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International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 29 (2004) 1173 – 1180

E&ect of H2-injection on the thermodynamic and transportation

properties of natural gas
J.A. Schoutena;∗ , J.P.J. Michelsa , R. Janssen-van Rosmalenb
a University of Amsterdam, Van der Waals-Zeeman Institute, Valckenierstraat 67, Amsterdam 1018 XE, The Netherlands
b Energy+i:d , Boslaan 7, Roden 9301 KH, The Netherlands

Condensation of hydrocarbons due to temperature and pressure changes in the pipelines plays an important role in the
transportation of natural gas. Injection of hydrogen might change this condensation behavior considerably. The in3uence of
hydrogen on the thermodynamics upon injection, on the Joule–Thomson e&ect at the pressure reduction stations, on the energy
density, on the Wobbe index, and on the pressure drop in the pipelines has been calculated. It has been shown that injection
of 25% hydrogen may lead to a temperature drop of several degrees, the temperature drop at the pressure reduction stations
reduces by 13 , and the pressure drop in the transport lines increases only slightly. Moreover, at 40 bar and 258 K the amount
of liquid condensate is slightly less in the case of hydrogen if the same amount of energy is transported.
? 2003 International Association for Hydrogen Energy. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Hydrogen; Natural gas; Mixture; Thermodynamic properties; Transportation properties

1. Introduction Dutch universities and companies. One of the aspects is the

e&ect of the injected hydrogen on the behavior of the natural
Hydrogen as an energy carrier has the potential to reduce gas in the transportation lines, in particular on the conden-
the impact of energy use on global climate change. The sation behavior of the heavy components. These e&ects are
use of hydrogen will enable the large-scale introduction of related to both the temperature and pressure changes upon
durable energy, like hydro, solar and geothermal energy, hydrogen injection as well as to the change in composition.
both for stationary and for transport systems. Also local This condensation requires continuous operational attention
atmospheric pollutants, like NOx , CO, and particles, will be of the gas companies and a positive e&ect of hydrogen might
reduced by the introduction of fuel cells. a&ect the decision to introduce hydrogen.
However, in the transition period towards a hydrogen First of all, there is a temperature e&ect at the point where
economy, hydrogen will probably be obtained from other the hydrogen is injected in the gas stream. The e&ect is due
sources, such as fossil fuels. Hydrogen production from both to the mixing and to the expansion of the hydrogen. But
fossil fuels, particularly from natural gas, may prove to be also the thermodynamic properties of mixtures of hydrogen
attractive. The wide availability of fossil fuels and the ma- with natural gases may di&er considerably from those of the
ture hydrogen production technologies for the conversion natural gases. This will have consequences at various places
of fossil fuels into hydrogen should permit hydrogen to be along the transportation lines. At the pressure reduction sta-
produced at acceptable prices during this transition period. tions the temperature drop due to the Joule–Thomson e&ect
The consequences of injecting hydrogen into the exist- will be di&erent. As a consequence, the amount of energy
ing natural gas grid are being investigated by a number of required to heat up the gas in order to avoid condensation
at the custody transfer stations will be di&erent. Secondly,
the energy density will decrease upon hydrogen injection so
∗ Corresponding author. Fax: +31-20-5255788. that the pressure gradient along the pipelines should prob-
E-mail address: (J.A. Schouten). ably be higher in order to transport the same amount of

0360-3199/$ 30.00 ? 2003 International Association for Hydrogen Energy. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
1174 J.A. Schouten et al. / International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 29 (2004) 1173 – 1180

energy. On the other hand, the mixture may cause a pres-

sure drop in the pipeline di&erent from that in the case of
the natural gas since the properties are di&erent. Moreover,
the gas quality, characterized by the Wobbe index and the
caloriGc value, should be kept within rather narrow limits,
limiting the amount of hydrogen that can be injected. Fi-
nally, the phase envelope of the mixture will deviate from
that of the ‘pure’ natural gas and, therefore, the amount of
condensate at a particular temperature and pressure will be Fig. 1. Schematic representation of the mixing of hydrogen with
di&erent. natural gas.

