 0.593 0.813
Italy FTSE MIB 20759.31 26.06 0.13 15017.42 • 20883.66 7.9 1.750 U.K. 2 0.074 -122.4 -118.1 -112.1 -27.2 0.081 0.109 0.486
Netherlands AEX 525.20 –0.28 –0.05 409.23 • 526.25 8.7 4.250 10 1.075 -123.4 -118.9 -125.7 -26.9 1.091 1.066 1.532
Poland WIG 62066.66 … Closed 42812.99 • 62214.81 19.9 1.250 U.S. 2 1.298 ... ... ... ... 1.262 1.230 0.758
Russia RTS Index 1096.35 –23.87 –2.13 873.58 • 1196.99 –4.9 2.250 10 2.309 ... ... ... ... 2.281 2.323 1.800
Spain IBEX 35 10837.00 16.70 0.15 7579.80 • 10841.10 15.9
Sweden SX All Share 585.40 –1.15 –0.20 443.66 • 586.55 9.5 Commodities Prices of futures contracts with the most open interest 3:30 p.m. New York time
Switzerland Swiss Market 8891.89 23.33 0.26 7475.54 • 8899.45 8.2 EXCHANGE LEGEND: CBOT: Chicago Board of Trade; CME: Chicago Mercantile Exchange; ICE-US: ICE Futures U.S.; MDEX: Bursa Malaysia
South Africa Johannesburg All Share 53586.63 –329.01 –0.61 48935.90 • 54704.22 5.8 Derivatives Berhad; TCE: Tokyo Commodity Exchange; COMEX: Commodity Exchange; LME: London Metal Exchange;
NYMEX: New York Mercantile Exchange; ICE-EU: ICE Futures Europe. *Data as of 5/2/2017
Turkey BIST 100 93862.74 –493.17 –0.52 70426.16 • 95358.76 20.1
One-Day Change Year Year
U.K. FTSE 100 7234.53 –15.52 –0.21 5788.74 • 7447.00 1.3 Commodity Exchange Last price Net Percentage high low
374.50 2.25 0.60% 393.75 360.75
Asia-Pacific DJ Asia-Pacific TSM 1570.51 –7.63 –0.48 1308.52 • 1580.18 10.4 Corn (cents/bu.) CBOT
Soybeans (cents/bu.) 974.75 6.00 0.62 1,092.50 941.25
Australia S&P/ASX 200 5892.30 –58.10 –0.98 5103.30 • 5956.50 4.0
Wheat (cents/bu.)
CBOT 453.75 -0.25 -0.06% 488.75 416.00
China Shanghai Composite 3135.35 –8.37 –0.27 2806.91 • 3288.97 1.0
Live cattle (cents/lb.) CME 130.050 3.000 2.36 130.050 103.150
Hong Kong Hang Seng 24696.13 … Closed 19694.33 • 24698.48 12.3
Cocoa ($/ton) ICE-US 1,783 -22 -1.22 2,270 1,756
India S&P BSE Sensex 29894.80 –26.38 –0.09 25101.73 • 30133.35 12.3
Coffee (cents/lb.) ICE-US 137.10 0.85 0.62 161.55 128.65
Japan Nikkei Stock Avg 19445.70 … Closed 14952.02 • 19633.75 1.7
Sugar (cents/lb.) ICE-US 15.78 -0.10 -0.63 20.81 15.35
Singapore Straits Times 3237.81 26.70 0.83 2729.85 • 3237.81 12.4
Cotton (cents/lb.) ICE-US 78.80 -0.57 -0.72 80.27 71.86
South Korea Kospi 2219.67 … Closed 1925.24 • 2219.67 9.5 Robusta coffee ($/ton) ICE-EU 2025.00 30.00 1.50 2,283.00 1,871.00
Taiwan Weighted 9955.33 14.06 0.14 8053.69 • 9972.49 7.6
Copper ($/lb.) COMEX 2.5270 -0.1085 -4.12 2.8400 2.4905
Source: SIX Financial Information;WSJ Market Data Group Gold ($/troy oz.) COMEX 1246.20 -10.80 -0.86 1,297.40 1,152.20
Silver ($/troy oz.) COMEX 16.560 -0.271 -1.61 18.725 16.100
Currencies London close on May 3 Aluminum ($/mt)* LME 1,917.50 -20.50 -1.06 1,972.00 1,688.50
Tin ($/mt)* LME 19,975.00 195.00 0.99 21,225.00 18,760.00
Yen, euro vs. dollar; dollar vs. major U.S. trading partners US$vs,
Wed YTDchg Copper ($/mt)* LME 5,780.00 66.00 1.16 6,156.00 5,518.00
Country/currency in US$ per US$ (%) Lead ($/mt)* LME 2,230.00 -15.00 -0.67 2,445.00 2,022.00
Europe Zinc ($/mt)* LME 2,642.00 17.00 0.65 2,958.50 2,555.00
