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The Adventures of the Idiotic Eight

The party first came together in the busy hub town of Falcon’s Rest, where they heard of a dwarven
artisan needing an escort to the town of Carnast. The dwarf, Aldun was transporting a statue that he
had been commissioned to make for the temple and needed to arrive the day before the Red Fall
Festival. They spent several days travelling to Carnast, and on the fourth day were ambushed by a
group of goblins. After the battle, the party investigated the corpses and discovered that they were
wearing similar colours and symbol to Nettle’s old goblin clan. Not really able to do much about it the
party carried on towards Carnast. As they got closer to the town, the winter chill was slowly replaced by
a welcoming warmth and abundance of greenery.

When they laid eyes on Carnast they saw a small town with a mix of brick and wood buildings wrapped
by a tall wooden palisade. Surrounding the town is a patchwork of technicolour fields of carnations, with
several wheat and livestock fields sprinkled in. They entered the town easily and went to Aldun’s
workshop, he paid the party for their services and asked if they were going to join the festival,
herecommended the party stay at Fabulous Dandelion inn. The town was busy preparing for the
upcoming festival, setting up decorations and constructing a stage in the town Square. The group passed
a large statue to the god Pelor, holding a large red glowing gem in the centre of the town.

The party made it to the inn, Bertam having difficulty comprehending what doors are and almost got the
party banned. Brother Darvar paid for the repairs and apologised to the halfling owner, Eliza Selbec. The
group was then allowed into a busy and cosy pub, large casks sat along behind the bar, the bar being
looked after by Eliza. They arranged room and board and began to enjoy their evening.

During the late evening the inn was interrupted by a drunk Peacekeeper; Morren Trevil. Morren is a
gruff, overbearing man with an ornate, delicately sculpted and styled beard. He was joined by another
Peacekeeper, a timid, young female, blue Tiefling. He began flaunting his power and tried to hunt out
any unwanted people like goblins. The bartender told him to sod off, in turn he threatened to burn
down the whole inn for her insolence. At this point Yelena stepped in and tried to defend Eliza, and with
the towering assistance of Bertam, dissuaded Morren and he left tavern.

Eliza thanked the party, explaining that the town has never been the same ever since the new
peacekeepers have been stationed in the town. She had noticed that a lot of the local officers were
being transferred to the capital and eventually replaced by someone different. This had been going on
for a while and when she spoke to her brother the treasurer he knew nothing about it but would
investigate the matter.

The players rested for the night and ready for the upcoming festival, apart from Yelena who had food
poisoning and spent the day resting. Bertram acquired some medication for her and the party enjoyed
the festival. The players started with the sack toss, unfortunately Kamara (Evan) rolled a Nat 1 and
completely fumbled their toss. After which she attempted the pig wrestling and managed to catch the
pig. Kamara wanted to keep the pig instead and then set it free, but Eldon (kayden) tried to shoot pig,
missed and Kamara punched him in the face. In response Bertram fashioned a papoose and plonked
Eldon in it.
Meanwhile, as this was happening Ludwig (Adrian) overheard a disturbance in a nearby alley. He came
across a unpleasant halfling woman, Hilda Fairfoot harassing a young man. Threatening that if he
doesn’t pay back the 5000 gold that he owes by the next day, she would get the boys sister to work off
the debt, the group interrupted and the halfling left. The party decided to help the young man, wulfa,
and started to investigate the boys sister(Daphiel) and her mysterious affliction. The group found that
she was completely resistance to healing magics and detected that she was overflowing with celestial
energy, the same kind of energy that was radiating from the gem in the middle of town. Wulfa explained
that his parents adopted her at a young age and she shortly became ill, in response she was taken to the
temple and bathed in holy water, blessed in the name of Pelor. She was healed and returned to normal
but in the last year she has become increasingly weak. Brother Darvar also discovered that she had a
mysterious scar on her left shoulder blade in the shape of a curled claw or talon.