2. Temperature change at injection of hydrogen

decrease of the hydrogen. Then, using the heat capacities of
Injection of hydrogen in natural gas will probably be per- both the natural gas and the hydrogen the equilibrium tem-
formed in the same way as the usual injection of nitrogen in perature could be calculated. In the second step the gases
natural gas, as is carried out by Gasunie (the Dutch trans- could be mixed at constant pressure. However, the second
portation company). Nitrogen is compressed to a pressure step is the most complicated step and includes the iteration
that is several bars higher than the pressure of the natural gas procedure. Therefore, one can do the expansion and the mix-
in the pipeline and is then injected in the natural gas stream. ing in a single step as well.
This process is both an irreversible dynamical expansion of The procedure we have developed is the following. The
the gas to be injected and a simultaneous irreversible mixing choice for the iteration parameters is the set KV and KU ,
of the gases. the change in total volume and total internal energy of the
It is assumed that the natural gas stream and the amount system, respectively. These parameters are related by the
of hydrogen to be injected are such that the process can be Grst law of thermodynamics, the conservation of energy.
considered to be adiabatic and that the pressure in the nat- First, the total internal energy and total volume of the system
ural gas system will not change with injection of hydrogen. at the starting conditions (Fig. 1) are calculated. A Grst
As a model, consider a natural gas pipeline at a pressure estimate is made of the change in total volume and in total
p1 and a temperature T (Fig. 1). A second pipeline is Glled energy of the system by carrying out both the mixing of
with hydrogen at the same temperature but at a pressure p2 , the gases and the hydrogen expansion to p1 in one step at
which is higher than p1 . Both gas volumes are connected constant temperature. A volume V2 of hydrogen (at p2 ) is
via a small hole and the whole system is in dynamical equi- needed to bring a volume V1 of natural gas at the required
librium. The system is thermally isolated from the environ- composition. According to the Grst law
ment so that the process is adiabatic. One can imagine the
process to be separated into two processes. First, the hydro- KU = KQ + KW; (1)
gen will expand. Work is done on the hydrogen system and where KW is the work done on the system. The process is
the system will do work on the environment. This is a Joule– assumed to be adiabatic thus
Thomson expansion but, since the system is far above the
inversion temperature of hydrogen, the temperature of the KU = KW: (2)
system will slightly increase instead of the usual decrease. The total work done on the system is
So in this step both temperature and volume will increase.
KW = (P2 − P1 ):V2 − P1 :KVtotal (3)
Secondly, the hydrogen will mix with the natural gas. Since
it is not an ideal mixture, both the temperature and the vol-
with KVtotal = KVexpansion + KVmixing :
ume will change during this process. In principle, the ef-
fect can be positive or negative, but, considering the inter- The calculated values of KU and KW are, in general, not
molecular forces, a lowering of the temperature is expected. equal in the Grst step. The temperature is then changed and
Due to this temperature change the volume of the system the procedure is repeated until the relative value of the dif-
will decrease and the environment will do work on the ference between KW and KU is less than 10−3 . A computer
system. program for the above procedure has been developed. For
The problem is to calculate the Gnal temperature because the equation of state of the natural gas and the hydrogen the
only the Gnal pressure is known (p1 ) and not the Gnal vol- AGA8-DC92 equation has been taken [1].
ume. Therefore, an iteration procedure is needed. One has The temperature e&ect has been calculated for 10 and
to choose a relevant parameter set for the iteration and a 25 mol% H2 injection in a lean gas (82.5% CH4 , 11.7%
procedure to carry out the iteration. At Grst sight, it seems N2 , 1.1% CO2 , 3.5% C2 H6 , 0.75% C3 H8 , and balance C¿3 ),
logical to carry out Grst an irreversible adiabatic expansion which is commonly used in the households in the Nether-
of the hydrogen from p2 to p1 and calculate the temperature lands, and a rich gas (85.5% CH4 , 0.5% N2 , 1.8% CO2 ,
J.A. Schouten et al. / International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 29 (2004) 1173 – 1180 1175

