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onda ara Is 1893 (Part 1) : 2016 Indian Standard teers & yaartelt fess ands WRT 1 SAT weer sit Te (ar Freer) Criteria for Earthquake Resistant Design-of Structures Part (General Provisions and Buildings (Sixth Revision ) Ies91.120.25 © Bis 2016 anda are = BUREAU OF INDIAN STANDARDS BRE way, 9 aAgTTe aE ani, =e Feeet-110002 MANAK BHAVAN, @ BAHADUR SHAH ZAFAR MARG 'NEW DELHI-110002 wus govin www standardsbis in December 2016 Price Group 12 ~Barthquake Engineering Sectional Committee, CED 39 FOREWORD ‘This Indian Standard (Part 1) (Sixth Revision) was adopted by the Bureau of Indian Standards, after the drat finalized by the Earthquake Engincering Sectional Committe had been approved by the Civil Engineering Division Couneil India is prone to strong earthquake shaking, and hence earthquake resistant design is essential. The Committee has considered an earthquake zoning map based on the maximum intensities at each location as recorded from “damage surveys after past earthquakes, taking into account, 8) known magnitudes and the known epicentres (see Annex A) assuming all other conditions as being average; and tectonics (see Annex B) and lithology (see Annex C) of eagh region, ‘The Scismie Zone Map se Fi. 1s broadly associated wth 1NGLMSK Ine Scale (see Annex D) conesponing to Vi(orless), VI, Vil and IX (and above for Seismic Zone Il, V aV espectvely. Seismic Zone Factors for some important towns are given in Annex B. ” Structures designed asp this standard are expected “The provisions ofthis standard are intended for cardiguake res era dissipation deveeso systems i-bl). Tit mt design of only normal structure (without sth non esp ie or seis uildings; until the standard becomes avai lation and maintenance of such buildings. ble, specialist 15 1893; 1962 “Recommendation a earth revised in 1966, 1970, 1975 and 4984, Furth types of structures in separa in earthquake-resistant design 6f various resistant design of structures’ was fist published in 1962, and 002, tae Committee decided to present the provisions for different east with rapid developments and extensive research carried out tures. Thus, IS 1893 was split into five parts. The other parts inthe Pat 1 General poisons. andidins Part 2 Liquid ebiing tanks. Elevated and ground supported Part 3 Bridges and retaining walls Part 4 Industrial structures, including stack-like structures Part 5 Dams and embankments (to be formulated) ‘This standard (Part 1) contains general provisions on earthquake hazard assessment applicable to all buildings and structares covered in Pars 2to 5. Also, Part 1 contains provisions specific to carthquake-resistant design of buildings. Unless stated otherwise, the provisions in Parts 2to 5 are to be read necessarily in conjunction with the general provisions as laid down in Part 1 In this revision, the following changes have been included 18) Design spectra are defined for natural period up to 6 s; b)_ Same design response spectra are specified forall buildings, respective ofthe material of construction; Indian Standard CRITERIA FOR EARTHQUAKE RESISTANT DESIGN OF STRUCTURES PART 1 GENERAL PROVISIONS AND BUILDINGS (Sixth Revision ) 1SCOPE 1.4 This standard (Part 1) primarily deals with earthquake hazard assessment for earthquake-resistant design of (1) buildings, (2) liquid retaining structures, G) bridges, (4) embankments and retaining walls, (6) industrial and tack-lke structures, and (6) conerete, masonry and earth dams. Also, this standard (Part!) deals with earthquake-resistant design of buildings; earthquake-resistant design of the other structures is dealt with in Pats 2 to 5. 1.2 All structures, like parking structures, security cabins and ancillary structutes need to be designed for appropriate earthquake effects as per ths standard 1.3 Temporary clemens, such a scaffolding and temporad excavations, need tobe designed as per this standard 1.4 This standard does not deal with constiietion ures relating to earthquake-resistant bullies and other structures. For guidance on earthquake-tesistant construction of buildings, reference mayfhe ade tothe latest revisions of the following Indian Standards IS 4326, 1S 13827, IS 13828, IS 13920) IS 13933 and 1S 15988, 1.5 The provisions of ths standard are appligabte even to critical and spevial structtrgs, like nuclear power plants, petroleum refinery(plants and jarge dams. For such structures, additigdal requigements may be imposed based on special studies, Gch as site-specific hazard assessment, Ip'such cages, the earthquake effects specified by his standard shall be taken a at least the minimum, 2REFERENCES The standards listed below contain provisions, which, Uhrough reference in this text, constitute provisions of this standard, AL the time of publication, the editions indicated were valid, All standards are subject to revision, and parties to agreements based on this standard are encouraged to investigate the possibility of applying the most recent editions of the standards indicated below: IS Na, Tide 456:2000 Code of practice for plain and reinforced concrete (fourth revision) ISNo. 800:2007 875 (Pare :1987) Pint? 1987) (Part 3 2013) (Part 1987) (Part 1987) 1343 (012 (298 1970 1888: 1982 1893 (art2):2014 (@antd):2014 (Par): 2015 1995: 1987 21311981 28091972 2810:1979 aid (Pat 1): 1982 (Part2): 1980 (Par3): 1992 (Part4): 1979 15 1893 (Part 1) : 2016 Tile Code of practice for general construction in steel (second revision) Code of practice for design loads (other than earthquake) forbuildings and structures: Dead loads —Unit weights of building material and stored materials (second revision) Imposed loads (second revision) Wind loads (thind revision) Snow loads (second revision) Special loads and load combinations (second revision) Code of practice for prestressed conerete (second revision) Classification and identification of soils for general engineering purposes (frst revision) ‘Method of load test an soils (second revision) Criteria for earthquake resistant design of structures Liquid retaining tanks Bridges and retaining walls Industil structures including stack- like structures (frst revision) Code of practice for structural use of ‘unreinforeed masonry (third revision) Method of standard penetration test for soils (frst revision) Glossary of terms and symbols eating to soil engineering (frst revision) Glossary of terms relating to soil 4008 ps o400s 0) Forg@@ineesponse spectrum method ope 20) list 2030s rorrocky]250108-400s Leist T<0A0s 5 olds Kaz « Kies > Ki Ke Ker Kes & a i i 4ASTIFFNESS IRREGULARITY (SOFT STOREY) HEAVY Mass Ns W.