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THE HERITAGE HOTEL MANILA, acting through its owner, GRAND


- versus -



January 12, 2011; G.R. No. 178296


On October 11, 1995, respondent filed with the Department of Labor and

Employment-National Capital Region (DOLE-NCR) a petition for certification
election.[2] The Med-Arbiter granted the petition on February 14, 1996 and ordered
the holding of a certification election.[3]

The holding of a preelection conference was scheduled on February 26, 1997,

however, the preelection conference was not held as initially scheduled; it was held
a year later, or on February 20, 1998. Petitioner moved to archive or to dismiss the
petition due to alleged repeated non-appearance of respondent. The latter agreed to
suspend proceedings until further notice. The preelection conference resumed on
January 29, 2000.

Subsequently, petitioner discovered that respondent had failed to submit to the

Bureau of Labor Relations (BLR) its annual financial report for several years and
the list of its members since it filed its registration papers in 1995. Consequently,
on May 19, 2000, petitioner filed a Petition for Cancellation of Registration of
respondent, on the ground of the non-submission of the said documents.


WON respondent’s failure to submit the required documents for a number of years;
warrants its cancellation of its registration as the certified bargaining agent of the
covered employees.



Articles 238 and 239 of the Labor Code read:

The certificate of registration of any legitimate labor organization,
whether national or local, shall be canceled by the Bureau if it has
reason to believe, after due hearing, that the said labor organization no
longer meets one or more of the requirements herein prescribed.[34]
The following shall constitute grounds for cancellation of union
(d) Failure to submit the annual financial report to the Bureau within
thirty (30) days after the closing of every fiscal year and
misrepresentation, false entries or fraud in the preparation of the
financial report itself;
(i) Failure to submit list of individual members to the Bureau once a year
or whenever required by the Bureau.[35]
These provisions give the Regional Director ample discretion in dealing with a
petition for cancellation of a unions registration, particularly, determining whether
the union still meets the requirements prescribed by law. It is sufficient to give the
Regional Director license to treat the late filing of required documents as sufficient
compliance with the requirements of the law. After all, the law requires the labor
organization to submit the annual financial report and list of members in order to
verify if it is still viable and financially sustainable as an organization so as to
protect the employer and employees from fraudulent or fly-by-night unions. With
the submission of the required documents by respondent, the purpose of the law
has been achieved, though belatedly.
We cannot ascribe abuse of discretion to the Regional Director and the DOLE
Secretary in denying the petition for cancellation of respondents registration. The
union members and, in fact, all the employees belonging to the appropriate
bargaining unit should not be deprived of a bargaining agent, merely because of
the negligence of the union officers who were responsible for the submission of the
documents to the BLR.
Labor authorities should, indeed, act with circumspection in treating petitions for
cancellation of union registration, lest they be accused of interfering with union
activities. In resolving the petition, consideration must be taken of the fundamental
