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Risk Intelligence Map

Higher Education Risk Intelligence

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Institutions thrive by taking risks but falter when risk is managed ineffectively.
A Risk Intelligent Enterprise™ recognizes this dual nature of risk and devotes
sufficient resources both to risk taking for reward and to the protection of
existing assets.

Planning and Strategy Governance Administration Academic Research Student, Alumni and
The Higher Education Risk Intelligence Map™ provides a unique view on the Community
pervasive, evolving, and interconnected nature of risk that executives and
managers may find useful in identifying risks that apply to the higher
education sector.

The Higher Education Risk Intelligence Map is intended to serve as a guide Institutional
Revenue Growth Campus Registration and Finance Information Faculty Continuing Educational
on the journey towards Risk Intelligence by helping personnel in all functions Strategy
and Streams
External Factors
Enrollment Management
University Facilities Human Resources Procurement
Legal Student Facilities
Education Excellence
Colleges Research Student Affairs Alumni Affairs Community
broaden their perspective on risk and improve their ability to execute their Effectiveness
risk-related responsibilities.
Strategy Development and
This may be accomplished by using the Risk Intelligence Map to: Development and
Government Support
Competition Utilization of Real Board Effectiveness Registrar Accounting Student Housing Institutional Culture Sourcing
Network Architecture Contract
Libraries Faculty Recruitment Diversity Distance Learning
Focus of Research Excellence of Alumni Registration
Service Community
· spur discussions about risk management topics, including risk and Donations Security Management (Legal) Programs Activities Services and Commitment
Monitoring Estate
identification, prioritization, measurement, and mitigation
· facilitate the connection of risk management silos Failure to comply with Increase in competition
Failure to effectively
Noncompliance of Inability to procure goods/ Failure to implement Inability to deliver student
Lower level of services
Poorly executed change Inefficient recruitment
· identify redundant efforts in place to manage risk
Lack of comprehensive Inadequate utilization of exercise governance and Inadequate policies/ technology aligned with Inappropriate level of Limited diversification in Inadequate Information centered educational Misalignment between Inability to track and
governmental funding due to new emerging accounting policies and Inadequate processes to services effectively Lack of comprehensive Inability to foster students when benchmarked to
strategic review and facilities oversight procedures and their management processes institutional strategy authority to enter contracts process to ensure timely curriculum Technology infrastructure environment university’s objectives and
conditions manage student housing diversity international standards maintain contact with Inadequate connect with
· improve efficiency in compliance and risk management efforts update procedures universities procedures policies and procedures induction of resources research fields
compliance alumni the community
for library activities
Campus structure not Insensitivity to employee
· develop risk event scenarios that require integrated responses. Failure to maintain Regional or international Insufficient communication Inadequate supplier Inability to develop an Failure to produce quality
Strategic misalignment aligned with University’s Ineffective utilization and morale educational driven graduate/post graduate
sufficient governmental aspirants from management selection process Recruitment not meeting Inability to deliver long Increased student
between colleges and strategic long-term controls of financial Inability to provide technology Failure to comply with the Curriculum not up to date students Failure to harmonize Failure to maximize
support Insufficient student records faculty requirements and distance learning courses research income and complaints/dissatisfaction
University requirements system appropriate housing Misaligned institutional terms and conditions of Lack of effective annual campus diversity Failure to develop student Failure to embed the
Challenges in establishing university objectives
The Higher Education Risk Intelligence Map should be used as part of an Fluctuations in institutional competitive Inadequate knowledge of
conditions culture to institutional Inadequate quality of agreements planning and budgeting funding loyalty spirit culture of community
Ineffective progress Lack of knowledge in strategy Systems not to meet Students completing Inability to provide hands- services within students
overall risk management program that is based on the fundamental principles monitoring of strategy government grants and advantage Disruption in campus board responsibilities procured goods/services
university requirements Weak public knowledge/ education programs not
buildings development Lack of timely information accounting principles and Lack of availability of on experience
of the Risk Intelligent Enterprise. These principles define and integrate risk- implementation other donations interest in distance able to find good job Failure to choose
or communication to practices qualified resources Issues related to gender opportunities
Student dissatisfaction Inability to monitor contract Ineffective selection of Instructors Capability learning placements management appropriately amongst
related responsibilities at every level of the institution, and address issues Change of governmental students on university
Terms and conditions are library books various research initiatives Low participation in
Lack of clear performance priorities activities compliance and sustain
around planning and strategy, governance, administration, academic, indicators to assess
Lack of integrity of
