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Classroom Management (UNIT 2) Handout

Classroom Management Stages

Mark PRE if what has been described refers to a specific step in Pre-Lesson Steps,
DUR if it refers to a specific step in During-Lesson Steps, and POS if it refers to
Post-Lesson Steps:

( ) The teacher reminds the students that ‘When the teacher speaks, students
listen’ before giving instructions to the new activity.

( ) The teacher walks into the classroom 10 minutes before the lesson to ensure
the lights are working and that the temperature is not too cold since the next lesson
will be for 3-year-olds.

( ) After the lesson, the teacher lists the problems faced during the lesson and
starts reflecting on the specific changes to be made in the following lessons to
ensure students can be organised more effectively.

( ) While planning the lesson, the teacher writes down how they’re going to
deliver activity instructions and ICQs (Instruction-Checking Questions) to make
their language clearer.

( ) During the lesson, the teacher refers back to the lesson plan to check their
diagrams of seating arrangement for each activity to understand where and how
students should be seated in each activity.

( ) The teacher is looking at the Teacher’s Notes on Athena and checking on the
suggested timing and thinking if it is realistic for their students to finalise the
lesson plan.

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