Cost Estimation of Machined Parts Within An Aerospace Supply Chain - P. Watson

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CONCURRENT ENGINEERING: Research and Applications

Cost Estimation of Machined Parts within an Aerospace Supply Chain

P. Watson,1,* R. Curran1, A. Murphy1 and S. Cowan2

School of Aeronautical Engineering, Queen’s University Belfast (QUB), N. Ireland, BT9 5AG
Methods-procurement, Bombardier Aerospace Belfast (BAB), N. Ireland, BT3 9DZ

Abstract: A generic, hierarchical, and multifidelity unit cost of acquisition estimating methodology for outside production machined
parts is presented. The originality of the work lies with the method’s inherent capability of being able to generate multilevel and
multifidelity cost relations for large volumes of parts utilizing process, supply chain costing data, and varying degrees of part design
definition information. Estimates can be generated throughout the life cycle of a part using different grades of the combined information
available. Considering design development for a given part, additional design definition may be used as it becomes available within
the developed method to improve the quality of the resulting estimate. Via a process of analogous classification, parts are classified into
groups of increasing similarity using design-based descriptors. A parametric estimating method is then applied to each subgroup of the
machined part classification tree in the direction of improved classification, using a relationship which links design variables to manufacturing
cycle time may be generated. A rate cost reflective of the supply chain is then applied to the cycle time estimate for a given part to arrive at an
estimate of make cost which is then totalled with the material and treatments cost components respectively to give an overall estimate of unit
acquisition cost. Both the rate charge applied and the treatments cost calculated for a given procured part is derived via the use of ratio

Key Words: cost engineering, manufacturing cost estimating, aerospace procurement.

1. Introduction differing levels of cost estimate to be generated through,

from concept design to design matured current parts,
Since the mid-1990s, all major aerospace manufac- using different grades of information typically available.
turers have started implementing cost cutting measures After setting the context and reviewing the state of the
and have translated that same message through the art in the next section, the article will go on to describe
procurement function to their subcontractors. Today, the methodology that has been developed and will
the factors critically important to the best practice of include results for a bulkhead part family from the parts
procurement are: (a) the development of systems and classification tree.
methodologies to measure performance of suppliers,
systems, and employees, and (b) the analysis of
company’s overall spending and practices that make 2. Literature Review
optimal use of buying leverage, supplier expertise, or
economies of scale. This article presents the research 2.1 Estimating Techniques and
that is being carried out collaboratively between The Understanding Cost
School of Aeronautical Engineering, Queen’s University
Belfast and the Methods-Procurement function, There are two main approaches towards cost estima-
Bombardier Aerospace Belfast (BAB). The research tion: cost estimation based on past experience variant
presented, concentrates on a generic and integrated cost [1,2] and generative cost estimation [3]. Generative
estimating approach for outside production parts, and estimating methods can be further divided into explicit
specifically addresses machined parts which constitute (rule-based) cost estimating, rough order magnitude
the largest portion of BAB’s outside production (ROM) (ratio) estimating, parametric cost estimating,
spending. The main contribution of this study is the and detailed estimating using activity-based costing
development of a generic and hierarchical cost of (ABC) [4] and/or resource costing, each of which are
acquisition estimating methodology which facilitates often based upon past experience. As well as these,
approaches involving the use of artificial intelligence
such as fuzzy logic and neural nets [5,6] are rapidly
developing which mimic the human thought process.
*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
E-mail: Variant (analogy) estimating [7] involves identifying
Figures 2–5 appear in color online: a similar part/ completed project cost and then using

Volume 14 Number 1 March 2006 17

1063-293X/06/01 0017–10 $10.00/0 DOI: 10.1177/1063293X06063424
ß 2006 SAGE Publications