Health and Welfare sourcing savings not in compliance with Alumni Events community activities
Failure to create sufficient financial information Disaster Recovery laws and regulations Educational Programs not
research, student, alumni, and community relations. strategy implementation at Benefits Management meeting market
local and international alternative funding University Rating Inadequate tuition Ineffective controls over
Managing Existing Board Structure and Faculty Retention Public Awareness requirements/demands
levels streams other than collection from students borrowings and library Insufficient instructors
Facilities Leadership Balance
By implementing these principles, a higher education institute can transform government grants Health and Safety Inadequate due diligence subscriptions training Quality of Research Catering Service
Inadequate employee Procurement and
itself into a Risk Intelligent organization where: Contracts
on prospective contracting Inability to raise funds from Community Relations
benefits and health care parties
· leaders adopt a broad outlook on risk and integrate risk considerations Failure to enhance Inadequate student Funds and Liquidity Inability to recover data alumni
Management plans Management Poor staff capability Prospective students
University’s rating Lack of a clearly information management Lack of processes/
into strategic decision making regionally and globally Ineffective cross-functional communicated common incentives to retain unaware of continuing
Enrollment Growth use of university facilities Laboratories Inability to control and
Ineffective/inefficient education
· the board of trustees executes fiduciary responsibilities to ensure that
Target Students tone set by the leadership qualified faculty staff Student Tenure monitor campus ethnic Inadequate food quality
Inadequate health and employee benefits plan Critical system resources Inadequate policies Weak attendance at
Challenges in maintaining balance regarding research standards
safety measures administration Absence of mechanism to are not available Inferior perception of the alumni events Inadequate community
appropriate risk management controls and procedures are in place the rating in increasingly Inadequate identification
prevent unauthorized outreach programs and
Weak structure/ Noncompetitive market for the value of
· capable processes, systems, and trained people exist to act on both risks competitive environment Improper deployment of
university facilities composition of the board
and monitoring of sources
of funds Inadequate management
Noncompliance with plans procurement
Inappropriate planning for
Intellectual Property
(IP) compensation structure continuing education Unbalanced support to
community partnerships
Inability to meet current as documented in country Insufficient laboratory Evaluation of programs Extended tenure of Failure to establish Lack of catering
and opportunities in a timely and coordinated manner Challenges in attracting Enrollments and monitoring of critical infrastructure various colleges/
enrollment targets regulations materials and equipment Programs students reputation as a premier alternatives and diversity
· a consistent approach is used across the organization to manage all
target students hazardous substances Inefficient emergency disruptions
Ineffective communication Failure to adequately Lack of succession research institute Insufficient opportunities to
from and to the board maintain funding levels procurement process support individuals,
Inadequate response planning
classes of risk in an effective and efficient manner. Change in community planning to handle Failure to provide effective Monitoring catering groups, local industry, and
Inadequate external University Identity Absence of policies and Failure to register IP rights Program and quality educational
demographics emergencies/crisis Human Resource Lack of effective laboratory Failure to produce arrangements with service businesses servicing the
communication plan Poor cooperation and procedures and related Ineffective management of Inability to counter audit IT Contracting and Lack/poor curriculum Development experience
Policies and safety measures commercially viable providers community
The Higher Education Risk Intelligence Map is not a definitive or organizational alignment compliance funds received Procedures contract execution Outsourcing evaluation programs research results
Inadequate security College Development
comprehensive representation of all risks that may be encountered by a Unaligned institutional
Inadequate financial measures along campus
Failure to protect sensitive Faculty Development Weak student coaching
strategy and students Insufficient market for Weak contract information pertaining to IP Ineffective controls over
Higher Educational Institution. You may consider customizing the Risk profile growth and expansion Ineffective enrollment forecasting and cash flow buildings and facilities and mentoring Inadequate Failure to develop and
Failure to establish a management administration/monitoring Improper bidding and laboratories materials Low participation in documentation, maintain adequate link
Intelligence Map based on risks that affect your institution. processes to attract local Inadequate employment Programs not aligned with
leading research university process selection, contracting, and maintenance surveys monitoring, and control with government and local
and foreign students standards market needs Students with Special
ongoing due diligence Failure to support over research work authorities
Transparent Insufficient control over Inadequate faculty Needs
international patent rights Inability to support college
For more information on further customizing the Risk Intelligence Map to Ineffective marketing/ Management receipts and
Violation of employment
development assessment
Ineffective utilization of development
Lack of effective database disbursements of funds Poor security and privacy and planning Inappropriate balance of