Yen Bulgaria lev 0.5583 1.7912 –3.6 Nickel ($/mt)* LME 9,505.00 -25.00 -0.26 11,095.00 9,225.00
10 s Croatia kuna 0.1465 6.824 –4.9 Rubber (Y.01/ton)* TCE 221.70 6.10 2.83 n.a. n.a.
WSJ Dollar index Euro zone euro 1.0921 0.9157 –3.7
0 Palm oil (MYR/mt) MDEX 2521.00 -27.00 -1.06 3,004.00 2,450.00
Czech Rep. koruna-b 0.0408 24.506 –4.6
Denmark krone 0.1468 6.8102 –3.7 Crude oil ($/bbl.) NYMEX 47.81 0.15 0.31 57.95 47.30
–10 s Euro
Hungary forint 0.003501 285.66 –2.9 NY Harbor ULSD ($/gal.) NYMEX 1.4734 0.0054 0.37 1.7833 1.4587
Iceland krona 0.009418 106.18 –6.0 RBOB gasoline ($/gal.) NYMEX 1.5294 0.0158 1.04 1.9012 1.5075
–20 Norway krone 0.1159 8.6246 –0.2
Poland zloty 0.2598 3.8488 –8.1
Natural gas ($/mmBtu) NYMEX 3.217 0.022 0.69 3.5410 2.8170
2016 2017
Russia ruble-d 0.01746 57.259 –6.5 Brent crude ($/bbl.) ICE-EU 50.77 0.31 0.61 60.09 50.14
US$vs, US$vs,
YTDchg YTDchg Sweden krona 0.1134 8.8161 –3.2 Gas oil ($/ton) ICE-EU 443.75 -4.75 -1.06 526.50 439.25
Wed Wed
Country/currency in US$ per US$ (%) Country/currency in US$ per US$ (%) Switzerland franc 1.0089 0.9912 –2.7
Turkey lira 0.2828 3.5360 0.4 Sources: SIX Financial Information; WSJ Market Data Group
Americas Hong Kong dollar 0.1285 7.7813 0.3
Ukraine hryvnia 0.0377 26.5290 –2.0
Argentina peso-a 0.0656 15.2342 –4.0
India rupee
Indonesia rupiah
U.K. pound 1.2915 0.7743 –4.4 Cross rates London close on May 3
Brazil real 0.3179 3.1458 –3.4 Middle East/Africa
Japan yen 0.008901 112.34 –4.0
Canada dollar 0.7293 1.3712 2.0 USD GBP CHF JPY HKD EUR CDN AUD
Kazakhstan tenge 0.003169 315.54 –5.4 Bahrain dinar 2.6520 0.3771 –0.03
Chile peso 0.001496 668.30 –0.2 Australia 1.3417 1.7329 1.3539 0.0119 0.1724 1.4654 0.9786 ...
Macau pataca 0.1250 8.0008 1.1 Egypt pound-a 0.0552 18.1213 –0.1
Colombia peso 0.0003413 2930.18 –2.4 Canada 1.3712 1.7706 1.3831 0.0122 0.1762 1.4970 ... 1.0217
Malaysia ringgit-c 0.2315 4.3190 –3.7 Israel shekel 0.2768 3.6121 –6.1
Ecuador US dollar-f 1 1 unch
New Zealand dollar 0.6912 1.4468 0.2 Kuwait dinar 3.2853 0.3044 –0.4 Euro 0.9157 1.1826 0.9238 0.0082 0.1177 ... 0.6679 0.6825
Mexico peso-a 0.0532 18.7841 –9.4
Pakistan rupee 0.0096 104.600 0.2 Oman sul rial 2.5974 0.3850 0.01 Hong Kong 7.7813 10.0481 7.8496 0.0693 ... 8.4968 5.6750 5.7994
Peru sol 0.3076 3.2510 –3.0
Philippines peso 0.0200 49.957 0.7 Qatar rial 0.2746 3.642 0.04 Japan 112.3440 145.1000 113.3600 ... 14.4370 122.6900 81.9400 83.7100
Uruguay peso-e 0.0358 27.970 –4.7
Singapore dollar 0.7168 1.3950 –3.6 Saudi Arabia riyal 0.2666 3.7505 –0.01 0.9912 1.2799 ... 0.0088 0.1274 1.0825 0.7230 0.7386
Venezuela bolivar 0.099564 10.04 0.5 Switzerland
South Korea won 0.0008832 1132.25 –6.3 South Africa rand 0.0749 13.3579 –2.4
U.K. 0.7743 ... 0.7813 0.0069 0.0995 0.8456 0.5648 0.5772
Asia-Pacific Sri Lanka rupee 0.0065608 152.42 2.7 Close Net Chg % Chg YTD % Chg
0.7453 1.3417 –3.4 Taiwan dollar 0.03327 30.061 U.S. ... 1.2915 1.0089 0.0089 0.1285 1.0921 0.7293 0.7453
Australia dollar –7.4 WSJ Dollar Index 89.84 0.20 0.23 –3.33
China yuan 0.1451 6.8919 –0.8 Thailand baht 0.02897 34.520 –3.6 Sources: Tullett Prebon, WSJ Market Data Group Source: Tullett Prebon