Table 1 the rich gas. Thus, the (over) pressure of the hydrogen is
Temperature decrease at H2 -injection not relevant for the temperature e&ect.
Pressure (bar) 67 (77) 67 (67) 40 (50) 8 (18)
In some cases rich gas is mixed with lean gas. To keep
the Wobbe index, deGned as the ratio of the gross caloriGc
Lean gas value to the square root of the relative density at 1.01325
10 mol% 2:63 K 2:65 K 1:44 K 0:23 K bar and 273:15 K (STP), at the required value, nitrogen is
25 mol% 5:50 K 5:56 K 3:02 K 0:48 K injected into the natural gas. Calculations have been made,
using the above procedure, for nitrogen injection into the
Rich gas
same natural gases and under the same conditions of tem-
10 mol% 3:92 K 3:94 K 2:04 K 0:32 K
25 mol% 8:18 K 8:24 K 4:29 K 0:67 K
perature and pressure. In general the tendency is the same
as in the case of hydrogen injection but the e&ect is about
45% that of hydrogen. The explanation is also similar with
one di&erence. For nitrogen a Joule–Thomson expansion re-
8.5% C2 H6 , 2.7% C3 H8 , and balance C¿3 ), often used in sults in a small temperature decrease, not an increase, e.g.,
industry. The calculations have been performed for 280 K expansion of nitrogen at 280 K from 70 to 60 bar gives a
and three pressures corresponding with the pressures in the temperature decrease of about 1:9 K.
main transportation lines, the regional net, and the low pres-
sure distribution net. In Table 1 some of the results are
presented. In the Grst row the pressure in the pipeline is 3. Energy density
given, while the pressure of the hydrogen to be injected is
denoted in brackets. The temperature decrease varies from Since the heating value of a mole of hydrogen is about 13
a few degrees at the highest pressure to only a few tenths that of a mole of methane, the energy density of natural gases
of a degree at 8 bar. The e&ect is nearly proportional to decreases if hydrogen is injected. As will be discussed later,
the H2 concentration for low concentrations (not shown in sometimes nitrogen might be injected simultaneously with
Table 1) but slightly less than proportional for larger H2 hydrogen to get a prescribed value for the Wobbe index. In
fractions. To study the variation with temperature some cal- Table 2 results are presented for the lean gas at 40 bar and
culations have been performed at 300 K. The temperature 280 K. The third column gives the energy density relative
e&ect is less at higher temperatures: e.g. 5:5 K for the lean to that of the lean gas. Since the objective is to reduce the
gas with 25 mol% H2 at 280 K and 4:6 K at 300 K. A com- emission of CO2 , the last column gives the amount of carbon
parison of the results of the lean and the rich gas shows that dioxide produced per MJ. The second row gives the values
the e&ect is larger for the higher caloriGc gas. Calculations if the mole fraction of hydrogen is 0.1. To keep the Wobbe
have also been made for a hydrogen injection pressure equal index constant the amount of nitrogen should be reduced by
to that of the natural gas. In Table 1 the results are only about 2.5%. The last row gives the values for the lean gas
given for the highest pressure. It is shown that the result mixed with hydrogen if the Wobbe index is not kept con-
is nearly independent of the (over) pressure of the injected stant by reducing the amount of nitrogen. The table shows
gas. that in both cases the e&ect is non-negligible. Injection of
The results can be explained in the following way. Let 10 mol% hydrogen requires a 9% higher 3ow rate to trans-
us assume that the natural gas is pure methane. If hydro- port the same amount of energy. Therefore, the pressure in
gen is injected the hydrogen molecules will interact with the pipelines has to be increased. On the other hand, the vis-
the methane molecules and destroy some of the methane– cosity and, more important, the compression factor change
methane interactions. Since the hydrogen–methane interac- which also in3uence the pressure drop in the pipelines. The
tion is relatively small the potential energy of the system overall e&ect will be discussed below in the section about
will increase and, therefore, the kinetic energy and thus the the pressure drop in the pipelines.
temperature will decrease if the mixing is adiabatic. At low
pressures the number of collisions is much less and so is the Table 2
temperature decrease. The same holds for higher tempera- E&ect on the energy density, N2 concentration, and CO2 emission
tures because the density is less. In the rich gas the con- of 10% hydrogen in the lean gas at 40 bar and 280 K
centrations of the higher hydrocarbons, which have a more Wobbe Energy N2 CO2
negative interaction energy, is larger resulting in a larger index density (%) (g/MJ)
temperature e&ect.
At 280 K a Joule–Thomson expansion of hydrogen from Lean gas 45.55 1.00 11.73 50.86
70 to 60 bar will result in a temperature increase of about
10% H2 45.55 0.93 9.18 48.97
0:35 K. Since the heat capacity of the natural gas is much
(Wobbe equal)
larger than that of hydrogen, the e&ect will be very small
in the mixture. There is a small di&erence between the lean 10% H2 44.61 0.92 10.55 48.96
and the rich gas due to the slightly higher heat capacity of
1176 J.A. Schouten et al. / International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 29 (2004) 1173 – 1180

