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The Smart Rabbit

1 the garden of the wolf)

The wolf had a small garden, which he inherited from his mother, he planted a lot of cabbage in it,

he always care of his garden by always visit the garden and take care of the garden from time to
time, until it has becomes a garden full of delicious cabbage.

2 The rabbit in the garden of the wolf

One day, the rabbit entered the garden of the wolf, and saw the delicious appetite, lots of cabbage.

He ate the cabbage from the rabbit garden until he felt full. Then he got out of the garden, and
returned to His house
The Smart Rabbit

3 - The wolf came back to his garden.

After a while, the wolf returned to its garden, to pledge the cabbage.

When he saw The cabbage were struck by damage he was so surprised and he said to himself

“who came to my garden? How dare to eat my cabbage!”

the wolf looked and began searching the garden, he saw the footprints of the rabbit, so he knew
that his neighbour, rabbit was the one that ate his cabbage

the wolf have a long thought on ways he needs to do to take revenge on that daring rabbit.

Finally, he have a successful trick

The Smart Rabbit

4 The statue of the boy

The wolf brought a bit of tar and made a young boy's statue

From that tar. He then put the statue near the shrubs of the cabbage

The image of that statue was very funny.

The wolf rejoiced that he was guided to the trick, he knew that he would avenge his enemy who
dared enter his garden.

Then the wolf returned to his home, and he was very happy with what he did.
The Smart Rabbit

5) The rabbit resurrects the boy's statue

the next day, the rabbit returned to the garden of the wolf to eat the cabbage he had eaten on the
previous day.

when he saw the statue next to the shrubs of cabbage, he thought that he was a seated boy,

he greeted him by saying Good morning, sweet boy.

BUT THE statue did not return to his greeting, and did not respond to anything.

And the rabbit kept silence, and then he greeted him again. But the statue wasn’t answering

The rabbit then he said to him in anger…I salute you by giving greeting, why you does not return my

But the statue wasn’t answering again!

The Smart Rabbit

(6) The rabbit falls into the trap

the rabbit became angry with the boy’s silence, his anger became more severe against him

the rabbit approached the statue, and struck him: “I will force you to return the greeting, you daring

With his left hand, the rabbit touch the statue and he got stuck to the statue….the rabbit tried to get
away from him with all of his strength but he couldn't.

Do not hold my hands, you stubborn boy! The rabbit said

Let go of my hand, otherwise I will let you be with my other hand the rabbit said again

The statue wasnt answered,

so the rabbit was furious with him,

his right hand covered by him, the rabbit was stuck by the statue

he was unable to remove it from him again as the statue already tied his hands

The rabbit's anger was so strong against the statue, and he wanted to kick him

the rabbit kicked the statue with his right leg, so his leg was clicked with him,

he kicked him with his left foot with a violent kick, and then the rabbit stuck with him.

Leave me, stubborn boy. Let me go, The rabbit cried - in pain

But he did not answer him, and the anger of the rabbit became strong

The rabbit put the statue in his head. His head was attached to the statue as well

the whole body of the rabbit became attached to the statue,

the rabbit did not find way to get off

The Smart Rabbit

7) Interviewing the wolf and the rabbit

After a little time, the wolf returned to its garden, he saw the rabbit attached to the statue, and he
rejoiced because he had successed.

Good morning, he told the rabbit in a mean way

hello to you, dear guest! u visited my garden yesterday.

Today, you will not visit it again ever after

the rabbit panicked when he saw the wolf in front of him. HE

regretted to come to the garden. He then begging and apologizing to the wolf

and promised to not go back to the wolf’s garden after this.

The rabbit continued to apologize to the wolf, and he begged him to forgive his sin, but the wolf
insisted on continuing the Revenge against him. He did not want him to be forgiven
The Smart Rabbit

8) The trick of the rabbit

And what do you want to do ?ask the rabbit to the wolf

I will roast your flesh, the wolf said.

When the rabbit heard the threat of the wolf, his fear increased

He concealed his anxiety by saying

Ha ha ha! I never fear the fire, so go on !!!!!

I will not burn you with fire, But I will throw you on the thorn.”said the wolf to him.

Oh, have mercy on me, Lord of the Wolf. I beg you, the rabbit said..

With intense fear and terror the rabbit said Do not throw me into doubts, for I fear nothing but
The Smart Rabbit

9) Surviving the rabbit

The wolf deceived by the trick of the rabbit and rushed to the rabbit to took it out of the statue that
was attached to the rabbit, then He thre rabbit on the thorn.

The rabbit ran away with the flee, and turned himself to the wolf –

he said to to the wolf thank you Wolf, you have saved me from perishing. I am not afraid of thorns

the rabbit said sarcastically «! - I was born and lived my longevity

The conclusion of the story

the rabbit ran faster (meaning: he ran quickly) to his house,

he was happy with his deliverance from death,

he didn’t returns after that day to the garden of the wolf

so he does not expose himself to destruction again.

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