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Lex Inuista Non Est Lex;

An unjust law is no law at all


In this revolutionary reality report of revelations into the law of attraction I world leading
human nature author give you the knowledge for knowing and proofing how you know
police, remand staff, policy writers, psychiatrists, child advocates, prison cons, media,
and christians are attracted to youth. This powerfull report proofs that Justin Trudeau
and Jason Kenny are no exception. You will witness the answers on how we know this.
This report gives you correct reality knowledge to know children from maturus youth.
If any deny this report they are in danger of being cursed for this report tells no lies.
And try to save the time to read my 65 page report that proofs what hells I have endured
at the hands of liars that have not renounced dishonesty and that love to live a lie.

Shawn Gordon Cullen

; there was are youth that
for certain know as any, that older people that appear friendly might turn and
use; a height, weight, and strength advantage to cause fear and force consent,
knowledge to know that by nature its common that men design to; force a will
on non-males of all ages, knowledge to know that things must fit otherwise
there is damage and a danger to life, knowledge to know that knowing there are
dangers teaches you there might be dangers that (exist) where you did not visit,
and knowledge to know, not having clothes on you might be at greater risk
cause persons of menacing lusts (exist), knowledge to know you can be trapped,
knowledge to know people (exist) that can gang up on you so numbers do not
prove you’re safe, Youth are quick in understanding the nature of fire, (degrees)
directions, knowing theres false narrates or scripts, knowledge to know from
food and wash management that dignity is in need of; time and (subconscious
control) of facts of anatomy, knowledge to know theres human acts that crept
or creep, knowledge of searching & hiding, hiding places. In other words in many
ways there is rich common sense not taught. There are bad actresses but theres
youth that flirt that want to act and appear little and gentle. If all youth are of a
little and gentle innocence why would they head to act to appear as if they are?
There you see elements of knowledge of human understanding that by nature
everyone knows. - There is just part of my reality knowledge I call EqualDTSC.

And in my thoughts and examinations I found the point, that pictures

proof, that great losses of anatomy size’ attracts humans. (I see that only
durations of close consideration of design ends that l.o.a.) of little pictures.

(l.o.a was & is according to ), you

know only having a right or straight eye has correct ways of seeing
the youth we call children.

Keep in mind that liars involved in that black market or liars that accuse to divert away from cognitive dissonance
want you to confuse a act to choose to be ignorant with being innocent. And any that have not been an eye-witness
of that multibillion$ material market cannot be honest in saying they hate all material. Just, the honest humans, old
(or young), who know or acknowledge there is according to reality law, juniority l.o.a, (can be taken for their word).
and juniority foremost & diminutive !

We must know by now, (that by nature), human

and might design into delusions by way of; = copula optical illusions caused,
by clothing designs, and by evil or out of order speeds of evidence of human approximity,
and by dis and mis-information. Any persons that believe a illusion for a unreasoning time
are of a delusion. The answer to that matter of illusions, is in; correct knowledge, reality
knowledge. Examining and communicating for seeing right, gets people passed illusions
and sobers delusion, yes justly examining and communicating to see approximity reality.

Having filial and factfull knowledge in mind quantum maturity is not

the result of a time duration, nor is non- L.O.A (ephemeral) right
before eighteen years. - And see filial

Isaiah 29:21 Woe to designers of snares, that use a evil word to falsely brand a man to displace and disfree the one
who is a reprover to a land's altered justice system, liars that accuse to discount a reality truth of the just at the gates.

Juniority, and not the reality of loa juniority foremost and diminutive,
, (wanton), by default condemn
children by condemning juniority, and that there matter inversed.

As you accuse, you act out drama that (cannot be) non-hypocritical
witness testimony. (To get this re-see the part on enemy to growth).
(page 2) victim impact statements,
and how we see justice, security, health, education and see media !!!
Because you have explored and examined lust and found you are
not on side of lusts does not make you a luster. I am just not of lust!
Attempts to kill my hope of perfecting my report I was abducted five
times by corrupt cops, by false arrests to put my life through hell . . .

how youthfull lust

counterfeits love
Scriptures record the human matter of youthfull lusts. – Yes 2ndTimothy 2:22
instructs to run from that. Why is that ; Youthfull lust (counterfeits)
loosing of richest, and so by that counterfeits serving of riches,
and so counterfeits perfection & love, that (devours) true love !!!

I found that L.O.A foremost & diminutive youth

, yes
what later stages is called ‘signs of aging’,
That natural phenomena of human nature that is as old as mankind,
I named; , humans,
(l.o.a-wise), are attracted to foremost and to diminutive l.o.a. youth.
The knowledge written within the brackets
eps cops, guards health staff, prosecutors and judges; lust at youth,
foremost and diminutive youth. - Any police and health practitioners
and citizens that are not guilty will fully agree.
what attracts eps, guards, and cons. Imitative perfect law of nature
is not just in l.o.a foremost and diminutive juniority, but is found
in a number of older woman, just as I was trying to tell a Edmonton
court room 412 of my peoples exhibit on the actress Yuko Ogura.

And (lies) about there not being the reality of l.o.a. juniority can cause a
lens merge in brain lens files of humans, that can act as a (temporary)
hallucinogen or barbital (in a honest human) with respect to thresholds
at the Imitative Perfect phenomena. ( )

And I finished proving that (a century)of Alberta & global clothing designs
are legalized youth porn, designs that cause attraction copula optical
illusions to growth index, illusions that affect or effect visual detections
of bone & non-skeletal anatomy direction and anatomy durability, nylon
is a quick example, yes yes connectivity illusions that counterfeits l.o.a.