Key Rates Top Stock Listings 4 p.m. New York time

Latest 52 wks ago % YTD% % YTD% % YTD%
Libor Cur Stock Sym Last Chg Chg Cur Stock Sym Last Chg Chg Cur Stock Sym Last Chg Chg Asia Titans 50
One month 0.99167% 0.43590% ¥ TakedaPharm 4502 5376.00 0.50 11.19 £ RoyDtchShell A RDSA 2018.00 0.30 -10.01 Last: 155.51 t 0.80, or 0.51% YTD s 10.3%
Three month 1.17122 0.63410 Asia Titans HK$ TencentHoldings 0700 248.40 2.05 30.94 € SAP SAP 92.48 -0.34 11.68
Six month 1.42739 0.90710 HK$ AIAGroup 1299 54.75 1.67 25.14 ¥ TokioMarineHldg 8766 4751.00 0.57 -0.94 € Sanofi SAN 87.55 -0.03 13.85 High 165
One year 1.77011 1.23005 72.05 -0.35 8.99 160
¥ AstellasPharma 4503 1434.50 0.21 -11.64 ¥ ToyotaMtr 7203 6143.00 1.67 -10.69 € SchneiderElectric SU Close 50–day
Euro Libor AU$ AustNZBk ANZ 31.35 -2.79 3.06 AU$ Wesfarmers WES 43.39 0.18 2.97 € Siemens SIE 132.45 -0.19 13.40 Low moving average
One month -0.35171% 155
-0.40143% AU$ BHP BHP 23.21 -2.31 -7.38 AU$ WestpacBanking WBC 34.32 -1.89 5.28 CHF Syngenta SYNN 460.60 -0.41 14.43 t
Three month -0.36214 -0.27557 HK$ BankofChina 3988 3.75 -0.53 9.01 AU$ Woolworths WOW 26.61 -2.71 10.41 € Telefonica TEF 10.31 -0.05 16.95 150
Six month -0.26514 -0.15671 HK$ CKHutchison 0001 97.75 0.62 11.21 € Total FP 46.77 -0.17 -3.05 145
One year -0.14643 -0.02943 HK$ CNOOC 0883 8.97 -1.10 -7.53 Stoxx 50 CHF UBSGroup UBSG 17.25 0.82 8.15
Euribor AU$ CSL CSL 133.43 0.37 32.89 € Unilever UNA 48.46 -0.30 23.89
CHF ABB ABBN 24.34 -0.29 13.31
One month -0.37300% -0.34500% ¥ Canon 7751 3750.00 0.73 13.81 £ Unilever ULVR 4026.50 -0.09 22.29 10 17 24 3 10 17 24 31 7 14 21 28
€ ASMLHolding ASML 123.00 -0.36 15.33
Three month -0.32900 -0.25300 ¥ CentralJapanRwy 9022 18635 0.38 -3.09 € Vinci DG 77.07 -1.26 19.12 Feb. Mar. Apr.
€ AXA CS 25.16 1.00 4.92
Six month -0.25100 -0.14200 HK$ ChinaConstructnBk 0939 6.30 -0.32 5.53 £ VodafoneGroup VOD 202.95 0.52 1.55
€ AirLiquide AI 112.95 0.53 6.91
One year -0.12500 -0.01200 HK$ ChinaLifeInsurance 2628 23.65 ... 17.08 CHF ZurichInsurance ZURN 274.40 0.26 -2.14
Yen Libor HK$ ChinaMobile 0941 82.85 -0.12 0.79

