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Date: 24.09.


Lecture 4
Plasma Physics ( Phys 403 )
Single Particle Motion
Introduction: What makes plasmas particularly difficult to analyze is
the fact that the densities fall in an intermediate range. Fluids like
water are so dense that the motions of individual molecules do not
have to be considered. At the other extreme in very low-density devices
like the alternating gradient synchrotron , only single-particle
trajectories need to be considered, collective effects are often

Plasmas behave sometimes like fluids, and sometimes like a collection

of individual particles. The first step is to understand how single
particles behave in electric and magnetic fields in a plasma. This
chapter differs from succeeding ones in that the E and B fields are
assumed to be prescribed and not affected by the charged particles.

Uniform E and B Fields:

I. When electric field E = 0:

In this case, a charged particle has a simple cyclotron gyration. The

equation of motion is
   
dv  
m  q( E  v  B)  q(0  v  B)

dv  
Or, m  q(v  B) (1)

Taking ẑ to be the direction of B ( B  Bzˆ ), we have,

iˆ ˆj kˆ
 
v  B  vx vy vz  iˆ(v y B)  ˆj (vx B)  kˆ(0)
0 0 B

Now from equation (1) we have,

mvx  qBvy

mvy  qBvx

mvz  0


qB qB
vx  vy  ( )2 vx
m m
qB qB
vy   vx  ( )2 v y
m m

This describes a simple harmonic oscillator at the cyclotron frequency,

which we define to be
c  (3)

By convention we have chosen, ωc is always nonnegative. B is measured

in tesla, or webers/m2 = 104 gauss.
The solution of equation (2) is
vx, y  v exp(ict  i x, y )

The sign denote the sign of q. We may choose the phase so that

vx  veic t  x (4)

Where, v is a positive constant denoting the speed in the plane

perpendicular to B.

m 1 1 d 1
vy  vx   vx   (veic t )   (ic veic t )  iveic t  y (5)
qB c c dt c

Integrating equations (4) and (5) we have,

 xdt   v e
i c t


Or, x  x0  i e i c t and

y  y0   ei c t (6)

We define the Larmor radius to be

v mv
rL   (7)
c qB

Taking the real part of equation (6) , we have

x - x0 = rL sin ωct

y - y0 = rL cos ωct
 ( x  x0 ) 2  ( y  y0 ) 2   rL2 (8)

This describes a circular orbit a guiding center (x0, y0) which is fixed

(Fig: 2.1).

The direction of the gyration is always such that the magnetic field
generated by the charged particle is opposite to the externally imposed
field. Plasma particles, therefore, tend to reduce the magnetic field ,
and plasmas are diamagnetic. In addition to this motion, there is an
arbitrary velocity vx along B which is not affected by B. The trajectory of
a charged particle in space is, in general, a helix.

Uniform E and B Field:

II. Finite E: If we now allow an electric field to be present,

the motion will be found to be the sum of two motions: The usual
circular Larmor gyration plus a drift of the guiding center.
We may choose E to lie in the x-z plane so that Ey =0. The equation of
motion is now
   
m  q ( E  v  B) (1)

Whose z component is
dvz q
 Ez
dt m

Integrating we have
vz  t  vz 0 (2)

This is a straightforward acceleration along B.

The transverse components of equation (1) are:

dvx q
 Ex  cv y
dt m

 0  c vx

Differentiating for constant E , we have

vx  c2vx

q E
vy  c ( Ex  cv y )  c2 ( x  v y ).
m B
We can write this as
d2 E E
(v y  x )  c2 (v y  x )
dt B B

So that equation (4) is reduced to the previous case if we replace vy by


Thus the solutions of equation (4) are

vx  veic t

vy  iveic t 

The Larmor motion is the same as before, but there is super imposed a
drift vgc of the guiding center in the –y direction (for Ex >0).

To obtain a general formula for vgc,we can solve equation (1) in vector
form.We may omit the m(dv/dt) term in equation (1), since this term
gives only the circular motion at ωc, which we already know about.
Then equation (1) becomes
  
EvB 0

Taking the cross product with B, we have

       
E  B  B  (v  B)  v B2  B(v.B)

The transverse components of this equation are

 
v gc   vE (6)

We define this to be vE, the electric field drift of the guiding center. In
magnitude, this drift is
EB sin 900 E (V / m) m
vE   (7)
B2 B(tesla ) sec

It is important to note that vE is independent of q, m and v . The reason

is obvious from the following physical picture.

In the first half cycle of the ion’s orbit in fig:2.2; it gains energy from the
electric field and increases in v and , hence, in rL ( rL= v /ωc). In the
second half cycle, it loses energy and decreases in rL. This difference in
rL on the left and right sides of the orbit causes the drift vE.

A negative electron gyrates in the opposite direction but also gains

energy in the opposite direction; it ends up drifting in the same
direction as an ion.

For particles of the same velocity but different mass, the lighter one will
have smaller rL and hence drift less per cycle. However, its gyration
frequency is also larger, and the two effects exactly cancel.
Two particles of the same mass but different energy would have the
same ωc. The slower one will have smaller rL and hence gain less energy
from E in a half cycle. However, for less energetic particles the
fractional change in rL for a given change in energy is larger, and these
two effects cancel. The three-dimensional orbit in space is therefore a
slanted helix with changing pitch(Fig:2.3).

Gravitational field: The equation of motion for a general force F on a

charge q of mass m in the presence of magnetic field is given by
   
mv  F  q(v  B) (1)

To find the guiding center drift caused by F we take v  0.

For the transverse drift of guiding center, we can write

  
F  q(v gc  B)  0
  
Or, F  q(v gc  B)

Taking the cross product with B:

            
F  B  q[(v gc  B)  B]  q[ B  (v gc  B)]  q[v gc B 2  B(v gc.B)]  qv gc B 2
 
 FB
 v gc  (2)

Let v gc  v f  guiding center drift caused by F. Thus,
 
1 FB
vf  (3)
q B2

In particular, if F is the force of gravity mg, there is a drift

 
m gB
vg  (4)
q B2

This is similar to the drift vE in that it is perpendicular to both the force

and B, but it differs in one important respect.

The drift vg changes sign with the particles charge. Under a gravitational
force, ions and electrons drift in opposite directions, so there is a net
current density in the plasma given by
   
      M gB m gB
j  nev  ne(ve  vi )  ne(vi  ve )  ne(  )
e B2 e B2
 
 gB
Or, j  n( M  m) 2
B (5)

The physical reason for this drift (Fig:2.4) is again the change in Larmor
radius as the particle gains and loses energy in the gravitational field.
Now the electrons gyrate in the opposite sense to the ions, but the
force on them is in the same direction, so that the drift is in the
opposite direction.

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