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Prepositions of Time


The prepositions of time AT-ON-IN describe when something

happens, happened or will happen.

AT is used for specific time or hour of the day

AT + specific time
at 8. Am at 9 o’clock
at 6.15 at midnight

Examples :
- I get up at 7 oçlock
- The movie starts at 8.30
- We arrived home at midnight.
Note : O’clock is used when there are no
Midnight = 12 o’clock (night)
Midday / noon = 12 o’clock (day)
AT + Holiday Period
at Christmas
at Thanksgiving

- They sing carols at Christmas
- Did you eat too much at Easter?
- Come and visit us at Thanksgiving.

ON + Days
on Monday on Tuesday
on Friday on Sunday

- I will visit you on Wednesday.”
- Where were you on Friday?
- He doesn’t work on Sundays. -> All Sunday in
general not just “the Sunday
Note : Days always start with capital letters.
ON + Date
on Monday
on Friday

ON + Days
on Monday on Tuesday
on Friday on Sunday

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