this actual cost as a basis for the estimate of the new characteristics: geometry, which determines the material
part/project. The ROM or ratio estimating approach is a quantity and machining processes required, material;
factor-based technique which is used to arrive at a production process(es) and resources, whereby processes
preliminary cost estimate inexpensively and quickly [8]. are required to transform raw material into a compo-
It is based upon the application of a ratio-determined nent and resources are necessary as consumable inputs
factor, from a previous contract, to a particular variable to the required production processes, and production
in order to calculate the value of a second. Parametric planning, which considers resource availability against
estimating is a technique that uses validated cost required operations in terms of timing and cost conse-
estimating relationships (CERs) to estimate cost. quences. A hybrid cost estimation system for machined
Parametric cost models [9] statistically estimate part parts using variant and explicit rules was developed by
cost based on the correlation between historical cost Arieh [21], for which the explicit cost calculations were
data and part properties which are considered to be based on geometry, cutting tools available, and machin-
related to the cost. The ABC [4,10,11] approach ing parameters. Arieh [21] emphasizes the importance
specifically aims to identify the activities of an organiza- of cost (overhead) allocation in cost estimation although
tion and the associated cost of each, using the activity in the hybrid method referred to address only direct
costs which are then allocated to cost objects. Aderoba costs. An acknowledgment, however, of the importance
[12] presents an activity-based cost estimation model for of costs other than direct costs was recognized.
job shops which develops aggregate cost rates for Acquiring a detailed cost breakdown of an overhead is
machines, labor space, and utility cost elements which quite difficult particularly in a supplier assessment
are used together with activity times to develop cost context. Hoult and Meader [19] states that, capturing
estimates for new products and orders. indirect costs requires an activity-based cost accounting
Using neural nets for costing involves the training system. A discussion of overhead allocation is provided
of a computer program given product related attributes by Cooper and Kaplan [25] in which overhead costs are
to cost. The neural net [5] learns which product assigned to seven activities which include: direct labor
attributes most influence the associated cost, and then support overhead, machine operation overhead, setup
approximates the functional relationship between the hours overhead, production order activity overhead,
attribute values and cost during the training. Following materials handling overhead, parts administration over-
which when supplied with product attributes describing head as well as general and administrative overhead.
new parts, the neural net selects the appropriate Even if this data were to be accessible for all suppliers,
relationship function and generates the required cost the level of aggregation via which the data is given,
estimate. A fuzzy expert system is one that uses a presents a challenge when trying to separate the over-
collection of fuzzy membership functions and rules to heads down to individual part level costs. Nicolaou
deal quantitatively with imprecision and uncertainty et al. [22] presents a method for the generation of
[13–17]. Authors agree that the major contribution of a mathematical model capable of estimating quality and
fuzzy set theory is the inherent capability of representing cost impacts of two machining operations (end milling
vague knowledge. and drilling) for trade-off decision making. The quality
Each of the estimating methods can be modeled in estimation model was developed using virtual simulation
either a ‘top down’ or ‘bottom up’ fashion. ‘Top down’ and physical experimentation while cost was also
involves the formulation of an overall estimate to developed through an activity-based approach which
represent the completed project which may then be does distinguish between unit, batch, product, and
broken down into subcomponents of cost as required. facility level activities.
In contrast, ‘bottom up’ estimating [15] generates A methodology for developing a parametric cost
sublevel and component costs first which may then be estimating system is presented by Mileham [10] which
aggregated in order to produce an overall estimate. relates component parameters [3] such as material type,
Elements of each of these methods are more or less component size and shape with cost, using heuristics,
applicable at various stages of the product life cycle. algorithms, and expert processes. Mileham et al. [10]
states that ‘the usefulness of costing information
2.2 Machinings Cost Modelling depends on the degree of similarity between old and
new products and the time gap between designs’. As
Recent research has been carried out in the area of a result, reference is made to the use of ‘banding’ of
method and tool development for manufacturing cost parts so that CERs may be developed which effectively
estimating [9–11,15,18–24] which specifically address represent analogous part groupings instead of seeking
different aspects of cost as well as the approaches listed. a single equation which would most likely fail to
Weustink [3] presents a generic framework for both cost represent the global parts set. The current research
estimation and control and suggests that product costs suggests that the statement, ‘the accuracy of a cost
are caused by the following cost driving product estimate improves with the volume of information
Cost Estimation of Machined Parts within an Aerospace Supply Chain 19