4. Joule–Thomson e ect at pressure reduction stations hydrogen. Although the temperature drop in the rich gas is
clearly larger, there is no essential di&erence between the
In the Netherlands Gasunie transports the gas in the main lean and the rich gas with respect to the relative change.
transport lines under high pressure, from 70 to 40 bar. Via Also some values for 290 K are presented. The results are
pressure reduction stations it is distributed to the regional similar.
pipelines where the pressure varies from 40 to 16 bar. Fi-
nally, it is transferred to the local net at a pressure less than
8 bar. At the pressure reduction stations the temperature of 5. Wobbe index
the gas drops due to the expansion and, in many cases, heat
must be supplied to prevent condensation of the heavy hy- Injection of hydrogen into the natural gas a&ects the
drocarbons. To heat at constant pressure one cubic meter Wobbe index. The Wobbe index of hydrogen (48.3) is
of lean gas (at STP) 1:84 kJ=K is needed and for rich gas higher than that of lean gas (45.5) but lower than that of
2:07 kJ=K. The pressure drop from the main transport lines the rich gas (54.4). One might expect that adding hydrogen
to the regional pipelines may be as large as 20 bar, e.g., from would increase the index of lean gas but this is not the case
60 to 40 bar. In some cases even the pressure drops from for small mole fractions of hydrogen. In Fig. 2 the Wobbe
65 to 8 bar. In Table 3 a few examples are given for the index is presented as a function of mole percent of hydro-
in3uence of hydrogen on the temperature drop. The mole gen. The curve shows a minimum at about 75 –80 mol%.
fraction of hydrogen is taken to be 0.25 Injecting 10 mol% hydrogen in the lean gas lowers the
The table shows that the addition of hydrogen has a Wobbe index from 45.5 to 44.6. Since the curve is very
considerable e&ect on the temperature drop and thus on steep at the hydrogen rich side, the index for hydrogen
the amount of heat needed to avoid condensation. If the is very sensitive to impurities. The behavior of the curve
gas contains 25 mol% hydrogen, the temperature decrease for rich gas is similar. The shape of the curves can be ex-
is about two-third the temperature drop in the gas without plained as follows. Both the gross caloriGc value and the
relative density are linear functions of the mole fraction of
hydrogen. However, the Wobbe index is inversely propor-
tional to the square root of the density and this produces the
Table 3 curvature.
E&ect of 25% hydrogen in the lean gas on the temperature drop
KT at pressure reduction stations

Gas Temperature (K) p1 (bar) p2 (bar) KT

Lean 280 60 40 9.5

30 8 11.3
8 1 3.6
60 8 27.6

290 60 40 8.8
30 8 10.5
8 1 3.3
60 8 25.3

Lean+H2 280 60 40 5.8

30 8 7.0
8 1 2.3
60 8 16.5
290 60 40 5.4

Rich 280 60 40 12.1

30 8 14.2
8 1 4.4
60 8 35.9

290 60 40 11.1

Rich+H2 280 60 40 7.2

30 8 8.8
8 1 2.8
Fig. 2. The Wobbe index as a function of the hydrogen mole
60 8 20.8
fraction for a rich and a lean gas.
J.A. Schouten et al. / International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 29 (2004) 1173 – 1180 1177

Table 4
Pressure decrease Kp over 90 km and velocity of the gas (at the
end of the pipeline) in a pipeline with a diameter of 1:04 m

T (K) p Kr :106 :106 Q Kp v

(bar) (m) (Pa.s) (m3 =s) (bar) (m/s)

Lean gas
280 65 12 12 425 11.9 8.7
15 12 12.3 8.8
12 24 12.3 8.8
290 12 12 12.7 9.3

