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Arab Open University

Tutor Marked Assignment (TMA)

Academic Year 2016 - 2017 Semester : Second

Branch: Program: Business Studies
Course Title: Economics and Economic Change Course Code: DD202A

Student Name: Student ID:

Section Number: Tutor Name:
Total Mark: Awarded Mark:
Mark details
Questions P(a) P(b) Graph
Allocated Marks Weight 30 50 20

Deducted Marks Criteria Presentation 5 Referencing 5 Word Count 5 E-Library 5 Total

100 Student’s Total Mark

Notes on plagiarism:
A. According to the Arab Open University By-laws, “the following acts represent cases of cheating and
 Verbatim copying of printed material and submitting them as part of TMAs without
proper academic acknowledgement and documentation.
 Verbatim copying of material from the Internet, including tables and graphics.
 Copying other students’ notes or reports.
 Using paid or unpaid material prepared for the student by individuals or firms.
B. Penalties for plagiarism ranges from failure in the TMA to expulsion from the university.

Declaration: I hereby declare that the submitted TMA is my own work and I have not copied any other
person’s work or plagiarized in any other form as specified above.
Student Signature

Tutor’s Feedback

Tutor Name: Tutor Signature: Date returned:

Every product or service in the market has a special price and maybe the price will attract
the customer or not but in order to identify and determine the price of the product or the
service we have to understand two related concept which are the supply and demand (see l
.Klein 1983) the supply talks about how much products available to sell to the customers at
certain price and the demand means the amounts of the products the consumer want to buy
and there are soo many factors that the and demand I will start by identifying the factors od
demand which are the price product this can lead to a movement along the demand curve
secondly , the price of other products can affect the demand of one product and this can cause
a shift in the whole demand curve thirdly , the income of the consumer cause a shift in the
demand curve for example, if the income of the consumer increases the demand of the people
on sometimes will increase furthermore , the demand of the product may be affected by the
social economics factor and this also cause a shift in the demand curve and the last factor of
the demand is the expected price of the goods for future for example , the demand of the gas
will increase if they said the price of the gas will increase In future however , the factors of the
supply are the cost of production such as the land , the labor and the technological change in
the world of industry and manufacrting . in this essay I will apply the supply and demand
concept to discuss the position the housing in Lebanon.

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