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UAP firms)


An architect duly registered with the Board shall
automatically become a member of the United
The following set of principles satisfies Central Council
Architects of the Philippines, the integrated and
criteria for admission to the APEC Architect Register
accredited professional organization of architects and
and the right to use the description ‘APEC Architect’.
shall receive the benefits and privileges provided for
upon payment of the required fees and dues.
1. Architectural Education
Educational Benchmark Statement
1.0 Every architect registered with the PRC-PRBOA
shall register for membership with the United Architects Education as an architect shall comprise at least four
of the Philippines. years of full time study. The education must be of
university level, with architecture the principal
2.0 Registration to UAP membership may be made
component. It must maintain a balance between
through the UAP National Secretariat or any UAP
theoretical and practical aspects of architectural training
Chapter the new member would like to belong to. 3.0
and lead to the acquisition of the skills and knowledge
Registrant shall accomplish two (2) sets of duly
necessary to underpin the required competence of an
approved membership application form. Payment of the
APEC Architect. Structured experiential learning,
processing fee and the initial annual dues can likewise,
determined by the regulatory authority economy to be
be made through the UAP National Secretariat, or any
the equivalent of full-time architectural study as
UAP Chapter through its Treasurer. Chapter contact
described above, would also satisfy the APEC Architect
persons and telephone numbers may be secured from the
education requirements.
UAP National Secretariat , telephone numbers
(632)4126364, 4126374, 4126403.
Common Elements of Architectural Education

A candidate for registration as an APEC Architect must The core subject areas in an accredited/recognised
be currently registered / licensed or otherwise program of architectural education are:
professionally recognised as an architect in the economy
that maintains the section of the APEC Architect Design, as the predominant subject category
Register to which application for admission is made.
Technology and Environmental Science
Architects must demonstrate to the appropriate
Monitoring Committee that they have completed an Social, Cultural & Environmental Studies, and
accredited / recognised program of architectural
education, fulfilled pre-registration experience Professional Studies.
requirements, have practised for at least seven years as
registered / licensed architects and satisfied any
Other subject areas within architectural educational
additional requirements, all in accordance with criteria
programs may include:
determined by the Central Council. Architects may only
be enrolled on the section of the APEC Architect Related Studies
Register in their home economy, unless otherwise
provided by this Manual. General Education.

(Note: APEC Architect Registration applies only to

individual persons, not to architectural practices or Accreditation / Recognition Procedure for Educational
Programs in Architecture
This experience must be gained in all of the following
Processes incorporating the following principles of good categories of architectural practice:
governance will satisfy the accreditation / recognition
criteria for educational programs for an APEC Architect. Preliminary studies and preparation of brief
The accrediting / recognising body should: Design
Have authority and, where appropriate, legal status and Contract Documentation
be transparent, independent and publicly accountable.
Have a structured process for the approval of
qualifications and compliance with agreed standards.
At least three years of that period must have been
undertaken as an architect:
The Central Council agrees to respect the accreditation /
recognition procedures of each participating economy. With sole professional responsibility for the design,
documentation and contract administration of buildings
of moderate complexity;
2. Fulfillment of Period of Pre-registration or Pre-
licensing Experience for Recognition as an Architect OR in collaboration with other architects, as an architect
in a Home Economy in charge of and professionally responsible for a
significant aspect of the design, documentation and/or
Applicants for registration as an APEC Architect must contract administration of complex buildings.
have completed a prescribed period of practical pre-
licensure or pre-registration diversified experience, as
Practice Jurisdiction
defined by the home economy, for a minimum period
equivalent to a total of two years.
Professional practice that satisfies the above
requirements undertaken in any economy may be
accepted by the relevant Monitoring Committee.
3. Fulfillment of Registration / Licensing
Requirements for Recognition as an Architect in a
Home Economy
Currency of Practice

The purpose of this criterion is, in the first instance, to

To ensure competence, APEC Architect candidates who
establish eligibility for registration as an APEC
have not practised in a position of professional
Architect, not for registration in another economy.
responsibility within the preceding two years are subject
to a requirement to undertake a program of professional
Fulfillment of registration / licensing requirements for
development or fulfill other prescribed conditions to be
recognition as an architect in a home economy is
admitted to the APEC Architect Register.
accepted as meeting this criterion for an APEC