rights guaranteed by Article XIII, Section 3 of the Constitution, i.e., the rights of
all workers to self-organization, collective bargaining and negotiations, and
peaceful concerted activities. Labor authorities should bear in mind that
registration confers upon a union the status of legitimacy and the concomitant right
and privileges granted by law to a legitimate labor organization, particularly the
right to participate in or ask for certification election in a bargaining unit. [36] Thus,
the cancellation of a certificate of registration is the equivalent of snuffing out
the life of a labor organization. For without such registration, it loses - as a rule -
its rights under the Labor Code.[37]
It is worth mentioning that the Labor Codes provisions on cancellation of union
registration and on reportorial requirements have been recently amended by
Republic Act (R.A.) No. 9481, An Act Strengthening the Workers Constitutional
Right to Self-Organization, Amending for the Purpose Presidential Decree No.
442, As Amended, Otherwise Known as the Labor Code of the Philippines, which
lapsed into law on May 25, 2007 and became effective on June 14, 2007. The
amendment sought to strengthen the workers right to self-organization and enhance
the Philippines compliance with its international obligations as embodied in the
International Labour Organization (ILO) Convention No. 87, [38] pertaining to the
non-dissolution of workers organizations by administrative authority.[39] Thus, R.A.
No. 9481 amended Article 239 to read:
ART. 239. Grounds for Cancellation of Union Registration.The
following may constitute grounds for cancellation of union registration:
(a) Misrepresentation, false statement or fraud in connection with the
adoption or ratification of the constitution and by-laws or amendments
thereto, the minutes of ratification, and the list of members who took part
in the ratification;
(b) Misrepresentation, false statements or fraud in connection with the
election of officers, minutes of the election of officers, and the list of
(c) Voluntary dissolution by the members.
R.A. No. 9481 also inserted in the Labor Code Article 242-A, which provides:
ART. 242-A. Reportorial Requirements.The following are documents
required to be submitted to the Bureau by the legitimate labor
organization concerned:
(a) Its constitution and by-laws, or amendments thereto, the minutes of
ratification, and the list of members who took part in the ratification of
the constitution and by-laws within thirty (30) days from adoption or
ratification of the constitution and by-laws or amendments thereto;
(b) Its list of officers, minutes of the election of officers, and list of
voters within thirty (30) days from election;
(c) Its annual financial report within thirty (30) days after the
close of every fiscal year; and
(d) Its list of members at least once a year or whenever required by the
Failure to comply with the above requirements shall not be a ground
for cancellation of union registration but shall subject the erring
officers or members to suspension, expulsion from membership, or
any appropriate penalty.
At any rate, we note that on 19 May 2000, appellee had submitted its
financial statement for the years 1996-1999. With this submission,
appellee has substantially complied with its duty to submit its financial
report for the said period. To rule differently would be to preclude the
union, after having failed to meet its periodic obligations promptly, from
taking appropriate measures to correct its omissions. For the record, we
do not view with favor appellees late submission. Punctuality on the part
of the union and its officers could have prevented this petition. [41]

