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Practices of Consumption

January 23, 2020 2:36 PM

- Practices of consumption go beyond consumerist considerations

○ More than just the act of purchasing, or using a product
- Practices of consumptions of consumption go beyond utilitarian considerations
○ Not just about the need for the product itself
▪ Includes balance quality to price, moral/political considerations etc.
- Consumption involves acts of moral judgement
○ Exert political influence through purchasing power
▪ Implies there are acts of consumption that are not political
▪ Doesn’t everything we buy/wear/consume/ reflect identity, culture (norms,
values, ideals)?
○ Things are made by someone
▪ Involves labour conditions, trade relations, environmental impact of
shipping etc.
- Recognizing the effect of consumption leads to:
○ Critical consumerism
○ Green consumption
○ Ethical consumption
▪ Personal lifestyle considerations
□ e.g. minimalism lifestyle, sustainable/renewable resources
▪ Political/critical consumption seen as collective action
□ e.g. boycotts and buycotts

- See agency in buying, or non-buying decisions
○ "Voting at the check-out"
○ What does it mean to vote at the checkout?
- Do power/rights of citizenship = purchasing power of consumer?
○ How are they different
○ What is the benefit og this equation?
○ What are the risks?
- assumptions:
○ Consumption involves public considerations
○ Consumption can used to address these concerns
***Puts a lot of faith in the power of the purchase?
- Suggestions there is agency and latent power in consumption
○ But depends on availability/access to relevant alternatives
○ For our purchase (or boycott) to have impact
- How much good can be done through consumption alone?
- Does political consumerism preserve, rather than undermine dominant and destructive
forms of consumer capitalism?

Political consumerism & Neo-liberal Politics

- Neo-liberal politics leaves social/ political issues to individuals
○ Remove state responsibility from political bodies/practices
○ Downloads responsibility on to consumer/citizens
○ Think of healthcare, education, affordable housing
▪ Increasingly privatized since the 1980s
*** can (ought) the consumer take on these responsibilities?

Consumer Power in a Globalized World

- Limits of Nation-based politics in a globalized world
○ British parliament has no legal instruments for influencing worker's rights in

Lecture 5 Page 1
○ British parliament has no legal instruments for influencing worker's rights in
○ But multinational companies can!
○ Is this degree of influence appropriate?
▪ Does it interfere with another nation's autonomy?
▪ Is it imposing cultural identity and values?

Activating old imperialistic relations

- Encouraging consumers to see consumption as apolitical act
○ Justifies consumption / does n

Thinking through political consumerism

- If we use political consumerism to exert political influence
○ When need to diligent in our role as consumers
- Become more aware of practices in consumption
○ Compulsion to buy/consumer
○ Recognize presence/place in our lives
○ Role we play in idealizing of a product, and/lifestyle
○ Requires a careful/conscious balance
- Need to consider quality (relationships involved) and price
- Include moral and political considerations into price
○ Make it part of purchase making decision
○ But be aware of limitations (availability/access)
*** do we want to equate power with rights of citizenship?

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