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Memorandum of Understanding US. / Indonesian Education Consortium (USINEC) May 14, 2016 Introduction, ‘The US. / Indonesian Teacher Education Consortium (USINTEC) Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) copied inthe following pages was executed by and between the USand Indonesian member institutions in 2006 (Annex!) and renewed in2011 (Annex If, Officials of each university signed the agreements in concurrent Fashion Extension of the Period of the MOU Ris now the intent of consortium members to retroactively extend the period ofthe ‘MOU without interruption unt May 14, 2024. Impact of the Extension on Other Articles in the MOU Allother articles in the March 22, 2006 MOU remain in forces orginally agreed by the consortium members. Specifically, the following articles remain unchanged ‘excepts noted Mission ‘Toreflect broadened mission the consortium shall be known as the United States Indonesfan Education Consortium, Conditions Ikisunderstood thatthe details of joint activities, conditions for ulation ofthe results achieved, and arrangements for specific iss, exchanges, and al other forme of cooperation willbe negotiated for each specie cat. Iti also understood that any financial arrangements will be negotiated in each specficcase and will depend ‘upon the avalability of funds Activities USINTEC activities include but ar nt Finite to: ‘+ undergraduate and graduate curriculum and program development and revision in carly childhood elementary and secondary education elds 4 design of preservice and inservice curricula and programs that incorporate content nd pedagouy teacher professional standards and lead to teacher cetiiation ‘+ shorten and praduate degre programs inthe US fr Indonesian faculty and due students *+ collaboration in Indonesia ameng US and Indonesian faculty and yraduate students ‘+ development of join US/Indonesian graduate degree programs that combine fe tovface, eleaming, and distance edvcation delivery + collaborative research I) Page + development and use of information communication technologies forteaching, leaming, research, outreach, materials dissemination, distance education, and ‘coordination among USINTEC partners * evaluation of USINTEC activities and esults Partners Additions and Withdrawals of Partners Asmembers may be added or withdrawn according tothe terms ofthis NOU. the official list of partners is identiied and updated at wwywassintec org as authorized by thesignatures ofthe ofctals at those institutions. Period of the MOU ‘This NOU, wiich may be amended from time to time by majority written consensus ofthe partners, wil remain in foree until May 14, 2021 at which time USINTEC Partners will modify the MOU in accordance with future directions ofthe consortium. Signatures Immediately below the text of the original MOU isa MOU extension signature page for each USINTEC Institution, It should be completed and signed in accordance with institutional requirements and returned to The Ohio State University tothe Execaive Director of USINTEG, awecs i: Ngee Medan University: Extension of US /Indonesian Education Consortium MOU, May, 2016 Name and Tie ‘Dae ZO Nameond Title Date Nameand Tile Dave diPage Unvecsta Wegei Surabaya University: Extension of US /Indonesian Education Consortium MOU, May, 2016 12S: 1b Name ard THe Date Nomeand Title Date Name and Tie Date Uvpiesnh, Singaraialr Bari , Pageant | University: Extension of US./Indonesian Education Consortium MOU, May, 2016 Date Date Universitas Negpci Cocontal University Extension of US,/Indonesian Education Consortium MOU, May, 2016 Tame and Tile Dae ne Le ons Name and Tide Date ‘Name and Title Date’ Uneweisdas A citi Sowa aug University: Extension of US./Indonesian Education Consortium MOU, May, 2016 12S AG ame and Tide Date Name and Tile Date Uaivelsitas Reyee’ MAME, University: Extension of US/Indonesian Education Consortium MOU, May,2016 1S De Dae fame and Tite Daa University: Extension of US,/Indenesian Education Consortium MOU, May, 2016 b ie [2016 Name and Tie Date ee Nameand Tie Dawe — Namesnd Tie Dae University: Yogyakarta State University Extension of US,/Indonesian Education Consortium MOU, May, 2016 Vda fe) te Prof Dr. Rochmat Wahab, MPa WA Te Raetor Yogyakarta State Unversity 61a 6 DrvernatSenam tae Vice Rector for Cooperation Affairs /e/tb ‘ae Direct of Office of International Alairs and Partnerships Universite Estnstonof US Indonesian Education Consort MOU, May, 2016 {b/s /2016 IDi SUKYAPL _ Forme aneTneia are o-Raaaeh No: Sad Dae Unwars bos Name and Tie