280 65 12 12 508 14.6 11.7
425 9.9 8.9
67.1 508 14.0 11.1

Rich gas
280 65 12 12 425 11.3 8.1

280 65 12 12 518 15.1 11.8
425 9.8 8.7
67.9 518 14.2 10.9

Kr is the roughness,  the dynamic viscosity, Q the 3ow rate

(referred to STP) and p the pressure at the starting point.
Fig. 3. The nitrogen mole fraction, needed to keep the Wobbe index
at 43.7, as a function of the amount of hydrogen for three gases.
Integration of the above equation gives the pressure drop
over a Gnite length of the pipeline. The friction factor de-
In the Netherlands the Wobbe index has to be maintained pends on the Reynolds number deGned by
within the limits 43.4 and 44.4 for the households. Most of
the gases have a much higher Wobbe index and have to be Re = :v:D=; (5)
mixed with nitrogen to satisfy these limits. If hydrogen is
injected less nitrogen is needed, thus in that case the Wobbe where  is the dynamic viscosity at the pressure and tem-
index can be kept constant by adding nitrogen simultane- perature in the pipeline. Note that if  is taken constant, Re
ously with the hydrogen. In this way, a substantial reduction is also constant along the pipeline. One also needs the value
of the production of nitrogen is possible, saving also en- for the roughness Kr , the average height of the protrusions,
ergy. For a few gases the nitrogen mole fraction (including of the pipeline. For highly turbulent 3ows (Re ¿ 106 ) the
the nitrogen already present in the gas), needed to keep the friction factor  can then be calculated from the equation:
Wobbe index at 43.7, is given as a function of the amount 1=0:5 = −2 log[2:51=(Re:0:5 ) + Kr =(3:71D)]: (6)
of hydrogen in Fig. 3.
It is further assumed that the temperature is constant along
the pipeline. In Table 4 results are presented for a practical
6. Pressure drop in the pipelines example. The gas is transported over a distance of 90 km
with an initial pressure of 65 bar. The 3ow rate is 425 m3 =s
The 3ow of a 3uid in a pipeline is governed by the (STP) and the diameter of the pipe is 1:04 m. This results in a
well-known Navier–Stokes equation. If we consider a sta- very high Reynolds number, accounting for highly turbulent
tionary state and neglect the in3uence of gravitation on the 3ow. The calculations have been performed for a lean and a
3ow, the equation reduces to an equation which is usually rich gas and for these gases with 10 and 25 mol% hydrogen.
used for the calculation of the pressure drop dp along a The e&ect of temperature, viscosity and friction factor has
length d x of the pipeline of internal diameter D [2]: also been determined. The Grst and second row give the
dp = −0:5:v2 ::d x=D; (4) temperature of the pipeline and the initial pressure, the third,
fourth and Gfth rows the roughness, the viscosity, and the
where  is the mass density of the gas at the pressure and 3ow rate (referred to STP), the sixth row gives the pressure
temperature in the pipeline, v is the average velocity of the drop over 90 km and the last row the velocity of the gas at
gas (at the prevailing conditions) and  is the friction factor. the end point.
1178 J.A. Schouten et al. / International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 29 (2004) 1173 – 1180

