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Motivation is defined as the theoretical fuel that drives someone towards a specific achievement to gain

certain rewards. Motivation is what makes someone to do certain things in order to achieve some
results, for instance, going to school to gain knowledge and skills, going through a novel to get the
information, eating a plate of rice to avoid being hungry. At the professional level, motivation is what
makes staff act in a certain way so as to achieve some specific goals, for instance, improving
performance to get a promotion, working hard to get maximum sales, increasing production so as to get
salary increment. All these actions are initiated by motivation. Motivation is what drives someone to act
or behave in a certain way. There are many forces involved in motivation, and these include cognitive,
psychological, and social forces; all these forces drive someone to behave or act in a certain way.
Motivation does not only include the drives to make someone do something, but it also involves what
makes someone maintains what he has been doing so as to keep getting the same or better results.

Motivation can either be said to extrinsic or intrinsic. Extrinsic motivation is driven by forces that are
exerted from outside an individual; this type of motivation has a goal, which is the reward. The reward
can either be in terms of praises, certification, medals, and trophies. Intrinsic motivation, on the other
hand, is driven by the inward forces such as solving a tough calculation just appreciate your power in

Principles of motivation

The desire to achieve something is not all that you need to get the results. The desire alone cannot drive
you to your goals; for instance, the desire to hit the gym so as to lose fat belly is not all you need to get
such results. In the process of motivation, we need other factors so as to avoid giving up due to the
challenges and risks involved. Consistency and persistence are some of the secrets behind achieving
such goals, and this brings us to discuss various components of motivation. The components include
persistence, intensity, and activation.


Persistence is the force that keeps you going despite the challenges and risks that are met in the process
of achieving a certain goal. For instance, persistence is the power that drives you to continually and
consistently go to the gym despite the cost incurred, muscle pains, and time invested in that process.


Activation is the force that pushes someone to start a goal-oriented activity. It is the very first step taken
while initiating such a process. For instance, enrolling in a gym class is initiated by the principle of
activation. Without activation, the whole process cannot be successful.


The principle of intensity is evidenced by the effort, resources, and energy invested in a goal-oriented
activity (Briseno, A. 2019). The success of such activity depends on the value of intensity employed. For
example, a student may decide to spend most of his time in the libraries; he utilizes the available
academic resources, consults from his lecturers, and attends academic discussions to get better results.
Another student may decide to invest less time in his studies. The first student is said to be employing
more intensity than the latter.

Motivation is a psychological force that requires various components to achieve the intended goals.
Each component is essential in its unique way, and without one principles, the remaining cannot be
successfully employed to achieve the intended goals. The components are the main turbines that drive
the machine of motivation
Briseno, A. (2019). A History Teacher Revamping an 8th Grade American Reformers Unit to Integrate the
Principles of Motivation and 21st Century Literacy Skills.

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