OO Date Nameand Tite Date ‘Univeriy: Universes Noger Padang Walle Date CL Universi: Ped &¥ hy Extension ofl /Indonesian Education Consortium MOU, May,2016 For and on behalf of state Islamic Universty (UIN) of Sultan Syarif sim Riau, Indonesia ror BR. W.taunai Rector of UIN Suska ini, A ‘indonesia USINTEC MOU ~ May 2015 Mt Mh: wut olf 2efaoe Name University of Ilinofs - Urbana - Champaign University: The Ohio State University Extension of US /Indouesian Education Consorthum MOU, May, 2016 Spjiv Di Chr aca Date Dean, College of Ecucation and Huma Ecology The Ohio State University 7 Ss Locr s/ufib Geofiey 8. Cr aie Senioe Vice Président for Business and Finanes and CFO The Oto Sate University dthave ANNEX | Memorandum of Understanding ‘The United States/Indonesia Teacher Education Consortium (USINTEC) Mareh 22, 2006 Introduetion and Mission This Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) serves as good fh agreement among ‘The Oho State Univesity (Ohio State) and the universities and organization listed below io esiabish ke U.S Indonesia Teacher Education Consortia (USINTEC), The ‘mission of USINTEC isto (1) promote collaboration and mutual understanding ofthe United States and Indonesia trough higher education parinerhips and (2) strengthen instttonal expat in teacher eduction through collabraive development of ‘novative educational programs and research tobe condied inthe US and indonesia, USINTEC is an outgrowth of wo Blsterl Forums for US/ndonesiaPaterships on Higher Education held in 2004 and 2005 under the auspices ofthe United Sines Indonesia Society (USINDO) and the Dietorte Genera of Higher Eduction (OXGHE) of indonesia. USINDO is a non-governmental organization located in Washingion, DC that promotes USMndonesisestions, The DGHE isthe unt of the Minky of National Education (MONE) that proves higher education oversight in Indonesi. The Ohio State University i the eb insiation forthe development and implementation of USINTEC. Conditions AILUSINTEC programs and activities are dependent upon the sbiliies ofthe consortium pacers to secure intemal an extemal Funding to suppot them. It is voderstaod thatthe Sets of collaborative programs and scivites,ulaation of results sehieved, and proprammatic and financial arangements forte speiie forms of cooperation wil be Aetrmined and negotiated among the parmers on ease-by-case basi Activites LUSINTEC setvtes include a oe tH + undergraduate nd graduate curriculum and program development and revision in ‘aly culdhood,clemeniary and secondary education fields 1+ design of preservice and inservice cuca and program that incorporate contest nd pedagogy teacher profestonal tanards and lead to teacher cetificaton ‘+ shoreerm and graduse degree programs inthe US for Indomesian faculty td radate students ‘+ collaboration in Tadonesa among US and Indonesian culty and graduate ‘+ development of joint US/Indonesian graduate degree programs that combine fce- to-face e-leaming and distance education delivery + collaborative esearch ANNEX | development and use of information communication technologies fr teaching, leering, rzcrch outeech, materials disseminaon, distance edvettion, and coordination rong USINTEC pariners evaluation of USINTEC activites and results Partners ‘Asof this date, March 22, 2006, the consonum parnes include Indiana University Indonesia University of Education, Bandung Obi State Universiy (Open University, Joka Southeast Asian Minis of Education Organization Regions Open Leaming Center, Jara Sue Insitute of Teacher Training and Educational Sciences, Singarja Ste University of Gorontalo State University of Jakana State University of Makasar State Univesity of Malang ‘Sule Unversity of Manado Sate University of Medan Sue University of Pacang Ste University of Semarang State University of Suabaya State University of Yorvakara University of ints a Urbans-Champaign ‘Terms of the MOU With this MOU, the USINTEC parners agree to: Develop an inital four year consortium scope of work Develop and implement an efficient low-cost management strctre Eaablsh a joint USINTEC management ofes lated a Oho Sate anda a Indonesian partner university when sufficient funding is obtained ‘Designate at each parr organization an USINTEC Iastttional Director wh is ‘esponsible for eonsorium leadership and coordination of setvites Coordinate programs ad setivities in respective wographic ares and participate in regional national, andintemational USINTEC acivites ANNEX | ‘eck funding to support the USINTEC scope of work, a @ consortium, as inividual ‘nsittions and in cellaboration