The group strong armed Aldun’s assistant and “borrowed” his cart and took Wulfa and Daphiel out of
town, outside of the gem’s zone of influence. Where they noticed that Daphiel slowly started to get
better. As the sun set a Blood moon started to rise, which is a common occurrence for the last night of
the year.

While the party started to set up a camp, Westeros, Nettle and Eldon made their way back into town for
the midnight speeches. On the stage they can see a large Tabaxi male; Mayor Briffin a copper
Dragonborn, a pouty human woman, Aldun and an older human male wearing priest vestments. The
Dragonborn Law Master Mete Copperscale gave a rehearsed, droll speech about loyal citizens and
supporting the crown, the kingdom will be eternal etc. After which he promptly leaves and the mayor
unveils the statue that the party had transported into town, which was a smaller version of the large
statue in the town Square. The mayor explains that the statue is being donated by Aldun to the temple,
which surprises Aldun greatly.

Its at this point the gem that is in the smaller statue on stage starts to glow and pulse slowly like a
heartbeat. The crowd cheers and applauds as it starts to pulse brighter and brighter until it explodes.

A huge explosion engulfs the stages sending a huge concussive blast throughout the town Square, the
buildings acting like a wind tunnel focusing the force in the square, blasting the crowds away and onto
the floor. Eldon was blown away, collided with the hall of justice and was knocked unconscious.
Westeros was still conscious but was blown over and had been half trapped under some of the crowd.
Nettle had managed to not get blown away and stayed conscious. The town Square had suffered severe
damage, fronts of buildings caved in or fallen down, fires are blazing in several buildings and the stench
of dust and blood in the air. The stage has been completely decimated, a large smoking crater sits in the
middle. The large statue of Pelor in the square has had an arm completely broken off, as well as its head,
its other arm, chipped but still holding the gem aloft. The gem is glowing and pulsing very strongly,
almost to a blinding degree.

At this point the rest of the party see the explosion and start sprinting back to town.

Emerging from one of the side streets a group of people in white hooded robes converge on the statue,
two climb up it and use a pry bar to lever the gem out of the statues hands. It hits the ground with
heavily and loudly. One of the other figures puts on a white glove with strange filigree arcane glyphs on
the palm. He places his hand on the gem, which then shrinks to the size of an apple.
“Got it! Let’s go!” the figure yells, the large one points to several bodies “Grab them! Make sure they’re
alive!” and the other robed people start to check bodies and fireman lift them onto shoulders, Westeros
tries to pull his bow out and shoot and arrow at the guy carrying the gem, but unfortunately missed
both of his shots.

At this point the larger part of the party had come to the decision to use the horses from the cart to get
to the town, but since they were quite far out, it took about 20-30 mins for them to get there. Bertram
stayed with Wulfa and Daphiel.
Eledon wakes up and immediately asks if there is anything of value nearby that he can sneakily steal
(Perc rolled 22) “Yep there are various jewelled items that unconscious/dead people are wearing, 2
necklaces, 1 pelor totem and about 6 jewelled rings” rolled stealth to steal them, 22 again, “you
acquire all of them…” Nettle investigates the stage which has a large smoking crater in the middle.

Nettle and Westeros investigates the stage only to find a finely crafted, bloody shoe and the silver pelor
pendant has been blown onto the town hall stairs. The woman has major burn scarring down her right
side, she is shouting in pain. Aldun has his right hand and entire right leg blown off, he was blocking the
receptionist, and he is currently unconscious, both Nettle and Westeros attempt to stabilize Aldun (9
Medicine- fail), They both start slapping pieces of cloth on the bloody stumps, not really achieving
anything. They try again, (because this guy brought the statue so they think that he has ulterior motives
for it) and manage to put a tourniquet on his right arm and lift his leg stump above his head (can you tell
the first aid training?).