meet the needs of your institution, please contact your Deloitte practitioner. Student Defections
publicity campaigns Reporting
to handle enrollment from various sources practices
controls on outsourced evaluation results and Inadequate program
Student Centers evaluation Institutional Research research and teaching
University process Internal Monitoring data improvement opportunities
Clinics and Medical Compliance with fair Ineffective faculty and Planning activities
Positioning/Image Lack of capability maturity
Insufficient enhancement Ineffective monitoring of Facilities employment practice is not development processes
Contractual inability to Inadequate outreach to assessments Lack of appropriate
of University’s contribution Lack of adequate Decrease in enrollments receivables on time monitored
to national human capital management reporting review security and Legal and Regulatory potential students facilities and arrangements
Inadequate local faculty Lack of proper research for special need students
and research capabilities privacy practices Compliance Ineffective student center Delivery Methods Inability to collect and
Inability to retain students Excessive bureaucracy developed to sustain evaluation process
activities track university related
Incorrect/weak during procurement cycle university requirements
Weak outreach activities Lack of adequately data
management reporting Absence university policy
Deviations in levels of Enrollment/ equipped clinics and Inability to provide student
failing to provide adequate to cope with special need
Inadequate drive to education system from medical facilities Lack of procurement Lack of guidance special services (i.e.
information Graduation Rates Retention of Information Security Inaccurate conclusions on students
promote University’s primary to higher personnel expertise in psychological counseling) Expanding Colleges
Postgraduates regarding appropriate legal Obsolete teaching data analysis
image education sourcing practices Research Capability
Job Market Demands Lack of adequate Budgeting and Noncompliance with health methods Noncompliance with
Lack of skilled human Faculty Performance
management reviews of Forecasting and safety authority Management regulations
Insufficient publicity of the Weak communication resources to resolve
reports and financial regulations Insufficient surveys and
institution Poor graduation or Poor postgraduate across procurement cycle Ineffective/inefficient Improper communication student issues
statements audience participation
success rates retention as faculty/ access controls of mandatory legal Lack of integration with Lack of expansion into
workforce requirements Inactive marketing of information technology new fields Insufficient high caliber
Failure to attract and retain Alumni Donations Changing job market Inaccurate budget Difficulties in sourcing
right students and faculty Inability to track/monitor student center activities researchers among faculty
needs assumptions doctors/nurses for onsite
Graduates not meeting the procurement budget Vulnerability to hacking Unclear performance including local nationals Student Counseling
international admission medical facility management criteria/
attacks Ineffective communication Expansion not aligned with
Inability to protect the Poor student orientation requirements for higher Failure to comply with KPIs/desired outcomes
Unreliable information due to language barriers university strategy
current position in studies regulations
Inability to maintain used in planning and Training and Inadequate research
education sector budgeting process
adequate/effective alumni Weak career counseling Risk Oversight Development Ineffective antivirus support facilities
Inadequate evaluation Lack of in-house expertise
contact services Lack of processes in place strategy Recreations
Transportation processes to facilitate expansion Lack of comprehensive
to address low graduation Failure to monitor plans process student counseling
rates and budgets Insufficient cooperation
Ineffective/inadequate Lack of performance Job Market Influence practices
Inability to raise alumni Lack of physical/logical with industry and private
training and development reporting, variance
Partnership with donations Weak career counseling security Lack of adequate funds to sector to create research
programs Litigation and Dispute analysis and feedback
Local Community services Inadequate oversight of Resolution Lack of recreational process enable expansion opportunities
Inadequate transportation Inadequate quality of
risk management activities Lack of adequate facilities strategies
services to meet student counseling
Inability to develop student Transfers programs for continued Lack of segregation of Unaligned government job
institutional loyalty needs employability of market objectives with
duties Ineffective safety and first
Geopolitical Inadequate or employees curriculum Lack of tracking and
Inability to partner up with inappropriate risk appetite aid procedures for Intellectual Property
Insurance Inappropriate Ineffective litigation risk guidance for students with
civil society and tolerance levels recreational facilities
transportation budget and Training and development assessment Colleges’ weak academic
Industry trends/
capacity planning program not aligned with Management performance or behaviors
University values Inadequate transfer Privacy and Data requirements affecting
unaligned with community process institutional plans Production Inadequate activities curriculum
values Cultural disconnect Lack of risk intelligent Residual claims from towards promoting healthy
Private Partnerships Inappropriate insurance
decision-making Weak transportation disposed or acquired student lifestyle Failure to protect
coverage infrastructure to support Outsourcing of the training activities intellectual property
Lack of acceptance of commuting activities and development function Ineffective management
Unauthorized access to