> 1.505 Qy W.> 1.5.4 EVATI 4B MASS | IRREGULARITY 1s 1893 (Part 1): 2016 A>oaL A> 025 }——4 u Las 1.2615 ee 4C VERTICAL GEOMETRIC IRREGULARITY canon a 46.1N-PLANE DISCONTINUITY IN VERTICAL ELEMENTS RESISTING LATERAL FORCE, Set Sur < Sua loo S S) Buildings with RC structural walls: O075K 0.098 Va where A, is total effective area (m!) of walls in the first Storey of the building given by (el A = Height of building as defined in 7.6.2(a), nm; Aygo effective cross-sectional area of wall in frst storey of building, in ms length of structural wall in fist storey in the considered dizection of lateral forces, in m; d= base dimension of the building atthe plinth level along the considered irection of earthquake shaking, nm; and r Va = number of walls in the considered direction of earthquake shaking The value of L/h to be used in this equation shall not exceed 0.9 ©) Allother buildings: 0.09% va where ‘h~ baeight of building, as defined in 7.6.22), in m;and > base dimension ofthe building at the plinth level along the considered direction of earthquake shaking, in m 7.6.3 The design base shear (Vg) computed in 7.6.1 shall be distributed along the height of the building and in plan at each floor level as below: 8) Vertical distribution of base shear to diferent floor levels — The design base shear Vg ‘computed in 7.6.1 shall be distributed along. the height ofthe building a per the following. expression: 1s 1893 (Part 1): 2016 Vg can be Vp can be calculated calculated h as per as per 7.6.1 is 7.6.1 is only for only for this provision this provision Fig, 5 Destinys oP Hitent aNb Base Wiprt of BuiLoivas| 2 Q, = design lateral force at floor i W, = seismic weight of floor é ‘h, = height of floor / measured from base: and n= number of storeys in building, thats, number of levels at which masses are located Incplan distribution of design lateral force at floor i to different lateral force resisting elements — The design storey shear in any storey shall be calculated by summing the design lateral forees at all loor above that storey. In buildings whose floors are capable of providing rigid horizontal diaphragm action in their own plane, the design storey shear shall be distributed to the various vertical clements of lateral force resisting system in’ proportion to the lateral stiffness of these! vertical elements, 7.6.4 Diaphragm » In buildings whose floor diaphragms cannot provide rigid horizontal diaphragm action in theitown plane, design storey shear shall be distributed 16 the varigas vertical elements of lateral force resisting systems considering the in-plane flexibility 6¢ she diaphragms floor diaphragm shal be considers t be fleible, iit deforms such that the maxinat lateral displacement measured from the chord of tie deformed shape at any point ofthe diaphragm is ore than 1.2iies the average Aisplacement ofthe entire diaphragra (see Fig 6). St”! wor Se=(8,43:)2 PLAN Fig, 6 Depisirion oF FLexini F008 Diantinacnt 23 15 1893 (Part 1) : 2016 Usually, reinforced conerete monolithic slab-beam floors oF those consisting of prefabricated or precast clements with reasonable reinforced sereed concrete {atleasta minimum of 80 mm on floors and of 75 mmon roof, with at least a minimum reinforcement of 6 mm. bars spaced at 150 mm centres) as topping, and of plan aspect ratio less than 3, can be considered to be providing rigid diaphragm action, 7.1 Dynamic Analysis Method 7.TA Linear dynamic analysis shall be performed 10 oblain the design lateral force (design seismic base shear, and its distribution to different levels along the height of the building, and to various lateral load resisting elements) forall buildings, other than regular ‘buildings lower than 15 m in Seismic Zone IL 7.1.2 The analytical model for dynamic analysis of ‘buildings with unusual configuration should be such thatj¢(@dequately A@presents imegularities present in the building configuration. 24.3 DynamiGahalysis may be performed by either the Tite Histgry’ Method or the Response Spectrum Method. When cither ofthe methods is used, the design ‘base shearF, estimated shall not be less than the design base hear 7s calculated using a fundamental period J where T, is as per 7.6.2. Wien Vis less than 7, the force response quantities (for example member stress resultans, storey shear forces, and base reactions) shall be multiplied by Fal, For earthquake shaking considered along, 2) the womutully perpendicular plan directions XandY, separate muliplying factors shallbe calculated, namely Var/Yyg and respectively: and b). the venta dietion, the mutipying factor shall be taken a8 Ma[Pax/¥, Pox Ve] 7.1.4 Time History Method Time history method shall be based on an appropriate round motion (preferably compatible with the design acceleration spectrum in the desired range of natural periods) and shall be performed using accepted principles of earthquake structural dynamics 1.1 Response Spectrum Method Response spectrum method may be performed for any building using the design acceleration spectrum specified in 6.4.2, or by a site-specific design acceleration spectrum mentioned in 6.4.7. IS Natural modes of oscillation = circular natural frequency in mode i Undamped fice vibration analysis ofthe entire building b) Alternatively, the peak response quantities shall be performed as per established methods of say be oonbined at follows: structural dynamics using appropriate mass and elastic 1) building does not have eosely-spaced stifthess of the structural system, to obtain natural modes, then net peak response quantity periods T, and mode shapes {9}, of those of its Ny 2 due to all modes considered shall be modes of oscillation [k €(I,Nq)] that need to be tstimated as considered as per, 1.15.2 Number of modes to be considered “The mumber of modes NV, to be