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Proposal of the research topic

“Cost Benefit Of Solar PV.”

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PU REG. NO: 2013-2-03-0111

Solar energy refers to the energy received from the sun in the form of solar
radiation or the photo voltaic. Since, the initial implementation of the solar plant is
expensive the consumers stay in dilemma. But in the other side its much more
cheaper and implacable than that of hydropower plant. Solar energy as an eco
friendly source of energy not only provides electricity during load shedding but
also reduces the hydropower consumption. Solar energy plant is a long term term
solution despite its high cost of installation at initiation. Solar photovoltaic (PV)
system that generates electricity from the energy of solar radiation can be a viable
option to meet electric energy demand.

In this context, solar photovoltaic (PV) system that generates electricity from the
energy of solar radiation can be a viable option to meet electric energy demand,
especially in remote areas of Nepal however it may be used in urban areas also
where the electric load is high to meet the growing energy demands that have lead
to frequent long power outs and load shedding in these areas.

The amount of global radiation received at a particular loacation varies with the
latitude of the place, time of the year and the day. Besides other local conditions
such as cloud cover, precipitation, sunshine hours, temperature, seasons, and snow
covers, regions with dry climates within 350 laltitude from the equatior are much
more suitable for the utilization of solar energy. The solar energy resource in Nepal
is abundant, evenly distributed over the country and over the seasons. Nepal enjoys
morethan 300 sunny days in a year. The average isolation available in Nepal is
around 4.5KWh/m2/day at optimum tilt.
Statement of Problem
There are various sources of alternatives of energy. Among them solar PV is one of
them. This source of energy is much feasible and accessible but due to lack of
awareness and financial constrains the SHS is not getting much effective. The
government has provided subsidiary for the solar PV rural area but not provided
such kind of facilities in the urban sectors. The government and the other NGOs
are making plan to promote the solar power in the present scenario. The solar
project in the rural area is still lacking due to lack of knowledge and awareness of
the people with the benefits. In the context to the urban region this kind of solar
power has not effectively run due to cost factor and different alternative sources of
energy like invertors battery and so on.

Research Questions
The main questions arising here are mentioned below:

 Is there any significant relationship between alternative energy

awareness and solar use?
 Is there any significant relationship between income level of family of
respondents and solar use?
 Is there any significant relationship between preference of source of
energy and solar use?
 Is there any significant relationship between cost of solar PV and
usage of solar?
Research Objectives
The main objectives of this study are mentioned below:

 To determine the variety, size and cost of solar available in the market of
Kathmandu valley.
 To determine the socio-economic status of the residents of the study area
and their willingness to pay for solar PV technology.
 To make cost-benefit analysis of solar lightning system (PV) and determine
the average per unit cost of electricity from them and compare it with that of
Literature Review
WECS, (2006) in the report “Energy Synopsis Report: Nepal” stated that the sectoral energy
consumption in Nepal in 2005/2006 was 90.28% for residential and 7.65% for industrial and
transportation all together while the supply traditional energy sources was 329094000 GJ, from
the renewable was 2134000 GJ (solar 3000 GJ) and from commercial sources was 9172000 GJ.
The consumption of traditional energy, renewable energy and commercial energy has increased.

AEPC, (2009) in the report “Solar Resource Assessment of Nepal” stated that the global
horizontal solar irradiance in Nepal is 4.7 KWh/m2/day and of Pulchowk, Kathmandu is
5.4KWh/m2/day and the potentiality is higher in mountains than plain area of our country.

Pokhrel, (2009) on his article “Kyoto Protocol and Nepal’s Energy Sector” stated that Nepal can
benefit from provisions from CDM under Kyoto Protocol in order to reduce GHG emission

Sangraula, (2008) stated that sedimentation is the major challenge for suitable hydropower

Shilpakar, (2008) in their papper “Reliability of Marsyangi Hydropower Station” stated that the
un reliability of the aforementioned station are failure of excitation system, governing system
and cooling water system and sedimentation.