available’ [10], is reasonable given that as the additional a part for current matured and new parts alike and
information becomes available, it is possible to as such the link between design maturity and cost
further refine the ‘bands’ of parts or similar case committed is well recognized whereby many authors
groups being addressed through improved classification. agree that conceptual design holds the greatest cost
Classification may be improved via refined commodity/ influence and is often irreversible [26–28]. Burt and
part coding or through the use of disaggregated cost Doyle [26] identified that 70–80% of total avoidable
data. Collopy and Eames [9] extends this concept by cost is controllable at the design stage. In design and
suggesting that the quantity of design information contract companies, bought-out components account
available is the primary cause of the manufacturing for more than 80% of total costs [18]. Hence, the early
cost of a part and states that resulting estimates are and proactive involvement of procurement in tendering
superior to mass-based and process-based estimates. and product design decisions is essential to reduce costs.
The above section shows that a number of cost models The integration [4,19] of design, process and cost data
have been developed for various applications utilizing requires the linkage and concurrent interaction of the
different combinations of the cost estimating techniques cost accounting, engineering design, manufacturing,
available. A number of research initiatives have been and procurement functions. According to Hoult and
conducted involving analysis of manufacturing cost and Meader [19] the four main elements required for the
focusing upon cost estimating for typically a small integration of design and cost are: an integrated product
number of parts or instances only. This research differs process database, design system, cost modeling, and
in that it has sought to develop a generic methodology Validation of cost models.
that may be readily applied to large volumes of parts
together or more refined groupings using varying 2.4 Summary and Challenge
quantities of supporting information.
Integrated parts databases are commonplace in most
2.3 Procurement Context aerospace primes and tend to use a code-based reference
structure for part labels which ultimately link the
Companies in all sectors are examining ways to reduce available data. Variability exists, however, regarding
costs, shorten product development times, and manage the quality and historical longevity of the data stored
risk. The strategic decision to ‘make or buy’ according for each of the three data types stated (design, process,
to Yoon [29] can often be the major determinant of and cost). An integrated database linking design,
company’s profitability. The make/buy decision places process/methods technology as well as costing informa-
emphasis on value and affordability and as a result, tion representing in-house and supply chain practice
companies are increasingly turning their attention to provides the platform upon which cost estimation may
the wider market place for outsourcing opportunities in be carried out and cost models built. The research
their effort to streamline cost while also attempting to challenge in this study was to improve upon the current
focus on the development of core competencies. Once practice of solely relying upon detailed or ratio-based
such opportunities are identified, the subsequent trans- estimates within the BAB context. The Methods-
actions that occur between companies (buyer–supplier) procurement department of BAB consists of a small
are characterized by adding value up through the chain number of methods-engineers tasked with the job of
and subsequent payments down the chain [18]. The cost estimation and related activities as well as a large
procurement process involves all activities following the number of buyers with limited understanding of the
decision that a good or service is required, including technical backdrop of part design and inherent costing
defining needs, acquisition, and disposal of goods and causation. A more appropriate use of the time available
services. In design and contract companies, bought-out from the methods-engineers would be in targeting
components account for more than 80% of total costs cost reductions for those parts offering the greatest
[18]. For which initial implementation of supply chain return followed by validation analysis and supply chain
costing provides information to support reengineering negotiation and cost reduction enforcement. The task of
activities but when integrated with the design process the current research, therefore, is to develop a method-
can provide improved design philosophy with cost as ology that will best use the available data to generate
a more immediate and tangible design consideration. practical cost estimates offering satisfactory accuracy
Cost estimating can be specifically used within the as afforded by the available data by means of an
procurement context to aid: (1) ‘cost reduction oppor- automated cost estimating process and thus offer a
tunity’ identification of current parts, (2) make/buy mechanism for cost reduction opportunity identification
analysis for new parts, (3) in new bid tendering, as well among currently sourced parts and for cost avoidance
as to support, (4) supply chain rationalization via in the design of new parts. The development of such
informed cost-based judgment. Cost estimating can a method would result in the work time of the methods-
therefore be employed throughout the life cycle of engineers, and in particular the detailed analysis