Several minutes of just rain, fire and groaning/screaming pass before they hear voices shouting and
grunting as peacekeepers start running through, looking around, you hear a gruff voice yell; “Get some
water! Put those fires out! Start searching for survivors!”
As the peacekeepers disperse they see a stern Older Human, an eyepatch, a large bushy moustache and
a silver pauldron point out orders to other peacekeepers. “You! See if the mayor’s alive! You get me
Twigg and Celadan!”
Westeros Yells “Medic!” and several peacekeepers with a stretcher come towards the stage
One of them nods and a minute later the small timid blue Tiefling you saw last night and a tall thin half
elf male, brown hair, both are wearing leather armour with griffin patches sewn on. He starts talking to
them and pointing in the direction the thieves went in.
As they take a step, their halted by a deep voice
“Belay that order Captain” as they copper scaled Law Master stands Infront of the statue, arms crossed.
“But Sir! We need to apprehend-”
“Captain Gazeff, your standing orders are to protect this town and its citizens, you are to rescue as many
people as you can and make sure that no more people come or go from the town without my expressed
authorization, is that understood!”
“But Sir!”
• he yells and then leans over the captain and looks him dead in the eye his face inches from the
captain’s he speaks again,
“I would have thought that the oldest serving peacekeeper in this town would be more concerned about
the lives of its citizens over questioning orders to chase blindly after some petty thieves” gives the
captain a hard stare.
“Yes Sir” The captain mutters through gritted teeth
Copperscale draws his head back “Good” Copperscale say standing straight “Report to me when the
situation is under control so we can discuss your conduct Captain” turns on heel and leaves towards the
justice building. You see the captain trembling with rage. He mutters something under his breath to
Twigg and Celadan
Dc 15 “Make sure you’re not seen by anyone, not even the other Peacekeepers” (Unfortunately the
players didn’t want to eavesdrop).
You see Elisa rush out of the Dandelion with towels and a bucket of water. Throwing the water over
some nearby flames she shouts to the captain, “Captain! Please! Use the Dandelion for the injured, I’ll
go find Gaatha”, She sees that a majority of you are lightly injured “Can you lot help find Andrent the
temple priest, he’ll be a massive help with healing I think he was on the… stage” she says seeing the
huge hole.
The captain starts shouting orders to take the injured into the slightly messed up front of the Fabulous

Eleldon wanted to follow the Law Master, wanting to tell him that they stole the gem, finds the doors to
the justice building locked, picked easily with 22, inside he can just about make out the footprints of the
dragonborn tracking towards a door to the right, also locked. Also picked easily. The room is square, lit
fireplace on the right, opposite that was a desk with papers and accoutrements, behind that was a
bookcase, but the dragon born was nowhere to be seen. Eledon proceeded to search the room for a
hidden tunnel, investigated twice, both rolls were under 10 and he didn’t find anything, tossing books
out of the bookcase, feeling all around the desk and lifting every item off the fireplace, touching every
brick in the fireplace trying to move torch sconces and moving the rug on the floor. Nothing. Ludwig
went to the office and ritual cast detect magic, detecting conjuration magics.
Westeros starts to follow the tracks to see where they went, the tracks lead past the dandelion and
Westeros finds an area that looks like there was a struggle, and there was a fire that was in the shape of
a wolf’s head. Confused, westeros continued to follow the tracks and see that they led to the forest to
the west of the town, at this point the rest of the party turned up.

“What the bloody hell have you idiots done?!” Yelled Darvar,
“We didn’t do anything, the statue that Aldun brought exploded, then these guys in white robes stole
the gem from the big statue, and went that way!” Westeros reprised them of the situation, and while he
followed the tracks to find them, the others went into the town to help where they can. (This is where
the wild magic roulette begins :D) the party started asking what conscious towns folk are left what the
bad guys looked like,
“They were wearing white robes, could be priests”
“I could have sworn one had white armour on underneath those funky robes”
“One of them had a weird beard”

Ludwig, kamara and Darvar started to cast cure wounds on townsfolk

Me “Okay, everyone roll percentile dice and tell me what you get”

when we started doing all of this wild magic roulette one of the players (Kamara) joked around:
“Wouldn’t it be funny if one of us casts fireball!!”
Darvar Succeeded, Kamara succeeded with minor wild magic interference, however;

