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Activity 1 Read and write all of the expressions

Follow instructions for each

A. Recording to ideas
To Reject To Accept
 Shoot down  Jump at (something)
 Throw out  Go along with (something)
 Have none of (something)  Lap up
Fill in the blanks using the expressions above
1. Tina tried to convince Aaron to switch a shift with her at work but he would have
none of this
2. Martin’s groups was having a hard time coming up with a topic for their project, so
they all go along with the first suggestion some gave

B. Dealing with problems

Manageable Unmanageable
 Have a handle on (something)  At the end of (one’s) rope
 Do a bang-up job  Can’t hack (something)
 Pull (something)  Be out (one’s) depth
Write about problems you’ve had in the following situations.
Then make an audio file about one of those problems
1. In a class For example:
2. With a friend I started working at my first job when I was 17 years old. I thought
3. Traveling for sure that I would be out of my depth. However, on my first
overseas day, my manager told me that I was doing a bang up job!

Problems with algebra stuff

At the beginning of the algebra course I thought I couldn't hack that but after studying too
much I have a handle on it. I am proud of my achievements.

C. Losing One’s Job

 Be let go
 Get sacked
 Get a pink slip
 Get the axe/be axed
 Get sent packing

Rewrite the parts in bold using the expressions above

A: You’ll never guess what happened to me today. I got fired!
You’ll never guess what happened to me today. I got the axe!
B: Are you serious? You just started that job last week. Why were you told to not work
there anymore?
Are you serious? You just started that job last week. Why were you get sacked?

A: The truth is that I wasn’t qualified enough for the position. I had actually expected to
lose my job on the first day.
The truth is that I wasn’t qualified enough for the position. I had actually expected get
sent packing on the first day.
B: I’m glad you’re not upset about having your job taken away. I’m sure that you’ll find
something more suited to your abilities soon.
I’m glad you’re not upset about be let go. I’m sure that you’ll find something more suited
to your abilities soon.

A. Check the Correct Answers 

Listen to the audio. Check the correct statements about each party idea. Track 41

Western Theme  Sports Theme 

Walter is the first person to comment on Claire is happy to go along with this theme.
this theme. Claire believes this theme will Walter laps up the idea of dressing like a
be a lot of fun. Walter shoots down this famous athlete. Fran thinks that only the men
idea immediately. Fran thinks the women in the office will be interested in this idea.
will throw out this plan. Walter jumps at Walter believes it is likely that Claire will be
the chance to dress up in a cowboy attracted to this plan. Fran suggests a
costume. costume idea that goes along with this theme.

B. Fill Out the Task List (The answers for "Reason" may vary) 
Decide which speaker (Cal or Gina) could take care of the following problems and give
your reasons.

Problem Nam Reason


1. A number of guests
admit to having food

2. One of the scheduled

speakers doesn't show up.

3. People are needed to Gina Because Cal is out of his depth when it comes to
help seat guests as they getting volunteers for things, Gina would have to
arrive. handle this problem.
4. The owners of the venue
call about a possible issue.

C. Complete the Memo 

Fill in the blanks with words or expressions from the audio. 

It is with deepest regret that we must announce a number of firings this week. Below you
will find the status of you and your team. 

Sales Team Number 4: 

Seth- We want to thank you for showing so much __________ this year. Because you  
have worked so hard, you won't be.

Dan- Thank you for bringing in three new __________ last week. Your efforts have
guaranteed that you won't __________ this time

Nelly- Unfortunately, you will be __________. You had the__________ sales on the team,
so it was only fair.

Larry- You broke company_________ by answering personal e-mails during working

 Obviously, you will be __________

It is good for banquets

she is an influential person

She do a bang-up job with that, she is an influential person

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