activities they employ, being better allocated to the most band parts of similar nature and proposed similar cost
appropriate studies. The basic data available for this bands together. It is recognized that, if disaggregated
purpose is currently stored electronically and that which rate cost data is known then the rate cost factor used
is available in relation to the machined parts commodity in the make component calculation (make cost ¼ cycle
consists of; raw billet dimensions (Design data), machine time  rate cost), may be further divided into its direct
type used for the manufacture of each part as dictated and indirect components thus providing grounds for
by part size (Process data), and finally previous in-house a more detailed and accurate estimate.
detailed estimates of part make cycle time as well as
subcontractor make, material, and treatments cost
components. It is understood that additional part 3.1 Cost Components
design information for example may be used to causally
strengthen the linkage between cost driving elements to The Pro-COST model focuses on acquisition cost,
part cost. As such the current tool has been developed to in this case of outside production machined parts.
enable application which can benefit from the use of Via trade study questionnaire and internal expert
additional design definition if available; this in turn opinion, the current research has shown that unit cost
provides scope for the creation of multifidelity results. may be divided into three main components; make,
material, and treatments costs giving:
3. Methodology Unit Cost ¼ Make Costþ Material Cost
The Pro-COST model incorporates the integrated þ Treatments Cost ð1Þ
use of analogous, parametric, and ratio estimating.
Parametric estimating is suitable for this research as it Based upon a 25% questionnaire return volume,
is a robust predictor and is relatively straightforward having circulated the questionnaire to 24 Bombardier
to implement while also allowing uncertainty to be machining related contract companies, make cost is the
generated within predictions affording scope for con- most significant cost carrier, holding between 40 and
fidence, sensitivity, and risk analyses. In this study, 70% of part cost, followed by material 30–40%, and
parametric relationships are developed which link part treatments cost 10–20% respectively. Figure 1 shows
attributes to production cycle time. Ratio estimates how the outside production parts grouping is broken
are used to determine both manufacturing rate and into its sublevels using: commodity, material, material
treatments cost components when little specific/detailed type, material form, and part and process family.
supplier costing data is known. In such cases, analogous Machined parts account for 55% of total outside
classification must be adopted in order to be able to production spending. It is for this reason that the

Figure 1. Parts classification tree depicting the breakdown of outside production parts.
Cost Estimation of Machined Parts within an Aerospace Supply Chain 21

machinings commodity was selected as the commodity material rate (£/unit mass) cost figures which may be
upon which to primarily base the study. used together with material density and material order
Make Cost (fabrication cost) is dependent upon volume to calculate the material cost. Comparison of
process, material, tolerance, feed and speed rates, material trade indexes for a particular order volume
loading and batch sizes, etc. In this study make cost with a consideration of standard cutting and handling
comprises of two elements: machining cycle time and charges provides a means of assessing current contract
manufacturing rate cost. Machining cycle time is defined value. Many treatments are available in aerospace
as the run time required to complete one unit after the manufacturing for which detailed costing presents a
set up work has been completed. Manufacturing rate considerable challenge. As with rate cost development,
cost is a measure of the direct and indirect cost incurred an activity-based approach may be employed for
per unit period of production. When considering hourly treatments cost estimation which looks to establish all
production rate cost, the key issues that must be processes and consumable resource requirements before
understood are overhead allocation concerning expen- allocating cost to particular cost centers. However, this
diture, estimate of productive hours as well as the level would prove to be quite a labor intensive process requiring
of aggregation for which a particular cost estimate is a very refined level of disaggregated costing data which
being generated. would most certainly not be available in the procure-
Assumptions in relation to quantity, material size, ment outsourcing context. It is for this reason that an
and material specifications are involved in estimating ROM (rough order magnitude or ratio-based approach),
material costs. Material Cost refers to the cost of the raw which relates treatments cost by ratio to fabrication cost
material required which relates to size and additional using historical subcontracted actual and treatments
cost elements such as handling and cutting charges if costs, is being used, the premise being that parts
necessary for a particular order. Figure 2 presents a flow similar in nature require similar treatment processes
chart which describes the material costing approach. and therefore incur a comparable treatments cost.
Material cost estimating for this model is highly dependent
on BAB contracts already in place. These provide 3.2 Data Classification and Method Application

