Daspros Resume

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Individual Task Name : Adelia Salsabila

Meeting 4 NIM : 4101418127

Basic of Mathematics Learning Process

Problems and problem solving in mathematics activities are extremely

important. Students are active participation in the activities of problem
and resolution of access to knowledge, the development of Mathematics.
There are many ways of thinking, and the kind of thinking one learns in
mathematics is an ability to handle abstractions, and an approach to
problem solving.

Classify the members working in the

1. Sense of insecurity and fear
of failure.
2. Low self esteem.
× Innovators People who
3. Closed mindedness.
innovate the new
4. Inadequate exposes to mass
ideas or modify
the existing idea
5. Lack of training.
in the unique.
6. Lack of clarity of innovations.
× Early React positively
7. Unwillingness to work.
8. Unrealistic time target
× Adopters Adopt the idea by
looking towards
the effect that is
wait for the
1. Lecturing method × Late Reluctant
2. Unit method Adopters respondents.
3. Project method × Laggards Rejecters of
4. Laboratory method innovation.
5. Problem method
~ ~
In mathematics , it is better to use this method in minimum way
“Lecture method” can be largely overcome by the teachers by
adopting techniques like questioning, black-board working and
dictating in the middle in order to overcome the monologue of the
teachers. Importance activities towards learner centered teaching
approaches, which is termed as group procedures.
To make the lecture method
effective , the teacher has to
follow certain guidelines.
a. Objective should be kept It is an easy ,concise and
in mind attractive method.
b. It involves narration or The lecturer feels safe aand
description secure.
c. They should be
coordinated with life
experiences of students
Students are likely to be
d. Students participation
passive listerners.
should be encouraged
Not suitable for developing
(asking questions,
clarifying the doubts and
reviewing the key points)

~ ~
A unit may be defined as a means of organizing material for
instructional purposes which utilizes significant subject matter
content involves pupil in learning activities through active
participation intellectually and physically and modifies the pupil’s
behaviour to the extent that he is able to cope with new problems
and situations more competently.

Exploration Exploring the entering behaviour of the students.

Presentation Providing new experiences to the learner. With a view to
encourage students’ participation in teaching, question-
answer strategy is employed.
Motivation Creation of motivational situations to facilitates learning.
Drill Opportunity to the students for drill or practice which
enables them to retain longer what is learnt.
Organisation Giving assignments to the students to organize their
learning experiences of their own.
Evaluation Ascertaining how far the teacher has been successful in
achieving the objectives of the lesson.
× Learning does not just × It is time consuming.
memorization and develops × More suitable for
understanding. intelligent students.
× Encourages the habit of
independent and self study.
× Learning process becomes
organized, systematic and

~ ~
Projects defined as form of coordinated activity that directed
towards the learning of a significant skill or process, involves four
steps (purposing, planning, executing and judging).

Planning the points to be taken

into consideration are
× The nature and scope of
the project
× The degree of complexity
of the projects
× Time allotted to finish the
× The availability of material
resources × Member of the group
should active
× The teacher should
carefully supervise and
× It develops self confidence guide the students
and self discipline of students. × The project should be
purposeful, useful and
practically applicable to
the daily life of the
× Syllabus cannot be completed students
on time. × The level of complexity
× It's not provide any training in of the project should
mathematical thinking and match the ability level
reasoning. of the students
~ ~
In Maths lab, we encourage student to practice more problems
which are used in practical life. This method proceeds from
concrete to abstract. It is competent to relate the theoretical
knowledge with practical base.

The success of this method depends on

× an able and skilled of mathematics teacher
× availability of a well equipped mathematic laboratory.

× Provides an opportunity × It is suitable only for the

for the student to verify lower classes.
the validity of the × It has limited
mathematical rules applicability since only
through this application. very few topics in
mathematics can be
taught through this

~ ~
In the process of solving the problem the students required to
gather data, analyse and interpret the information. Its to stimulate
the reflective and creative thinking of the students and helps to
learn how to act in a new situation.

× Not all students are

problem solvers.
× References and resource
materials may be difficult
to compile.

× Problem solving provides a

real life experiences to
the children.
× It helps the students to
approach the future
problem with confidence
× Discussion × Debate × Case study
× Seminar × Pick and speak × Assignments
× Symposium × Questioning × Team teaching
× Workshop × Quiz × Panel discussion
× Tutorial

1. Authoritarian approach
Teachers prepare lectures and × accurate knowledge of the
present. student,
There is no interaction. × self confidence,
Students will have to accept × knowledge of evaluation,
the monotonous of the × ability techniques in questioning
teachers. × respect for students opinion.
2. Spontaneous approach
The two way interaction bet
teachers and students
stimulate the whole class to Purpose: improve the teaching work
participate activity in the and to achieve maximum learning
teaching–learning activities. outcomes in the students.
3. Nucleus Approach × Entrance test
Mixing of authoritarian and × Formative test
spontaneous approaches. × Summative test

× Teacher response
× Pupil response
× Pupil initiated talk The total classroom interaction is into
three major sections : Teachers talk,
Students talk, Silence or confusion.
× Teacher talk & student talk
× Enrichment Programmes (To
enrich our student’s knowledge,
we can focus outside the syllabus
The effectiveness of the institution also)
largely depends upon the strength
of the classs-room activities. A wide
range of activities are: × Special lectures
× Library/ self study
× Audio-Video facilities
× Computer

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