used in the analysis for where earthquake shaking along a considered direction, should be such thatthe sum total of modal masses of ‘these modes considered is atleast 90 percent of the total seismic mass. fiw A= peak sponse amt node number of modes considered, X 1 modes with tural equenies beyond 3 Hz areto 2 I bulding has «few clos spaced be considered, the moda combination Sal be cared modes thn st peak response an footie lly pce modes lone ont only for ods mi natal Heqeney ess ban tote tene coe 23 ia ifn oft wih antares ors than 3 Ha shall be ncaded by the missing mass Conecton prover falling esbished pres of stra amis este yrigros aa, Gosigners may use aut off eauency orth 33 1.18.3 Combination of modes peak response quantity in closely spaced mode ¢, The summation is for closely spaced modes only. ‘Then, this peak response quantity 2 due to closely spaced modes is combined with those of remaining well-separated modes by method described above. T.ISA Simplified method af dynamic analysis of buildings ‘The responses of different modes considered shs combined by one of the two methods given below 8) Peakresponse quantities (forexample, emir forces, displacements, storey fates, storey shears, and base reactions) maybe combined as per Complete Quadratic Combinat method, as given below: Regular buildings may be analyzed as a system of ‘masses lumped at the floor levels with each mass having one degree of freedom, that of lateral displacement in the direction under consideration. In such acase, the following expressions shall holdin the computation ofthe various quantities: response quantity fomode i (with sign); 8) Modal mass Modal mass M, of mode kis response quantity in mode j with sign); sven by cross-modal correlation co-efficient Hy =e) [rs] (IB) 4 6B (148) BLK) [N= number of modes considered; where sean duet evi, = acceleration du to gravity, ‘modal damping coeficien ratio which 6 ite a e bos rat x" mode shape coefficient at floor i in shall be taken as 0.05; mods k, ®, W, = seismic weight of floor / of the structure, {8 ~ natural frequency ratio ~ oad o = circular natural frequency in modej;and n= number of floors of the structure 4 15 1893 (Part 1) : 2016 b) Mode participation factor — Mode where Participation factor, of mode kis given by: = static eccentricity at oor : ~ distance between centre of mass and contre Wi ie of sistance, and & Fwey 8, = floorplan dimension of fori perpendicuar 2M to the direction of force ©) Design lateral force at each floor in each The factor 15 represents dynamic emplification factor, smode Peak lateral force Q,atNoor‘inmode and 0.086, represents the extent of accidental Kis given by: ‘ccontriity. The above amplification of 1.5 need not AAPM, be used, when performing structural analysis by the wre Mea ‘Time History Method, © design horizontal acceleration spectrum 7,9 RC Frame Buildings with Unreinforced Masonry value as per 6.42 using natural period Infill Walls Df osciation 7, of mode t obtained of siin f e FBa5 R aigs wit monensin ames y {nd nreinforced agony (ORM) if wal, aration ) Storey shear forces in each mode — Peak of storey stiffness and storey strength shall be ear force V shear force V,, acting in storey i in mode k is ‘examined along the height of the building considering given by: tffnessfand strength of URM infil walls. If e S e( Did strength variations along the N= 20 ight of the building render itt be iregular as por e) Storey shear force due to all modes “Table 6, theityégularity shall be corrected especially in conuidered Peak storey shea fee Seismic Zones Il, IV and V, storey ide wo all modes considered, shall is plane stiffness and strength cblained by combining those due to @4€¥ of JRM infill walls shall be based on provisions given mode in accordance with " @ Lawrences seach sory eo 78.21 The modulis of elsticity £, Gn MPa) of Sf ‘where fis the compressive strength of masonry prism {in MPa) obtained as per I$ 1905 or given by expression: Sug = OA33 (09 fa 7.8.1 Provision shall be mad@ in all buildings for increase where in shear fores onthe laf force resting elements resulting ffom twisting about thewerical ais of the building arising duetosecentricipy Between the eeniee 7 of mass and centre of resistance athe loorlevels. The 79.2.2 URM infil walls shall be modeled by w design forces calculated as in 7.6 and 7.75, shall be equivalent diagonal struts as below applied atthe displaced centre of mass so a8 t0 caus? 4) Ends of diagonal struts shall be considered design eccentricity (as given by 7.8.2) between the tobe pin jointed to RC ame; displaced centre of mass and centre of resistance. by FarURdtantaeih an : or walls without any opening, wi 7.8.2 Design Eccentricity ‘eof equivalent diagonal stut (se Fig 7) shall While performing structural analysis by the Seismic be taken as: Coefficient Method orthe Response Spectrum Method, the design eccentricity to be used at floor shall be taken as: where -fisyeeas cen ( RRB fe . 4h chr sns th mos severe fon el ce rnsig cements compressive strength of brick, in MPa; and ‘compressive sirength of mortar, in MPs. 1780, 25 where £,and Bare the moduli of elasticity ©) connected preferably to the moment resisting of the materials of the URM infill and RC frame ofthe building, ‘MRF, the moment ofineria ofthe adjoining column, he thickness ofthe infil wall, and @ the angle of the diagonal strut with the 7.10.3 When the RC structural walls are provided, they shall be designed such that the building does NOT horizontal; have: ©) For URM infill walls with openings, no &) Additional torsional regularity in plan than reduction in strut width is required; and that already present in the building. In assessing this, lateral stifiness shall be ©) Thickness of the equivalent diagonal strut included ofall elements that resist lateral shall be taken as thickness ¢ of original URM actions at all levels of the building; infil wall, provided hit 12andi< 12, where Fis clear height of URM infill wall btween Lateral stiffness inthe open storey(s is less {he lop beam and bottom floor slab, and clear than 80 percent ofthat inthe storey above; length of the URM infill wall between the and vertical RC elements (columns, walls oF 8g) Lateral strength inthe open stoey(s) is less combination thereof) between which it spans than 90 percent of that in the storey above. 