MATERIAL COSTING The principle of analogous classification is a key

aspect of the methodology and was implemented to
Procurement database

Select material type

define families of parts. Part families are used which
Select material code contain parts that are similar due to size, geometric
shape or the similar processing steps required in their
Select part type manufacture. As intimated earlier, refined classification
Identify supply base
is likely to result in improved model accuracy as the
chosen cost drivers are much more likely to be common
to all the parts in the family. There is an obvious trade-
Is there a BAB off here in terms of increasing the complexity through
No Supplier negotiations are
contract in place for this material type carried out on an
and size requirement? individual case basis the number of CERs embodied in the costing frame-
work (that which reflects all part groupings within
Yes the machining commodity) and the potentially ever
Calculate material cost =
volume x material rate smaller improvement in accuracy. Each lower level of
charge per unit volume
(contract dependent) classification not only facilitates increasingly refined
Figure 2. Material component costing approach. clustering of parts which generally results in improved
parametric result accuracy but also permits ratio
estimates for make rate and treatments costs to be
calculated. On interviewing a number of process experts
and through examination of machined parts’ bill of
materials, the following degree of classification was

1. Aircraft type: Mission/size/ etc.

2. Contract: Fuselage/nacelle/control surfaces
3. Commodity: Machinings/sheet metal/etc.
4. Material & type: Aluminum/steel/titanium/etc.
5. Material form: Forged block/plate/rectangular bar/sheet
6. Process: Size/capability/etc.
Figure 3. Bulkhead beam on forward pressure bulkhead. [Image is 7. Part family Size/shape/processing steps required
property of Bombardier Aerospace Belfast (Research Partner)].

Table 1. Breakdown of unit cost components.

P Make cost þ Material cost þ Treatments cost
Unit cost ¼
(a) Base level
method CTan-para  RateROM-ag V  MTLRATE TROM

Data Analogous classification ROM Part dimensions: L, W, T for ROM

parametric: L, W, T þ additional CTPARA volume material density  and ShC MK
when available For all parts material rate cost from trade For all parts
in grouping supply index in grouping

The above qualifiers can be viewed as defining the each analogous band of part whereby the rate cost
cost range so that typically, specific cost drivers can ROM is calculated as the ratio of total subcontractor
now be identified and related to cost by a suitable make cost for all the parts in a grouping divided by the
technique. Primarily, at this level of distinction, it is total cycle time to process each of the parts.
paramount to choose part attributes that have been
closely identified as driving manufacturing cost. Subcon Make Cost
However, it is also important to choose attributes that Para CT
are readily available and defined at whatever stage of
the product life that the estimating module is to be used.
In machinings manufacture, as material removal is 3.3 Parametric Method
a necessary step, it is reasonable to use part geometry:
length, width, and thickness as the base level variables The developed tool has been coded as an Excel
which drive cycle time duration. When applying the add-in*.xla file which appears as a drop-down menu
method to other commodities, normalization must be within the Microsoft Excel Windows environment and
applied to the IPPD database to identify the ‘genetic- uses some already present MLR functionality from the
causal’ cost drivers for the new part types followed Data Analysis ToolPak. Upon selection from the menu
again by part family classification before application the user is initially provided two options: to either
of the automated estimating tool. include or exclude outliers in the following analysis.
Table 1 provides a breakdown of unit cost compo- The integrated parts base has been developed within
nents, method appropriate to the estimation of each as Microsoft Access and upon construction of an appro-
well as the data required to supply the estimating priate query, a data table may be extracted and
method listed. Most scope exists to impact the make cost formatted for use within Excel. After part family
estimate which in turn is the component which carries classification and following initial analysis option selection
the largest proportion of unit cost. The application of a window appears prompting the user to indicate which
the material cost calculation as well as the treatments columns in the related part family data table contain the:
ROM are self-apparent from the data table shown. independent, dependent, part code, process, and sub-
The multiple linear regression (MLR) facility within the contractor cost variables. After inputting the column
MS Excel is used in the development of parametric cycle labels and selecting ‘OK’, the program runs and
time estimates, generating equations of the functional generates the optimal CER for this data grouping and
form: in addition provides a statistical summary of the quality
of the result as well as a calculator-type screen in which
Dependent variable estimate ¼ Coefficient1 CD1 the user can input new part dimensions, generate
þ Coefficient1 CD2 deterministic estimates as well as confidence intervals.
Functionality developed and used within the add-in
þ Coefficient1 CD3
þ constant ð2Þ
. Multivariate outlier check based on Cook’s distance.
Fabrication make cost is then derived via the . Best-subset regression in conjunction with a multi-
application of a fabrication rate cost. The aggregated collinearity check based on the associated average
overhead rate, incorporating both direct and indirect and maximum variance inflation factor for
cost, is developed as per Equation (2) using a case a given parameter subset. From this, three subsets
by case ROM allocation and reflects the fact that in which satisfy the multicollinearity test and which
most instances insufficient costing data is supplied by have the highest adjusted R2 values (variance
subcontracted companies to facilitate detailed or dis- represented selected) are carried through for further
aggregated rate cost analysis. Equation (3) is used for analyses.
Cost Estimation of Machined Parts within an Aerospace Supply Chain 23