with USINDO tnd the DGHE Seek nding fom multiple US and Indonesian sources, ncoing but aot iit ‘lateral and mutter! funding agencies such as he World Bank Asien Development ‘Bank, US Atency for Intemational Development, Indonesian Ministry of National Eduction, US Department of State, US Deparment of Seaton, US and Indonesian foundations, educational organizations an corporations nd Indonesian development jens Bear respective insationl costs associated with proposal development and other efforts ‘to seeure exeal funding to support the consoriom scope of work “Make reasonable and timely effons to provide information and resourose nested to develop consortium proposals for external funding bythe dealies se by Runding agencies andor the USINTEC university or organization leading the development of & tiven propos Provide nsttutona cost share when required by extemal funding agencies [Not give infvmation about USINTEC proposals fo exteral funding o competing onslng fms, universes or organizations not affiliated with USINTEC unlest parerehipe with non-USINTIEC entes are sought fora given propos! Ancvaly review and report USINTEC setvtes and results and make recommendations to_improve te quality of ot endeavors Additions and Withdrawals of Partners LUSMNTEC may ad other public or private universes, edveational organizations, Foundations andor corporat parters as appropriate and agreed upon by majo ‘consensus inorder to extend and advance the USINTEC mission, LUSINTEC partner istnions may withéraw rom the consortia by giving two months (60 days) witten advance nodes tthe other parters and indicating the reasons for ‘wana. Period of the MOU ‘This MOU, which may be amended from time to time by majority consensus ofthe prnes, il remain in fore unil Mareh31, 2011 a which ime USINTEC ptr wil trod the MOU in accordance with ue dzetons of the consortium, ANNEX 1 Signature Page ‘The Obio State University Memorandum of Understanding “The United Statevindonesia Teacher Education Contortiom (USINTEC) Mach 2.206 Wie Cathal C6 the Kare A, Hliok pean ‘The Ohio Sate Unversity Columbus, Ohio, USA. ‘Basbara R, Snyder Executive Vie President and Provort Lb dit aue” oo ate Interim Dean College of Educaton Lauer ftbh— 32204 Rebecca M, Kane Martin Director School of Teschig & Learning Life Lesa Sue Dechow Director, Research Intemational Development Schoo! of Teachirg & Learning USINTEC Execuive Director ANNEX I Extension of U.S/Tndonesia Teacher Education Consortium (USINTEC) ‘Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) uly 1, 2011 Ttroduction “The US Indonesia Teacher Education Consonium (USINTEC) Memorandum of Understanding, (MOU) copied in he hres pages immediately below this one was executed by and between sixten U'S. and Indonesian universes and organizations on ot following March 22,2006. The Presidents, Chanellos, aod Rector at each U.S and Indonesian university as wel as other officials and USINTEC Institutional Directors signed he agreement in encurent faslon. Extension ofthe Period ofthe MOU ‘A Period ofthe MOU was ideaified as ne ofthe aces nthe March 22,2006 MOU. ‘Specifically, the MOU wast remain force unl March 31,2011, It isow the intent ofthe ‘consortium member to revoutively extend the period ofthe MOU without interpion unt, Mare 31, 2015, ‘Impact ofthis Batesion on Other Articles ia MOU Aller aticls inthe March 2 "Mission ‘Activities Partners ‘Slat Inst of Tescher Training and Edveatonal Sciences, Singar} Ganesta Jniversity of Education Terms of the MOU Adtons snd Withiravals of Paners 2006 MOU remain in force 25 original agreed by the ‘Specialy the fellowing articles remain unchanged except ae noted “Signature Pages {mediately below he tex ofthe original MOU isa MOU extesion sigan page fr esc LUSINTEC insiuton. I shoud be filled in ad signed in cordance with institutional ‘equirements and rerum io The Ohio State Universi tothe Exesuive Director of USINTEC, ALINE IL ‘The Ohio State University Extension of US tedonesia Teacher Education Consortium (USINTEC) MOU July 201 é. tu Ae, Tri Date E. Gondou Gee President ‘The Obo State University Columbus, OH Geote) 8. Chas Se Vee President de CFO Thea f LL aie Chery Acheiberg Dean College of Eéucaton nd Human Ecology q uly is [Liver — Pen Rebecea Kantor Marin Direcor School of Teaching and Leaing College of Education and Human Ecology ie se atins ~~ 1feby 2. ‘Dctow ( Director, Intemational Development & Research, and Executive Decor, USINTEC ‘Schoo of Teaching and Learning Collegeof Euuation and Human Ecology

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