AB InBev
0.14 12.32
0.97 3.13 DJIA Stoxx 50
One month -0.02100% -0.05100% HK$ ChinaPetro&Chem 0386 6.24 -0.95 13.45 £ AstraZeneca AZN 4663.50 0.16 5.09
$ AmericanExpress AXP 78.82 -0.91 6.40
Last: 3204.84 s 6.97, or 0.22% YTD s 6.5%
Three month 0.00071 -0.02257 AU$ CmwlthBkAust CBA 85.35 -1.70 3.57 € BASF BAS 89.53 -0.01 1.38
Six month 0.02429 0.00621 ¥ EastJapanRailway 9020 10090 -0.20 -0.10 $ Apple AAPL 147.06 -0.31 26.97 3225
€ BNP Paribas BNP 66.15 0.58 9.25
One year 0.13214 0.10114 ¥ Fanuc 6954 22520 1.01 13.65 $ Boeing BA 183.39 -0.03 17.80
£ BT Group BT.A 302.00 -0.17 -17.69 3150
Offer Bid ¥ Hitachi 6501 623.50 -0.02 -1.34 $ Caterpillar CAT 101.52 0.01 9.47
€ BancoBilVizAr BBVA 7.50 0.87 18.18
TW$ Hon Hai Precisn 2317 100.50 0.50 19.36 $ Chevron CVX 106.72 1.29 -9.33 3075
Eurodollars € BancoSantander SAN 6.07 0.28 22.46
¥ HondaMotor 7267 3235.00 -0.31 -5.27 $ CiscoSystems CSCO 34.25 0.03 13.34
One month 1.1000% 1.0000% £ Barclays BARC 208.95 -0.43 -6.49
-0.16 4.49
KRW HyundaiMtr 005380 151000 4.86 3.42 $ Coca-Cola KO 43.32
Three month 1.2000 1.1000 € Bayer BAYN 112.65 1.53 13.64
HK$ Ind&Comml 1398 5.07 -0.20 9.03 $ Disney DIS 111.59 -2.43 7.07 2925
Six month 1.3500 1.2500 £ BP BP. 446.65 -0.66 -12.35
0.24 -2.84
$ DuPont DD 79.00 -1.18 7.63 2850
One year 1.6000 1.5000 ¥ JapanTobacco 2914 3735.00 £ BritishAmTob BATS 5233.00 -0.63 13.23
$ ExxonMobil XOM 82.66 0.74 -8.43
Latest 52 wks ago ¥ KDDI 9433 2956.50 -0.44 -0.10 € Daimler DAI 67.81 -0.22 -4.11 $ 10 17 24 3 10 17 24 31 7 13 21 28
GeneralElec GE 29.22 0.79 -7.53
¥ Mitsubishi 8058 2437.50 0.49 -2.11 € DeutscheTelekom DTE 16.41 0.64 0.31 $ Feb. Mar. Apr.
Prime rates GoldmanSachs GS 226.28 0.52 -5.50
U.S. 4.00% 3.50% ¥ MitsubishiElectric 6503 1609.00 -0.19 -1.26 £ Diageo DGE 2251.50 ... 6.71 $ HomeDepot HD 154.97 0.01 15.58
Canada 2.70 2.70 ¥ MitsubishiUFJFin 8306 715.90 0.59 -0.60 € ENI ENI 14.24 -0.42 -7.95 $ Intel INTC 36.96 0.72 1.90
1599.00 1.11 -0.50
Hong Kong
Mizuho Fin
8411 206.70 0.73 -1.48
HSBC Hldgs
-0.16 0.48 $
0.83 -1.78 $
-0.26 -4.40
0.58 0.82
Dow Jones Industrial Average P/E: 20
¥ NTTDoCoMo 9437 2680.50 0.11 0.66 € INGGroep INGA 15.26 0.93 14.14 $ Last: 20957.90 s 8.01, or 0.04% YTD s 6.0%
Policy rates J&J JNJ 123.29 -0.33 7.01
AU$ NatAustBnk NAB 33.09 -2.71 7.89 £ ImperialBrands IMB 3701.50 -1.63 4.49 $ 0.98 17.17
ECB 0.00% 0.00% McDonalds MCD 142.62
¥ NipponTeleg 9432 4839.00 0.64 -1.49 € IntesaSanpaolo ISP 2.69 0.52 10.96 $ Merck MRK 63.61 1.45 8.05 21200
Britain 0.25 0.50
¥ NissanMotor 7201 1076.50 1.13 -8.42 € LVMHMoetHennessy MC 230.85 1.23 27.26 $ Microsoft MSFT 69.08 -0.32 11.17
Switzerland 0.50 0.50
¥ Panasonic 6752 1339.00 0.11 12.57 £ LloydsBankingGroup LLOY 69.06 -0.20 10.48 $ Nike NKE 54.54 -0.96 7.30
Australia 1.50 1.75
HK$ PingAnInsofChina 2318 43.70 -0.23 12.63 € LOreal OR 184.55 0.05 6.43 $ Pfizer PFE 33.45 -0.49 2.97
U.S. discount 1.50 1.00
0.94 35.82
Fed-funds target 0.75-1.00 0.25-0.50
$ RelianceIndsGDR RIGD 42.85 £ NationalGrid NG. 1015.50 0.84 6.72 $ Procter&Gamble PG 86.43 0.24 2.79
Call money 2.75 2.25
KRW SamsungElectronics 005930 2245000 0.63 24.58 CHF Nestle NESN 77.50 0.39 6.09 $ 3M MMM 197.59 0.54 10.65 19550
¥ Seven&I Hldgs 3382 4745.00 1.28 6.56 CHF Novartis NOVN 76.80 -0.26 3.64 $ Travelers TRV 120.81 0.37 -1.32
Overnight repurchase rates 19000
¥ SoftBankGroup 9984 8478.00 0.25 9.18 DKK NovoNordiskB NOVO-B 282.60 6.76 10.95 $ UnitedTech UTX 120.30 0.82 9.74
U.S. 0.85% 0.43%
¥ Sony 6758 3853.00 -0.52 17.65 £ Prudential PRU 1740.00 0.14 6.91 $ UnitedHealth UNH 172.49 -0.95 7.78 10 17 24 3 10 17 24 31 7 13 21 28
Euro zone n.a. n.a.
¥ Sumitomo Mitsui 8316 4153.00 0.73 -6.88 £ ReckittBenckiser RB. 7164.00 0.53 4.04 $ Visa V 92.42 -0.13 18.46 Feb. Mar. Apr.
Sources: WSJ Market Data Group, SIX HK$ SunHngKaiPrp 0016 117.40 0.60 19.80 £ RioTinto RIO 2962.50 -2.74 -6.21 $ Verizon VZ 46.15 0.52 -13.54 Note: Price-to-earnings ratios are for trailing 12 months
Financial Information, Tullett TW$ TaiwanSemiMfg 2330 198.00 0.76 9.09 CHF RocheHldgctf ROG 265.10 0.95 13.97 $ Wal-Mart WMT 75.74 0.29 9.58 Sources: WSJ Market Data Group; Birinyi Associates
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THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Thursday, May 4, 2017 | B7


