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Methods used by Muhadditheen (Compilers

of Ahadith) to ensure the authenticity of

In the 3rd century after hijrah,  the Muhaddithun paid complete attention to compile the
Hadiths. This was so because some hypocrites and non-Muslims wanted to fabricate the
Hadiths. And they had to check the books of second century as well as the enemies of islam
and different sects had regulated wronged ahadith into Muslims.
The compilers introduced the Sciences of Hadith specifically “Asma-ul-rijaal(Names of
Men)” and “Al Jarah Wa Al Tadeel(Classification of hadith)”.
Imam Bukhari and other scholars took this seriously and introduced some principles to
ensure the authenticity of the Hadith.The compilers of six authentic books applied a very
strict criterion in selecting the Ahadith for their books. They did not accept any Hadith that
did not meet the set criteria.

Every Hadith is divided into two parts, the first part is the Sand (chain of narrators) and the
second is the Matn(text of Hadith). This is explained through the following Hadith,
Muhammd bin Al Muthanna reported from Abdul Wahab from Ayub from Abu Killabah,
from Malik that the Prophet said, “Pray as you have seen me offering  prayer”. (Agreed
The first part which mentions the chain of transmitters is the Sanad and the second part
which the body or text is the matn. The Muhaddithun assessed both parts of the Hadith

The Muhaddithun assessed both parts of the Hadith in a highly meticulous way. For the
Sanad, the chain of narrators were carefully studied and observed. Through the art of Asma-
Ur-Rijal (Names of Men) their biographies were collected and investigated in detail. Rules
adopted to check authenticity of the chain of narrators (Isnaad) i.e

 For the Sanad, the chain of narrators were carefully studied through the art of Asma-Ur-
Rijal (Names of Men), their biographies were collected and investigated in detail.
 They ensured that the narrator was pious, noble, honest and well-reputed person.
 Even if the transmitter had ever cheated anyone or even lied to anyone in the matter of
joke, the Hadith was rejected.
 They also ensured that the narrator had good memory and had preserved what he had
 A narrator actually met the other narrator and in this way the chain of narration went right
back to the Holy Prophet (PBUH).
 The narrator was physically, mentally and intellectually fit to understand the full
importance and impact of all what he had heard.
 Each transmitter must have known the transmitter before him, and also the transmitter
after him.
 The last person in the chain of narration was a companion of the Holy Prophet (PBUH)
who had himself either heard. The Holy Prophet (PBUH) spoke the particular words or
seen him performing the action quoted in the Hadith.
 The chain of narration from beginning to the end had un-interrupted continuity.

Rules adopted to check authenticity of the Matn(Tex of Hadith) i.e

 The compilers ensured that the text of Hadith was not in conflict with the content, spirit,
philosophy or the commandments of the Holy Quran in any manner.
 It was not in conflict with the content of a Hadith which had already stood the test of
reliability / authenticity or the consensus (Ijma) of the community. For example the
Hadith will not be accepted if it says to offer four daily prayers.
 It was not against the historical facts already established and proved.
 It was not against the dictates of reason, logic, rationale common sense or the laws of
nature. For instance , “brushing teeth increses wisdom”.(Fabricated)
 The matn should have pure Arabic as the Prophet,s language was pure and perfect. 
 It did not, in any way, hurl accusation at the family of the Holy Prophet (SAW) and
 The Hadith which promised a high reward for a small virtue, or severe punishment for the
slightest fault was rejected.

In short Hadith researchers paid critical attention to the science of biographies and criticism
(Asma’ al Rijal) of the hadith narrators in each generation. And so, narrators of hadith (isnad)
were subjected to severe tests and were graded according to varying degrees of reliability and
genuineness depending upon their character, religious reputation and orientation, depth of
knowledge, and the soundness and accuracy of their memories.

If all of these methods were applicable on any hadith that Hadith was known as Sahi
Hadith(Excellent).If the memory of the narrator was not that sharp of that of sahi hadith
narrators that hadith was categorized as Hasan(Good)Hadith. If more methods cannot be
applied and the chain was broken or the memory of the narrator of very weak, that was
categorized as Zaeef(Weak) Haith.
And Muzu (Fabricated) Hadith is not a hadith, it’s a lie associated with the name of Holy
Prophet P.b,u,h. Holy Prophet said “Whosoever will associate a single word that is not said
by me, his permanent abode will be hellfire”

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