740.4 When the RC structural walls are provided, the RC seretural wall plan density py ofthe building sal, bat est 2 persia along cach principal direction in le one ad, Tes wal shale wl alsributed in the plan of the building along each plan ection, RO structural walls of ths measure can be oped Gea in regular buildings that do not have * open Storey(s). 10 RC structural walls in buildings located in (Seismic Zones Il, IV and V shall be designed and elds comply wi all roqiremen's of 13920, 7.11 Deformation Deformation of RC buildings shall be oblained from ‘structural analysis using a structural model based on section properties given in 6.4.3, TAMA Storey Drift Limitation discontinuation oF unreinto Ft infill TALL Storey dit any storey shall notexseed 0.008 ‘walls oof stuctaralwallare known fo have lexible times he storey height, under the ation of design base and weak storeys as per fable 6, ich buildings, of shear 7, with no load factors mentioned in 63, that suitable measures shall be adopted; (hich increase both is, with partial safety factor for al loads taken as 1.0, sffaess and strength go the equa level in the open Sorey and the storeys below. These measures shall be taken along both plan directions as per requirements laid down under 7.102 to 7.104, The said increase 7.11.2 Deformation Capability of Non-Seismic may be achieved by providing measures, ike Members 7.11.12 Displacement estimates obtained from dynamic analysis methods shall not be sealed as given in 7.73. 8) RC structural walls, or Forbuildings located in Seismic Zones II, 1V and V,it shall be ensured that structural components, that are ‘not apart of seismic force resisting system in considered 7.10.2 When the RC structural walls are provided, they direction of ground motion but are monolithically shall be, ‘connected, do not lose their vertical load-carrying ‘capacity under induced net stress resultans, including additional bending moments and shear forces resulting +) continuous preferably over the full height of from storey deformations equal to X times storey the building; and displacements calculsied as per 7.11.1, where R is specified in Table 9, 'b)Braced frames, in select bays ofthe building 8) founded on properly designed foundations; 26 ALB Separation between Adjacent Units ‘Two adjacent buildings, or two adjacent units of the same building with separation joint between them, shall be separated by a distance equal to R times sum. of storey displacements A, and A, calculated as per 7.ALAI of the two buildings or two units of the same building, to avoid pounding as the two buildings or two units of the same building oscillate towards each other. When floor levels of the adjacent units ofa building or buildings are atthe same level, the separation distance shall be calculated as (R,4, + R,A,), where Ry and A correspond to building 1, and R and A, to building 2. 7.12 Miscellaneous TARA Foundations Isolated RC footings without tie beams or unteinforoed strip foundations, shall not be adopted in buildings rested on soft soils (with corrected WV < 10) in any Seismic Zone. Use of foundations vulnerable to significant differential settlement due to ground shakin shall be avoided in buildings located in Seismic Zones ML IV andV. Individual spread footings or pile caps shall imerconnected with ies (see ofS 4326), except ‘when individval spread footings are directly supported ‘on rock, in buildings located in Seismic Zones Wand V. Al ies shall be capable of carrying, in tension and im compression, an axial force equal 44s the lange otherwise computed forces, subject {0)a minis 5 percent of larger of column or pile cap Toads: Ayis a8 per 64.2, Pile shall be designed and maximum curvature is earthquake ground shaking: Design-of anchorage of piles into the pile cap shall considgreombined effects, including that of axial forces duet uplift and bending 27 15 1893 (Part 1) : 2016 ‘moments due to fixity to pile cap, 7.12.2 Cantilever Projections TALIA Vertical projections Smal-sized facies (like towers tanks, parapets, smoke stacks/chimaeys) and other vertical cantilever projections attached to buildings and projecting ‘ertically above the roof, but nota part ofthe structural system ofthe building, shall be designed and checked for stability for ive times the design horizontal seismic coefficient 4 specified in 6.4.2 for that building. nthe analysis ofthe building, weights of these projecting elements shall be lumped withthe roof weight 7112.2.2 Horicotal projections Allhorizonal projections of buildings (ike cantilever structural members atthe porch level or higher) or attached 10 buildings (ike brackets, comices and balconies) shall bedesiged for five times the design fa, specified in 64.6 for that building, 3 The iercased design forces specified A221, and are only for designing the Dyojecting farts and their connections with the main structures, and NOT for the design of the main JABS Compound Walls ©. sound walls shall be designed for the design otal coefficient A, of 1.252, thats, calculated ‘using 64.2 with J= 1, R= Land Sg TARA Connections between Parts All small items and objects ofa building shall be tied to ‘the building or to each ther to act as single unit, except those between the separation joints and seismic joints ‘These connections shall be made capable of ‘transmitting the forces induced in them, but not less than 0.05 times weight of total dead and imposed load reactions; frictional resistance shall not be relied upon in these caleulations 1 1995 Pat 2006 ANNEXA (Foreword) {MAP oP UNXASHOANGEPICENTRES OF PAST FARTHGUAKES INERTIA (Geom Cog 42015) oye et MOLE — cdot = puling wp a ety (phone Mg finn) he it ene pone Nason Seb (C5) Maseyeftath esas, Nowa 1 1995 Pat 2006 ANNEXE Forever) MAP OPINCIAEHO WINGPRINCIDAL-TECTONICPEATURES ININTZA (Grom Come st201) 1 1995 Pat 2006 Anwexe (Foreword) [MAP OP NTEASO WING PRINCIPAL LITHOLO GICAL GROUPE MAP OF INDIA ‘SHOWING PRINCIPAL LITHOLOGICAL GROUPS: oye et ANNEX D (Foreword and Clause 3.11) (MSK 1966 INTENSITY SCALE, D-I The following description