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Loakan Baptist Church


# 1 Cudirao, Loakan Proper, Baguio City
Tel. No. (074) 619-0271
Government Recognition (DepEd) No. EEDR-004 s2013
Government Permit (DepEd) No. QAD 012 s2017

2nd Quarter Examination
October 27, 2017

Name: ______________________________________________________ Score: ___________

GENERAL INSTRUCTION: Read and follow the given instructions. Understand each item before you answer
each question. If you have questions or any clarifications, feel free to approach your teacher (properly).
I. ALTERNATE RESPONSE. Read and follow the instructions given in each part. (1 point each; 15 points)
A. COMPOUND PERSONAL PRONOUNS. Tell whether the underlined pronouns are reflexive or intensive.
Write your answers on the blanks provided.
1. You yourself are your own best friend up in the mountains. 1. ________________
2. You can protect yourself from harm by taking a few important precautions. 2. ________________
3. Climbers risk exposing themselves to hypothermia and altitude sickness. 3. ________________
4. For that reason, wear protective clothes and remind yourself not to rush into 4. ________________
high altitudes too quickly.
5. When we ourselves are careless, we put ourselves and others in danger. 5. ________________
6. Beware! An avalanche can propel itself to speeds of over 100 miles per hour. 6. ________________
7. To protect yourself from falling while ice climbing, you should place a screw in 7. ________________
the ice every five to ten meters.
8. Even though he is a fine climber, Reinhold Messner himself takes the dangers of 8. ________________
climbing seriously.
9. To prepare to climb, I enrolled myself in a rock climbing gym to experience 9. ________________
climbing in a safe and controlled setting.
10. Be careful you don’t cut yourself on that sharp blade. 10. _______________

B. PRONOUNS IN THE OBJECTIVE CASE. Identify the function of the underlined pronouns. Write DO for direct
object, IO for indirect object, and OP for the object of the preposition. Write your answers on the blanks
11. I pray for her all the time. 11. _______________
12. I also help her with my problems. 12. _______________
13. She gave me a big hug for it. 13. _______________
14. She also understands me well. 14. _______________
15. God has been very kind to me. 15. _______________

II. COMPLETION. Complete the following sentences as indicated in each part. (1 point each; 25 points)
A. POSSESSIVE PRONOUNS. Fill in the correct possessive pronoun/adjective.
16. Mary and you have a dad. It’s _______________ dad.
17. All my brothers love video games. Playing them is a favourite pastime of _________________.
18. Mom and I have a boat. It’s _________________.
19. She has a cat. That cat is _________________.
20. They have a bike. That bike is ______________.

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B. SUBJECT PRONOUNS. Complete each sentence with the appropriate pronoun for the words in the
21. (Joe, Scott, and Bob) _______________ went hiking on the mountain together.
22. (My Aunt Jane) _______________ likes to watch scary movies on television.
23. (Nick and I) _______________ have a favorite restaurant in town.
24. (The neighbor’s car) _______________ has a very noisy engine.
25. (Jenny and Fatima) _______________ wore heavy coats to school because of the rain.
26. (The little old lady) _______________ walks very slowly with a cane.
27. (Adam’s grandfather) _______________ retired from the U.S. Army four years ago.
28. (The blue notebook) _______________ contains all the notes from Science class.
29. (The pens and pencils) _______________ belong in the cup on the counter.
30. (Your Uncle Peter) _______________ works for a large company in Europe.

C. DEGREES OF COMPARISON OF ADJECTIVES. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate degree of comparison.

Positive Comparative Superlative

31. far
32. rarer
33. less difficult
34. best
35. pretty
36. intelligent
37. bad
38. more beautiful
39. hardest
40. quiet

III. MULTIPLE CHOICE. Read and follow the instructions in each part. Choose the correct answer from the
choices given. (1 point each; 20 points)
A. INDEFINITE PRONOUNS. Underline the verb which agrees with the indefinite pronoun.
36. Each of the family members (has, have) one vote.
37. One of the boys (eat, eats) pizza every week.
38. Both of the answers (is, are) correct.
39. Few of the staff (was, were) gone today.
40. All of the animals (run, runs) when they are scared.
41. Someone (has, have) his own thoughts.
42. Much (has, have) happened since high school.
43. You know that others (has, have) tried this.
44. We can begin since everybody (has, have) arrived.
45. Less (is, are) usually the way to go. 

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B. SPELLING. Identify the misspelled word in each item by marking it with an X.

46. indictment ingenius insufficient irresistible

47. imediate incapable incoherent indispensable
48. initiate interpreter itenerary jamb
49. jealous jeopardy jeorisdiction Aardvark
50. licensious Hors d’oeuvre schizophrenic subpoena

C. IDENTIFYING CHARACTER’S FEELING. Read the following situations below and identify the feeling of the
characters. Choose the feeling/emotion from the words inside the box.

Upset Happy Scared Angry

Tired Excited Bored

56. Joseph’s dad’s face went bright red, his brow became furrowed and his hands 56. _______________
were actually trembling.

57. David looked from left to right, breathed heavily and ran as quick as possible 57. _______________
towards the door.

58. Tony can’t help but punch the air with a wide smile. 58. _______________

59. Fatima jumped out of bed and ran downstairs to the post box as quick as a 59. _______________

60. Paul sat staring at the wall, he looked at the clock; two hours I have been 60. _______________
waiting now he thought to himself.

“Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do
not give up.”
Galatians 6:9

Prepared by: ALJON Q. CHIDAY

Class Adviser

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