Deal to Prop Up 1MDB Falls Apart
BY BRADLEY HOPE ter confirmed this.
Carlyle’s Net Climbs
AND TOM WRIGHT The Chinese government’s Carlyle Group LP’s quarterly
information office didn’t im- profit rose as soaring markets
A deal for a Chinese state- mediately respond to a re- lifted the value of its assets.
owned company to help bail quest for comment. Carlyle’s first-quarter profit
Malaysia out of a multibillion- The Finance Ministry docu- climbed to $83 million, or 90
dollar financial scandal fell ment says that the consortium cents a share, from $8.4 million,
apart after the Chinese gov- of buyers was given 12 exten- or a penny a share, a year ear-
ernment refused to authorize sions, with the last expiring on lier. Economic net income, which
the investment. April 30. TRX said in its state- reflects unrealized investment
China Railway Engineer- ment that the Finance Minis- gains, rose to $364.6 million, or
ing Corp. and a Malaysian try will now retain ownership $1.09 a share, from $58.2 million,
partner had agreed in Decem- of the site and begin seeking or 18 cents a share, in the year-
ber 2015 to take a 60% stake expressions of interest from earlier period.
in Bandar Malaysia, a residen- possible developers. Carlyle’s private-equity portfo-
tial and commercial real-estate The Justice Department, in lio appreciated 9% during the
project in Kuala Lumpur that lawsuits filed last summer, al- quarter, outpacing those of its
originally was being developed leged over $1 billion in as- publicly traded peers.


by 1Malaysia Development sets—including U.S. proper- —Matt Jarzemsky
Bhd., a Malaysian state fund. ties, a Hollywood movie
The deal, valued at 7.4 bil- company and a private jet— BNP PARIBAS
lion ringgit ($1.7 billion), was were purchased with money
a cornerstone of efforts by stolen from 1MDB. The fund Bond Trading Brings
Malaysia’s government to sell has denied wrongdoing. An Earnings Surprise
off 1MDB assets after the fund The lawsuits also alleged
ran up over $13 billion in debt. Mr. Najib received hundreds of BNP Paribas SA reported a
The fund is now the center of millions of dollars in 1MDB better-than-expected net profit
corruption probes in a number money via a web of offshore for the first quarter, aided by a
of countries, including by the A model of the Bandar Malaysia development. A stake sale in the mixed-use project has collapsed. shell companies. The prime rebound in bond trading.
U.S. Justice Department. minister has denied wrongdo- The lender, France’s largest
The China Railway consor- statement that it had received advisers. At the time of the 1MDB’s debts. ing. Malaysia’s attorney gen- listed bank by assets, said net
tium was unable to meet crite- a notice of termination from deal, in a New Year’s message The prime minister’s office eral has said the money was a profit rose 4% to €1.89 billion
ria under the December 2015 TRX City. to Malaysians, he heralded it and 1MDB didn’t respond to donation from Saudi Arabia ($2.06 billion) from €1.81 billion
agreement to complete the TRX City’s press release as “the final major milestone requests for comment. and most of it was returned, a year earlier. That beat ana-
sale, according to a statement “does not fully and accurately in the 1MDB rationalization An internal Malaysian Fi- and cleared Mr. Najib. lysts’ expectations for a profit of
Wednesday by TRX City Bhd., reflect the circumstances and plan.” nance Ministry document on A number of probes, includ- €1.54 billion, according to a poll
a company owned by Malay- conduct of the parties in this The 1MDB fund hasn’t pub- problems with the sale, viewed ing in Switzerland, Singapore by data provider FactSet. Reve-
sia’s Finance Ministry, which matter,” the statement said. lished financial statements for by The Wall Street Journal, and Luxembourg, into 1MDB nue rose 4% to €11.3 billion.
in turn owns the 1MDB fund. It The failure of the deal is a 2015 or 2016, so its financial said a major reason for its are continuing. Malaysia’s gov- —Noemie Bisserbe
didn’t give details. blow to Malaysian Prime Min- situation is unclear, Still, failure was that China’s gov- ernment has closed most of its
The consortium, which also ister Najib Razak, who set up the deal’s failure is likely to ernment declined to give the probes into 1MDB without ALLIANZ
included Malaysia-based Is- 1MDB in 2009 with the goal of add to pressure on Mr. Najib, green light for China Railway finding wrongdoing.
kandar Waterfront Holdings developing Malaysia’s econ- who also is finance minister, to make the investment. A —Pei Li Profit Declines 18%
Sdn Bhd., confirmed in a omy and headed its board of to find other ways to pay person familiar with the mat- contributed to this article.
Allianz SE said its quarterly
profit fell 18% from the first