shall be applicable 8) Ihpe of Structures (Buildings) Typed —Building in field-stone, rural structures, un-bumt brick houses, clay houses Type B — Ordinary brick buildings, buildings ‘of large block and prefabricated type, half timbered structures, buildings in natural hewn stone Type C—Reinforced buildings, well built ‘wooden structures 1b) Definition of Quantity Single, few About 5 percent Many About 50 percent Most ‘About 75 percent ©) Classification of Damage to Buildings Classification Damage Description Grade Slight Fine racks inplag damage of smallpiccen Grade2 Moderate Smal eac inal all damage of 79 plaster; panties slip off cracks ia chimneys pl of chin fll dw Grade3 Heavy [Life ad deep gras in damage se fal Grade4 Destruction ep buildings lose their eghesion; and inner wall collapse GradeS Total damage Total collapse of the building D-2 MSK INTENSITY SCALE D-2.1 The following introductory letters (i), (ii) and i) have beea used throughout the intensity scales (110 XID, deseribing the following: 3) Persons and surroundings, ‘Structures ofall kins, and ii) Nature 1 Not Noticeable ’) The intensity of the vibration is below the 34 limits of sensibility; the temoris detected and recorded by seismograph only a iiy 1 Scarcely Noticeable (Very Slight) Vibration is felt only by individual people at rest in houses, especially on upper floors of buildings. ake is feltindoors by afew peopl, ‘outdoors only in favourable circumstances, ‘The Vibration is ike that duct the passing of Sight truck. Attentive observers notice a < ing of hanging object. 3) The earthquake is felt indoors by many people, outdoors by few. Here and there people awake, but no one is frightened. The vibration is like that due to the passing of a heavily loaded truck, Windows, doors, and dishes rattle, Floors and walls crack. Furniture begins to shake. Hanging objects swing slightly. Liquid in open vessels are slightly disturbed. In standing motor ears the shock is noticeable. a i) — V Awakening |) Theearthquake is elt indoors by al, outdoors by many. Many people awake, A few run outdoors. Animals become uneasy. Buildings tremble throughout, Hanging objects swing considerably. Pictures knock against walls swing out of place. Occasionally pendulum clocks stop. Unstable objects overturn or shift. Open doors and windows are thrust ‘open ad slam back agai, Liquids pilin small, amounts from well-filled open containers. The sensation of vibrations like that due to heavy ‘objects falling inside the buildings. Slight damages in buildings of Type A are possible, By ai Slight waves on standing water. Sometimes changes in flow of springs. Vi Frightening |) Felt by most indoors and outdoors. Many people in buildings are frightened and run ‘outdoors. A few persons loose their balance Domestic animals run out of their stalls. In few instances, dishes and glassware may break, and books fall down, pictures move, and unstable objects overturn. Heavy fumiture may possibly move and small steeple bells may ring. i) Damage of Grade 1 is sustained in single buildings of Type B and in many of Type A. Damage in some buildings of Type A is of Grade2, i) Cracks upto wid of 10mm possible in wet ground; in mountains occasional landslipg hang in ow of springs ad in evel of wel water are observed. VitDamage of Buildings 1) Most people ae ightened and don Many find it difficult 0 stand The vibration is noticed by persoas driving motor Large bells ring. mC oe 4) Inmany buildings of Type G damage is eased inmany bildngs of Type B damage ‘sof Grade 2. Mostbasldings of Type A suffer damage of Grade’, few of Grade 4 In single instances, landslides of réadway on steep slopes: crack ia roads; €eams of pipelines damaged: raeks in stose walls ‘Waves are formed on water, and waters made turbid by mud stirred up. Water levels in wells. change, and the flow of springs changes. Sometimes dry springs have their flow restored and existing springs stop flowing. In isolated instances parts of sand and gravelly banks slip off Ey VIII Destruction of Buildings 4) Fright and panic; also persons driving motor cars are disturbed. Here and there branches of res break off Even heavy furniture moves and partly overturns, Hanging lamps are damaged in par. 35 15 1893 (Part 1) : 2016 ii) Most buildings of Type C suffer damage of Grade 2, and few of Grade 3, Most buildings of Type B suffer damage of Grade 3. Most buildings of Type A suffer damage of Grade 4 Occasional breaking of pipe seams. Memorials and monuments move and twist. Tombstones fovertum. Stone walls collapse. ii) Small landslips in hollows and on banked roads on steep slopes; cracks in ground up to widths of several centimetres. Water in lakes become turbid, New reservoirs come into existence. Dry wels refill and existing wells bbecome dry. In many cases, change in flow and level of water is observed, IX General Damage of Buildings General panic; considerable damage to furniture. Animals runt and fr in confusion uildings of Type C suffer damage of Grade3, anda few of Grade 4, Many buildings (Type B show a damage of Grade 4 and a (© of Grade 5, Many buildings of Type A ‘suifer damage of Grade 5, Monuments and columns fall, Considerable damage to reservoirs; underground pipes partly broken. Inindividual cases railway lines are bent and roadway damaged. (On flat and overflow of water, sand and mud is often observed. Ground cracks to widths of up to 10 em, on slopes and river banks more than 10 om, Furthermore, a large number of slight cracks in ground; falls of rock, many Jand slides and carth flows; large waves in water, Dry wells renew their flow and existing wells dry up, X General Destruction of Buildings 9 Many buildings of Type C suffer damage of Grade 4, and afew of Grade 5, Many buildings of Type B show damage of Grade 5, Most of Type A has destruction of Grade 5. Critical damage to dykes and dams. Severe damage to bridges, Railway lines are bent slighty Underground pipes are bent or broken, Road paving and asphalt show waves, li) In ground, cracks up to widths of several centimetres, sometimes up to I m, parallel 0 water courses occur broad fissures. Loose ground slides from steep slopes. From river banks and steep