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Teacher: Roxana – Delia Onit

Grade: 6th
Level: pre-intermediate
Frequency: 2 hours / week
Textbook: Snapshot Elementary, Longman
Lesson: Who are they playing?
Type of lesson: acquiring new information (Vocabulary and Grammar) and practising
communicative skills (Speaking)
Skills: reading, writing, speaking, listening1
Purpose: the purpose of this lesson is to introduce gerunds to pupils
Didactic strategies:
 Methods and procedures: observation, reading aloud, translation, match and say,
make sentences, questions and answers, didactic games, conversation practice
 Organization: pairwork, lockstep, individual work
 Materials and equipment: textbook, blackboard, audio files, coloured chalk,
1. To create interest in the topic of gerunds and to introduce vocabulary related to
sports to Ss
2. To use the target language in communication
3. To enrich pupils’ vocabulary and general knowledge
4. To practice vocabulary / grammar spoken and written
5. To apply the information received from the teacher in a verbal exchange
6. To verify reading comprehension through a text-related task
7. To promote self-correction gestures and peer correction
8. To identify and select the necessary information in order to carry on with a task
9. To enhance cooperative learning among pupils
10. To allow structured feedback at the end of the lesson
Timing: 50’


Recent work: the students have been studying (in)formal letters through discovery
activities followed by language practice

Warm-up Interaction: T-Ss; Ss-Ss

Timing: 6’

Aims: 2, 7, 9


1 The listening skill is ensured by pupils listening to audio files, to the teacher and to their colleagues during the
cooperative learning process
 The pupils and the teacher greet each other
 The pupils present their homework orally
 The teacher has the role of an observer and interferes only if necessary
 Peer observations and corrections are encouraged

Lead-in Interaction: T-Ss; Ss-Ss Timing: 10’

Speaking, reading and writing

Aims: 1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 8

 T writes the title on the blackboard and elicits what it is about; Ss translate it
 T indicates exercise 1 on page 36. Ss listen to an audio file.
 Then, Ss are told to role-play the conversation. The new words are read aloud,
translated and written on the blackboard.
 T asks Ss to make up sentences with the new words.
 Then, T tells Ss they are going to speak about gerunds.

Activity 1 Interaction: T-Ss; Ss-Ss; Pairwork Timing: 10’

Listening and speaking

Aims: 1, 2, 3, 6, 8, 9

 T points to exercise 2 on page 36.

 T explains that Ss have to answer some questions, saying whether the sentences
are true or false.
 Following the example, Ss must work in pairs and say: Which two teams are
playing at Anfield? Liverpool and Barcelona.
 Ss report back to the class at the end of the activity.

Activity 2 Interaction: T-Ss; Ss-Ss; Timing: 10’

Writing and reading

Aims: 2, 4, 7, 8, 9

 T begins this activity by directing Ss’ attention towards exercise 1 on page 38

 Ss have to answer and fill in the questionnaire.
 Then, Ss read aloud and translate the new sentences.
 Other Ss are paying attention to correct any possible mistakes.
 T has the role of an observer and a feedback provider.

Activity 3 Interaction: Ss-Ss; Pairwork Timing: 8’

Speaking, writing and listening

Aims: 2, 4, 7, 8, 9

 Ss are told to look at exercise 7 on page 39.

 T tells the class that they are going to match each sport in the picture to a symbol.
 Ss have to work in pairs and write down the correct sentences as in: 1—tennis
court ALSO badminton court.
 Ss report back to the class in the end.

Follow-up activity Interaction: T-Ss; Ss-Ss; Timing: 6’

Speaking and writing

Aims: 2, 3, 10

 Together with Ss, T quickly revises the new structures taught during this lesson
 T encourages Ss’ feedback at the end of the lesson
 T assigns the homework for the next English class: exercise 11 on page 39. Ss
must build requests using the given prompts.

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