Oil Could Tumble if OPEC Doesn’t Extend Cuts

quarter of 2016, when earnings
were boosted by gains the in-
surer booked on investments.
Net profit was €1.8 billion
BY GEORGI KANTCHEV If that deal isn’t extended, commodity strategist at ING Texas Intermediate, the U.S. months. ($1.97 billion) in the January-to-
prices could drop below $40 a Bank. “This is a significant oil gauge, to average $55 a Many analysts expect the March period, slightly below ana-
The price of oil is suscepti- barrel, a level not seen for risk for the market, with no barrel this year. producers to agree to do that. lysts’ forecasts for a result of
ble to a swift selloff should more than a year, some ana- deal likely to lead to an ag- On Wednesday, Brent closed The nearly three-year-old oil €1.9 billion.
OPEC and other major produc- lysts say. gressive selloff.” at $50.79 a barrel, while WTI glut continues to weigh on oil, Allianz said its first-quarter
ers not agree to an extension If the output cuts are ex- Brent crude will average settled at $47.82 a barrel. which has traded mostly above revenue was €36.2 billion, up
of crude-production cuts this tended when OPEC and other $57 a barrel this year, reach- Oil prices have risen about $50 a barrel this year but is 2.5% from the prior-year period.
month, analysts say. suppliers meet May 25, oil ing $60 in the fourth quarter, 10% since OPEC and other pro- still down to just half of its The insurer confirmed guidance
Oil markets appear to have prices would rise to $60 a bar- according to a poll of 14 in- ducers agreed to cut around price in mid-2014, when the it had issued about its 2017 re-
priced in an extension to the rel by the end of the year. vestment banks surveyed by 2% from global production late downturn began. sults, saying it is aiming for an
deal struck between the Organ- “The market appears to The Wall Street Journal in late last year. These producers are All of these producers also operating profit of €10.8 billion
ization of the Petroleum Ex- have largely priced in an ex- April. That is broadly un- scheduled to meet in Vienna to face a challenge from a party for 2017, the same figure as in
porting Countries, Russia and tension to the output-cut changed from the previous decide whether to extend that that won’t be present in Vi- 2016, plus or minus €500 million.
other producers late last year. deal,” said Warren Patterson, survey. The banks expect West deal for an additional six enna: U.S. shale producers. —William Wilkes


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B8 | Thursday, May 4, 2017 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.

Economy’s Vital Signs Start to Flag Shares
Weak GDP data and the April-to-June period. The

poor auto sales cast Stalling Out Investors are scrutinizing gauges of monetary and economic conditions
that suggest a further slowdown following a weak first quarter.
economy could well get a
boost if the White House and After Rate
doubt on expectations Gross domestic GDP quarterly growth, annualized
Congress pass a tax-overhaul