4. Professional Practice as a Registered / Licensed
1. Admission to the APEC Architect Register
Applicants for registration as an APEC Architect must
satisfy the home economy Monitoring Committee that
Candidates for registration as an APEC Architect must
they have completed a minimum period of professional
apply to the Monitoring Committee of their home
practice of seven years; after initial registration /
economy to determine their eligibility for enrolment on
licensure as an architect in any participating economy.
that economy’s section of the Register. In addition to
details on education, training and professional Committee requirements to undertake programs of
recognition in any APEC jurisdiction, candidates will be continuing professional development, or fulfill other
required to submit a report on their post registration / tests of current competence. The Monitoring Committee
licensure professional experience, outlining the may impose conditions on architects who have
categories of practice in which it was undertaken and the
level of their involvement. not practised in a position of professional responsibility
during the preceding three years.
APEC Architects must also agree to be bound by the
code of professional conduct of their home economy and The registration of an APEC Architect will be cancelled
of any jurisdiction in which they practice. if the architect ceases to be registered / licensed in the
designated home economy. The registration of APEC
Architects found, subject to due process, to be in breach
Particulars of APEC Architects to be recorded on the of the code of professional conduct of either their home
Register include: economy, or a host economy, may be suspended by their
home economy Monitoring Committee.
Name and business address;
3. Acquired Rights
Home economy or jurisdiction in which the architect is
registered / licensed; and
Should the authorisation of a Monitoring Committee be
Any other economy in which the architect is registered / discontinued for any reason, APEC Architects enrolled
licensed. in that economy may enrol on a database maintained by
the Secretariat for this purpose, for a maximum period of
The registration numbers assigned to APEC Architects two years. Alternatively they may apply for registration
by Monitoring Committees are preceded by the in a host economy and subsequent admission to the
following abbreviations of the name of the home section of the APEC Architect Register in that economy.

Applications for admission to the APEC Architect

Register are dealt with in a timely manner and will not ASEAN ARCHITECT
normally exceed three months for completion. On
An Architect who has: 
admission to the Register, APEC Architects are issued
with a Central Council Certificate of Registration by the Completed an accredited architectural degree recognised
home economy Monitoring Committee and an APEC by the professional architectural accreditation body
Architect Identification Card bearing the architect’s whether in the Country of Origin or Host Country or
name, name of home economy and date and currency of assessed and recognised as having the equivalent of such
APEC Architect registration. On request, Monitoring a degree. The education for architects should be no less
Committees also provide relevant information to the than five (5) years duration delivered on a full time basis
in an accredited program in an accredited/ validated
regulatory authorities of other participating economies
university in the Country of Origin while allowing
for registration purposes. flexibility for equivalency.

2. Maintaining APEC Architect Registration - a current and valid professional registration or

licensing certificate to practise architecture in the
APEC Architect registration is to be renewed on Country of Origin issued either by the Professional
payment of an administration fee to a Monitoring Regulatory Authority (PRA) of the ASEAN Member
Countries and in accordance with its policy on
Committee at intervals no greater than three years. registration/licensing/certification of the practice of
Registration details are to be reviewed and renewed on architecture or the Monitoring Committee pursuant to
application to practise in a host economy. Article 4.2.2 and item 1.2 of Appendix B of this
Renewal of registration is subject to compliance with
home economy regulatory authority or Monitoring - acquired practical and diversified experience of not less
than ten (10) years of continuous practice of architecture
after graduation, of which at least five (5) years shall be
after licensure/ registration and at least two (2) years of
which shall be in responsible charge of significant
architectural works as stipulated in Appendix D - format

- complied with the Continuing Professional

Development (CPO) policy of the country of Origin at a
satisfactory level; 

- obtained certification from the Professional Regulatory

Authority (PRA) of the Country of Origin with no record
of serious violation on technical, professional or ethical
standards, local and international, for the practice of
architecture; and 

- complied with any other requirements agreed upon by

the ASEAN Architect Council (AAC) is eligible to apply
to the ASEAN Architect Council (AAC) to be registered
as an ASEAN Architect (AA) under the ASEAN
Architect Register (AAR).

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