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Research Title

A specialized area of focus that falls both within the boundaries of a research (delineation) and the perimeter of a
niche area, which directly relates to a particular discipline. The title summarizes the main idea or ideas of your
study (USC, 2017)

Example: The Case of Climate Change in the Philippines: Responses and Measures to its Effects

The research title does not need to be entertaining but informative.

A part of a research title has the following information:

1. The subject matter or topic to be investigated. (“What?”)

2. The place or locale where the research is to be conducted. (“Where?”)

3. The population like the respondents’ interviewees. (“Who”?)

4. The time period of the study during which the data are to be collected. (“When”?)


Subject matter: The teaching of English Place or locale: in the high schools of Province A Time period: during the
school year 1989-1990 Population: as perceived by teachers and students

Subject matter: The effects of the use of cell phones on the academic performance Population to senior high
school students Place or locale: at Department of Education Time period: during the first semester, school year

According to Watkins (2008:23) a research title should have the following characteristics:

1. Short, descriptive and to the point

2. Identify the main variables of the research
3. Allude to the area of study
4. Attract the attention and interest of the reader
5. Make academic sense

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