As mentioned before, the energy=m3 is less for the hydro- the critical temperature of the mixture. Retrograde conden-
gen containing gases than for the natural gas. At 273:15 K sation is an important cause of hydrocarbon liquid dropout
and 1:10325 bar the energy of the lean gas is 36:56 MJ=m3 , in the transport lines at pressure drops.
with 25 mol% H2 30:58 MJ=m3 . As a result, to transport the Calculation of the phase behavior of natural gases is very
same amount of energy the 3ow rate for gas with hydro- complicated due to the presence of the heavy hydrocarbons,
gen should be 508 m3 =s. For the rich gas the energy at STP in particular those with a carbon number between eight and
is 44:22 MJ=m3 , with 25 mol% 36:31 MJ=m3 . Therefore, in 12, as shown by Voulgaris [3]. Experiments have been per-
the last case the 3ow rate should be 518 m3 =s. formed to get information about the solubility of the light
The table shows that an uncertainty in the viscosity of component of a natural gas in the heavy hydrocarbons [3,4].
100% results in an uncertainty of the pressure drop of about It turned out that the in3uence of N2 , C2 H6 and CO2 on the
3%. It turns out that this change is almost independent of solubility of CH4 in decane is within experimental accuracy
the composition of the gas, which is generally the case for the same for all these gases in the retrograde region and
turbulent 3ow. It should be noted, that at lower Reynolds at lower pressures. Calculations with the Peng–Robinson
numbers (lower 3ow rates), the dependency on the viscosity equation of state were in good agreement with these
is larger. In that case, however, pressure drops along the results [3].
pipelines are insigniGcant as compared to those of the highly Injection of hydrogen increases the complexity because
turbulent 3ows. Therefore, the e&ect of the viscosity can be of the highly asymmetric nature of hydrocarbon–hydrogen
neglected. Increase of the temperature by 10 K increases the mixtures. In recent years several e&orts have been made to
pressure drop by about 6% also for the gases with hydrogen. model these mixtures with a cubic equation of state [5–11].
This is due to the fact that to transport the same amount Except near the critical temperature of the mixture, good re-
of energy a larger volume is needed at higher temperatures. sults were obtained for the vapor–liquid equilibria curves of
The e&ect of the Kr factor is also relatively small, although binary systems. One of the problems is that the  function
it must be noted that this factor can change in time. An in the well-known Soave–Redlich–Kwong and the Peng–
increase of Kr by 25% gives an increase of the pressure drop Robinson equations of state (EOS) is not constructed for
of about 3%. temperatures far above the critical temperature. Some inves-
The table also shows that the pressure drop in the rich tigators tried to avoid this problem by constructing other 
gas is less than in the lean gas. Given an equal 3ow rate, functions [5,6,11] and/or mixing rules [5,7,8,10,11]. Others
with the amount of m3 =s referred to STP, the density of the developed correlative methods relating the interaction coef-
rich gas is higher at the prevailing conditions in the pipeline Gcients kij of the various hydrogen–hydrocarbon mixtures
but the velocity is smaller than that of lean gas. Moreover, [8,9,11]. It turns out that the results for the vapor–liquid
in the equation for the pressure drop (4) the velocity is equilibrium of binary hydrogen–hydrocarbon mixtures are
squared. not very sensitive to the values of kij [9,11]. They are more
If we like to discuss the e&ect of hydrogen on the pressure sensitive to the repulsion parameter, but calculations showed
drop, there are several possibilities. Do we compare the lean that the results did not improve substantially by introducing
gas with, e.g., the lean gas mixed with 25% hydrogen at new complicated mixing rules for the repulsion parameters
the same 3ow rate, at the same end pressure, with the same [9].
energy 3ow, with the same pressure drop, or a combination? Therefore, it seems reasonable to expect that calculations
Probably the best comparison is to keep the energy 3ow with the PR-EOS will give a good approximation for the
and the pressure at the end of the pipe the same. Table 4 in3uence of hydrogen on the phase behavior of a natural gas.
shows that, starting at 65 bar, the pressure drop of the lean The well-known Aspen program has been used. Since we
gas increases by 2:7 bar over 90 km if 25 mol% hydrogen are interested in the change in phase behavior of a natural
is added. In the case of the rich gas it is 3:6 bar. It can be gas if hydrogen is added, calculations have been made both
noted that if one likes to have the same pressure at the end for a natural gas and this natural gas mixed with hydrogen.
of a pipeline with a length of 90 km, the initial pressure The natural gas is a lean gas (CH4 81%, N2 14%, C2 H6 3%,
should be 2.1 or 2:9 bar higher, respectively. CO2 1%, C3 H8 0.4%, C4 ::C12 ). The amount of hydrogen
In all cases the mean velocity of the gas in the pipeline added is 20 mol% so that the mole fraction of hydrogen is
is far below the maximum accepted value of 20 m=s. 0.167 and the mole fractions of the other components are
all reduced by 16.7%. The calculations of the vapor–liquid
equilibrium have been performed for a pressure of 40 bar
7. Vapor–liquid equilibrium and at a temperature of 258 K. To get a suQcient amount
of liquid the temperature has been assumed rather low. This
Intuitively one would expect vaporization of the liquid makes a more detailed analysis of the compositions of the
phase of a mixture if the pressure is decreased or the tem- liquid and gas phase possible.
perature is increased. However, under special circumstances The Aspen program has built-in a number of interaction
the reverse might happen. This phenomenon is called retro- parameters kij for hydrogen with the components of the nat-
grade condensation and occurs at temperatures (far) above ural gas. These parameters are given in Table 5.
J.A. Schouten et al. / International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 29 (2004) 1173 – 1180 1179

