Useful Expressions To Respond To Greetings

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Good Morning 

Morning Josh

Morning , Guys

Good Afternoon

Good Night

Good Evening



How are you ?

How are you doing?


How is it going?

Hey Matthew

Hey, What’s up 

Hey, Buddy

Hey, Guys 

Hey, What’s going on?

What’s new?

Useful expressions to respond to Greetings

These are some of the common ways to respond to some of the greetings above

Good to see you

Good to see you too


I am fine




I am doing great

Very well thanks

Not bad

Pretty good

Not Good

Not much 

Useful expressions for introductions

 What’s your name? My name is [Your name here]

 This is [name of a friend]

 I am [ [name of a friend]

 I am happy to meet you

 Nice to see you again

 Excuse me

 Thanks/Thank you

 Please

 Nice/good to meet you

 Nice meeting you too

 I am from [place, school ]

1. Bye

2. Good-Bye

3. See you

4. See You later

5. See you tomorrow

6. See you in a few (In a few means in a few minutes or hours)

7. See you around

8. Later

9. Take care

Greetings and Introduction Dialogues

Dialogue #1

Mike: Good Morning

Linda: How are you mike?

Mike:  I am fine Linda

Linda: We are in the same class

Mike:  That’s right, Can I have your telephone number?

Linda: Sure, It is 86021456

Dialogue #2

Mike:  Hello, My name is Mike

Linda: How are you Mike? I am Linda

Mike:  I am fine, how about you?

Linda: I am fine too but I am a little lost.

Mike:  What’s your first class?

Linda: I have spanish classes

Mike:  Nice, We are classmates

Linda: That’s great

Greetings and introductions Worksheet

The following worksheet has the vocabulary detailed in the presentation section + some
awesome pictures taken from the American English at State facebook page + texts with some
reading comprehension questions.

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English Lessons: How to Introduce Yourself in English

Greetings and introductions in English

Basic greeting and introductions and responses

This English lesson you will learn how to ask someone for there full name and what to ask
them if you don't understand what they are saying.

Greeting and introducing yourself

Hello, my name is John, what is your name?

Hi John my name is Jane pleased to meet you.Greeting someone and asking them there name

Hello, I'm Peter what is your name?

Hello, my names Sarah nice to meet you.

Can you tell me your name please?

my name is John Smith, pleased to meet you.

What if I don't understand them?

Teacher:- Please tell me your name?

Student:- my name is Boris Jones.

Teacher:- Am sorry I don't understand, please repeat it slowly for me

Student:- B - o - r - i - s J-o-n-e-s

**Hint if you still don't understand what they are saying ask them to spell it **

Teacher:- Am sorry I still don't understand, please spell it for me

Student:- B - o - r - i - s J-o-n-e-s

Teacher:- Thank you.

Greetings and responses

Learning about basic greetings and introductions English lesson

A conversation between two people

Can you tell me your full name please? My full name is John Pilkington

I'm sorry , what was your last name again? My last name is Pilkington.

Am sorry I don't understand. Could you please repeat it more slowly for me? P - i - l - k - i - n -
g - t - o - n.

How do you write that? Could you spell it please? P - i - l - k - i - n - g - t - o - n.

And could you tell me your first name please? John

Pardon? John - J-o-h-n.

Can you tell me your telephone number please? 8- 2-2-3-2-7-1-9.

Thank you John for your time. You're welcome I hope to hear from you soon.
Remember these words

Thank you Please excuse me

The words in red are considered to be polite, if these words were not included depending on
the tone of your voice you might come across as rude,it is best to be polite at all times.

Greeting and introductions video

The second video on greetings and introductions shows you how to do greetings before
conversation, greetings in business, a class room and at a party.

Lessons that are related to this one

To view a lesson just click on the link.

English greetings learning English basics introductions

Greetings and introductions English lesson

Greeting someone in English learning basic English

Easy pace Learning online dictionary and how to use dictionaries

Click on the following link for the Online English dictionary - English lesson

Learning basic English greetings and introductions part 3

Click here to view all lessons on the home page

English Greetings and introductions exercise 

How to complete the exercise on greetings and introductions?

To complete the exercise is a bout an conversation between 2 people you have to out correct
words into the sentences below.
What is the conversation about?

Mr Bean meets Mrs Jones, one of his students from college, and her husband in the street.

Exercise English greetings

Copy and write the conversation below onto a piece of paper and using the 9 words below fill
in the blanks.

London Pleased Manchester

English teacher Goodbye Morning

Thanks Not too bad Mr Bean

 Good ________, Mrs Jones.
 Mrs Jones:  Good morning, _____. How are you?
 Mr Bean:  I'm fine _______, and you?
 __________ . Mr Bean, this is my husband Michael, Michael this is Mr Bean
 Mrs Jones:
my ________.
 Mr Jones:  Pleased to meet you Mr Bean.
 Mr Bean:  ______ to meet you too. Are you from England, Mr Jones?
 Mr Jones:  Yes, from Manchester. Do you live in Manchester?
 Mr Bean:  No, I'm from ________, but I live in Manchester while am teaching at college.
 Mrs Jones:  Well, _______ Mr Bean, it was nice to see you.
 Mr Bean:  Yes, it was nice talking to you goodbye.
Answers to the exercise

Clcik on the link for the answers Greetings and introductions English exercise answers

Print the work sheet onto some paper

To print the lesson right click on a white space and select print or copy and past the categories
onto a word document and the print.

Unable to print

If you are unable to print the work sheet, then write the questions onto some blank paper.

Lessons that are related to the exercise

To view any of the lessons below click on link.

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