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Limba engleză
Clasa a X- a L1 BILINGV

Numele si prenumele elevului:

Data sustinerii testului:

• Pentru rezolvarea corectă a tuturor cerintelor din Partea I si din Partea a II-a se acordă
90 de puncte. Din oficiu se acordă 10 puncte.
• Timpul efectiv de lucru este de 45 de minute.

PARTEA I (60 de puncte)

I. 1. Read the text below and complete the following tasks.

Six months ago I made a rash promise. The leader of the youth club in our village rang
me in March saying, “We’re thinking of running a children’s play scheme for a day in October
half-term. Would you be prepared to help?” _____________(1) I don’t know if you’ve noticed
this but time has a habit of speeding along faster than a police car chasing a robber and, before I
knew it, the day was dawning.
I arrived at the youth centre that morning feeling full of trepidation. There was a gang of 12
helpers including me and each pair had been allocated a particular age group. Mine was the 10 to
11 year olds. Even with the planning meeting I had attended the week before, I worried about
whether I was up to the task. ____________(2)And wasn’t the average 10-year-old more
interested in the latest Play Station game than making things with paper and glue?
All too quickly the children began arriving. The look of relief on parents’ faces as they handed
their offspring over to us was quite comical. A handful of the children were already members of
the club but the other forty five or so were from the local primary schools. Again I asked myself
why I had elected to spend a day with all these ‘little monsters’ especially when I have two all of
my own to contend with!
I needn’t have worried of course as it turned out to be a marvelous day. We watched
entertaining dvd clips, learned ‘action’ songs, made clay pyramids, decorated biscuits, played
memory games and spent some time in quiet reflection. __________________(3)
The particular highlight for me was the final rendition of “He’s got the whole world in his
hands” in the closing part of the day. The children knew the words and actions off by heart and
sang so loudly it was almost enough to bring the roof down. It’s difficult to explain those
moments; only that the body tingles with the pleasure of having witnessed something so magical.
Of course there were also moments of great poignancy. I found it difficult to stop thinking of one
little girl, who mentioned oh-so-casually that her mum was in hospital and would be there for a
long time. It’s easy for us adults to idealize childhood and forget that some children have their
own burden of anxieties and concerns. When I got home utterly exhausted, still with modeling
clay under my fingernails, I reflected on what a privilege it had been.
There was one disappointment for the children and that was that the play scheme was only
running for a day, and not the whole week. As I said farewell to my group, one of the children
turned and said “Can we do it again in the next holiday, Miss?” __________(4)

I. 1. a. Four sentences have been removed from the text. Select the appropriate sentence for

each gap in the text. There is one extra sentence which you do not need to use. 8 puncte

1. Why hadn’t I read through the copious lesson plans we were given beforehand?
2. My response was, “Sure, why not?”
3. I say ‘we’ because I rediscovered my inner child and joined in all the activities.
4. I refused to there again.
5. In truth I was a little flattered to be asked, even though working as a care assistant with
old people hardly qualified me for the role. Still, I duly put the date in my diary and of
course I forgot all about it.

I. 1. b. Match the words in bold in the text to their definition given below. There is one
extra definition which you do not need to use. 4 points

completely; absolutely.
a small amount, number, or quantity
tremulous fear, alarm, or agitation;
such as to cause wonder, admiration, or
astonishment; surprising; extraordinary.
children or young of a particular parent or

I. 1. c For the following sentences, choose the answer (A, B, C, D) which fits according to
the text. 10 points
1. When the offer of the job was made the writer
a. felt she had made a mistake to agree.
b. thought she had appropriate experience for the job.
c. believed she shouldn't have been asked.
d. gave the impression she wasn't sure about accepting the job.
2. When the day arrived the writer was surprised
a. that the day had come round so quickly.
b. because she'd forgotten to write down the date.
c. because she witnessed a car chase on the way.
d. that she woke up at dawn.