By a cursed lie, any sound that you are a enemy to growth, affects!
By denying the l.o.a juniority , theres a greatest
lie perpetrated on the earth, yes verily by
that altered all worldwide securities, administration of justice, health
service, global perceptions of reality, and whats called our economy.

as (non)imitative perfect
loa juniority foremost & diminutive youth and as most older humans.
First let me say that the cell
constitutes the most little starting growth points of human life.
Whats falsely called adult has somewhere between 30 to 40 trillion
cells, and an estimated 242 billion new cells design every day.
Bones are parts from that. Humans have as much as 300 bones
at birth. However, the bones start to fuse in time with age. At whats
falsely called adulthood, the number of bones condenses to 206.
, yes (there is by
nature what are youth that attract humans most because earlier
stages of loa maturus youth) do not have anatomy growth guards
as humans not as early in years. that there are
anatomy guards, yes gaurderen growth, that design
There are joints and there are
immovable joints. Movable joints are flexible - while immovable
joints, called fixed joints, are not flexible as the bones are fused
through (connective tissues).

Muscles, that fight and work in ways that

are attached to the bones through what are tendons. On
knowledge of anatomy growth-guard-designs as we all know the
face and armor of a guard is not to attract, but to fight and (((end))).
By joints bones flex, but bent or stretched by use of muscles in
time design into need or want to be ( .
This is at times forced and designs through humans subconscious
. And in time humans
know humans head to stages of death.

(therefore) later growth stages design .

Anatomy designs, clue you into reality of what some call physiology.
And remember there was and is according to laws of reality, thresholds at imitative
perfect, thresholds, of a human nature reality law that was and is not to be confused.
If you are not retaining the sin qua non knowledge in this report see page 3 on listening!

that new neural anatomy for certain

DOES NOT always equate into wise or into maturus identification.
Willfull playing in knowledge repossesses what was to be the
vestiges of immaturity, of a child. Yes in other words evil or wrong
choices corrupts knowledge, designs new neural anatomy into
further neural play,
new brain anatomy, and humans growing older, at
times is not as mature as youth.
By education humans might (grow) farther and farther from maturity. (A childish human might
appear mature because knowledge can compartmentalize and can insulate immaturity.)
You see just part of the knowledge you have for knowing that there was and is
(by nature) what are, youth that attract humans most because earliest stages of
loa maturus youth do not have growth anatomy guards, anatomy that designs
at the times new neural brain anatomy starts designing. Therefore you know
theres persons that run systems, organizations and persons of society that were
and are lying to us all. Any who agree and support my revolutionary revelation
knowledge on youth are not of that guilty matter. By the way my interest is
purely principle, charter and constitutional based. - King Solomon who was said
to be the wisest man who ever lived at the time could not get this understanding
which is why you see he was not sounding real honest in his song of songs,
in his words on younger youth in part 8 vs 8 of Solomon’s song of songs.
of ‘Godly-

there are youth that attract cops, systems persons, humans that run
health services, and Jason Kenny and Justine Trudeau. I understand
humans that grin at the fact that they cannot put
into words. The day of grins is ended. If systems and
people do not honour my paramount revelations
they are guilty, murderers, and are liars on side of a great curse.
By corrupt eps child units I was abducted five times in attempts to
confuse, terrify me away from getting the realities matters and issues
understood and decloaked. Edmonton and others need to know I was

Jer. 11:9 The Lord said; “I have discovered a conspiracy.”

Right Here is the truth of my story

Jeremiah 11:18-19, “The Lord told me of plots of my (system) enemies.
I was like a lamb being led to the slaughter. I did not fully realize many
were planning to kill me! “Let’s destroy this man and all his words,”
“Lets cut him down, so his name will be forgotten forever.” Jer.vs18:18:
"We dont need him to teach us. We have wise men & prophets stored up.
“Lets ignore what he says and spread rumors." - Isaiah 59:14-15 says;
“Our courts oppose the righteous, and justice is nowhere to be found.
Truth stumbles in the streets, honesty has been outlawed. Yes truth
is gone, and anyone who renounces evil is attacked.”
of material I had good reasons
to believe political people and policing people were playing in. I am
to hold 250 political people
to a great email list for years because with respect to online material
of youth I was investigating Canada's nation-wide city to city securities,
character of our constitution, history.
with the proof of a black market. For years I warned, and then acted on
what law designers which gave me the right to send
& make proof public. I sent evidence to many persons that run systems.
After hundreds of federal leaders letting me email them all for years,
a few Ontario liars -

That corrupt Ontario office, the latest added to my email list, shut down.

I now have city supporters as businessmen & Edmontonians voiced

their support for my perfect truths and for all cruel sufferings & secret
society crimes I endured to get the reality news and true story to you !!!

the nutcracker proofs

One of the proofs proofing I was within the law
was & is evident in a site called nnclub which my
Lawyer Ronald Morin strangely failed to proof
in 2019 in that kangaroo trial. - In a key evidence
jan29-report to Edmonton's Prosecutors Office,
to James Rowan on January 29th 2020 I gave the
proof that the entrapping nnclub warning says;

In the report to Edmonton's Prosecutors Office

was the proof that NNCLUB warning sign which .
equates into a systematic invitation is found at . =
In my report given was proof the nnclub warning
page says "adult OR inappropriate material". .

Yes youth fit with the word .


the Government of Alberta have a duty to (drop)

all charges and guilty labels put on me, and all .
illegitimately imposed conditions. Furthermore .