Ludwig “4”

“Roll again”


“A random creature within 60 feet of you becomes poisoned for 4 (1d4) hours…”after rolling to see if it
was a party member or a citizen I say: “as you cast cure wounds, a citizen behind you starts to couch
violently, coughing blood and a large purple colouration to his face” Ludwig quickly turned back to
pretended to be working on the one he was casting cure wounds to embarrassed. At this point the party
has asked Yelena several times if she’s going to come from her room and help at all, being a great
player, she dodged the questions and answered vaguely, and I keep saying

“you don’t know where she is and now that you think about it you’ve not seen her at all”

Kamara goes to investigate her room; the upstairs corridor has been blown apart and she sees the area
where Yelena struggled with Morren and she sees the flame wolf fade back into normal flames. So now
the group knows that Yelena is missing/kidnapped.

At this point in the Adventure the events Yelena were witnessing were progressing;

“As the followers are gathering in the room at the bottom of the stairs, five of them start bringing
offering bowls to the stage and setting them around the gem and chalk diagram, you can see that one
has soil, one has water, one has some black powder, one has some Ice crystals and another is a jar
that has swirling and roiling crackling lightning energy and The Dragonborn starts to mutter a long
winded incantation in a strange language”

Yelena asks if she can identify the language, rolling well on her History, she can just about identify it as
an ancient form of Draconic, and now that she realises this she notices the inscription at the bottom of
the mural to her left and sees that it’s also ancient draconic, however the words she can easily make out
without reference are “balance” and “voice”

She casts light on herself to try and distract the dragonborn, but rolls low on her wild percentile, and
gets 43 on the table: For the next minute, you can teleport up to 20 feet as a bonus action on each of
your turns, which surprised me, however unfortunately for Yelena, due to the sheer size of the room,
the furthest she could teleport was the bottom of the stairs in front or next to the group of henchmen/
cultists so she spent the next minute popping in front of them and a henchman dragging her back up to
the stage.
Westeros managed to follow the tracks through the forest towards a ruined tower with a domed room
in front of it, he just catches sight of someone with a white robe place a sphere on a pedestal in the
centre of the domed room and a large red magical field comes from it filling the domed room and
blocking the entrance. Westeros sees a squirrel moving around the front of the dome, starts to walk
through it and instantly collapses, he promptly goes back to town, explains everything to everyone and
the party (still no Bertram) makes their way through the forest towards the ruin.

Yelena: The bowl of black dust bursts into to flame and forms into a kind a flame sprite/spirit.
When they get there, they can see that there are more dead animals in the zone. before anyone wanted
to try anything, Kamara says “I’m gonna cast produce flame at the death dome”

“Roll Percentile”


Roll again


I look up from my book,

“You cast… Fireball… as a 3rd level spell… centered on yourself…”

A bright streak flashes from your pointing finger to a point you choose within range (Centred on Kamara)
and then blossoms with a low roar into an explosion of flame. Each creature in a 20-foot-radius sphere
centered on that point must make a Dexterity saving throw. A target takes 8d6 fire damage on a failed
save, or half as much damage on a successful one.
The fire spreads around corners. It ignites flammable objects in the area that aren't being worn or carried.

So we roll the 8d6 which comes out at 32, not great, the 6/8 party members present roll dex saving
throws, 3 pass 3 fail, but because they are only level 2 all but one of the players went down, all in high
negatives with Kamara being one point away from insta-death, and Eledon the rogue being roguey he
was the only one alive on 2HP!
Upon seeing a second large explosion in the forest behind the town Bertram does an almost Olympian
style sprint towards the forest, leaving Wulfa and Daphiel alone.

Yelena: The water starts to rise from the bowl and swirl and form into a watery sprite and hovers above
its bowl.