3. When the writer arrived to start her job she

a. put the children into pairs.
b. realised she should have done more preparation.
c. felt confident she could deal with 10 and 11 year olds.
d. saw the children had brought their own electronic games to play with.

4. According to the writer, the parents were

a. happy to stay with their children all day.
b. worried about children from the other schools.
c. nervous that their children might not behave themselves.
d. glad to leave their children.

5. The writer needn't have worried because
a. the children were quiet during the day.
b. the children weren't doing messy activities.
c. she had fun herself.
d. the time passed quickly.

I. 2 Read the text below to fill in the missing information. On your Answer Sheet, write only
the missing words next to the number indicating each blank space. 12 points
When the day comes give yourself plenty of time to do everything: have breakfast but
don't drink (1)____________ much; go to the toilet; arrive on time, but not too early or you will
find yourself getting more and more nervous while you wait to start. Try not to talk
(2)_____________ the exam before you go in.
In the exam, calm (3)__________________ down by breathing deeply and thinking positively.
Read (4) ____________ exam questions carefully and underline all of the key instruction words
(5) _____________ indicate how the questions should (6)_______________ answered.

I. 3. Read the text below and use the words given in capitals below to form words that fit in the
gaps. 11 points

The main role of the police in (1)_________ investigations is to uncover CRIME

(2)__________which will lead to a prosecution. Sometimes, this is in the EVIDENT
from of a (3) _________of the culprit by an eye-witness. The police use DESCRIBE
this (4)__________ to track down a likely suspect, and then approach INFORM
people who have a similar (5) _________ They ask them to take part in APPEAR
a line-up.
The suspect and the other people line up in a room. The witness
enters with a policeman, and usually the suspect’s (6)___________ . The LAW
witness must look (7) ________ at each person and say who they saw CARE
committing the crime. Their (8) ______ is extremely important. If they CHOOSE
don’t pick out the suspect, he may well be given his (9) _______ and the FREE
police will have to start the investigation again. The best (10) ________ ADVISE
for potential witnesses is to always tell the (11) ___________ , and only TRUE
choose someone if you are absolutely certain it was them you saw.

I. 4. Rephrase the following sentences so that the meaning stays the same. 15 points
1 A service charge is not included in the price.
The price __________________________________________ a service charge.
2 I’ve never been to Egypt before.
This is the _______________________________________________ to Egypt.
3 I looked at the photograph on the desk while she was out of the room.
I looked at the photograph on the desk while ____________________________ to return.

4 He started to play when he was young.
He _________________________________________________ he was young.
5 The office is still dirty.
The office ____________________________________________________ yet.

PARTEA a II-a (30 de puncte)

Read the text below. In one paragraph write your own ending of the story. (8- 10 lines)

Henry Blodgett looked at his wristwatch and saw that it was two o’clock in the morning.
In despair, he slammed shut the textbook he’d been studying and let his head sink onto his arms
on the table in front of him. He knew he’d never pass that examination tomorrow; the more he
studied geometry the less he understood it. Mathematics in general had always been difficult for
him and now he was finding that geometry was impossible for him to learn.
And if he flunked it, he was through with college; he’d flunked three other courses in his
first two years and another failure this year would, under college rules, cause automatic
He wanted that college degree badly, too, since it was indispensable for the career he’d
chosen and worked toward. Only a miracle could save him now.
He sat up suddenly as an idea struck him. Why not try magic? The occult had always
interested him. He had books on it and he’d often read the simple instructions on how to conjure
up a demon and make it obey his will. Up to now, he’d always figured that it was a bit risky and
so had never actually tried it. But this was an emergency and might be worth the slight risk. Only
through black magic could he suddenly become an expert in a subject that had always been
difficult for him.
From the shelf he quickly took out his best book on black magic, found the right page and
refreshed his memory on the few simple things he had to do.[…]

(F. Brown, Honeymoon in Hell)


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