. Multilinear regression is then employed to generate 1.2

a relationship for each of these three cases following
1 0.99
which a practical prediction error assessment is 0.905
carried out comparing actuals to the estimates 0.8
generated from each of the three relationships. The 0.6 0.598
one with the lowest root mean square error (RMSE)
value is selected as the optimal relationship. 0.329
. Ordinary least squares assumption checks (visual 0.2
plots generated). 0 0.0076
. If the optimal relationship passes the assumption 3 Variables All variables All var. OL removed
checks then the confidence limit mechanism is Adjusted R2 RMSE (h)
generated and the final ‘Calculator Sheet’ output
Figure 4. Regression relationship adjusted R2 and RMSE compar-
with descriptive summary data. ison using different quantities of independent information.
. The calculator sheet allows the user to enter new
parts dimensions and immediately have part make
cost, confidence bands as well as material and

Standardized cycle time

treatments costs calculated. 1.6
The tool is dynamic in that it can be used to identify 1.2
the optimal relationship for any parts grouping regard- 0.8
less of number of records within the group and for 0.6
up to 10 independent design variables. It is worth 0.4
noting that the tool has been designed to replicate the
detailed estimating approach and with sufficient data 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21
yields results with only marginal differences. The tool Part number
therefore reduces the time to develop such estimates Actuals All variables, outliers removed
considerably. All variables Three variables
Figure 5. Standardized cycle time estimate comparison.

4. Results
It can be seen that the variance represented rises from
The machinings commodity costing framework of 0.743 using only the base level billet dimensions to 0.905
relations consist of 82 CERs, 61 representing prismatic when using all available design data and then to 0.99
parts which account for 79% of the machinings parts upon removal of 4 outliers, as deemed by performing
base and 21 for extruded parts which account for a Cook’s distance calculation. Correspondingly, the
12%. The remaining 9% comprises both rejected and RMSE associated with each improves with greater
miscellaneous (non-coded) parts. The simplifying facilitating data as well as improved classification.
assumption adopted is that of considering only The original group count of 21 dropped to 17 after the
those parts which are manufactured using one part outlier removal. Figure 5 compares the standardized
per billet. The CERs developed will give complete estimates generated using each quantity of input
representation of the selected 91%, at differing information for the parts in this bulkhead beam group-
levels of distinction using the qualifiers described, ‘top- ing. Cycle time estimates are standardized to the actual
down’ from the total machinings group size of 2398 values.
records. Therefore upon costing a new part, the user should
In order to highlight the capability of the tool, avail of all facilitating data in selecting where the
regression relationship results for the parametric cycle part belongs in the classification tree and in building
time component of acquisition cost will be compared the relationship. It should be noted, however, that
below in Figure 4 for the bulkhead beam part family a particular level of accuracy cannot be forced but
in terms of variance represented using Adjusted R2 instead the nature of the data as well as the degree of
and predictive ability with the RMSE. Estimates classification used, strongly determines the accuracy
generated using raw billet length, width, and thickness achievable for a particular subset. It has been shown
as independent variables are compared against actual that optimal results may be developed when detailed
detailed estimates as well as those generated using part classification, best subset selection of cost drivers
additional design data: net billet length, width thickness, and regression variance accountability are each
raw billet volume, net billet volume, part volume, and used together in conjunction with prediction error
part wetted area. assessment.