transfer students and oversight of college
Corruption risks Lack of planning and personally identifiable
Institutional Inappropriate in-house skill activities
evaluation for insurance information (PII) Inability to defend lawsuits Failure to identify research
Responsibility and set to effectively coverage Transport infrastructure
Ethics outcomes that need
Culture communicate with the not in accordance with Performance
Unclear college reporting copyrighting
private sector regulatory requirements Evaluation and Unclear ownership and
Political instability Failure to monitor timely Compensation classification of data lines and authorities
reporting Lack of pre-emptive legal
Failure to positively Failure to establish risk management process
Inability to secure private Compromise of research
influence student values ongoing ethics and Poor maintenance of Misaligned College and
partnerships data
and culture compliance transportation vehicles Faculty not meeting Lack of data integrity university priorities and
communications/whistle research publication
blowing policy targets
Inadequate integration Low incentives for private
Economic Conditions/ Failure to provide a means Violation of cross-border
with the community market to partner up with Inadequate management
Industry Trends for employees to raise Payments and privacy laws and Financial Control on
universities Campus and reporting by College to the
ethics and compliance Payroll Inadequate performance regulations Privacy and Security
University Research Activities
issues Facilities review process Laws
Failure to establish a Maintenance
student focused culture
Alignment of Tuition Changing industry Failure to provide an
anonymous line to report Ineffective equity and Technology Licensing Inadequate monitoring and
Fees and Charges structure Inadequate authorization
issues deferred compensation Failure to establish a reporting of financial
of payments/payroll Absence of
process formal privacy policy aspects of research
comprehensive preventive
Business/Institutional maintenance plan
Continuity Macroeconomic changes Inability to track payments Failure to obtain
Tuition fees and charges technology, software, data, Absence of clear
to budget Failure to implement
not aligned with market Inability to perform and/or hardware comprehensive criteria/
privacy programs
expectations campus and facilities procedure for research
Potential delays/errors in maintenance on a timely Organization spending
Inadequate analysis of Demographic changes Auditing and payment/payroll manner Structure Use of unlicensed and
scenarios affecting Monitoring processing Failure to comply with
Inability to attain target inappropriate software
business/institutional applicable privacy
students at existing tuition
continuity Weak monitoring of third legislations
fees and charges Failure to establish Recruitment of
Inflation/deflation party service providers for Unclear lines of authority Research Students
Inability to secure business partner escrow
Failure to conduct effective maintenance issues
capabilities to handle and agreements
routine compliance audits
continue business in Deflated tuition fees and
Pensions Misuse and misalignment
emergencies charges
Changes in government of authority
Failure to monitor ethics Security loopholes
policies Failure to attract good
Ineffective communication and compliance Records Records and quality post graduate
Inappropriate delegation of Management Information
system for emergencies research students
Undetected control Lack of an efficient authority Management
Poor student housing
weaknesses and investment management
management override of team Inappropriate distribution
controls of decision making Poor satisfaction levels
authority Improper management of amongst researchers
External Fraud Failure to meet pension Poor maintenance of records Inability to produce
International Ineffective implementation fund obligations onsite medical facilities Excessive specific college records
Presence of corrective actions
Lack of knowledge to Insufficient/poor research
Inadequate oversight of Complex organizational Failure to maintain security
preserve legal evidence Principal Investigators
internal and external design
Vendor or business
Inadequate understanding auditors
partner fraud
of international expansion Lack of data retention
dimensions Failure to promote
policies and procedures Lack of document research amongst
Ineffective antifraud Implications of retention policy graduate students
programs (external fraud) Policies and Significant Events
Inability to maintain and Procedures
monitor the standards of Lack of ongoing
the oversees branches Physical and responsibility to supervise
Ineffective change Environmental mandatory retention of
management documents
Inadequate formal policies
Inability to understand and and procedures
consider the values and Organizational uncertainty
habits of the host country causes recruitment and Inadequate physical
retention challenges security around data
Failure to update policies centers
and procedures regularly Unclear communication
and change management Inability to manage
strategies environmental or climate Institutional
Challenges to monitor Investigations
implementation of policies
and procedures
Failure to properly conduct
routine capacity planning
of policies and procedures Failure to implement anti-
fraud controls

Applications Inadequate execution of
independent internal

Ineffective implementation
Lack of regulatory
of business applications

Lack of coordination
Business applications not between legal and other
meeting university departments

Business applications
controls not implemented
or utilized effectively

Change Management

Ineffective change control


Unauthorized changes into

the production

Insufficient testing prior to


Inability to recover

Non-performance of a
post-validation check

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Version 1.0
Item #100405

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