In the report I put in the proof that according to …..
the # of visitors to nnclub was 4,601,867 from .
November 5 2015 to Dec 2 2019 / 23:55 = As any
can see, five million visits to that site is extreme .

that Alta.Helios family nudism .

by Edmonton and Tofield
in nakedness .
(at) & (of) all ages.
yes yes of wide open material not blocked and .
not at all addressed for months and for years.

family nudists uncover children’s bodies to the

eyes of strangers.) That was also said in QB crt
rm. 412 2019. The report to Edmonton's Prosec.
Office reminds that

that because of .
Sunshine Book Co. v. Summerfield, Postmaster .
General, 355 U.S. 372 =

In the January 29th 2020 .

report that I hand delivered to Alta.Edmonton's
Prosecutors Office
that what that nudism is saying is that it is only
porn if youth detect a chemical change in naked
older people, as is detected viewing online porn,
and therefore, know this, that as eye specialists
Understand I am not debating material. I want
nothing to do with debating. I am just giving here
the perfect proofs calling for system persons
to correct the false brand and to leave me be.
I am a Canadian and not a sacrificial lamb to be
put on a alter of mad lies !!! I do have rights
according to the charter and the constitution.

Before August 14th 2020 court room # 266 Edmonton Alberta

Senior Prosecutor J. Rowan acknowledged that I claim I have
teachings that proof systems, persons, are that way at a juniority .

, given proofing I was

as that unlawfully forced -June 2019 kangaroo
crt. record Rowan’s words. And he
in any word for the court record -
, and because of me [enduring threats by court rooms that were
discounting proof and reports of remand deathtrap designs and rape, as if I was
having a knife to my throat - I was not in a court-room to voice my lawfull rights.


Can you design a way you know too much to be trusted with God? YES !!!
First I say its strange that any would fail life by judging that I am of pride.
I author teachings on pride. Here is a little of my understanding as proof. Prides
not a trusted knower of glory, in other words is not worthy of being given to, nor worthy of honour. Here is why you might be
headed to hell-fire. Prides a insighter, a teacher of evil. Here is why you might be headed to hell-fire. Prides a user of fear designs,
- Prides a threat idol, wanton, - Here is why you might be headed to hell-fire. Prides a power toyer, - Prides a knowledge thief, –
Dan McLellan certainly seemed to agree with my warning that prides a knowledge thief. The just hate a thief. I handed that
former mla who was walking his little dog, a very weak fraction of what you are witnessing in this paramount report. Here is
why you might be headed to hell-fire. Prides not one of we of the, not a part of parts, Prides a designer. , Here is why you are
headed to hell-fire, Prides not trusted with stories of others ,- Prides not serving loving fearfully seeing others and things as
secret worth, How can enemies be that arrogant that any were at work to say I am of pride, grandiose., only to be found
totally contrary in the face of my teachings on pride. Persons weighed that in as if evidence on the scales of justice and yet
only to be found that you put on weight from that pride . Now here all see you as designers of false evidence totally contrary
to the spirit of my teachings. Here is the great question; Where did evidence of pride come from? You, You !!! Prides a luster
in a workers clothing. Pride heads to show strength, not to know strength. Pride hates one who is not perfect even if the one is
getting perfect Pride sees perfection as direction not as correction. A person thats arrogant uses being at work as a bad weight
at one who is fighting a good fight, a weapon to attempt to control, false authority, at work to attempt to enjoy anger at another
that uses not saying anything, acts dark at every turn to attempt to ruin, of envy. - Prides counterfeit compassion thats a
consumer at any that that pride corrects. Thats counterfeit love for correction, thats not loving. I might love correcting more
than one I try to correct, but not more than the one I corrected. Pride hates not being the host. Pride does not love givers, by
that, persons of pride do not have a full love for giving. Prides condescending, a liar at work as a thief, of envy thats counterfeit
compassion. Lusters are possessers, priders. Prides uncarefull measures that alters knowledge of dimensions, And by that you
design temptation. I am not arrogant, you are offended by and hate that a very hungry man seems a glutton. Pride hates
the poor, Any that hate the poor do not have truthfull love for children. I am not a bragger. I am making certain you do not
displace or misplace the truth I was saying. What you call a brag, I call raising the truth above your power to deny . As I said,
how can any be that arrogant to say I am of pride, only to be found totally contrary in the face of my teachings here on pride.
You see I author 17 teachings on pride, yet we see liars that will not answer to the proof on youth use pride to attempt to hide.

I can begin the story in telling you of August 28 2015 and of that June 2019
unlawfull phony trial, but I first must tell you of Feb. 26 2020 and Sept 9th,/19
five months earlier, because of the fact that there was
for not heading to a
and a month later guilty plea for further fiction, a Feb. 26 arrest so-called
arrest for that day and for not following other illegit court bail instructions),

from 2015 into 2020 to August 14/20 were

by guards on March 5th 2020 Forced false guilty plea Aug.14.2020

Just know; that without any doubt Aug.14/20 I was asked to sign a 1/2yr time-served
false guilty plea
to Edmonton’s erc vid.court March 6th 2020 that Bellehumeur, Veenstrow,guards
and by forced voyeurism,
words and hand language on , as a threat guard Bellehumeur said;
, I saw into your A-hole”.) - Word for word I let that Mar.6 court know that.
That judge forced away any power to tell of that further and to get a answer to that.
That March 6 2020 court turned blind and deaf, to my report warning. - And was
enduring sexual threats and death threats for 1/2yr, after that state consented rape.
Digital video records, and a lip reader will prove