Table 5 As shown, the energy density of a natural gas mixed with

Values for the unlike interaction parameters kij for binary mixtures hydrogen is smaller than that of the natural gas. To transport
of hydrogen with the components of a natural gas the same amount of energy about 18% more cubic meters
System kij System kij must be transported in the above example (40 bar; 258 K).
Therefore, the di&erence in the amount of condensate in the
H2 –CH4 0.0156 H2 –C7 H8 −0.510 transport line is only a few percent in favor of the gas with
–C2 H6 −0.0667 –C7 H16 −0.1167 hydrogen. One should realize, however, that the exact value
–C3 H8 −0.0833 –N2 0.103 depends not only on the temperature and pressure but also
–C4 H10 −0.397 –CO2 −0.1622
on the speciGc composition of the gas.
–C6 H14 −0.0300
It is also interesting to compare the mole fractions of the
gas phase in the two cases. It turns out that the mole fraction
of the light components reduce to about 83% by adding the
hydrogen. A deviation occurs with the heavy hydrocarbons:
Table 6
Amount of the natural gas components dissolved in the liquid phase C8 80%, C9 77%, C10 73%, C11 69% and C12 65%.
for the hydrogen-natural gas mixture relative to that in the case of
the natural gas without hydrogen
8. Conclusions
Component (%) Component (%)

C1 65 Toluene 82 When adding hydrogen to a natural gas, a number of

C2 69 C8 88 changes take place in the thermodynamic properties that are
C3 72 C9 86 of interest for the transportation of the gas.
Benzene 81 C10 84 At the injection of hydrogen in the main transportation
C7 84 C11 84 lines the temperature drops several degrees. The e&ect is
twice as large as with the injection of nitrogen. The tem-
perature drop in the pipelines at the pressure reduction sta-
tions is reduced by about 13 if the natural gas contains 25%
Based on the amount of hydrogen in the gas phase hydrogen, thus reducing substantially the amount of energy
(16.7%), a Grst rough estimate of the amount of the natural needed at the custody transfer stations to heat up the gas.
gas components in the liquid phase would be 83.3% of that Of course, the energy density decreases if hydrogen is
in the case of the natural gas without hydrogen. In Table 6 added and this should be taken into account in all calcula-
the results of the calculation are given for the ten largest tions. It is also shown that, although the Wobbe index of
contributions. hydrogen is higher than that of the lean gas, injection of hy-
In addition it can be noted that hydrogen hardly dissolves drogen up to about 75% reduces the Wobbe index, as in the
in the liquid phase, that the contributions of N2 and CO2 to case of the rich gas. This e&ect of hydrogen on the Wobbe
the amount of liquid are small, and that the numbers for ni- index also implies that the injection of nitrogen, as is gen-
trogen and carbon dioxide are 65% and 68%, respectively erally applied in the Netherlands for obtaining a gas with
(not in the table). In this respect nitrogen and carbon diox- a low Wobbe index, can be partially replaced by injecting
ide behave similar to methane. The experimental results for hydrogen.
binary systems of Refs. [12,13] are conGrmed in the sense The pressure gradient in the pipelines is larger in the case
that the solubility of methane in the liquid is much higher of the natural gas than in the mixture containing hydrogen
than that of hydrogen and nitrogen, but much smaller than if the same amount of gas is transported on a volumetric
that of carbon dioxide. The solubility of hydrogen in the basis but less on an energy basis. On an energy basis the
liquid is less than that of nitrogen. The experimental results pressure decrease in the main transport lines over a distance
also show that the solubility does not depend very much on of 100 km is a few bars more for the natural gas containing
the length of the hydrocarbon chain. 25% hydrogen.
The calculations show that the number of condensed Calculations of the vapor–liquid equilibrium at 40 bar and
moles per cubic meter of gas of all the components de- 258 K show that the amount of condensate in the transporta-
creases if hydrogen is added. The reduction is larger than tion lines is a few percent less in the hydrogen mixture if the
16.7% for the light natural gas components, in particular same amount of energy is transported. This is mainly due to
methane, and only slightly less than 16.7% for the heavy a reduction of the amount of methane dissolved in the liquid.
hydrocarbons (see Table 6). On the average the reduction
of the amount of liquid is 22%, more than the concentration
of hydrogen. Since the mole fraction of methane in the gas Acknowledgements
phase is large, this is largely due to methane. As a result
the density of the liquid is slightly higher. The reduction in This project is supported with a grant of the Dutch Pro-
the weight of the liquid is 21%. gram EET (Economy, Ecology and Technology) a joint
1180 J.A. Schouten et al. / International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 29 (2004) 1173 – 1180

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