101 Questions: Group No.: 2 9:00 - 10:30 - DAILY - P510

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Group No.

: 2 9:00 – 10:30 | DAILY | P510

Barroga, Wendell Chapters 10-13
Castillo, Shekinah Chapters 6-9
Eleria, Romscien Jill F. Chapters 20-25
Fontanilla, Luz M. Chapters 17-19
Juan, Yoana Alexis F. Chapters 14-16; Encoder
Kingay, Klyne T. Chapters 1- 5


           PAULA SANCHEZ            1. Rizal considered him as his best professor in the Ateneo.
                   PACIANO                  2. According to Rizal, he was a second father to him.
     DEATH OF CONCEPCION     3. Her death was Rizal’s first sorrow in life.
                   JOSEFA                        4. She is a sibling of Rizal whose pet name was ‘Panggoy’ and she died an old maid at
the age of 8O.
                       FIVE                          5. How old is Rizal when he began to make sketches with his pencil and to mold in
clay and wax objects which attracted his fancy?
  SA AKING MGA KABABATA   6. This was the first poem that Rizal wrote at the age of eight.
                 HIS MOTHER              7. Who was the first teacher of Rizal?
                       THREE                      8. At what age did Rizal learned the alphabet and the prayers?
      MAESTRO CELESTINO         9. As Jose Rizal grew older, his parents employed private tutors to give him lessons
at home. Who was the first?
     MAESTRO JUSTINIANO       10. When Rizal was in Ateneo, 3 of his new classmates had already been his
classmates under the school of whom?
                   JUANCHO                  11. He was an old man who freely gave Rizal lessons in drawing and painting.
                LEON MONROY           12. He lived at Rizal’s home and instructed Jose in Spanish and Latin.
            DECEMBER 17, 1870        13. The date when Rizal left Biñan after schooling there for one and a half year.
                 FR. JOSE BECH            14. Who was the first professor of Rizal in the Ateneo whom he described as a “tall,
thin man, with a body slightly bent forward, a sharp nose, thin lips
                     EMPEROR                15. A title given to the brightest pupil in an “empire”.
                JUNE 16, 1875               16. When did Rizal become an interno in the Ateneo?
            FATHER SANCHEZ          17. Rizal considered him as his best professor in the Ateneo.
     MOTHER’S BLINDNESS        18. Another reason why Father Rector advice Rizal to study medicine for a career
was to be able to cure his ___.
    TO THE FILIPINO YOUTH      19. This poem, written by Rizal, bears the theme: “Grow, O Timid Flower.”
                     SPAIN                         20. After finishing the fourth year of his medical course, Rizal decided to study in __.


      PLAZA DE CATALUÑA         21. The Café where Rizal was given a welcome party by the Filipinos in Barcelona
with some of his schoolmates in Ateneo.
                 MAY 3, 1882                 22. Date when Rizal departed on board the Spanish streamer Salvadora bound to
          LUNA & HIDALGO             23. They were considered as the two glories of Spain.
        CAPT. DONATO 24. He was the captain of Salvadora.
              AMOR PATRIO               25. A nationalistic essay written by Rizal in Barcelona.
                MAXIMO VIOLA       26. Who is the friend of Rizal whom he visited when he was on his way to Paris?
                  JULY 31, 27. The date when Rizal wrote his first letter in German to Professor Blumentritt.
        DR. FEODOR JAGOR          28. He was the author of the “Travels in the Philippines”.
SIR THOMAS STANFORD RAFFLES 29. He is the founder of Singapore.
   MADAME LUCIE CERDOLE    30. A professor of French who gave Rizal private lessons.
             MARCH 21, 1887              31. Date when Rizal’s first novel, Noli Me Tangere, came out of the Press.
         WHEEL OF CHANCE           32. In the Novel of Rizal, it was written that after Maria Clara’s song and meal, Ibarra
& Captain Basilio played chess while Maria Clara and her friends played _____.
   TIBURCIO DE ESPADAÑA      33. Who was the quack Spanish physician who treated Maria Clara when she was ill?
DR. ANTONIO MA. REGIDOR  34. A Filipino Patriot & lawyer who had been exiled due to his complicity in the Cavite
Mutiny of 1872.
           DOÑA 35. The flamboyantly dressed wife of a henpecked Spanish quack doctor in the novel
VICTORINA            Noli me Tangere.
   ANDERSEN'S FAIRYTALES   36. When Rizal was in Leipzig, this book was translated to Tagalog by Rizal for his
nieces and nephews.
                 COPERNICUS              37. A famous astronomer whose tomb was visited by Rizal and Viola.
                      ULM                        38. The cathedral of this city is the largest and tallest in Germany.
                      ROME                       39. The “Eternal City” and also called “City of Caesars”.
                    JUNE 29                     40. Feast day of St. Peter and St. Paul.