that strip search team was guilty of sexually harassing me

How, was I sexually harassed, by voyeurism strip searches
? I was enduring being falsely arrested,
abducted, for not following illegit bail instructions before and after that false trial in 2019
for that old false Aug 28 2015 charge. =Timeline; (False arrest 2015, false bail order
violations, Oct17/2017 false arrest for not heading to false trial that I was forced later to
be at in June 2019-false ruling, false arrest Sept 9th 2019 and Sept 30 rape, Oct bail,
Dec12 2019 falsely arrested-abducted at headquarters, bail, false Jan.29/20 hearing,
false arrest-abducted Feb26/20, raped March 5th/20, Aug.14/20 )
, (fourth abduction) I said I wanted to represent
myself to speak for bail. A Edm.JP violated the law by not letting me.
he did not feel comfortable with that because I already
asked to represent myself. That JP adjourned. That prosecutor was swapped with a
different prosecutor and . I raised my voice on record to say;

Remand digital video records will prove that

ERC's strip search team was party to a guard that pointed his rear at me and finger
pointed to his hind to harass me, and used his hand to show the height of youth to
ask which I would prefer. that was acted out by that illegal voyeurism,
, while guards laughed to mock
my faith in Jesus. That was criminal harassment of my charter of rights faith in God!!!
How great of news that five days after that Sept 9th 2019 arrest you see I raised
my voice saying that that arrest and to deny bail acts outside the law, a witch-hunt,
a scandal. I said that in court Sept 13, weeks after a false 2019 June kangaroo trial.
You see I let Sept13/2019 court know my report on the internet proofs I’m not guilty,
proofs arrests & hearings are a witch-hunt and scandal. Denied my right to represent
myself and denied bail, I was raped two weeks later by forced voyeurism & threats.

That date of because three years before on

Sept.9th 2016 I was forced to try to record a quick account for 2015
emails misused by eps. Exposing his self Sept.9th 2016 that judge
angered that I spoke, got up to speedily walk out of the court rm. I then
raised my voice to say;
to put on the Sept9/201 court record that that judge acted insane by
not letting me speak and as he unbecomingly ran out of that court room
because I spoke for 30 seconds. That Sept9/16 quick account I tried to
tell of a year before after first being taken, abducted, Aug.28 2015. That
Sept.9/16 day I was; returned to Edm’s Remand - and immorally cruelly
left in a holding cell for many many hours. Thats a proof judges used
. I endured a long drive inside a evil
metal box fit for a wild animal, with cuffs and shackles on, a long drive
to be at the Sept 9th/2016 bail hearing.
towards my 2015 emails that corrupt cops misused as heavy illusions,

Why was there not any answer to my report on in that

Edmonton Remand a segregated inmate,
a danger to myself and others, and not a general population citizen they
knew I was. acted out
& as guards
took me away from the remand court floor cell I was in with others - and
detoured me to a danger to self and others remand court cell, yes right
before I was to speak to Wheatley for bail.That judge said on my behalf;

. That is evidence that

evidence of a to attempt; to cast doubt, to falsely label me
to head threats at my voice and to affect the light of my right to get bail.
That Oct.22 judge strangely took a break, and minutes later I was forced
to try to tell further that guards acted that way. And as guards unsoundly
headed me to that (danger to self and others court floor) cell, I was not
wearing cuffs & shackles, which was a further contradiction that shows
conspiracy and scandal. And I let that judge know that after I told guards
I would not enter that court cell because that contradicted and violated
my rights, guards said the digital surveillance was all of a sudden down.
And that shut down in the least is, critical & damning evidence that erc
guards acted out a federal crime and conspiracy of disconnecting digital
surveillance to bury evidence of a scandal that I called erc on Oct.22/15.
I am watching to see whether any conspire to edit or delete that key
Oct.22/2015 court record. Another paramount question is; who was that
judge saying acted out a attempt to divert. Was judge Wheatley saying
that attempt to divert was by guards, or by guards and prosecutors???
Any way you judge that you see records tell you system persons were
at work to hurt and bury my voice and knowledge on that black market
that I in 2020 decloaked and exposed for Albertans, Canadians, others.
Theres not any context to divert if not for that material & market context.
People need to have the will to acknowledge this is proof of conspiracy.
That Oct.22/2015 matter of diversion was a year before Sept.9th/2016
when I was in a court room where a judge who I believe was a deputy
minister headed to run over and away from my right & need to give a
quick account for bail, just as I have written. Yes as I have written in this
public interest report I endured threat at my life and rights Sept.9th/2016
just as I endured Sept.9th/2019. Oct1/2019 I got bail for that, but I was
falsely arrested, abducted again Dec.12/2019, (and on Feb.26th/2020,
for not attending a Jan.29 2020 hearing) for that Dec.12th false charge.

The crown (Rowan) was given a January 29 2020 report, hand delivered to the
Prosecutors office that (James Rowan in court Aug.14 2020 admitted receiving).
Edmonton’s Prosecutors Office should not of let that Feb.26th 2020 arrest charge.
The report recorded knowledge charges cannot not fit with. And yet I was offered
and was asked to sign that August 14th 2020 guilty plea six months after that unjust
Feb 26 2020 false arrest, despite my warning March 6th 2020 that I was raped
on March 5th 2020 and despite my warning July 2nd 2020 court rm 267 hearing that
I am convinced rapers that are murderers run Alberta's remands and that no matter
what any say that remand phone system cannot be trusted. (Forced plea Aug14/20)
I am the first Albertan to testify in a court of law that rapers that are murderers run our remands. We need
a full national and public inquiry (into Alberta’s remands). That July 2nd 2020 time in court room 267
as well I was warning that it appears I was being displaced in a Fort Saskatchewan prison seg cell area to
entrap me by a insidious menacing rapist con that creepy Fort Sask. guards use to inculcate name calling.
Note; At that time I reminded the 267 judge, that I was counted fit to instruct
and participate with my legal counsel. I faced another
judge, a old Italian female judge. At 10am and after a short recess at 10:13 I spoke.
I was interrupted, not given the natural right to finish a few quick-timed statements.
For no reason I was interrupted and by that judge Sheriffs headed me out of the crt
room in a perfunctory way, July.9th mauled in a socalled resolution time served offer,
in a way that proofs that court was a threat, yes that Edmonton’s court is guilty of a
crime of heading me to sign that untrue guilty plea or face threat of a irrational harsh
harassing & lethal 4 years for a boloney breach that I was not to be prosecuted for.

