NAME: Joyce Sherly Ann Lucero Section. 2-Bsa-A Activity 3

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NAME: Joyce Sherly Ann Lucero SECTION.


Activity 3


1. How will you relate inflation to unemployment?

Unemployment and inflation rate have an inverse relationship. Once the employment rate decreases,
the inflation rate increases. This phenomenon is due to the purchasing power of a person. When a
person is employed, he earns money for a living. When a lot of people have enough money to buy and
patronize a specific product, it tends to increase price thus resulting to inflation. Straightforwardly, when
there are lots of employed people and they have a hugh purchasing power, inflation comes into picture.

2. What can you say about unemployment in the Philippines?

Philippines still leaves unemployment problems unsolved. As I have observed, filipinos tend no to get a
job due to some reasons like dependency. Some depends on a relative working abroad, some depend on
the bread winner of the family. Another reason is job mismatch. Many filipinos have graduated on a
course they do not really like that's why they continuously push to have a job of their dream. They also
tend to apply for a job not aligned with their course. Unemployment rate in the Philippines must be a
focus of the government. They must offer more opportunities. On the other hand, filipinos must also do
their purpose. Apply for a job they are suited. They should get a job they are really good at and stop too
much dependency.

3. What are some of the government programs to address the unemployment during COVID 19?

A lot of people lost their jobs due to the COVID-19 Pandemic. Almost every job that requires a field has
stopped. Most of savings people have got were all spent. Philippine government has help the people
through giving relief goods and a cash aid called SAP. In an employment aspect, they have hired minimal
number of people who can help in the field while solving the problem such as people who will disinfect
the barangays regularly. They have also provided thenm additional wages and risk allowance. They have
also done it to keep medical workers healthy while saving lives. Up to now, government has been
considering employment rate of the country as it can't keep on restraining people to work to earn a
living. Before the President declares a total lockdown, He considers whether the people has earned
enough from working in a little span of time he has given to them at a little loosen quarantine. Again, the
government continuously works to provide a solution for this unemployment due to the pandemic.

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