of postelection surge product grew at its

slowest pace in three
years during the
bill or other measures that en-
courage spending, some inves-
tors say.
BY BEN EISEN Others expect the Fed to BY RIVA GOLD
January-to-March 2 continue raising rates, noting AND AARON KURILOFF
A soft patch in the economy period. 0 that a falling U.S. dollar, near-
is damping expectations for a –2 Adjusted for inflation and seasonally
record stock prices and nar- U.S. blue-chip stocks and
stimulus-driven, postelection row junk-bond spreads all bond yields edged higher
boom, prompting many inves- 2014 ’15 ’16 ’17 point to loose financial condi- Wednesday after the Federal
tors to retreat from bets on Some worry about a M2 money stock tions. Reserve left interest rates un-
growth. decline in a measure 8%
But the souring in the cur- changed.
The first quarter marked of the supply of rent outlook reflects the evo- The Dow Jones Industrial
the weakest U.S. growth in highly liquid money, 7 lution of a broader postcrisis Average swung between slight
three years, according to the which tends to rise trend, in which the economy gains and losses and was up
initial Commerce Department and fall with 6 has expanded steadily while 8.01 points,
reading on Friday. demand for goods struggling to expand at an an- WEDNESDAY’S or less than
The Federal Reserve’s pre- 5 Seasonally adjusted nual pace above 3%. The U.S. MARKETS 0.1%, at
and services.
ferred measure of inflation, 2014 ’15 ’16 ’17 is in one of its longest periods 20957.90 in
the personal-consumption ex- of expansion since World War 4 p.m. New
penditures price index, A measure of the Velocity of money II, but many fear that the York trading. The S&P 500 de-
dropped 0.2% in March from a relationship between 1.55 economy will struggle to clined 0.1%, compared with
month earlier, pushing annual money and GDP has maintain even its modest pace 0.3% prior to the Fed’s an-
increases back below the cen- been trending lower 1.50 of growth, much less acceler- nouncement, and the Nasdaq
tral bank’s 2% target, data for more than a ate rapidly. Composite fell 0.4%.
showed Monday. Even long- decade, hitting a 1.45 Lacy Hunt, executive vice In Europe, the Stoxx Europe
time economic bright spots fresh record low in president at Hoisington In- 600 fell less than 0.1% to
such as consumer spending the first quarter. 1.40 vestment Management Co. in 389.37, weighed down by a
and car sales have recently be- 2014 ’15 ’16 ’17 Austin, Texas, noted that the 2.5% drop in the basic-re-
gun to fade, with sales at Gen- supply of highly liquid money, sources sector. The index’s
eral Motors Co. and Ford Mo- The Fed’s preferred Personal consumption expenditure change from year earlier called M2, an indicator of auto sector also pulled back 1%
tor Co. declining sharply in measure of inflation 2.0% overall demand, has increased following downbeat U.S. auto
April. receded in March at a below-average annual rate sales figures on Tuesday.
after briefly topping 1.5
Economists say these signs of 5.5% over the three months The yield on the benchmark
run counter to the bets on 2% for the first time 1.0 that ended in mid-April, down 10-year U.S. Treasury note
faster growth under President in nearly five years. 0.5 from 6.8% in 2016. rose to 2.309%, according to
Donald Trump that fueled a M2’s pace tends to rise and Tradeweb, from 2.296% on
postelection stock rally, re- fall with demand for goods Tuesday. The WSJ Dollar In-
flecting early excitement 2014 ’15 ’16 ’17 and services. dex, which tracks the U.S. cur-
about the likely impact of po- Economic data Citigroup U.S. Economic Surprise Index Another measure of the re- rency against a basket of 16
tential tax cuts, deregulation have been coming lationship between money and others, rose 0.4%.
and infrastructure spending. in below the GDP, known as velocity, hit a Some analysts said a Fed
Investment managers are expectations of 40 Beating record low in the first three statement showed officials
tempering their optimism, expectations months of the year after more looking past recent signs of
with 44% saying in a Northern 0 than a decade of decline. In ef- slow economic growth and
Trust survey taken in late –40 fect, for each increase in the holding course toward raising
March that they expect the Missing money supply, the associated rates again in June.
economy to accelerate over –80 expectations
increase in gross domestic Materials shares in the S&P
the next six months, down 2014 ’15 ’16 ’17 product is smaller. 500 fell 1% by late afternoon,
from 55% in the previous Sources: Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (M2); Commerce Department (GDP); U.S. Bureau Together with decelerating weighed down by a sharp de-
quarter. of Economic Analysis (PCE); Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis (velocity); Citigroup (Economic Surprise Index) THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. credit growth, tightening lend- cline in copper prices that
“Moderate is going to be as ing standards and a rising fed- came as growing inventories
good as it gets for the near economy will expand at about meeting on Wednesday. Inves- a passing phase. For years, the funds rate, slowing money coincided with fears about
term, with a longer-term out- 1.5% annually for the next year tors have penciled in two more first quarter has been weak growth and velocity suggest slowing demand from China.
look suggesting even weaker or two before a recession rate increases before the end for GDP growth, raising ques- softer economic growth ahead, Freeport-McMoRan lost 5.5%
growth,” said Lindsey Piegza, takes hold. of the year, with fed-funds fu- tions about the Commerce De- Mr. Hunt said. by late afternoon. DuPont fell
chief economist at Stifel Fi- That has implications for tures showing a 70% chance of partment’s seasonal adjust- “We’re headed for a severe 1.2%, among the biggest per-
nancial Corp. the Fed, which kept rates un- a June increase. ment methodology and fueling slowdown and the risk of an centage declines in the Dow
Ms. Piegza believes the changed at its May policy Some see the slowdown as expectations for a rebound in accident is high,” he said. industrials.