The players now are frantically performing death saves and the rogue is performing medicine checks on
the Clerics to try and stabilise them. Thankfully everyone passed their saving throws (Just), a couple of
them were very close to failing 3 times, but thanks to a successful medicine check everyone is still alive
(barely) and Bertram arrives to see a burning forest and sees a burning forest, and a large scorch mark in
the ground around a slowly coming to consciousness Kamara. After everyone had a short rest they were
laughing and chatting shit.

Yelena: The soil rises from the bowl, compacts and reforms into a crystal earth spirit/sprite.

The players then remember the situation and can see that the flames of the fireball went up and around
the death zone, scorching the ground and brickwork around it, but the inside is unburned.
Darvar picks up a rock and throws it into the field, it goes through uninterrupted and clatters against the
stone floor inside the field.
Nettle then throws her boomerang at the sphere on the pedestal, knocking it off and it falls to the
ground, breaking in two, dissipating the death dome.
In the back of the domed room is an arched doorway filled with shadow, after the fireball incident,
everyone became very twitchy every time someone suggested a spell, so a couple of people lit torches
and proceeded with caution through the door and down some stairs, with the rogue at the front,
constantly checking for traps.
They round the corner to find a large rectangular room with several large stone slabs to the left, several
lit torch sconces on the walls, on the opposite side of the room were door open doorways. The right
hand side of the room had a large stone slab which had a set of stone weighing scales attached to the
front of it, there were two symbols on the slab behind the pans, the left symbol was a ball of flame and
the right was some kind of fruit. Behind the door was a recessed section of wall with fancy, intricate
carvings. The floor was a mosaic of a ball of flame with 6 petals around it, which the party quickly
identified as the symbol of Pelor. They could see that the left pan had a scorch mark and the right pan
had some mouldy food of some kind.
They filled the left pan with oil lit it and the right pan with some food, nothing happened. After
investigating the room they found a small rectangular stone totem that had a fireball symbol similar to
the one on the slab and discovered the pans had slight rectangular recesses that looked close to the size
of the totem, after emptying out the oil they put the totem in and the pan shifted down, they tried to
force the wall at the back apart but couldn’t so they decided to head down the left doorway.
The corridor turned left, and they were met with a locked door which Eledon swiftly unlocked. The room
was a cacophony of retched smells, dirt, faeces, sweat and rotten meat, the room was filled with small
tents no taller than 5ft. Eledon entered one of the tents and was attacked by a goblin, prompting 4 more
to appear, all were wearing grey ragged hooded travelling cloaks, one of them looks like their wearing
something under the hood who pulls out a large (for a goblin) Warhammer with intricate carvings on the
head and a piece of red cloth tied around the shaft. Eledon promptly left the room and Kamara cast
thunder wave. 4 goblins failed and the lumpy head one succeeded the dex save, the fails all got flung
back against the wall. And the lumpy one upon seeing this, quickly pulls their hood back to reveal her
face, to which Nettle instantly recognises this goblin, as Nyldee, her childhood and best friend. Nyldee
puts her Warhammer down, open hands (Chris Pratt style) and everyone calms down, combat ends.

Yelena: The ice crystals rise, compress and smooth out into an elegant ice sprite form.

Nyldee explains that ever since Nettle left there was strife and power struggles within the clan, one of
the overzealous goblins didn’t think that Nettle’s father, Grozbaarx "The Terrifing" wasn’t a suitable
enough leader anymore and staged a coup, the clan was almost wiped out in civil war, and that these
were the only loyal goblins left, they had hidden in these ruins, hiding from the humans that were in
here and occasionally robbing caravans, mentioning that they lost a raiding group the day before (The
goblins that attacked them on the way to Carnast)