Now that you know of that matter of a Aug.14/2020 forced false guilty plea, I will begin
here to tell you of the true story. I know it is hard knowing what way dates fit. Just
know that I was first falsely arrested, abducted Aug.28/2015, (half a decade ago).
Remember what way I was handled in court after Aug.28/2015 as I was abducted
and on Oct.22/2015, Sept.9/2016, Sept.13/2019, Dec.12/2019, March.6/th2020 and
July9th/20. Just to remind, the great kangaroo trial was June 2019 and that forced
false guilty plea for not following after trial illegit bail instructions was Aug.14/2020.
that after being false arrested late at night Aug.28 2015,
yes at the time of a lawyer named Guy Doyon, who told the judge: ‘It appears theres
a system outrage at this man’,
did prosecutors, judges, nor any psychiatrist or doctor, nor did any

Canadians and others = t

damning evidence records of a

( me from reaching non-lawyer numbers, and
, well written records of a
that are rapists & child predators to sexually harass and act out rape and death
threats. , that a (2020 witness Albertans need subpoenaed)
let me know of conspiracy by remand staff to head wicked cons to call me names.
And you will see proof of illegally disseminating hate at my reality faith in Jesus !!!
Aug. 28 2015 is the first time I was one of Canada's missing persons when corrupt
child units falsely arrested me to falsely accuse me to bury me in corrupt remands
to attempt to confuse, dishearten, threaten and bury and end my civilian examination
into a decades old (black market and old system of lies on the l.o.a. I was exposing).
Every time I got bail within the five years after enduring extremely unlawfull remand
death threats, rape & torture I went to publish further crimes and proof I am not guilty,
and was being attacked for free speech and truth.

Not any eps nor any a party to 2015 into 2020 court proceedings acknowledged
(the existence) of the fact that my online investigating & reporting appeared accepted
for years by the estimated 200 to 250 emailed federal system persons on my
great email list. Eps said that in 2015 they didnt know of my years of emailing
and years of report posting of material til that corrupt Toronto cop contacted them.
That in fact (means) that (for years) not any of the political persons and few policing
persons on my email list called eps. In other words for years, not any authorities called
eps to say they felt I was any threat, nor to say there was any material threat. And as I
put on the 412 2019 court record, fed.political persons sent me federal letters
in 2009, and so for years feds had my full name and my full address.
Eps child units & Edmonton’s Telus Corporation internet security managers
caught in conspiracy of great lies on matter of black market that runs Alberta
Sept.1st 2015, days after that Aug.28 2015 late night when eps units abducted me,
telus Corporate online security left a note for telus that I was to be banned from telus! *
Why was I not months earlier when eps contacted telus months before August 28th
2015! Yes in other words, [ For months eps cops and telus let me send further reports
of written and visual material evidences to all ] on my great email list. And therefore
we know they did not believe I was putting any at risk by emailing and publishing pdf
reports of written and material evidences (of what we now know for certain is),
a old great black market of youth pulchritude and cp, I decloaked.

As I let you know, a Ontario Advocate Office I put on my email list just before that 2015
false arrest when I was abducted, yes that corrupt Ontario office involved in that black
market, falsely claimed they first contacted that Tor.cop, (that eps claimed) ‘equated
into a mid 2015 call to eps. Hmm, no that was without that Ont.Office investigating my
relationship with (Toronto)Fed.Politicians and (Ontario)Politicians on my old email list!
That makes no sense! And there were fed.politicians from every province on the list.
Thats like a new patron all of a sudden assuming I was offending all in a restaurant
that every-body knew was letting me be the guest who for years was let sit passed
closing time. Thats like a politician accusing me of sending unwanted material in the
face of great evidence of hundreds of federal authorities of higher authority letting me
for years. That does not make any sense at all, a great matter of total contradictions !!!
A receptionist for that Office, (was on a vid.screen for that kangaroo trial June 2019).
That witness further exposed that scandal by testifying that she could not remember
what I was emailing to everybody, which she called emailed evidence of women.
That corrupt Ontario Child advocate’s office shut down after that conspiracy to design
that nonsensical story with eps to accuse me to divert away from that black market.!
Torontocitynews Ontario-child-advocate-shocked-to-learn-through-media-about-office-closing.

