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 Things you should mention when you introduce yourself :

My name is Femy Azalia or I am Femy Azalia
I am 15 years old
I was born in Surabaya
I was born on October 2, 2004
I am originally from Surabaya
I now live in Sidoarjo
I am a student at Senior High School 1 Waru

 Expressions we used to introduce our self :

“ Let me introduce myself to you..”
“ Hello, I’d like to introduce my self..”
“ Allow me to introduce my self..”

 Expressions to reply someone self introduce :

“ Nice meeting you..”
“ Pleased to meet you..”
“ Happy to meet you..”
“ How do you do ?”

 Expressions used to introduce someone else :

“ Let me introduce you to..”
“ I’d like you to meet..”
Her / His name is …
“ Please meet..”
She / He was born in / on …

She / He is a …

She / He lives in …
 To introduce our self or someone we used simple present
- To be ( description )
Is = He, She, It ( + ) I am a student
Am =I ( - ) I am not a student
Are = You, They, We ( ? ) Are you a student ?

- Have / Has ( possession )

Have = I, You, They, We ( don’t ) I have 10 cats at home
Has = He, She, It ( doesn’t ) She doesn’t have pet


 Exercise
1. The students are very noisy
2. Today is very boring. I don’t have anything to do
3. I have many book collections
4. My pen pal is from Canada
5. Andy has a pen pal from Japan
 Pronoun
- Subjective ( I, You, They, We, He, She, It )
You are my bestfriend
She is the leader of Science Club
- Objective ( Me, You, Them, Us, Him, Her, It )
She cooks me breakfast every morning
My favorite book is Harry Potter. I like it so much
- Possessive ( My, Your, Their, Our, His, Her, Its )
Red is my favorite colour
Our school is the best school in town

 Exercise
Tara and Dany have a very good English. They have studied for 4 years.
I really wish my English as good as their English.

 Question words
- Who = person as Subject > Amy answered the call
Who answered the call ?
- Whom = person as Object > Amy picked up Tara yesterday
Whom did Amy pick up ?
- What = ask about a noun > My name is Tara
( person/thing) What is your name ?
- Where = ask about a place > She lives in Bogor
Where does she live ?
- When = ask about time > I was born on April 23rd
When you born ?
- Why = ask about reason > We like Satay so much because
it tastes so yummy
Why do you like Satay ?
- How = ask quantity > He has two sisters
(how many, how much) How many sister does he have ?
= ask manner
( how do you go to school ?)
= ask form
(how are you?)

 Exercise

1 Where does Santika go to school ? Santika goes to SMA 2 Jakarta

2 What is Santika’s favorite hobby ? Santika’s favorite hobby is fencing
3 What sucjects does Santika like ? Santika likes Math and English
4 How many pets does Santika have ? Santika has 10 pets
5 When Santika go to sleep ? Santika go to sleep at 10 p.m.

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