While all this was happening, Ludwig, the cleric decided to go wandering down the other corridor, there
was a door on the right, at the end, and far right. He entered the door to the left, to find a disused
workshop, several tables around the edge of the room, rusted, discarded tools and a cold and dormant
furnace. He does manage to spot a totem, but his one had a diamond shaped gem carved on it.
He then proceeded down the corridor and listened to the door on the left, and could hear the faint
sound of snoring, rolled stealth, lower than 10, so the door squeaks loudly. Quickly looking in he sees a
row of 9 beds with footlockers at the end of each bed and a table near the door. 3 of the beds were
occupied and the cultists were starting to wake up from the loud door noises. He quietly shuts the door
again before they see him and he listens to the door at the end and can hear two muffled male voices.
Opened the door stealthily to a large library, two rows of standalone stacks on the left and right with
large bookcases on the back walls. On the middle of the back wall there is a large dragon head carving
and can just make out a totem on the floor near it.
It’s at this point that Ludwig remembers that as a Firbolg, he has the ability to turn invisible, (at least 3
people at the table facepalm, inc myself) He turns invisible and succeeds in stealthing across the room,
as he gets to the dragon head and picks up the totem, seeing that it has a fruit on it he hears a deep
gruff voice in his head.

Yelena: now that all the sprites are formed they start to circle around the gem, and Copperscale reaches
out towards you and the captives, one of the henchmen comes up grabs a young woman, not your
retainer drags her over to the gem and throws her on top of it, her screams echoing through the
chamber as she is burned up and dissipates into a radiant light.

Nyldee refuses to help the party. On the basis that the village doesn’t have any fighters around other
than her, and the raiding party has yet to return. She offers the party some of the trinkets that they

• 1x health potion
• 3x rune stones
• 1x booke of spelz

The voice in Ludwigs head speaks in a strange, unknown language to him until it eventually morphs into
common: “Ahh, another Mortal approaches, you may answer my riddles, and you can wield a power
greater than the Gods themselves”.

Ludwig, eventually, solves all of the riddles and the dragon head swings into the wall behind it revealing
a circular corridor, at the end of the hall is a large metallic door. The door has 7 keyholes placed evenly
around the edge, with one in the middle. (eight total). The door has a large carving on it of a large group
of dragons being hit by 1 large beam of magic erupting from the sword of a stalwart warrior. The floor of
the corridor is very dusty, the dust sparkles, it’s a crystal dust and a large brown leather book with a
golden clasp, binding it shut. Along the wall there is a carving, the beginning of it has been broken off;

en, eight warriors wielding as one

In one of the locks he sees a small, bronze like key with the symbol of Pelor on it. Ludwig takes the key
and the book and makes his way back to the group with the fruit totem.

Yelena has been watching in horror as the cultists continue to throw the hostages onto the crystal.
Whether they are conscious or not she hears them scream and writhe around and struggle as they begin
to burn up and the crystal pulls their life force from the body and the bodies turn to ash. Each time this
happens the crystal pulses brighter and stronger, she can feel the pulses, both magically and the air
around her being pushed past her, creating a mild tempest in the Temple.

Copperscale then looks over to Yelena.

“Bring the lowborn Elf next”

Yelena begins to object, Copperscale raises his hand and everyone freezes, he changes his mind “Hmm,
Morren, bring them both” He Smirks, both Yelena and her retainer are manhandled over to the
dragonborn, forced to their knees in front of the crystal, which is pulsing rapidly and almost blinding her.

As the party places the second totem on the scales, they slowly balance back out, dust starts to fall from
the ceiling as the group hear heavy stone clunking and grinding stone. The wall behind the scales splits,
revealing another wall which then splits revealing another one, this was door cascades through the wall
creating a slow emerging passage and the party proceeds through, following the opening walls.

Meanwhile in the Temple…

Copperscale raises his arms “The time is at hand! Through the sacrifice and offering that we give, we
create unrivalled power, and shall stand tall in the new world order! For Millennium!” he yells, the
group of followers echo the cheer. Copper scale sneers at Yelena “Poor little children, afraid and alone,
trying their hardest, to unreap what I've sown. But in the darkness, they cannot see, For that which
should frighten them, is.. not.. me..”