That shameless Lawyer Ronald Morin who plays for time-served deals rather than
defending you, miscarried my instructions as he for my need to appeal wrote a letter
of willfull untruths that evidenced he was in bed with legal aid and system persons.
Mr.Moron wrote; How do (“WE”) explain the 10 years Mr.Cullen sent documentation to
governmental bodies without attracting any police scrutiny?”
Yes Mr. Ronald Morin, sir, How? And furthermore Mr. Morin, years of written and
visual material I emailed and published, did not attract any mental health scrutiny !!!
Here is another way of putting Lawyer Morin’s October 4 2019 question to legal aid;
How do we explain that Shawn Cullen was arrested, suffered years in remands after
he sent material for years without in that time police across Canada and the U.S.
having any problem with his urgent emails and published reports of material pictures.
You cannot explain. I was abducted and illegally put inside remands, like a journalist
taken hostage by a unfriendly country. *In a audio record you hear the proof
that lawyer admitted he was a party to me being falsely labeled and to
suppressing evidence on nnclub, (a key proof I was fully Justified), and
he agreed (I was not given my lawfull right to have my teachings heard).



Behold, that that June 2019 unlawfull kangaroo trial was 4 years after that
Aug.28 2015 night I was taken. Thats a clue that I endured forced hells,
and claws, bites, shut downs at my vital and civic right need to be heard.
That Judge threatened to put me where I’d only see a screen, be muted
in the trial if I spoke while that lawyer acted out attempts to be a lawyer
for me. And the two times I was given to say anything I spent answering
to language designed to fill court records with condescending & character
denigrating illusions that had nothing to do with my teachings, knowing
any such illusions are disgracefully hard for any to answer to and put
your life and rights in danger because such court illusions call for wisest
knowledge and carefull help. There you see the burden of proof was
upturned, by threats from (weaponry of crt. opinions) that did not get to
knowledge of who I am, because opinions headed away from evidence.
And I need to remind that I was not to be put through any court hearings
and trial in the first place. I am just proofing that its a total lie every way,
a threat at my lawfull right to believe I was safe to testify, and threats at
my need to be mindful and to not forget at Edmonton court hearings !!!
by saying I threatened to act out a shooting
spree, while in reality there was never any email in the possession of any
police that evidenced any threat of any shooting spree. The court records
possess all emails as proof. 2019 that was the first time I heard of that.
EPS had four years to be ready for court. EPS is without any excuse for
suggesting that and for unjustly not letting me know of that til 4 years later.
Found in the 2019 trial court records,
my years of emails were rambling, confused, pointless - which eps knew
was not true because they knew I sent visual material for years to feds,
and feds would not of let that if I sent that a pointless way. Therefore you
see there that in Edmonton’s court.
by police narrates and in court in 2019, by saying
my years of (emails) were rambling, confused, pointless, which eps knew
was not true because they knew my years of reporting was founded on
my 2011 report that the court acknowledged, a report still on the internet.
Press Ctrl + click to see this decade old pdf file:///C:/Users/owner/Downloads/51974542-

Therefore you see another way that

in Edmonton’s 2019 crt rm (412). That March 17th 2011 151 page report
is anything other than rambling, confused and pointless. (Its evidence)
One thing you see in that decade passed 2011 report is my record on
Kent State University 1995(Lori L. Oliver, Gordon Nagayama, Hirschman)
its tests on 80 'normal' males concludes that "sexual arousal towards
youth occurs among a sizable minority that reported not having any issue.
The findings clearly show 88% were attracted to the images. Their mean
age was 38.3 years, 52 subjects were Caucasian, 25 African American,
2 were Hispanic, 1 Asian. The subjects mean education was 14.1 years.
28 were never married, 26 were married, 18 divorced, 6 separated,
2 widowed. The results smash theories of a so-called odd small minority.
(8 out of 9 normal men) A huge silent majority "confirming" that attractions
to youth within eps and remand staff and the Government is a common
As you can see, that is not rambling, confused and pointless. (Further
in that 2019 court room 412 false trial.)
That 2011 report you as well see the record that in the May 4th 2010
standing committee on public safety the president of the Alberta
association of Police Chiefs said that the Gov't is turning law-abiding
citizens into criminals. April 21st 2010 in the Standing Committee meeting
on DNA and Registry data banks counterfeit experts Leo O Brian, Pierre
Nezan, Rene Lavigne were (claiming) to senators that they do not really
know what pedophilia is but that they want to 'charge' it. Greg Yost
claimed that too while he was strangely smiling and laughing like a clown
in his testimony to advance DNA and Registry Data Banks, like Anti-child
porn crusader Politician Robert McKee who sponsored an ACT to collect
DNA from so-called child sex offenders, yet he himself was later caught.
by police narrates and in court in 2019, by saying
my years of (emails) were rambling, confused, pointless, which eps knew
was not true because they knew my years of reporting was anchored on
the question of how eps cannot be attracted to youth and online material
while knowing N.America evidenced that it was when parliament was first
in session at a time of heavy manufacturing, ships, submarines, trains,
telephones, light bulbs and skyscrapers etc And they knew my emails
were anchored on the question of how eps units can act as if further
weight is not on the question from the June 22nd 1979 petition and letter
sent to the Dutch Parliament demanding legalization of mutual activities
between adults & children. -The call was authorized by the Dutch Society
for Reform (NVSH) signed by social services and mental health services,
the executives of the Liberal party and parties that had representatives in
the Dutch Lower House, signed by the junior executives of the Liberal
party and the Junior Dept of the Conservatives), Professors, Physicians,
Psychiatrists, Psychologists, Educationalists, General Teachers Assoc.
The 2011 report that is neither disjointed nor confused fits my 2020 report.
2019incourt lawyer Ronald A.Morin raised my 2009-2015 public reporting
on history records, as I was recording that the age of consent was twelve
when Canada’s parliament was first in session, only thirteen decades ago.
Prosecutor Mr.James Rowan interrupted as he tried saying that that was
U.S. laws, as if citizens of states do not put on pants the way we do, yes
as if they do not have the human limbic, hypothalamus and pituitary gland
design Canadian’s have. And before that time of 130 years ago, hundreds
of thousands of Americans settled in Canada, and so prosecutor Rowan
was of lies, at work to attempt to have false designs of knowledge mislead
the court records to illegally and unjustly prosecute me, at work to further
design and brainwash citizens of Alberta, Canada and others. I have no
malice towards Mr. James Rowan, but he does know I am fully correct.
To me this was never about juniority in attraction law. This was about the
right to be according to reality & truthfull, and the right to question systems.
When officer Horchuk was on the 2019 stand he attempted to act out
bad drama about material I sent to hundreds of officials, that he labeled
as being of minors under eighteen. In court I raised my voice in anger as
I said; (“You are acting as if all youth under 18 are children. The age of
consent for youth was 14 till May of 2008. You are lying under oath”.
“You simply cannot stop lying can you officer Horchuk.”)

