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Investigation 5 (annotated)

EX: The disk in the

experiment is aligned along
the vertical, not the horizontal
as shown here.

EX: Relevant information.

Physics teacher support material 1

Investigation 5 (annotated)

EX: More relevant


EX: A good range of data.

Physics teacher support material 2

Investigation 5 (annotated)

EX: The answer to the research question is already known,

so a better research question (RQ) would be to confirm the
known theory.

EX: Excellent detail.

EX: Is the moment of inertia

the same if the disk is
horizontal or vertical?

Physics teacher support material 3

Investigation 5 (annotated)

Physics teacher support material 4

Investigation 5 (annotated)

EX: Was the string under

tension when measured?
Was there any excess
rotation in the knot between
the string of the disc as well
as the support?

AN: Sufficient and detailed

raw data, nicely presented.

Physics teacher support material 5

Investigation 5 (annotated)

AN: Clear and concise

processing of data.

Physics teacher support material 6

Investigation 5 (annotated)

CM: The student's communication is CM: Unit notation should not

clear, focused and detailed, almost too be in italic style.
much detail at times. The moderator
appreciates the student's enthusiasm.

Physics teacher support material 7

Investigation 5 (annotated)

AN: Correct uncertainty propagation.

Nicely presented.

CM: Wrong units but a

mistake by the student.

AN: Amazingly good results, except for an

obvious systematic shift.

Physics teacher support material 8

Investigation 5 (annotated)

EV: The correlation function is

not really relevant here. The
student should rather
consider some physical
meaning to their results.

Physics teacher support material 9

Investigation 5 (annotated)

EV: Correct observation. The

issue of the effective
pendulum length as opposed
to the measured length is key
here, and relates to the disk
being held vertically whereas
the theory has it horizontally.
The student misses the point
here and makes comments
EV: Linear is correct.
about minor issues.

Physics teacher support material 10

Investigation 5 (annotated)

EV: The student is trying hard here and earns credit for their attempt.

Physics teacher support material 11

Investigation 5 (annotated)

PE: The attention to detail, the overall quality of analysis, the initiative in the process and the
enthusiasm seen between the lines, all add up for full marks under personal engagement.

Physics teacher support material 12

Investigation 5 (annotated)

Physics teacher support material 13

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