Bajracharya, (2008) in the paper “Briquetting machine for Fuel production from Municipal Solid
waste” reported that management of MSW through briquetting will not only lead to resource
conservation but also provide an opportunity to some extent for employment and income
generation in addition to partial fulfillment of fuel demand of the industrial sector.

Shrestha, (2003) estimated that there are around 3000 domestic solar water heaters in Nepal.

ISIMOD. (2006) in the book “Environment Assessment of Nepal: emereging isssues and
challenges”, stated that the amount of energy consumed is an indicator of the level of
Theoretical Framework

Subsidy on Solar

Cost benefit
Analysis of solar PV
Awareness on
Solar Energy Income Level

Loadshedding Hours

Cost of solar PV
Alternative Power
during Loadsheddding
6. Limitation of the study

This study has various kinds of limitation which we can’t escape from so, the
limitations may be observed as follows:
 The research is limited to a certain area and people.
 The research is conducted only on the base of survey and cost
 The scale of the data has been collected only in small area of
Kathmandu valley so it may not represent the entire country.
 Due to unequal distribution of respondents from different age
group, literacy, income, etc there may be generalization.
 There may be some certain information that I may not elaborate
properly due to the insufficient information given from the
 In this project there may be some information which is assumed in
term of approximation.

Research Methodology
Research methodology simply refers to the methods that are going to be taken into
account for conducting the study of the topic chosen. Basically the methods with
which I will be conducting my study are mentioned below and the probable
challenges that I may face while using those methods are too discussed below:

1. Survey Method: The survey method will be the key

method for conducting my study on this topic. Since I too
am a youth and I belong to the environment where I can
communicate to lot of youth who are riding two-wheelers
and some are thinking to purchase one, so it would be
quite easy to know their perception towards purchasing
bikes. This method is a relevant one but as the universal
truth strikes that u get drawbacks everywhere in this case
the drawback would be in interacting with the youth it
would be hard to convince them about the study I am
making and get reliable information.
2. Observation Method: The next method which will help
me in my study is the observation method. Normally we
see youth in cafeterias and restaurants sitting in a group
and discussing on some topics. And nowadays the
trending topic for male youth is normally the topics
related to bikes. And not only in restaurants and
cafeterias but in the places where bikes are maintained
like the workshops and servicing centers people
communicate even to strangers about the topics related to
bikes. Therefore this will definitely help me to extract
information. And in this case my challenge would be that
it might not happen that every time the youth are
discussing about the topics related to bikes.

3. Questionnaire Method: In my case to reveal some

information the questionnaire method might help me
since I can prepare questionnaire related to the perception
towards purchasing and distribute it in some workshops
and servicing centers. Since in those places the youth are
there to maintain their bikes and they remain there for
certain period of time. But I cannot solely depend on this
method since the information may be misleading and my
direction of study may go wrong.

4. Interview Method
The final method to get some information related to my
topic would be the interview method, where I can
interview the employees of some famous two-wheeler’
showrooms in Kathmandu. The employees in those
showrooms are aware about the factors that influence the
youth towards purchasing bikes. So this method will help
me to find some information too. But I would face
challenges such as the employee disagreeing for the
interview because of some reasons, time consuming etc.

Expected Outcome
After the completion of this study I expect to learn and experience all the research
skill. I would have knowledge about the cost benefit that the residential sector
consumers will have if they implement the solar PV. I expect to learn much more
things. I will experience the technique to do research for further more research in
the future.

Nepal Electricity Authority (2009). Annual Report Kathmandu

ICIMOD and ADB. (2006) Environment assessment of Nepal-Emerging, issues and challenges

Hufschfidt, (1983) Environment Natural System and development. Baltimore: Article 26, John
Hopkins University Press

Thomas C. (2007) Environment economics. New Delhi: Thompson Learning inc. article2 (12-

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