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Spring 2019 – Dr. Tepfer

Lab 7: Fundamental Motor Skills - Manipulative

Name: Taylre Perkins ` Date: April 11, 2019

Task A: Observation/Reflection
1. Consider the activities/games that you have utilized so far during lab. Were they “developmentally
appropriate” for the CHAMP students? If yes, WHY would these be considered developmentally
appropriate? If not, what specifically was the concern?

The activities that we have done so far have been developmentally appropriate for the CHAMP students. The
activities are all at a good level for the students to participate in. The activities are not to challenging for the
students but they also aren’t extremely easy either. These are developmentally appropriate for the ages of the
students because the students are able to perform effectively in the activity. We have all made each activity age
appropriate for the students. This is very important so that the students want to participate in the activities. If we
did something that was to easy they would get bored and not want to be involved in it anymore. On the opposite
side if the activities were to hard, they would lose motivation and get discouraged and not want to participate
either. I think that we have done a good job of making sure that the activities and game that we choose are age
appropriate for the CHAMP students.

Task B: Object Control Assessment

1. Assess the same CHAMP student from last week, using the Test of Gross Motor Development – 2nd ed.
2. Complete the Record Form using the attached PDF’s (Use the locomotor scores from previous lab to
complete sum of standard scores and GMQ)
3. Write a summary of the child’s PLP (present level of performance) and write at least 2 suggestions you
would make to the family to help improve the child’s skills.
Manipulative – Forehand Strike of Ball

Materials/Directions Skill Criteria: Trial 1 Trial 2

Child takes a backswing with the paddle when the ball is dropped  0  1

Steps toward the ball with non-preferred foot 1  1

Tennis ball, light paddle.
Strikes ball forward toward wall  1  1
Tell child to hold ball up and
drop it, (so it bounces about
Paddle follows through toward non-preferred shoulder  0  1
waist height); off the bounce
hit the ball toward the wall.
Bat contacts ball  1  1

Motor Stage Total    8

Manipulative - Catch   Post

Materials/Directions Skill Criteria: Trial 1 Trial 2

Preparation phase where hands are in front of the body and elbows are
Mark off 2 lines 15 feet apart. The flexed  0  0
child stands on one line and the
tosser on the other. Toss 4 inch
ball underhand to chest area. Tell
Arms extend while reaching for the ball as it arrives  1 1
the child to catch with 2 hands.
Only count a trial if ball is near Ball is caught by hands only  0  1
chest. Front and side view video
Motor Stage Total    3

Manipulative- Kick   Post

Materials/Directions Skill Criteria: Trial 1 Trial 2

Rapid continuous approach to the ball  1  1

Mark off 1 line about 20 feet from An elongated stride or leap immediately prior to ball contact  0  0
wall and second line 8 feet beyond
first line. Place 8-10 inch ball on
the first line closest to wall. Tell Non-kicking foot placed even with or slightly in back of the ball 0   1
the child to run up and kick hard
towards wall. Front and side view Kicks ball with instep of preferred foot or toe  0  0

Motor Stage Total    3

Manipulative - Underhand Throw Post

Materials/Directions Skill Criteria: Trial 1 Trial 2

Preferred hand swings down and back reaching behind the trunk  1  1

Attach a piece of tape on the floor Steps forward with the foot opposite the throwing hand  0  0
15 feet from wall. Child stand
behind tape line facing wall. Tell Ball is tossed forward hitting the wall without a bounce  1  1
child to throw ball hard underhand
at wall. View and side view video Hand follows through after ball release to chest level  1  1

Motor Stage Total    6

Manipulative-Overhand Throw Post

Materials/Directions Skill Criteria: Trial 1 Trial 2

Windup is initiated with downward movement of hand/arm  1  1

Rotates hip and shoulders to a point where the non-throwing side faces
the wall 0  1
Attach a piece of tape on the floor
20 feet from wall. Child stand
Weight is transferred by stepping with the foot opposite the throwing
behind tape line facing wall. Tell
child to throw ball hard at wall. hand  0  0
View and side view video
Follow-through beyond ball release diagonally across the body toward
the non-preferred side  1  1

Motor Stage Total   5 

Manipulative - Roll   Post

Materials/Directions Skill Criteria: Trial 1 Trial 2

Preferred hand swings down and back, reaching behind the trunk while chest
faces cones  1  1
Place 2 cones against a wall so they
are 4 feet apart. Attach a piece of Strides forward with foot opposite the preferred hand toward the cones  1  1
tape on the floor 20 feet from wall,
tell the child to roll a tennis ball Bends knees to lower body  0  1
hard so that it goes between the
cones. Front and side view
Releases ball close to the floor so ball does not bounce more than 4 inches high  1  1

Motor Stage Total    7

Manipulative - Dribble   Post

Materials/Directions Skill Criteria: Trial 1 Trial 2

Contacts ball with one hand at about belt level  1  1

Pushes ball with fingertips (not a slap)  0  1

Child will dribble a 8-10 inch ball
four times without moving his or Ball contacts surface in front of or to the outside of foot on preferred
her feet, using one hand, and then side 1   1
stop by catching the ball. Front
view video Maintains control of ball for four consecutive bounces without having
to move the feet to retrieve it  0  1

Motor Stage Total    6

Name: Jasmine Gender F Grade 2

Date of Testing 4 11 2019

Date of Birth 9 12 2011
Age 7 years 6 months and 29 days

Raw Score Standard Score Percentile Age Equivalent

Locomotor 39 8 25 6-6
Object Control 38 10 50 8-0

Sum of Standard Scores 18

Gross Motor Quotient 94

For the object control activities the student is performing just above what she is supposed to be
performing at. This is very good considering that her locomotor skills were just under where she was
supposed to be. A few suggestions so that she will stay advanced and ahead in these skills would be to find a
local youth sports program and get her in to play a sport that she is most interested in. Any sport will allow
her to work on and advance her skills. Another suggestion would be to have her practice these skills outside
on a nice day. The more that she works on and practices these skills the better she will continue to get at

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