WHEREFORE, premises considered, the Court of Appeals Decision dated May
30, 2005 and Resolution dated June 4, 2007 are AFFIRMED.
G.R. No. 161690; July 23, 2008

Petitioner S.S. Ventures International, Inc. (Ventures), a PEZA-registered export

firm with principal place of business at Phase I-PEZA-Bataan Export Zone,
Mariveles, Bataan, is in the business of manufacturing sports shoes. Respondent
S.S. Ventures Labor Union (Union), on the other hand, is a labor organization
registered with the Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE) under
Certificate of Registration No. RO300-00-02-UR-0003.
On March 21, 2000, the Union filed with DOLE-Region III a petition
for certification election in behalf of the rank-and-file employees of
Ventures. Five hundred forty two (542) signatures, 82 of which belong to
terminated Ventures employees, appeared on the basic documents supporting the

On August 21, 2000, Ventures filed a Petition to cancel the Unions certificate of

registration invoking instances of fraud and misrepresentation.

Regional Director Ana C. Dione of DOLE-Region III found for Ventures.

Aggrieved, the Union interposed a motion for reconsideration, a recourse which

appeared to have been forwarded to the Bureau of Labor Relations (BLR) where
the BLR Director rendered on October 11, 2002 a decision in BLR-A-C-60-6-11-
01, granting the Unions appeal and reversing the decision of Dione.

Ventures then went to the Court of Appeals (CA) on a petition for certiorari

On October 20, 2003, the CA rendered a Decision,dismissing Ventures

petition. Ventures motion for reconsideration met a similar fate.


The right to form, join, or assist a union is specifically protected by Art. XIII,
Section 3[14] of the Constitution and such right, according to Art. III, Sec. 8 of the
Constitution and Art. 246 of the Labor Code, shall not be abridged. Once
registered with the DOLE, a union is considered a legitimate labor organization
endowed with the right and privileges granted by law to such organization. While a
certificate of registration confers a union with legitimacy with the concomitant
right to participate in or ask for certification election in a bargaining unit, the
registration may be canceled or the union may be decertified as the bargaining unit,
in which case the union is divested of the status of a legitimate labor organization.
 Among the grounds for cancellation is the commission of any of the acts
enumerated in Art. 239(a) of the Labor Code, such as fraud and misrepresentation
in connection with the adoption or ratification of the unions constitution and like
documents. The Court, has in previous cases, said that to decertify a union, it is not
enough to show that the union includes ineligible employees in its membership. It
must also be shown that there was misrepresentation, false statement, or fraud in
connection with the application for registration and the supporting documents, such
as the adoption or ratification of the constitution and by-laws or amendments
thereto and the minutes of ratification of the constitution or by-laws, among other