5. Conclusions ShC_MKag ¼ make should cost using aggregated

rate cost data (£)
The purpose of incorporating improved estimating SUBCON_MK ¼ subcontracted part make cost (£)
methodologies within procurement is essentially to SUBCON_TR ¼ subcontracted part treatments
provide additional information against which sourcing cost (£)
issues may be more readily considered. The main TROM ¼ treatments ROM
conclusions of the current research are listed below: V ¼ part volume (in.3)

. A cost estimating methodology using analogous

classification, parametric trending and ratio estimat- Acknowledgment
ing has been developed for outside production parts
and a hierarchical costing framework for machinings The research presented is the result of a collaborative
costing is currently under development. study between Queen’s University Belfast and
. The approach looks to establish value, attribute Bombardier Aerospace (Methods-procurement), as
appropriate cost, and avoid wastage in sourcing such the QUB authors would like to thank those in
related activities. The purpose of developing such Bombardier Aerospace who continue to provide both
a procurement model is essentially to provide necessary data as well as constructive guidance.
additional information against which sourcing issues
may be more readily considered.
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ROM ¼ rough order magnitude to Guide Pre-selection of Processes, Mechanical
Cost Estimation of Machined Parts within an Aerospace Supply Chain 25

Engineering Department, The American University in on Concurrent Engineering: Research and Applications,
Cairo, *Engineering Design Centre, Cambridge CETEAM, Pennsylvania USA, Anaheim, Los Angeles,
University Engineering Department, January. July 28th–August 1st, pp. 209–218.
12. Aderoba, A. (1997). A Generalised Cost-estimation 28. Stewart, R. (1995). Cost Estimator’s Reference Manual,
Model for Job Shops, International Journal of Production 2nd edn,Wiley Interscience.
Economics, 53: 257–263. 29. Yoon, K. and Naadimuthu, G. (1994). A Make or
13. Gerla, G. (2001). Fuzzy Logic, Mathematical Tools for Buy Decision Analysis Involving Imprecise Data,
Approximate Reasoning, Kluwer Academic Publishers, International Journal of Operations and Production
Trends in Logic, Vol. 11, ISBN 0-7923-6941-6. Management, 14(2): 62–69.
14. Kishk, M. and Al-Hajj, A. (1999). An Integrated
Framework for Life Cycle Costings in Buildings, RICS Mr Paul Watson
Construction and Building Research Conference: The
Challenge of Change: Construction and Building for the
New Millenium (COBRA’99) 1–2 September. University Mr Watson is currently in
of Salford, 2: 92–101. his final year of a PhD in Cost
15. Ting, P.-K., Zhang, C., Wang, B. and Deshmukh, A. Engineering for Manufacturing
(1999). Product and Process Cost Estimation with and Procurement Applications
Fuzzy Multi-attribute Utility Theory, The Engineering at the School of Aeronautical
Economist, 44(4): 303–331.
Engineering, Queen’s University
16. Klir, G.J. and Ruan, D.A. (1996). Fuzzy Logic
Foundations and Industrial Applications, International of Belfast. He attained an
Series in Intelligent Technologies, Kluwer Academic M. Eng degree First Class
Publishers. Honours in 2002 with the
17. Mamdani, E.H. and Gaines, B.R. (1981). Fuzzy Reasoning school having gained in the
and its Applications, Academic Press, Inc., Orlando, FL. region of two years industrial
18. Hicks, C., McGovern, T. and Earl, C.F. (2000). Supply experience at an undergraduate
Chain Management: A Strategic Issue in Engineer level through various manufacturing orientated placements
to Order Manufacturing, International Journal of
Production Economics, 65(2): 179–190. with Seagate Technology, Du Pont UK Ltd. and Mars Ltd.
19. Hoult, D.P. and Meader, L. (1996). Methods The PhD itself is an industrial research program which is
of Integrating Design and Cost Information to being carried out in conjunction with Bombardier
Achieve Enhanced Manufacturing Cost/Performance Aerospace Shorts. The research program has afforded the
Trade-offs, In: SAVE International Conference opportunity to examine engineering-based and commercial
Proceedings. issues together within a Methods-procurement context. His
20. Weustink, I.F., Ten Brinke, E., Streppel, A.H. and research interests in the area of cost engineering include
Kals, H.J.J. (2000). A Generic Framework for Cost
Estimation and Cost Control in Product Design, estimating and forecasting for manufacturing, design,
Laboratory of Production and Design Engineering, procurement and supply chain applications.
University of Twente, The Netherlands.
21. Ben-Arieh, D. (2000). Cost Estimation for Machined
Parts, International Journal of Production Research, Dr. Ricky Curran (Senior Lecturer)
38(17): 4481–4494.
22. Nicolaou, P., Thurston, D.L. and Carnahan, J.V. (2002). Dr. Ricky Curran graduated
Machining Quality and Cost: Estimation and Tradeoffs,
Transactions of ASME, 124: 840–851. from Queen’s University in
23. Curran, R., Kundu, A., Raghunathan, S.R. and 1990 with an Honours Degree
McFadden, R. (2003). Influence of Manufacturing in Mechanical Engineering
Tolerance on Aircraft Direct Operating Cost (DOC), and returned to the School of
Journal of Materials Processing Technology, pp. 239–247, Aeronautical Engineering from
Elsevier Science BV, ISSN; 0924-0136. 1992–1995 to complete his
24. Curran, R., Rothwell, A. and Castagne, S. A Numerical PhD in air turbine design for
Method for Cost-Weight Optimisationof Stringer-Skin
Panels, In: Proceedings of the 45th AIAA Structures ocean wave energy converters.
Conference, Palm Springs, USA. His current research interests
25. Cooper, R. and Kaplan, R.S. (1998). The Design of are focused on engineering
Cost Management Systems– Text and Cases, 2nd edn, cost modeling; aircraft systems
pp. 227–231, John Deere Component Works (A) integration; design for manufacture (DFM);
(Abridged Case), Prentice Hall. and technology transfer. He has over 70 referred
26. Burt, D.N. and Doyle, M.F. (1993). The American publications and is the Chair of the Aircraft
Keiretsu, Business One, Homewood, Irwin, IL.
Integration and Cost research group within the Centre
27. Rush, C. and Roy, R. (2001). Capturing Quantitative
& Qualitative Knowledge for Cost Modelling within of Excellence for Integrated Aircraft Technologies
a CE Environment, In: ISPE International Conference (CEIAT) at QUB. He is General Secretary of the