DON JOSE TAVIEL DE ANDRADE 41. Who was the young Spanish lieutenant assigned to Rizal as his bodyguard?
 GOV. GEN. EMILIO TERRERO 42. He was the governor general that requested Jose Rizal to report to the
Malacañan Palace because somebody relayed to him that Jose Rizal’s Noli me
Tangere contained subversive ideas.
          SILVESTRE UBALDO         43. A brother-in-law of Rizal who was among the people that warned him to not
return home.
            FRAY RODRIGUEZ          44. Who wrote the copies of anti-Rizal pamphlets which were sold daily in the
churches after the mass?
            (HYMN OF LABOR)            45. A poem written by Rizal which was dedicated to the industrious folks of Lipa.
   JOSE SAINZ DE 46. A former secretary of Gov. Gen. Terrero who shadowed Rizal’s movement in
VARANDA     Hongkong.
                 KIU-KIANG                    47. What is the name of the ferry steamer boarded by Rizal and Basa when they
visited Macau and returned to Hongkong?
            VICTORIA 48. The hotel in Hongkong wherein Rizal stayed and was welcomed by Filipino
HOTEL             residents.
                  SEIKO USUI               49. A girl met by Rizal in Japan and affectionately called her “O-sei-san”.
           ALFRED CHARLTON        50. He is a British teacher of chemistry of the peer’s school in Tokyo and the husband
of Seiko Usui.
                      YURIKO                   51. Who is the daughter of Alfred Charlton and Seiko Usui?
                MAY 1, 1947                   52. When did Seiko Usui die?
             TETCHO SUEHIRO         53. He was a Japanese passenger who was befriended by Rizal while on board the
Belgic; he was also forced by the Japanese government to leave the country.
             HEART ATTACK            54. What is the cause of death of Tetcho Suehiro?

(STORM OVER THE SOUTH SEA) 55. A political novel of Tetcho Suehiro which resembles Rizal’s Noli me Tangere in
                      AMERICA                 56. Rizal pertained to this country as the “the land par excellent of freedom but only
for the white”.
    JUAN PEREZ CABALLERO    57. He is the secretary of the Spanish legation who visited Rizal during his arrival in
DON JUAN FRANCISCO LECAROS  58. A Filipino gentleman who is married to a Portuguese lady; he allowed Rizal and
Basa to stay in their house in Macao.
            FATHER SANCHEZ          59. Rizal’s favorite teacher in Ateneo; he defended and praised the Noli me Tangere
in public.
JUSTO DESIDERIO MAGALANG   60. What is the penname used by Father Garcia when he wrote his defense for the
Noli me Tangere?


