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Cuevas, Bernadette V.


Supply the Modus ponens and Modus tollens of the given propositions:

1.  If it is nighttime, then the sky is dark.
 MODUS PONENS: It is nighttime. Therefore, the sky is dark.
 MODUS TOLLENS: The sky is not dark. Therefore, it is not nighttime.
2. If I study my lesson, then I pass the examination.
 MODUS PONENS: I study my lesson. Therefore, I pass the examination.
 MODUS TOLLENS: I did not pass the examination. Therefore, I did not study my
3. If typhoon Yolanda is a strong typhoon, then Philippines will be devastated.
 MODUS PONENS: Typhoon Yolanda is a strong typhoon. Therefore, Philippines
will be devastated.
 MODUS TOLLENS: Philippines will not be devastated. Therefore, typhoon
Yolanda is not a strong typhoon.
4. If I chose a decision out of my own rationality, then I am truly an individual.
 MODUS PONENS: I chose a decision out of my own rationality. Therefore, I am
truly an individual.
 MODUS TOLLENS: I truly am not an individual. Therefore, I did not chose a
decision out of my own rationality.
5. If I answer back my parents, I would later regret my action.
 MODUS PONENS: I answer back my parents. Therefore, I would later regret my
 MODUS TOLLENS: I would not later regret my action. Therefore, I did not answer
back my parents.

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