Assignment 3

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Muhammad Hasnain

Registration no – 2018282

Assignment 3 -post mids

Course CV 215 – concrete Technology

Title - Permeability in concrete

Submitted to – DR ASHRAF TANOLI

Permeability in concrete and its significance
Permeability in concrete can be an extremely valuable property, or it can cause the
concrete structure to fail in its intended purpose. It all depends on whether the concrete
should hold water (or liquids) or if it should allow them to pass through it. Technological
advances have allowed the industry to modify the permeability characteristic of concrete so
that a design mix can be very permeable or almost completely impermeable.

Permeable concrete is useful for pavement where storm water can be allowed to drain
through the concrete pavement, rather than flowing off of it. Water flowing off of concrete
can cause flooding, erosion, and pollution to nearby watersheds, and paved surfaces can
greatly increase the amount of water that becomes runoff in even moderate rains, since it
tends to collect water on its surface which flows towards the downhill side of the pavement
and into ditches or conveyances. Permeable concrete pavement allows this water to soak
through it, and depending on how the base and subgrade is constructed, can absorb more
water than is falling directly on the pavement. Using gravel, limestone, or coarse sand as a
subgrade, rather than less permeable clay, silt, or other materials will mean rainwater that
flows through the permeable concrete can soak into the base material.

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