coasts, considerable landslides are possible. In coastal areas, 1s 1893 (Part 1): 2016 isplacement of sand end mud; change of ‘water level in wells; water from canal, lakes, rivers, ete, thrown on land. New lakes occur. XI Destruction a - 4) Severe damage even to well built buildings, bridges, water dams and railway lines. Highways become useless, Underground pipes destroyed, ii) Ground considerably distorted by broad cracks and fissures, aswell as movement in horizontal and vertical directions, Numerous landslips and falls of rocks. The intensity ofthe earthquake requires to be investigated specifically ‘XII Landscape Changes a iy ii) ANNEX E Foreword) LIST OF SOME TOWNS WITH POPULATION MORE THAN 3 LAKHS (as per CENSUS 2011) ‘Towa Zone Zz Agra Mt 06. ‘Ahmedabad i 01g ‘Ajmer 1 040, Allababad I 040 Almora NW 024 Ambala w 024 ‘Anuritsar Nv 024 Asansol ii 016 Aurangabad i 010 Babraich v 024 Bangalore Bengaluru) IL 010 Barauni v 024 Bareilly m1 016 Belgaum m1 016 Bbarinda Mt 016 Bhilai i 010 Bhopal i 010 Bhubaneswar Mm 016 Bh v 036 Bijapur i 016 Bikaner Mt 016 Bokaro m1 016 Bulandshahr v 024 Burdwan ii 016 36 Practically all structures above and below aground are greatly damaged or destroyed The surface of the ground is radically changed. Considerable ground cracks with extensive vertical and horizontal movements are observed. Falling of rock and slumping of river banks over wide areas, lakes are dammed waterfalls appear and rivers are deflected. The intensity of the earthquake requires to be investigated specially. AND THEIR SEISMIC ZONE FACTOR Z ‘Towa Zone Zz Calicut Kozhikode) 016 Chandigarh Vv 024 Chennai M1 016 Chitradurga i 010 Coimbatore om 016 Cuddalore 010 Curack a 016 Darbhanga v 036 Darjeeling v om Dharwad 1 01s Deira Dun v 024 Dharampuri M1 016 Delhi Vv 024 Durgapur m1 016 Gangtok Nv 024 Guwahati v 036 Gulbarga an 010 Gaya 0 01s. Gorakhpur v 024 Hyderabad 0 10. Imphal v 036 Jabalpur a 016 Jaipur 0 010 Jamshedpur i 010 ‘Town Shansi Jodhpur Jorhat Kakrapara Kalpakam Kanchipuram Kanpur Karwar Kochi Kohima Kolkata Kora Kurmoo! Lucknow Ludhiana Madurai Mandi Mangalura Mungher Moradabad Mumbai Mysura Nagpur Nagarjunasagar Nainital Nashik Nellore Osmanabed Panjim Patiala ennf BSSSS25558225<-=78=-8 <5 5588 ‘Town Zone Patna v Pilibhit v Pondicherry (Puducherry) IL Pune m1 Raipur 1 Rajkot m1 Ranchi 0 Roorkee v Rourkela it Sadiya v Salem a Shillong v ‘Shima v Sitou a Solapur 1 v m1 i v i i um MI i OL ) Vijayawada Om Vishakhapatnam i 37 ANNEX F (Clauses 3.12 and ‘SIMPLIFIED PROCEDURE FOR EVALUATION OF LIQUEFACTION POTENTIAL FA1 Due to the difficulties in obtaining and testing and high inital static shear stress using: undisturbed representative samples from potentially liquefiable sites, in-situ testing is the approach cRR preferred widely for evaluating the liquefaction where potential of a soil deposit. Liquefaction potential assessment procedures involving both the SPT and CPT are widely used in practice. The most common procedure used in engineering practice for the assessment of liquefaction potential of sands and silts RR, (MSF)K,K,, RR, > standard eyelic resistance ratio for a 7.5 magnitude earthquake obtained using values of SPT or CPT or shear wave velocity (as per Step 6), and is the simplified procedure, The procedure may be MSF _~magnitude scaling factor given by used with ether standard penetration test (SPT) blow following equation: count or cone penetration test (CPT) tip resistance or MSF =10")403 shear wave velocity 7, measured within the deposit as described below. ‘This factor is required when the magnitude is different ange tae emi ct liquefaction susceptibility should include the location _epih> 15 mf) and can be found using following sce ery oat eter eih> 15 3 llowing ‘weight passing the IS Standard Sieve No. 75 i). Ka (a/R wheté-o",, effective overburden pressure and P, (Aizapxpheric pressure are measured in the same units \Gaa/} is an exponent and its value depends on the “rsatve density D, For D, = 0 percent ~ 60 percent, § ~ 0. and for D, = 60 percent ~ 80 percent, ‘f=0.1~06. The conection for static shersresses Ky is required only for sloping ground and sno required inroutin engineering practice. Therefore, ia he Scope ofthis standard, value of K, shal be assumed unity For assessing liquefaction suscepiibility using: 8) SPT, goto Step 6(@) or b) CPT, goto Step 6(6) or ©) Shear wave velocity, goto Step 6(¢). Step 4 Cate cyte apes a the earthquake using: C ‘Step 6 — Obtain eyclic resistance ratio CRR, 5, 6a) Using values of SPT ee © sea pound acseration (2G) peo rate the SPT (anda penceton ex) or peak wou POA) reteably ‘ow cout Nyt hanno efony ot _ " 60 percent, Specifications for standardized & = acceleration due to gravity, and ‘equipment are given in Table 11. Ifequipment rg © stress reduction factor. used is of non-standard type, Nyy shall be itvaluc of PGA isnot val, heat) may Obeid wing eaued vale telakenaqultoscuniczoe swe (a pa ttes) Ne Srp 5 — Obi cyl otistanes ratio CRR by — copeting nar yo rntanc rato CRA earthquake magnitude, high overburden stress level Ca =Car CawCosCn Cro 38 Factors Cp, Cras Cas Can and Cy recommended by various investigators for some common non-standard SPT. configurations are provided in Table 12. For SPT conducted as pet IS 2131, the energy delivered to the dill rod is about 60 percent therefore, Cy may be assumed as 1. The computed Ngy is normalized to an effective overburden pressure of approximately 100 kPa using overburden correction factor Cy using: (Ma =CnNeo where “The cyclic resistance ratio CRR, sis estimated from Fig. 8, using (V;)q value. Effect of fines content FC (in percent) can be rationally accounted by correcting (N;)qy and Finding (N))jges a8 Follows: ues = BOM)» 15 1893 (Part 1) : 2016 lor POSS pereent for. percent eFCE3S percent for FC235 percent Fig, Scan be used to estimate CRR,s, here (Nag Shall be used instead of (Na and only SPT elean sand based curve shall be used irrespective of fines contents. The RR; 5 can be estimated using following, equation, instead of Fig. 8: 1 (i), QR,“ Si, st . < Os CO fio os on CYCLIC STRESS RATIO (CSR) OR CYCLIC RESISTANCE RATIO (GRR) ° 10 20 7» 0 ry (CORRECTED BLOW COUNT, (Neo Fig, 8 Rexation Berween CRR AND (N;)y £08 SAND FOR M,7.