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TYPE IF-CLAUSE Result Clause Example
Zero Simple present Simple present If you add two and two, you
True in the get four.
present/future Present tense If my son gets worse tonight,
(present simple, I’ll take him to hospital.
present perfect)
Untrue in the Second Would + bare If I had a lot of money, I’d
present/future infinitive buy a big house by the sea.
Past perfect If he’d arrived on time, we
simple or past could have caught the plane.
Mixed Would + bare If I had taken a painkiller, I
infinitive would be better now.
Untrue in the Would+have+V3 If she had enough money,
present and its she could have done this trip
past result to Paris.

Rewrite these sentences into their non-inverted form.

1. Had I finished my homework, I would have 4. Were I you, I wouldn’t do

called that ..................................................
you. ............................................................... ..........
5. Had I known, I would have told
2. Should you happen to see my wife, tell her I you. ..................................................
called. ............................................................ .........
6. Should anyone call, please take a
3. Were he really a good teacher, he would let message.
us go ..........................................................
early. ............................................................. ..
Discuss the meaning in these sentences.

Sentences Concept Checking Questions

It’s two o’clock in the afternoon, and I’m Do I have enough time?
working now. If I have enough time, I will
It’s 20.00 and my uncles have made a
call you tonight.
surprise visit, Will I call you?
I can’t go to the party. If I got an Do I have an invitation?
invitation, I’d go there right away. Do I want to go there?
Is this real or imaginary?
Is the party in past or future?
Bob is one of my friends with whom I Does Bob annoy me a lot?
have some problems recently. If he Do I want to go to his office?
didn’t annoy me so much, I’d spend more Is “not annoying” real or imaginary?
time in his office. Is this happening now or future?
Look Jane! I’m terribly sorry, but if I had Have I heard your arrival?
known that you were coming, I’d have Did I go to the airport?
met you at the airport. Is Jane’s arrival in the present or past?
Is Jane angry now?
If I had eaten breakfast in the morning, I Did I eat breakfast in the morning?
would not be hungry now. Am I hungry now?
If Alex were a good student, he would Is Alex a good student?
have studied for the test yesterday.
Did he study for the test yesterday?

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