Essentially, Ventures faults both the BLR and the CA in finding that there
was no fraud or misrepresentation on the part of the Unionsufficient to justify
cancellation of its registration. In this regard, Ventures makes much of, first, the
separate hand-written statements of 82 employees who, in gist, alleged that they
were unwilling or harassed signatories to the attendance sheet of the organizational
We are not persuaded. As aptly noted by both the BLR and CA, these mostly
undated written statements submitted by Ventures on March 20, 2001, or seven
months after it filed its petition for cancellation of registration, partake of the
nature of withdrawal of union membership executed after the Unions filing of a
petition for certification election on March 21, 2000. We have in precedent
cases[18] said that the employees withdrawal from a labor union made before the
filing of the petition for certification election is presumed voluntary, while
withdrawal after the filing of such petition is considered to be involuntary and does
not affect the same. Now then, if a withdrawal from union membership done after
a petition for certification election has been filed does not vitiate such petition, is it
not but logical to assume that such withdrawal cannot work to nullify the
registration of the union? Upon this light, the Court is inclined to agree with the
CA that the BLR did not abuse its discretion nor gravely err when it concluded that
the affidavits of retraction of the 82 members had no evidentiary weight.
It cannot be over-emphasized that the registration or the recognition of a
labor union after it has submitted the corresponding papers is not ministerial on the
part of the BLR. Far from it. After a labor organization has filed the necessary
registration documents, it becomes mandatory for the BLR to check if the
requirements under Art. 234[19] of the Labor Code have been sedulously complied
with.[20] If the unions application is infected by falsification and like serious
irregularities, especially those appearing on the face of the application and its
attachments, a union should be denied recognition as a legitimate labor
organization. Prescinding from these considerations, the issuance to the Union of
Certificate of Registration No. RO300-00-02-UR-0003 necessarily implies that its
application for registration and the supporting documents thereof are prima
facie free from any vitiating irregularities.
Second, Ventures draws attention to the inclusion of 82 individuals to the list
of participants in the January 9, 2000 organizational meeting. Ventures submits
that the 82, being no longer connected with the company, should not have been
counted as attendees in the meeting and the ratification proceedings immediately
The assailed inclusion of the said 82 individuals to the meeting and
proceedings adverted to is not really fatal to the Unions cause for, as determined by
the BLR, the allegations of falsification of signatures or misrepresentation with
respect to these individuals are without basis. [21] The Court need not delve into the
question of whether these 82 dismissed individuals were still Union members
qualified to vote and affix their signature on its application for registration and
supporting documents. Suffice it to say that, as aptly observed by the CA, the
procedure for acquiring or losing union membership and the determination of who
are qualified or disqualified to be members are matters internal to the union and
flow from its right to self-organization.
To our mind, the relevancy of the 82 individuals active participation in
the Unions organizational meeting and the signing ceremonies thereafter comes in
only for purposes of determining whether or not the Union, even without the 82,
would still meet what Art. 234(c) of the Labor Code requires to be submitted, to
Art. 234. Requirements of Registration.Any applicant labor
organization x x x shall acquire legal personality and shall be entitled to
the rights and privileges granted by law to legitimate labor organizations
upon issuance of the certificate of registration based on the following
(c) The names of all its members comprising at least twenty percent
(20%) of all the employees in the bargaining unit where it seeks to
The BLR, based on its official records, answered the poser in the
affirmative. Wrote the BLR:
It is imperative to look into the records of respondent union with
this Bureau pursuant to our role as a central registry of union and CBA
records under Article 231 of the Labor Code and Rule XVII of the rules
implementing Book V of the Labor Code, as amended x x x.
In its union records on file with this Bureau, respondent union
submitted the names of [542] members x x x. This number easily
complied with the 20% requirement, be it 1,928 or 2,202 employees in
the establishment. Even subtracting the 82 employees from 542 leaves
460 union members, still within 440 or 20% of the maximum total of
2,202 rank-and-file employees.
Whatever misgivings the petitioner may have with regard to the
82 dismissed employees is better addressed in the inclusion-exclusion
proceedings during a pre-election conference x x x. The issue
surrounding the involvement of the 82 employees is a matter of
membership or voter eligibility. It is not a ground to cancel union
registration. (Emphasis added.)
The bare fact that three signatures twice appeared on the list of those who
participated in the organizational meeting would not, to our mind, provide a valid
reason to cancel Certificate of Registration No. RO300-00-02-UR-0003. As
the Union tenably explained without rebuttal from Ventures, the double entries are
no more than normal human error, effected without malice. Even the labor arbiter
who found for Ventures sided with the Union in its explanation on the absence of
The cancellation of a unions registration doubtless has an impairing
dimension on the right of labor to self-organization. Accordingly, we can accord
concurrence to the following apt observation of the BLR: [F]or fraud and
misrepresentation [to be grounds for] cancellation of union registration under
Article 239 [of the Labor Code], the nature of the fraud and misrepresentation must
be grave and compelling enough to vitiate the consent of a majority of union
In its Comment, the Union points out that for almost seven (7) years following the
filing of its petition, no certification election has yet been conducted among the
rank-and-file employees. If this be the case, the delay has gone far enough and can
no longer be allowed to continue. The CA is right when it said that Ventures
should not interfere in the certification election by actively and persistently
opposing the certification election of the Union. A certification election is
exclusively the concern of employees and the employer lacks the legal personality
to challenge it.[24] In fact, jurisprudence frowns on the employers interference in a
certification election for such interference unduly creates the impression that it
intends to establish a company union.[25]
Ventures allegations on forum shopping and the procedural lapse supposedly
committed by the BLR in allowing a belatedly filed motion for reconsideration
need not detain us long. Suffice it to state that this Court has consistently ruled that
the application of technical rules of procedure in labor cases may be relaxed to
serve the demands of substantial justice.[26] So it must be in this case.