$ EARTHQUAKES 1s 1893 (Part 1): 2016 (6(0) Using values of CPT ‘The CPT procedure requires normalization of measured cone tip resistance g, using atmospheric pressure P, and correction for overburden pressure C, 28 follows: 4% i here gaa is normalized dimensionless cone penetration resistance, and for sand forclay of? ‘The normalized penetration resistance ey for silty sands iscometed to an equivalent elean sand value (fcc bY the following reition os 04 03 CYCLIC RESISTANCE RATIO (CRR) CYCLIC STRESS RATIO (CSR) OR 100 eres = ke Fews where k, = Correction factor to account for grain characteristics 1.0 (for, $1.68) 0403/55, 581/2— 21.6812 433.15 1, 17.88 (for > 1.64), and 4-F reo and weagured sleeve friction. (deinen the valu of CRR, gusing Fig. 9 __s(Slternatiyely, the ORR, can be found using Q allowing exstions: YS (0.25 < D50{mm)<20 Fines Content (36) < 5 ~— (PT Clean Sand Base Curve No Liquefaction 150 200 250 ‘300 CORRECTED CPT TIP RESISTANCE, diy Fo 9 Retarioy BETWEEN CRR AND (eye, FR M,7-S EARTHQUAKES 40 151893 wt 1) 2016 where ¥ is limiting upper value of V, for 0. {ade ten }. 005, 0<(ten)a<50 liquefaction occurence; a and b are curve con, , fining parameters. The values of @ and bin (eke an, ssa Fig 1ate 0022 and2.8 repel Yj can 10a be assumed to vary inesly from 200 ms for 6) Using shear wave velocity CYCLIC STRESS OR RESISTANCE RATIO, CSR OR CRR soils with fine content of 35 percent, to 215 mis or soils wih Fine contents of 5 percent or less, Apply correction for overburden stress to shear wave velocity V,for clean sands using. Step 7—Caleultethe factor of safety FS against inital liquefaction using: ny Ky () % Bs where (V7) is overburden stress corrected shear wave velocity. Using V,, find the value Where CSRs as estimated in Step 4 and CRR in Step 5, of CRR,, using Fig. 10. Alternatively, the When the design ground motion is conservative, CCRR, ,canbe found using following equation: earthquake related permanent ground deformation is 7 ‘generally smal, if FS 21.2 a too) Wah Hi RR se" RR, Aen the soils assumed to liguely Step 86 255 2055 Fines content(s) II II Il No Liquefaction OVERBURDEN STRESS CORRECTED SHEAR WAVE ‘VELOCITY, Va, mis Fig, 10 ReLarion Berwut CRR aN V, Fox M,7.5 EaRTIQUAKES 4 1s 1893 (Part 1): 2016 Table 11 Recommended Standardized SPT Equipment see1S 2131) [Clause F-1, Step: 6(] SINn Element ‘Standard Specietion 0 o o Sanpler ‘Sandie spitspoon sampler wid, ouside dame, OD = 51 ma aad side ameter, ID = 35 mam (constant hat sn oom fries inthe bares) ) altrods ‘ot AW yp for dpi ess than 15.2 Ne NIV ype or greater depcs ii) Hammer Standard (ey) haramer wih wight 63 5g and +) drop height = 762mm dsivere 60 pace f theories fe fl ener) i) Rope Two wrap of rpe around the pally *) Boreal 100.130 mm dxmeter rotary borehole with beste mud far hale siti (hllow ser agent where SPT is ken toughest) salva Upped defection of iling mod (uione or baled dag it) vi) Blow coumtsate 30 400 blowe por mite ‘Table 12 Correction Factors for Non-Standard SPT Procedures and Equipment [Clase F-1, Step: 6], Ne, Caer (Ceres Forte @ ° 3 D Necnivimmevegtahigadfl ¢,, 0)5 fa Dayiwmmavahrope mapaky) 2 "153 fr Derek mane ath pt) set hago Gpeeat 8) Nanstmvbrdommer vit orbit f fa. lms ) eight cheigt s i of eu) ad ‘Walmer weig Og) 8) Nesebar simple sen (tended smafles wah ¢. | Lifer ose snd) oem fr rues, bused venti} =| 12 fe dase sed) se) Nensuedad sample snp (mdirdsagples wih 09 fr ose snd) soem fr Har, bt Ines ee wed). 08 fr dese see) 075 errod meta0-3 050 ferod lng 3) Shatrod lng 085 ferro imgin +6) 095 fered kngih6 IO) 10 farzed ing 10-30) vi) Nasteviedberehok dns 105 fer baehok dametr of 1S0mm) 10 fer bre hae dam tere 65.115} { 11S ferbaehok dimete a 200mm) NorEs NC Comecton factor for overburden presare (Ny = CoC 15 1893 (Part 1) : 2016 ANNEX G (Foreword) (COMMITTEE COMPOSITION Earthquake Engineering Sectional Committee, CED 39 Indian tnstitate of Technology Roorkee, Roorkee Association f Conuling Civil Engineers, Hengalura Ntomic Bneray Regulatory Based, Mombsi Bharat Heavy Eletials Limited, New Delhi Bilding Materials & Technology Promotion Counil, New Det ‘Cental Pubic Works Department, New Delhi Central Soils and Material Research Station, New Delhi Centeal Water Commission, New Delhi CSIR-Central Bu ing Rescach Institute, Rootkee CSIR-Natonal Geophysical Research Insite, mye "7 @ CSIR-Structural Engineering Research Centre, Kaos RSS x D-CAD Techni, New Det S&S DDF Consultants Pvt Ltd, New peri, Oo Engineers India Limited, New ‘aman tn inte ca esp Suey ae ahaa Housing & Urban Development Ccorfeation Limited, New Delhi Indie Asovaon of Secu! Eanes, New Delt Indian Concrete Intute, Chennai Indian Insite of Technology Bombay, Mumbai Indian Institute of Technology Bhubaneswar, Bhubaneswar Indian Istute of Technology Guwahati, Guwahati Tdian Iastiute of Technology Kaspur, Kanpur Indian Institute of Techeoloay Madras, Chena 4B Representaive(s) Dr D. K, Pout (Chatrman) ‘mi Sane SaeoHAn ‘Siar Aswart M U (erate) ‘Stas Rosuak A.D. (Alteat) Si Rast Kesese ‘Sim: Hawt Matra (lemat) Sim J. K.Pansio ‘Stat Pasens Gura (erate) ‘Cur Esanean (CDO) good Esco (D) TI (Aomate) Ferg rae) Sunn ieeenn gS enve Deion Cosine Bite Line, Ghai ¢ Dye nts erate) Sinus Dar CS Base Soe (Abert) erry De Ay Chances emit) © Be, Rast Kine Da N. Porsactacnn Rao (Atenate) De N. Gorcaemssnay (Alternate) De K. 6, Bian Dr Prarie R. Bose Siu Skawous Oa (Ateate) Sia A. K. Door Ms ia Dass De G.G, Stes Aciany (Mena) SVN. Hesstoe ‘Sims Anaso Dasa (Atomate) Smt K. C. Jats Sint Susan Mires Sit $C. Memoms ‘Siu ALox Buowstcx (Aerie) Dr Rass Sa re Aus Gown (erate) Dr Stats Rass Das Dr Seowte Kas Dr Asar Paastst (ternate) Dr Hinwsr B. Kaw Dr Dinca C. Rat Dr A. Meuen Passo De Rores Gonwns Alemate 1 DR As Moxon Alternate I) 1s 1893 (Part 1): 2016 Organization Indian Insitute of Technology Roorkee, Roorkee Indian Road Congress, New Det Indian Society of Harthquake Technology, Rootkee Military Engineer Services, Engincerin-Chiets Branch, Army HQ, New Del Ministry of Fath Sciences, Naional Centre for Seismatory oional Council for Cement and oiling Materials, Balabgar [National Thermal Power Corporati, Noids [Nuclear Power Corporation