Email: heard@wsj.com

BNP Paribas
Again Shows
It’s Springtime for Europe’s Stocks OVERHEARD
The U.S. led the reflation best reading on record with To misquote an Aesop fa-
Steady Progress
Reliability mania in markets at the end
of last year. But Europe, de-
spite persistent fears about
Quarterly change in eurozone
data going back to 2003.
Some of this improvement
is already priced in. The for-
ble, slow and steady can keep
you in the race.
That is what Valeant
gross domestic product
France’s biggest bank is political turmoil, is the econ- ward price/earnings multiple Pharmaceuticals Interna-
polishing its reputation as omy that is surprising inves- 0.8% for the Stoxx Europe 600 has tional investors seem to be-
one of Europe’s most reli- tors this year. Stronger nom- risen to 15.3, according to lieve.
able. BNP Paribas said inal global growth should 0.6 FactSet, from 14.8 at the start The company said Tues-
Wednesday that first-quarter give European stocks a fur- of the year. But earnings are day that it expects to launch
profit rose 4%, driven partly ther lift. 0.4 still depressed, and flows into about 50 products in 2017
by the best recovery in in- On growth, Europe is out- Europe are only starting to amounting to about $100 mil-
vestment-banking and secu- shining the U.S. Eurozone turn around. U.S. investors lion in annualized sales, send-
rities-trading revenue seen data released Wednesday sold European equities for 11 ing shares higher.
among European banks. showed eurozone gross do- straight months in 2016, but Valeant could use every
BNP Paribas almost dou- mestic product in the first 0 in March inflows picked up to dollar to continue servicing its
bled pretax profit in its cor- quarter grew 0.5% from a 2015 ’16 ’17 the fastest pace since Octo- massive debts.
porate and investment bank- quarter earlier. That equated Note: Adjusted for inflation and seasonality ber 2015, UBS notes. Analysts expect the com-
ing arm despite higher costs. to an annualized growth rate Sources: Eurostat; Associated Press (photo) The European Central Bank European political risk is pany to record $8.8 billion in
Its domestic retail and inter- of 1.8%, versus the 0.7% re- THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. headquarters last month fading, and should dissipate revenue this year, a 9% de-
national retail and commer- corded in the U.S. in the first further if the second round cline from a year earlier, so
cial businesses also saw de- quarter. Monetary policy but that hasn’t been much and energy. European profit of France’s presidential elec- those launches are a drop in
cent revenue growth. looks set to remain ex- help to stocks—until now. margins have tended to track tions Sunday results in a vic- the bucket.
Other big European banks tremely loose, further sup- A number of headwinds developed-market inflation tory for centrist Emmanuel Valeant would need to
have reported a good reve- porting the economy. appear to have abated with closely, Barclays notes. Macron over euroskeptic Ma- launch an extra 436 products
nue recovery in their invest- The bigger factor for in- the recovery of commodity Europe could thus look rine Le Pen. The chance of a at that sales rate merely to
ment bank and markets busi- vestors in Europe may well prices, a turnaround in brighter yet. There are some flare-up in the Greek debt ensure flat sales.
nesses in their local be the recovery in inflation, emerging markets and a signs of this already: A Mor- crisis has fallen, too, with Luckily, the beleaguered
currencies. However, the and hence the better outlook global recovery in inflation. gan Stanley analysis of first- this week’s deal with the drug company still has an ace
strengthening dollar over the for nominal growth, which The latter area hit the euro- quarter results from 113 Euro- country’s creditors. That to play.
past year has meant their translates into higher top- zone hard, as it was at the pean companies showed a net leaves investors focusing on The company’s CEO said it
numbers looked less impres- line growth for companies. center of the deflation scare, 23% beating earnings esti- the reflation in European is considering changing its
sive in dollar terms. After all, real GDP has been and European stocks looked mates by 5% or more, and 41% earnings. It’s springtime for name to counter “negative
BNP Paribas now leads the growing steadily in the euro- particularly vulnerable, with beating revenue estimates by European stocks. press.”
European pack with 15% rev- zone over the past few years, big exposures to financials 1% or more. The latter is the —Richard Barley
enue growth across its in-
vestment banking businesses
compared with the first
quarter of 2016 in dollar
terms, ahead of Credit Su-
China’s Debt Crisis Will Ripen When Borrowers Get Pinched
isse Group at slightly more Rising Chinese bond and in 2005, but the Federal Re- trial revenues were up 14%. ter of 2016.
than 10%. BNP Paribas’s money-market yields—both of Reflation Game serve kept raising interest This can’t last forever. Al- Chinese firms are still bor-
bond, rates and currencies which have touched their Chinese producer-price-adjusted rates for more than a year af- ready, a big rebound in rowing heavily and the Chi-
trading revenue recovery highest levels in more than a borrowing costs terward—pushing mortgage “shadow finance,” primarily nese banks backing them con-
was in line with the Swiss year over the past six weeks— Interbank high-yield borrowers ever deeper into bank-mediated company-to- tinue to rely heavily on risky
bank, but it did better in are haunting Western inves- 15% bond index the hole until the weakening company loans, is papering interbank funding. Eventually,
other areas. tors with memories of crises 1-year bank loans labor market finally pushed over the cracks in China, both firms and banks will
This is promising because past. debtors over the edge. blunting the impact of the need to pay the piper, or Bei-
the bank has pledged to Such trends in China and 5 In China, the central bank tighter corporate-bond mar- jing will need to absorb much
boost revenue and take mar- the continuing debt pileup are began tightening policy rela- ket. While corporate bond more debt itself.
ket share in investment worrying. Still, China is at a tively recently. Meanwhile, debt outstanding fell by 58 But as in the U.S., the
banking to hit higher return different place in the eco- –5 factory-gate inflation is at a billion yuan ($8.4 billion) in breaking point is more likely
targets in this business un- nomic cycle than the U.S. was ’10 ’12 ’14 ’16 six-year high, which means the first quarter of 2017, to come when borrowers start
der its strategic plan set out back in 2007. For now, China’s Sources: CEIC, Central Depositary and Clearing real borrowing rates have shadow finance ballooned by feeling the pinch from slowing
in February. corporate sector, where the THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. fallen rapidly. Producer-price- more than 2 trillion yuan, incomes and higher real bor-
With France’s next presi- country’s debt problem is con- adjusted one-year lending nearly twice as much as in rowing costs. If the Chinese
dent looking likely to be less centrated, is seeing revenues U.S. mortgage debt had built rates, which were as high as the fourth quarter of 2016. real-estate sector and inflation
disruptive than feared, BNP grow at their fastest pace up for years in the mid-2000s, 10% early in 2016, have now Growth in total financing for surprise on the downside later
Paribas’s share-price re- since 2011, while real borrow- but mortgage-backed securi- fallen below zero. Listed mate- firms and households, in- in 2017, or the dollar and rapid
bound should eliminate more ing costs are falling. ties didn’t start torpedoing rials firms’ average earnings cluding local-government capital outflows bounce back,
of its 14% discount to for- The U.S. economy was at a the financial system until more than doubled in the first bonds, has barely slowed—it the piper could come knocking
ward book value. different point when the mid-2007. Employee income quarter of 2017 according to rose 16% in early 2017, ver- quicker than expected.
—Paul J. Davies global financial crisis struck. growth had peaked cyclically Wind Info, while overall indus- sus 16.8% in the fourth quar- —Nathaniel Taplin

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