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5E Lesson Plan Template


Date September 07, 2020

Subject Physical Education/ soccer dribbling/ 5&6

e level

Materials Soccer ball, Ipad or recording device, cones

Standards (State
AL-ALEX.PE.5.6: Apply appropriate skills in sport modified games.
and ISTE
Standards for AL-ALEX.PE.5.9: Identify basic rules, player positions, and offensive and
Students) defensive strategies in organized games and in sport modified games.

AL-ALEX.PE.5.10: Explain good sportsmanship techniques for use in

settling disputes.

AL-ALEX.PE.6.3: Demonstrate dribbling, shooting, and striking skills.

AL-ALEX.PE.6.6: Explain the importance of repetition and practice as a
means for skill improvement.

ISTE.1 Students leverage technology to take an active role in choosing,

achieving, and demonstrating competency in their learning goals, informed
by the learning sciences.

ISTE.1. C. Students use technology to seek feedback that informs and

improves their practice and to demonstrate their learning in a variety of

ISTE. 6.A. Students choose the appropriate platforms and tools for meeting

the desired objectives of their creation or communication

Objectives The objective of my learning segment is for my students to be able to

properly demonstrate the skills, and cues that are used in soccer. Students
will also demonstrate their ability to work well with others. The purpose of
dribbling in soccer is for one player to advance the ball up and down the
field or gym floor without losing possession by a single individual. The goal
is for the player in possession of the ball to put themselves in a better
position to pass or shoot. Dribbling is a skill that can be used at any point in

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the game by anyone on the field in possession of the soccer ball.

Whole Class: during whole class instruction, I will ask questions to check
Strategies (How
for student understanding. I will also pay close attention to students who
will the lesson
may struggle and need modification to a drill or game.
address the
various learning Groups of students with similar needs: When splitting the students into
styles of the small groups, I will try to group them according to their ability levels in order
students and the for the teams to be evenly matched.
needs of those
with special Individual students: I will move around throughout the lesson to monitor
needs?) each individual student’s skill level, knowledge, and behavior. I will spend
more time with the students who need one-on-one assistance to ensure
that they master their technique.
Students with IEPs or 504 plans: When applying this lesson for students
with IEPs and 504 plans, I will incorporate a buddy system. In drills, the
students’ instruction will be modified to meet the needs of their IEP and/or
504 plan goals and objectives.

The 5 Es

E Description

Engagement I will briefly inform the students of the day’s lesson and the goals I want them to
achieve by the end of class. I will then begin our warm-up routine and stretches
to prevent injury. I will then engage students by asking questions to access
prior knowledge of soccer and introducing the students to the day’s lesson. This
will be Lesson 1 of our 3-part Soccer Unit. I will define what dribbling is, why it is
important, and inform them of the drills they will encounter during the lesson.

I will ask students what dribbling is in soccer to promote critical thinking and
inform the students where they can play outside of class in the community. The
answer to what is dribbling is running with the ball at your feet. Dribbling is used
by a single player to get from one point to another without losing possession of
the ball.

I will discuss and demonstrate dribbling. I will tell the students the cues for
dribbling are touch-step-step-touch-step-step (repeat as long as dribbling)

I will discuss common errors like the over-touch where the player’s touch is too
strong and loses control, and moving too fast and losing control of the ball.

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E Description

Engagement I will ask to define dribbling. When is it used? Why is it important?


Activity 1: Dribbling Lines- The teacher will split the class into 5 groups. Each
group will stand behind a set of cones running from baseline-to-baseline in the
gym. Each line will be given one ball by the teacher. The teacher will
demonstrate dribbling correctly. The students will observe, imitate by dribbling
down and back one at a time, and ask questions as needed. The goal is to use
the cues and dribble correctly.

Activity 2: Dribbling Lines with Obstacles- The teacher will add 7 cones
between the start and turnaround cones for each line. The students will dribble
from the start, dribbling between the cones to the end line, and back. The goal
is to use the cues and dribble correctly through the small space provided by the
cones in the middle.

Activity 3: Relay Race- The teacher will instruct the groups that we will now be
racing. The cones in the middle will be removed to allow a straight lane for the
students to dribble at a full speed. When they get to the end, they will turn
around and dribble back leaving their partner with the ball to dribble. This will
continue until everyone in their line has dribbled down and back one time. The
goal is to use the cues, dribble correctly, and be the first team to finish.

Activity 4: Relay Race with Obstacles- The teacher will add the 7 cones to
the dribbling line. The students will dribble from the start, dribbling between the
cones to the end line, and back. The goal is to use the cues and dribble
correctly through the small space provided by the cones in the middle and be
the first team to finish. I will refer to my Psychomotor Performance Evaluation
Rubric during this drill to grade.

While these activities are more group related each student will be given an ipad
in order to record them selves throughout the events. At the end of the day
each will review their video and make personal assessment based on their
knowledge of soccer dribbling.

Instructional Objective (Daily Outcome):
Psychomotor- After appropriate instruction and practice, students will be able
to demonstrate proper technique for dribbling a soccer ball. The students will be
assessed using the Psychomotor Performance Evaluation Rubric. (Students
should score 7 out of 9 on the rubric for a score of satisfactory.)

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E Description

Cognitive- After appropriate instruction and practice, students will be able to

demonstrate their knowledge of key principles and terminology related to
dribbling in soccer by answering questions from the Cognitive Assessment
Quiz. (Students should score 3 out of 5 for a score of satisfactory.)
Affective- After appropriate instruction and practice, students will demonstrate
positive and encouraging behavior towards their peers. The students will be
assessed using the Behavior Assessment. (Students should score 7 out of 9 for
a score of satisfactory.)

Explanation Further explanation of the skill can be found in this video:
Explanation Observation of the individual by walking through the class as well as watching
Assessment the video.

I will end class with a question led review asking questions such as
“What did we learn today, what is dribbling, when can you dribble, what
are the cues for dribbling?”

I will also explain to them the benefits of learning the basic skills of all
sports in order to support life long fitness

I will inform students of the subject for the next lesson: Passing.


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