                 MULTATULI                 61. It is the pseudonym of the author of the book “Max Havelaar”.
             ISLAS FILIPINAS             62. To annotate this book was Rizal’s greatest achievement when he was in London.
 ASOCIACION LA SOLIDARIDAD  63. A patriotic society which cooperated in the crusade for reforms.
     GRACIANO LOPEZ JAENA   64. He founded the La Solidaridad in Barcelona.
  LOS AGRICULTORES FILIPINOS 65. What is the title of Rizal’s first article in La Solidaridad.
               POR 66. A satirical work written by Rizal as a reply to a slanderer, Fr. Salvador Font.
           SOCIEDAD R.D.L.M.         67. A mysterious society founded by Rizal during the Universal Exposition of 1889.
                      YO-YO                       68. A wooden small disc attached to a string from the finger which was used by Rizal
as a weapon of offense.
MORGA                        69. The author of the book “Sucesos de Las Islas Filipinas”.
            A MI (TO MY MUSE)       70. A pathetic poem written by Rizal during his sad days in Brussels.
      WENCESLAO E. RETANA     71. He is a talented Spanish scholar and a press agent of the friars in Spain.
                TEATRO APOLLO         72. Where did Rizal lost his gold watch chain with a locket contain the pic of Leonor
           PABLO RIANZARES         73. To whom did M.H.Del Pilar purchase the fortnightly periodical?
               MARCH 29, 1891           74. The eve Rizal departure from Biarritz to Paris.
           NELLIE BOUSTEAD          75. The person wanted Rizal to espouse Protestantism before their marriage.
          VALENTIN VENTURA        76. A friend of Rizal; Rizal stayed in his home when he was in Paris.
                 MAY 30, 1891               77. When did the revision of El Filibusterismo was mostly completed?
                      SIMOUN                   78. The hero of El Filibusterismo; a rich jeweler.
                    MAKAMISA                79. The title of Rizal’s unfinished novel; it is written in a light sarcastic style.
          JOSE ALEJANDRO            80. He became a general during the Filipino-American war (1899-1902).


       NOVEMBER 20, 1891           81. When did Rizal arrive in Hongkong?

               FATHER FUCHS             82. A Tyrolese; Rizal enjoyed playing chess with him.
    NO. 5 D’ AGUILAR STREET   83. Where did Rizal establish his residence in Hongkong?
         MR. JUAN LARDET            84. He is a businessman who bought many logs from the land of Rizal.
  DR. LORENZO P. MARQUES  85. He became a friend and admirer of Rizal; he helped Rizal to build up a wide
clientele as a physician.
              MARCH 7, 1892              86. He went to Sandakan on board the ship Menon to negotiate with the British
authorities for the establishment of a Filipino colony.
        VALERIANO WEYLER         87. A Governor-general whom the Cubans odiously called “The Butcher”.

          MGA KABABAYAN            88. It was written in December 1891. It explained the Calamba agrarian situation.
              LA MANO ROJA             89. It denounced the frequent outbreaks of international fires in Manila.

             LA LIGA FILIPINA           90. It is the most important writing made by Rizal during his Hongkong sojourn.
                  SULPUKAN                 91. A unique cigarette lighter invented by Jose Rizal. Its mechanism is based on the
principle of compressed air.
        RAMON DESPUJOL            92. He is the nephew and aide of Governor General Despujol; he escorted Rizal to
Fort Santiago.
        CAPTAIN CARCINERO        93. A generous Spanish captain, as an evidence of his esteem, Rizal wrote a poem for
    WENCESLAO E. RETANA       94. Rizal’s first Spanish biographer and former enemy.
         GACETA DE MANILA         95. Published the story of Rizal's arrest.
      FLORENCIO NAMANAN      96. He was hired by the Recollect friars to a secret mission in Dapitan—to introduce
himself to Rizal as a friend and relative, and to spy on Rizal’s activity.
       JOSEPHINE BRACKEN        97. An Irish girl of sweet eighteen, Rizal fell in love with her at first sight.
             AUGUST 26, 1896           98. The date when Andres Bonifacio and the Katipunan raised the cry of revolution
in the hills of Balintawak.
DON LUIS TAVIEL DE ANDRADE  99. The name was very familiar to Rizal so that he chose the lieutenant to be his
defender in court.
              DECEMBER 30TH                   100. Rizal predicted that he would die on the date of _________.
   MI RETIRO (MY RETREAT)    101. A beautiful poem written by Rizal which described his serene life as an exile in

REFERENCE: Jose Rizal: Life, Works, and Writings of a Genius, Writer, Scientist, and National Hero. By Gregorio F. Zaide
and Sonia M. Zaide

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