of Inia Limited, Mumbat Spano ga Repreentative(s) Dr Yous Stet Dr Mans Simin (Aerate1) De Asie Masian (Alena De BLK Maussteat (Alierate UD) Srey Goons rato (Alternate) Dr H.R. Wasos De ML. Susana (Alternate) Er Cot Gana Kass (Alena) DuHLS. Mavoas (Alternate) Sit VV. Anon ‘Dr Sesaon Kiva Jens (Alena) Sia Faas Kuss 3m Sted Aha) RE ct) csc, Dsigns and Stundvds Organization, Lucknow >> Ecrmye Baron BAS) . . Se aS) ea resin, Guapan genta nnse 2D) & x Risk Managemen Slsions fe MSD, Noite Suan Gon ‘Tandon Consultants Private Limited, Now Deli “Tata Consulting Engineers, Mumbai Vinvsvaraya Nato Instat of Tesh€lpey, Nae SaaS Wadia tosiate of Himalayan rei Debradunl> 1a pevsonal capacity, (4-802, Be ‘Sector, Valshall, Gas ta pa ety LAE) StS are In pron expat, 38 OM Sneh Nga Wardha Raed, Negra tn personal capacity [WA02, ¥.L.M Addresses, Raj Nagar arene BIS Direstrate Gener Member Secret Masi Tasoon y> Sit Viv K. Germ (Alternate) KV Sumausoay ‘Sau BB, Gust aerate) ‘iat RD. Cuan (Alternate) Dr 0. R. wns De RK. Ins (Alemate) Dr Rees Saat, ‘Dr Vins Gort (teat) De A.S. Avia Sims LK. Jos Dr ¥ Tansee Smt Sw Pa, Seamer 90 Hea (Cho Ese) [Representing Director General (Bs-Officto)] Sua'S. Asin Kau Sens *D' (Cra Eanes), BIS ‘Composition of the Drafting Group under CED 39 Indian Instate of Technology Jodhpur, Jodhpur Indian Inte of Technology Madras, Chena Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, Mumba VMS Conslting Private Limited, Mumbai 44 De. VR. Minty Dr Rum Gases Dr Ras So Ms Aime R Siem ©) Bases of various load combinations to be considered have been made consistent for earthquake effects, with those specified in the other codes; 8) Temporary structures are brought under the purview of this standard; ©) Importance factor provisions have been modified to introduce intermediate importance category of buildings, to acknowledge the density of occupancy of buildings; 1) A provision i introduced to ensure that all buildings are designed for atleast a minimum lateral force: 8) Buildings with lat slabs are brought under the purview of this standard 1h) Additional clarity is brought in on how to handle diferent types of iregularity of structural systems; |} Effect of masonry infill walls has been included in analysis and design of frame buildings; 1K) Method is introduced for arriving at the approximate natural period of buildings with basements, step bback buildings and buildings oa hillslopes; 2) Provisions on torsion have been simplified; and 1) Simplified method is introduced for liquefaction potential analysis. Inthe formulation ofthis standard, effort has heen made to coordinate with standards and practices prevailing in different counties in addition to relating it to the practices in ths ld in thigeomty. Assistance has particularly been derived from th following publications: 1) 1BC 2015, Intemational Building Code, Imeration 2) NEHRP200®, NEHRP Recommended Seismic Provisions for Nee Buildings and Other Stuctures, Report No, FEMA P-750, Fedral Emergency Manag 3) ASCE/SEI 7-10, Minimum Design Loads fr Buildingand Other Sructres, American Society of Civil Engineers, USA, 2010 a Metorologial Dearne National Ces for Seismology (Ministry of Earth Sciences, Govtgftntia)and.geyetal other organizations. Significant improvements have been Inae othe standard based on dings of pjectctiled, “Review of Bling Codes and Preparation of Commentary and Handbooks awarded to NF Kanpur bythe Gujarat Sate Disaster Managemen Authority (GSDMA), Gandhinagar, tug Word ag nances during 2003-200, Roots and Kanps Geologie Suryey nd For the purpose of deciding whether a particular requirement of this standard is complied with, the final value observed or calculated, expressing the result ofa test or analysis, shall he rounded of in aordance with IS 2 : 1960 “Rules for rounding off numerical values (revised). The number of significant places retained inthe rounded off value should be the same as that ofthe specified value in this standard, Bureau of Indian Standards BIS is a statutory institution established under the Bureau of Indian Standards Act, 1986 to promote harmonious development of the activities of standardization, marking and quality certification of goods and attending to connected matters in the country Copyright [BIS has the copyright of all its publications. No part of these publicetions may be reproduced in any form ‘without the prior permission in writing of BIS, This does not preclude the free use, in the course of implementing the standard, of necessary details, such as symbols and sizes, type or grade designations. Enquiries relating to copyright be addressed to the Direcior (Publications), BIS, Review of Indian Standards Amendments are issued to standards as the need arises on the basis of comments. Standards are also reviewed periodically; a standard along with amendments is realfirmed when such review indicates that no changes are ers of Indian Standards should ascertain that they are in possession of the latest amendments or edition by referring tothe latest issue of “BIS Catalogue’ and ‘Standards : Monthly Additions" if the review indicates that changes are needed, it is taken up for revision, Us This Indian Standard has been developed from Doc No: 39 (7975). Amendments Issited Since Publication ‘Amend No. Bais oF Issue Text Affected BUREALSOF INDIAN STANDARDS Headquarters: ‘Manak Bhavan, 9 Bahadur SHG Zafar Mafg, New Delhi 110002 Telephones: 2323 0131, 2328 3875, 23259902 Website: wwwcbisgovin Regional Offices: Telephones Manak Bhavan, 9 Batiadur Shah Zafar Marg 23237617 NEWDELHI 10002 23233841, Basten: 1/14CLT. Scheme VIM, V.1P Road, Kankurgachi 23378499, 23378561 KOLKATA 700054 23378626, 23379120 Northem + $CO335-336,Sector’4-A, CHANDIGARH 160022 2603843 2609285 Souther : CAT: Campus, 1V Cross Road, CHENNAL 600113 2254 1216,2254 1442 22542519, 22542315 Western: Manakalaya, E9 MIDC, Marol, Andheri (East) 28329295, 2832 7858 ‘MUMBAI400093 2832 7891, 2832 7892 Branches: AHMEDABAD. BENGALURU. BHOPAL. BHUBANESHWAR. COIMBATORE. DEHRADUN. FARIDARAD, GHAZIABAD, GUWAHATI, HYDERABAD. JAIPUR. KOCHI. LUCKNOW, NAGPUR. PARWANOO, PATNA. PUNE. RAJKOT. VISAKHAPATNAM,

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