Database Design: Introduction To The Oracle Academy Practice Activities

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Database Design
1-1 : Introduction to the Oracle Academy
Practice Activities
 Give examples of jobs, salaries, and opportunities that are possible by participating in
the Academy
 Explain how your participation in the Academy can help you take advantage of these

Try It / Solve It
1. This activity aims to develop your skills for locating, evaluating, and interpreting IT career
information. Use Internet resources provided by your teacher to identify a specific job that
interests you in the IT career field. Then, answer the following:

a. What are the typical tasks involved in this job?

Answer: Database Administrator
b. What kind of social, problem-solving or technical skills are required?
 Memiliki problem-solving skill dan analytical-skill yang baik
 Memiliki skill dalam komunikasi, teamwork, dan negosiasi
 Familiar dengan bahasa manipulasi data utama dan juga hal-hal penting
mengenai rancangan database
 Mampu untuk bekerja dalam deadline yang ketat dan juga bekerja di bawah
 Memiliki kemampuan untuk bekerja dalam tim
 Fleksibel dan mudah untuk beradaptasi
 Memiliki kemampuan untuk mencipatkan serta memelihara relasi baik dengan
kolega maupun customer
 Memiliki kepekaan terhadap bisnis dan memahami persyaratan bisnis dalam it
 Mampu untuk selalu up-to-date dengan tren pengembangan dalam teknologi baru
 Komitmen untuk melanjutkan pengembangan professional
c. What are the physical demands of the job?
Answer: Seorang Database Administrator harus menguasai skill berikut: SQL, Unix,
Oracle, Linux, Windows Operating Sytem, Microsft Access, Data Analysis, HTML
d. What kind of training/education is required for the job?
Answer: The Oracle Academy Database Design and Programming with SQL Course
e. Where are current job openings?
Answer: PT Metrocom Global Solusi
f. How many different kinds of businesses use these job skills?
Answer: computer system design, firma, perusahaan asuransi, bank, dan rumah sakit.
g. What is the salary range?
Answer: $65,000 - $90,000 USD
h. What other entry-level jobs are within this career field?
Answer: systems development, project management, network management, database

2. Describe how taking one of the Academy courses and earning a certification exam could
help prepare you for a job in that career field.
Answer: Mengambil kursus academy membantu kita meningkatkan skill dalam
bidang tersebut dan membuat kita lebih dimudahkan mendapat pekerjaan jika
lulus atau memiliki sertifikat dibidang tersebut.

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