Taller de Aprendizaje Name: Gelver Laurense Reyes Quintero. Activity 1

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Name: Gelver Laurense Reyes Quintero.


Appearance Places adjectives Condition adjectives Feelings adjectives

Alto, bajo Grande Bueno Enojado
Grande Grande, bonito Malo Perezoso
Pequeño Pequeño, viejo Lejos Asustadizo
Gordo Atestado Cuidadoso, Celoso
Delgado Emocionante inteligente Nervioso
Feo Antiguo Fácil Avergonzado
Feliz Aburrido Importante Misterioso
Hermoso Encantador Barato Repulsivo
Precioso Costoso Extraño Preocupado
Elegante Fantástico Poderoso Feliz
Joven Rico
Maravilloso Tímido

ACTIVITY 3 Listening
1. This is ____better______ __than________ that one.
2. Their house is __more_______ ____comfortable______ ___than______ ours.
3. He's _____taller_____ ______than_____ you are.
4. A Mercedes is _____more_____ ____luxurious_______ ___than_______ a Honda.
5. Our teacher is ___easier______ ______than_____ yours.
6. The weather today is ____colder______ ______than______ what it was yesterday.
7. The house looks ____more_______ ____cleaner_______ after the housekeepers did
their work.
8. We're looking for a ___more______ ___convinient________neighborhood.
9. Compared to our last experience, this was ___much_____ __better_______.
10. It's a lot __win________ today ___than________ it was yesterday.

ACTIVITY 4 Complete los espacios con la formación correcta de los comparativos

1. A rock is_____heavier__________________ than a leaf. (heavy)
2. Our house is _______bigger____________ than yours. (big)
3. The princess is ____more beautiful___________ than the witch. (beautiful)
4. Tom is a ___better______________ student than Mary. (good)
5. Bicycles are ___safer____________ than motorbikes. (safe)
7. A lion is ____more dangerous______________ than a cat. (dangerous)
8. Helen is_____happier_________________ than Mary. (happy)
9. Computers are____more expensive___________than telephones. (expensive)
10. I think golf is _____more boring__________ than football. (boring)

Complete the sentences.

Use the superlative form of the adjectives in brackets.
1. Who is the____tallest______ (tall) person in your family?
2. My mum is the___best______ (good) cook in the world.
3. December is the___coldest____ (cold) month of the year in my country.
4. What's the____most dangerous_________ (dangerous) animal in the world?
5. Ethan is the__happiest________ (happy) boy that I know.
6. Where are the_prettiest one________ (nice) beaches in your country?
7. She bought the____biggest_____ (big) cake in the shop.
8. Who is the___most famous____ (famous) singer in your country?
Inglaterra es más pequeña y más vieja que mi país. La gente en Inglaterra es más
educada que en Brasil. El transporte público en Inglaterra es mejor y más eficiente que en
mi país, podemos ir más rápido sin desperdiciar hora. El clima en Brasil es más caluroso y
cada día se vuelve más y más seco que en Inglaterra. El portugués es más difícil de
aprender que el inglés.
ACTIVITY 6 READING The comparative adjectives
Colder: más frío
Better: mejor
Faster: más rápido
Stronger: más fuerte
Smarter: más inteligente
More expensive: más costoso
Worse: peor
Smaller: más pequeño
Slower: más lento
Colder The coldest
Better The best
Faster The fastest
Stronger The strongest
Smarter The most Smart
More expensive The most expensive
Worse The worst
Smaller The smallest
Slower The slowest

1. False (F)
2. True (A)
3. False (B)
4. False (B)
5. False (B)
6. True (A)
7. False (B)
8. False (B)
9. True (A)
10. True (A)

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