Essentially, Ventures faults both the BLR and the CA in finding that there
was no fraud or misrepresentation on the part of the Unionsufficient to justify
cancellation of its registration. In this regard, Ventures makes much of, first, the
separate hand-written statements of 82 employees who, in gist, alleged that they
were unwilling or harassed signatories to the attendance sheet of the organizational
We are not persuaded. As aptly noted by both the BLR and CA, these mostly
undated written statements submitted by Ventures on March 20, 2001, or seven
months after it filed its petition for cancellation of registration, partake of the
nature of withdrawal of union membership executed after the Unions filing of a
petition for certification election on March 21, 2000. We have in precedent
cases[18] said that the employees withdrawal from a labor union made before the
filing of the petition for certification election is presumed voluntary, while
withdrawal after the filing of such petition is considered to be involuntary and does
not affect the same. Now then, if a withdrawal from union membership done after
a petition for certification election has been filed does not vitiate such petition, is it
not but logical to assume that such withdrawal cannot work to nullify the
registration of the union? Upon this light, the Court is inclined to agree with the
CA that the BLR did not abuse its discretion nor gravely err when it concluded that
the affidavits of retraction of the 82 members had no evidentiary weight.
It cannot be over-emphasized that the registration or the recognition of a
labor union after it has submitted the corresponding papers is not ministerial on the
part of the BLR. Far from it. After a labor organization has filed the necessary
registration documents, it becomes mandatory for the BLR to check if the
requirements under Art. 234[19] of the Labor Code have been sedulously complied
with.[20] If the unions application is infected by falsification and like serious
irregularities, especially those appearing on the face of the application and its
attachments, a union should be denied recognition as a legitimate labor
organization. Prescinding from these considerations, the issuance to the Union of
Certificate of Registration No. RO300-00-02-UR-0003 necessarily implies that its
application for registration and the supporting documents thereof are prima
facie free from any vitiating irregularities.
Second, Ventures draws attention to the inclusion of 82 individuals to the list
of participants in the January 9, 2000 organizational meeting. Ventures submits
that the 82, being no longer connected with the company, should not have been
counted as attendees in the meeting and the ratification proceedings immediately
The assailed inclusion of the said 82 individuals to the meeting and
proceedings adverted to is not really fatal to the Unions cause for, as determined by
the BLR, the allegations of falsification of signatures or misrepresentation with
respect to these individuals are without basis. [21] The Court need not delve into the
question of whether these 82 dismissed individuals were still Union members
qualified to vote and affix their signature on its application for registration and
supporting documents. Suffice it to say that, as aptly observed by the CA, the
procedure for acquiring or losing union membership and the determination of who
are qualified or disqualified to be members are matters internal to the union and
flow from its right to self-organization.
To our mind, the relevancy of the 82 individuals active participation in
the Unions organizational meeting and the signing ceremonies thereafter comes in
only for purposes of determining whether or not the Union, even without the 82,
would still meet what Art. 234(c) of the Labor Code requires to be submitted, to
Art. 234. Requirements of Registration.Any applicant labor
organization x x x shall acquire legal personality and shall be entitled to
the rights and privileges granted by law to legitimate labor organizations
upon issuance of the certificate of registration based on the following
(c) The names of all its members comprising at least twenty percent
(20%) of all the employees in the bargaining unit where it seeks to
The BLR, based on its official records, answered the poser in the
affirmative. Wrote the BLR:
It is imperative to look into the records of respondent union with
this Bureau pursuant to our role as a central registry of union and CBA
records under Article 231 of the Labor Code and Rule XVII of the rules
implementing Book V of the Labor Code, as amended x x x.
In its union records on file with this Bureau, respondent union
submitted the names of [542] members x x x. This number easily
complied with the 20% requirement, be it 1,928 or 2,202 employees in
the establishment. Even subtracting the 82 employees from 542 leaves
460 union members, still within 440 or 20% of the maximum total of
2,202 rank-and-file employees.
Whatever misgivings the petitioner may have with regard to the
82 dismissed employees is better addressed in the inclusion-exclusion
proceedings during a pre-election conference x x x. The issue
surrounding the involvement of the 82 employees is a matter of
membership or voter eligibility. It is not a ground to cancel union
registration. (Emphasis added.)
The bare fact that three signatures twice appeared on the list of those who
participated in the organizational meeting would not, to our mind, provide a valid
reason to cancel Certificate of Registration No. RO300-00-02-UR-0003. As
the Union tenably explained without rebuttal from Ventures, the double entries are
no more than normal human error, effected without malice. Even the labor arbiter
who found for Ventures sided with the Union in its explanation on the absence of
The cancellation of a unions registration doubtless has an impairing
dimension on the right of labor to self-organization. Accordingly, we can accord
concurrence to the following apt observation of the BLR: [F]or fraud and
misrepresentation [to be grounds for] cancellation of union registration under
Article 239 [of the Labor Code], the nature of the fraud and misrepresentation must
be grave and compelling enough to vitiate the consent of a majority of union
In its Comment, the Union points out that for almost seven (7) years following the
filing of its petition, no certification election has yet been conducted among the
rank-and-file employees. If this be the case, the delay has gone far enough and can
no longer be allowed to continue. The CA is right when it said that Ventures
should not interfere in the certification election by actively and persistently
opposing the certification election of the Union. A certification election is
exclusively the concern of employees and the employer lacks the legal personality
to challenge it.[24] In fact, jurisprudence frowns on the employers interference in a
certification election for such interference unduly creates the impression that it
intends to establish a company union.[25]
Ventures allegations on forum shopping and the procedural lapse supposedly
committed by the BLR in allowing a belatedly filed motion for reconsideration
need not detain us long. Suffice it to state that this Court has consistently ruled that
the application of technical rules of procedure in labor cases may be relaxed to
serve the demands of substantial justice.[26] So it must be in this case.


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