International Society For Productivity Enhancement the development of tools for the stability analysis
(ISPE); on the Technical Committee of the International of aerostructures and the integration of structural
Society of Offshore and Polar Engineering (ISOPE); and and manufacturing analysis for detailed design.
is a member of the Economics Technical Committee
of the American Institute of Aeronautics and Mr. Stephen Cowan
Astronautics (AIAA) and AIAA Conceptual Design Stephen joined the company
Working Group. He is a member of American Institute in 1987 as a Manufacturing
of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA), the UK Royal Engineer and was part of the
Aeronautical Society (RAeS) and the International team that experienced the
Council on Systems Engineering (INCOSE). introduction of CAD CAM
and Digital technology and
Dr. Adrian Murphy (Lecturer) the transition of the company
from the public to the private
Dr. Murphy graduated from sector. He then held various
the School of Aeronautical roles within the Fabrications
Engineering, Queen’s Univer- division and attained Methods
sity Belfast, in 1997, and Manufacturing Manager in the
Cranfield University in 1999 early 90’s. In 1997 Stephen joined the Procurement
after completing his master’s division as a Vendor Manager for New Business
degree in Aerospace Vehicle introduction and in 2004 was appointed Sourcing
Design. He returned to Manager for the Belfast site with Bombardier Group
Queen’s to undertake a PhD Commodity responsibility, spending in excess of $400M
in 1998 and in 2001 was across 600 Vendors with over 140 personnel. In 2005
employed as a research Stephen was appointed Director of Material Logistics
assistant. In 2002 Dr Murphy and Sourcing responsible for over 430 personnel from
joined the teaching staff of the school after completing Master Scheduling, Inventory Management, Planning,
his PhD and his current research interests include Stores and Purchasing etc.

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