And I reminded the court that

[I did not get to testify to demonstrate my teachings]. (And as well not on
the witness stand I raised my voice to remind I did not get to.) You are
a eye-witness of my paramount teachings proofing this is the truth.
And it should be of great interest to Albertans that Rowan asked me that.
And without a doubt in that June 2019 false trial I raised a point of interest,
that cops blackened a picture of a girl that was not naked, and by that
caused that to appear as evidence. That was on what was a tree branch
exhibit found on a unblocked site titled Supreme Model Portal 100%.That
site was inviting the public somewhat like the 2019 nnclub proof record
that lawyer Ronald Morin strangely failed to put on the 2019 court record.
That tree branch evidence that prosecutor Rowan used for that trial was
and is evidence of child unit cops fabricating evidence. Rowan failed to
account for that, and that Judge named Jerke did not answer to that.
At that anti-reality trial of June 2019 that Judge named Jerke stated;
“Mr. Cullen’s report (before 2015) offers unique features such as history
on age of consent, just as he says there are (a number) of youth that can
consent. Although there may be scientific revelations which might be
reasonable, courts are not equipped and so will not evaluate science.
I do not see any thing on education for treating sex offenders. There
needs to be a verifiable legitimate purpose he sent the visual material,
either for administration of justice, science, education or health.”
That was an untrue judgement by Jerke because he knew I said a number
of times that I was not given the right and time I was in need of to reveal
my knowledge for the court record. And time given to say anything was
spent on questions by Rowan that at every turn was heading away from
reminding of what his questions had to do with sub-section 6. Why would
I follow any outside of the sub-section context? As you can see within this
report I am the first in the world to know and teach the law of attraction in
the correct way servicing all parts of sub-section 6 of the criminal code.
Therefore you know it is great madness that any Alberta system holds me
to any false brand and imposed condition. -Yes thats totally unlawfull !!!
Because Aug.28 2015 11:30 at night I was abducted and robbed of my
work, I was forced to perfect my teachings while hostaged in remands.
The powerfull knowledge in this true story clearly proofs I have proven
system persons, are by fierce constipated pressure violating the human
rights commission principles on human originated law of global orientation
and right to freedom of religion. Liars want to bend me to their will. With
carefull examinations witness/examine, yes verily behold, my paramount
teachings within the first 12 pages of this true reality report ! People
cannot use a excuse that they do not have the power to be fully honest.
1 John 2:21 says there is (no lie) in the truth. The words written have the
power, and truthfull is the control you need to be trusted with temptation.
Micah7:2-5 There is not any godly alive on earth. All have passed away.
There is not one left who is honest. They are all murderers. Jeremiah
51:17 The entire human race acts foolish and has no real knowledge.
As you might know your favorite actors are accused of crimes against youth. Bryan
Singer, Sylvester Stallone, Tom Sizemore, James Franco, Morgan Freeman, Timothy
Hutton, are just a few. It is not a mystery why persons were accused such as world-
renowned heart surgeon Philipp Bonhoeffer, world renowned John Mark Felton who
developed disease vaccines, the founder of Pan American flights, World renowned
conductor of Russia's National Orchestra Mikhail Pletnev, Canada's national agriculture
museum manager Franz Klingender, world renowned child dyslexia author Chris
Singleton, Hawaii's shark task force spokesman Randy Honebrink, President JFK's
brother-in-law Jamie, the Chief scientist for the sunken titanic William Kenneth Stewart,
Nasa Rocket scientist James R. Robinson, and many thousands of other scapegoats!

At the earliest bail hearings a duty counsel lawyer Guy Doyon to the judge
declared, there appears a system outrage advanced at this man.(Shawn)
Remember I wrote that eps - TURNED BLIND EYES AND DEAF EARS
and remember I wrote that before that Aug.28 2015 abduction for months eps
cops & telus let me send further reports of written and visual material to all…
Remember I wrote that in my full 68 page true story reality report you will see
damning evidence records of a remand conspiracy to illegally block me from
reaching non-lawyer numbers, and to constrict my ability to phone. Thats by
system persons that deny the visible existence of evidence of (a phone-call
by eps) that was before that Aug.28 false arrest. Yes in a city that removed
most public “telus” telephone booths. (in a city of phone-ys) > V ,