As he mentions this a large guttural growl echoes throughout the temple and the torches lining the walls
becoming dimmer and dimmer, Copperscale starts laughing as Morren picks Yelena and Nelenwe up by
the arms, ready to throw them onto the crystal. As he pulls back there is a large clunk and stone grinding
on stone coming from the far end of the room. “What the-” You hear Copperscale say looking over
towards the light.

The party sees a large vaulted stone room, large pillars run in pairs up the middle of the room, rows of
stone pews face a raised dais/stage. A large group of white robed cultists stands at the bottom of the
stairs. Taking up the entire back wall is a large mural of Pelor with his hand outstretched to a large group
of praying people. On the raised stage are several figures, and the Gem of Pelor, large, bright and
pulsing strongly. Next to the gem they see the Peacekeeper with the fancy beard holden Yelena and
another Elf above the gem, and behind the gem is the Copperscale Dragonborn, wearing fancy blue
gilded robes, who turns to see the group enter the room.

“Ahh, the vaunted party of murderers, thieves and vagabonds, all feign heroism, but for…

To stop the monologue the party immediately start attacking. During the battle, Bertram makes use of a
bear trap, Kamara turns into an Elk, Nettle takes on 4 dudes at once, and Yelena kicks arse. Yelena kicks
Morren against the crystal, scarring his face and burning off part of his arm, she does it again an scars
more of his face and completely destroys Morren’s left arm. At that point, Morren realising he is
buggered, wrestles a ring from copper scale and teleporting away. Copperscale was extremely angry
with this and began attacking recklessly.
Eventually the battle started to turn in the party’s favour and Copperscale raised his hands in the air and
proclaimed “My Master Millenium! Have I not served you faithfully all these years, grant me the
power to smite these interlopers, that I might bask in your glory once more!”

There’s a slight pause, everyone looks at him as the room becomes quiet.
“VERY WELL,” Echoes throughout the room as the ground around him cracks, and splits open creating a
40 ft crevasse, Copperscale falls in consumed by the flames erupting from the crevice.

Nothing happens for a minute, so the party start to heal and prepare for what comes next. The ground
shakes, as a large copper coloured creature resembling a tall humanoid covered in sharp barbs, spines,
and hooks, as it has gleaming eyes it looks to the group, snarls and immediately leaps towards nearest
party member and attacks.

After dealing heavy damage to Nettle, Bertam pain train charges into the barbed devil punting it back
into the crevice. At which point a deep voice echoes throughout the room

“You have me failed me for the last time copperscale” The space up on the dais warps and tears
creating a vertical slit in space, a large yellow circular light appears in the middle, almost like an eye. An
enormous skeletal arm reaches from the portal and grabs Copperscale from the crevice and pulls him
into the portal, all the while the copper devil is screeching with fear and trying to escape from the giant
hand. After he disappears the portal remains open for a few seconds as the yellow orb moves slowly left
to right, intently looking at the party. They hear another growl as the portal snaps shut.

The players loot the room, discovering two pairs of the gloves of shrinking (they shrink the object the
user grabs to 10% of its normal size). Ammunition a wooden staff with three recesses, one of which has
a ruby in it. They also discover that the book and key that Ludwig found was a Ravenous Tome of
Knowledge (essentially a magical kindle) and the Key of Jorasco.

The party investigated the temple, coming across Copperscale’s office where they found letters detailing
a request to include a gem in a statue and a letter seal for Carnast, also finding more gold. They pushed
further into the temple, descending a staircase and breaking through a locked door.

The group found a room filled with discarded corpses, of varying states. A lot of them were dressing in
basic clothing or rags, but there were several bodies wearing Peacekeeper armour. As Eldon started to
loot the bodies a ghoul slashed at him and three more crawled out and attacked the party. The group
dispatched these and after getting Eldon out of the pile of corpses made their way back to the town.

As this was all happening Bertram Ludwig and Kamara, returned to the campsite to find it deserted,
there are lot of horse tracks around the camp and the wagon isn’t there. Most of the fires in Carnast
have been put out, but the party notice that there is a slight blanket of snow on the ground and most of
the flowers are drooping/dying. As they approach Carnast they can see two pairs of large humanoids
standing guard at the gate. They’re wearing large, blue plate armour, large shields on their backs,
varying weapons between swords, spears, axes all with blue metal blades.

These people are part of the Royal Mage Corps, a sector of the Azolan Military that focuses on
magical/religious combat or severe incidents. The knights are known to be Templars.

Upon seeing the party, the guard stand alert, draw weapons. One steps forward, large royal blue tower
shield and sword at the ready, a silver pauldron on her right shoulder. From the very little skin she’s
showing (mainly on her face) she has a large scar on the right going from right temple to left cheek and
the edges of a burn scar on her lower neck. Her nose has been broken several times

Mage Corporal Breyla woodwolf:

“Halt! State your intent and business in Carnast”

Bertram explains that they’re looking for some children in a wagon and that they know about the attack
on the town.

She fetches Captain Gazeff, Grand Sage Rhexon and Lady Irhtos

The ground is slowly becoming wet and sodden underfoot, the snow has slowly changed into sleet and
the already fallen snow has started to melt into a slushy mush.

They hear the squelch of footfalls and hear a young female voice loudly complaining and whining.

you see a small red tiefling in a large poofy, light red sleeveless dress, fluffy boots and mittens. She
stands 200cm (5'6") tall and has a small frame. She has an oval, average face and has lots of little
talismans and trinkets hanging off her horns which jingle and rattle as she walks. Lady Irhtos.

She’s walking next to a tall slender Human male, mid to late 50s, short cropped black hair with some
silver streaks, black goatee with similar silver highlights. Slight wrinkles and crows feet around his eyes.
He holds a refined and reserved emotion to his face. He wears a Royal blue great coat and folded blue
robes underneath, he wears the same plate metal gauntlets and greaves that the soldiers wear. He
wears some black cloth gloves and carries a blue and gold metal staff. Grand Sage Rhexon.

They see the familiar guard captain Gazeff following behind him.

They are led through the town, it’s a stark contrast to the day before, the lively greens and colours of
the town have been replaced by dirt, black scorch marks and dust. The town square has an air of
despondency, there are a few towns people aimlessly ambling around. Along the far side outside Floral
and Hardy, are rows of bodies, covered in white sheets, there are a couple of families in these rows
loudly weeping and hugging each other. A pink Tiefling is going along the rows placing Red carnations on
top of the sheets.

The party is taken to the Hall of justice, where after some intricate debating and a zone of truth spell the
party was deemed to be less guilty. The group with the Grand Sage Rhexon, Lady Irhtos and several
Inquisitors in tow, started to make their way to the ruins to help prove their innocence. On their way
back, they encountered the rest of the group and caught each other up (and cleaned the halfling)

Both Rhexon and Irhtos were surprised to find a temple to Pelor and the effectiveness of the party in
battle. They were shown the large metal door, where Rhexon posited that it might be a depiction of the
first king Azolan, who left the kingdom to slay the king of the dragons, and he was never heard from

The party used a draconic translation book in the ravenous tome and discovered that the mural in the
main temple said: By his power, he will protect the innocent and deliver them from Evil in
preservation of balance.

Its at this point that Brother Darvar explains what he did with the gem and his reasoning, fully to try and
protect the party.

After deliberating with Lady Irhtos, Rhexon gives Darvar an ultimatum:

1. Brother Darvar may keep his rank and priesthood, however will be sent to prison for ten years
for destruction of religious property
2. Brother Darvar will be stripped of his rank and priesthood and will have to perform community
service in penance.

Darvar chose the second option, and was told to report to High Priestess Lilian Sardothein in Zaross
within 10 days or be branded a deserter and would be hunted down by the Templars.

Darvar accepted this sentence and the party agreed to assist him. They made their way back to town
and started to prepare for the journey to Zaross, getting transportation (stealing the wagon from
Aldun’s workshop) and ripping off the owner of the trade post with some clever intimidation by Yelena.
The party is currently resting to make up for the fact they’ve been up all night.

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