Not any way did (any) (judge)(prosecutor)(officer)(opinion holder) answer

to my online evidence and court reminder of my account of a eps cop two
years before that August 28 2015 unlawfull arrest, who two years before
called and approved of my years of online investigating and publishing.
"On July 29 2013 I got a call from a eps officer Macleod badge # 1328.
That 2013 year he said a political person he refused to name called him
about the material I was reporting. He said; "You are quite concerned
about the child porn hey?" I then said, "its much deeper than concern".
The reason I let eps officer Macleod know my thoughts are much deeper
than concern is that I knew I was working on getting the correct words
for proofing my science, revelations that proof the reality truth on the law
of attraction which is l.o.a. juniority. My teachings are not whats fiction !!!
I said that I was sending high priority written and visual material for years.
I said it doesn't make any sense any political person calling you now. He,
Macleod positively said 'right', in agreement. He did not say Venya exhibit
and earlier report exhibits were contrary to the sub-section 6 citizen right
to; investigation and make evidence exhibits public for the public interest,
for the security and health of the administration of justice and citizenry.
Knowing hundreds of federal law policy designers let me make that public
for years, (and the call from Macleod) proves for years eps had not any
limits on my civil online investigating and had let me put online, wide
measures of material. I asked for an incident number. Macleod said there
would not be one. (In other words he concluded he would not be counting
my investigating and publishing as outside of the law.) And I asked and
he acknowledged he knew of my blogged reports. - I truthfully say this is
the truth and whole truth as Holy God as my witness. That 2019 judge
named Jerke did not in any way address this two year old online report
on Maclead !!! In a slippery fast way Lawyer Ronald A. Morin reminded
the June 2019 court of that 2013 to 2015 published internet posted report
on Macleod which within years a number of times I emailed to hundreds
of federal political people. Ronald Morin told the court room 412 in a round
about way that to get further evidence for that June 2019 trial I called eps
downtown headquarters and a cop told me theres many Macleods and
that records on old badge numbers are not always kept. Four years of
remand hell after that 2015 time that I was abducted, a eps officer on the
2019 witness stand in that phony proceeding kangaroo trial, said he was
and is (((“not aware”))) if any other eps officer contacted me before 2015.
Edmontonians, Albertans and all others now know from the 2019 court
record that eps did not deny that a eps officer might of called before 2015
and approved of my years of emails & online investigating. Eps did not
answer to whether any cop called until asked in June 2019, [yet I publicly
posted for two years] to document that Macleod called). Not at any time
in four years from 2015 into that 2019 false trial did any cop, record,
nor did any (acknowledge), seeing my public record on officer Macleod.

abduct me in 2015. We need to call for a full public inquiry to get Macleod
to come and make himself known to acknowledge this real 2013 record.
And the 2019 court recorded that June/July I got 2009 federal letters from
JM R.Nicholson and MP G.Doer evidencing that they understood I was
investigating & reporting matters and questions on wide open unblocked
material. Eps child porn and exploitation units are caught in a conspiracy.
I was abducted by eps involved in a black market. Cops act out criminal
threats at all Albertans by vehicle and bicycle stalking, spying by illegal
use of tracking technologies. Citizens have a lawfull right to defend their
selves. All any were in need of was to debate material to decriminalize
that market. Cops did not need to turn our province into a matrix of villains
and violence, harm, remand abductions and remand stalking I endured
for years, that appears unforgiveable! See 121-126 51974542-The-Great-Final-Report-


You know lies of a liar are a murder threat, because liars will not behold,
will not look at, ‘dangers of lies, will not behold dangers of lies with you,
and will not look at, every thing that lie puts in danger. You see why
you must count that lie of system persons as a murder threat at citizens.
federal lawmakers gave me the green light in 2011, (years before 2015)
Here is other proof, that March 17th 2011 Canadian Federal law makers
knew for years I was accessing & investigating written and visual material
evidences with respect to youth. The proof is with respect to (page 12)
of a mailed and online published report I titled the great final report. I do
not consider that earliest draft great in any way but what that decade old
report is good for is the irrefutable proof that federal lawmakers gave me
the green light to investigate material. The proofs are the links titled;,,, and
which I mailed and published. Of course years later the links do not work.
In the public report you see I recorded what so-called Legal disclaimers
were at the bottom of those sites, which proves I passed through visual
evidence and did not just see the titles.
Great-Final-Report-2011-PDF-download Court of Edmonton senior prosecutor
Rowan acknowledged the great final report and therefore how can eps
or any claim the law did not know for four years that I was !!! Therefore
in another way North Americans and Edmontonians know that August 28
2015 arrest at 11:30 at night was unjustified, nefarious and a abduction.
And I was not just working according to sub-sect6, but was legalized by
3 1/2 years of federal acquiescing Parliamentary sovereignty, supremacy
over-all-other-government-institutions-&-judicial-bodies. Therefore there
never should of been any police and judicial interference. There cannot
be a green light given for 3.5 years then act as if I ran a yellow or red !!!

As a leader in human nature science I Shawn G. Cullen of was one of the

missing persons not unlike the murdered and missing women of Canada.
I awakened to the evident fact that persons that run eps child units
and Alberta remand staff are behind missing persons in Alberta. I found
that out after greater than 1/2 a decade of being falsely arrested and after
facility structural abuse burying. Eps cops were at work with advanced
immigration surveillance technologies to spy & gang stalk my life, before
I could figure out secrets and let everyone know that great system secret
that Edm's child abuse units and guards & staff that run Alberta remands
are involved in a old conspiracy to cloak a society wide lust at juniority.
Persons that run remand systems are designing Alberta’s remands to
voyeur & rape men, women & youth. I was not a witness and knower of
that unlawfull matter before I was falsely arrested, abducted, Aug.28 2015.
What I am fully right and 100% truthfull in letting leaders & citizens know
is that employed guards that are by designs hind rapers force inmates to
submit to voyeurism thats rape, disguised as strip search drug checks.
I am a leading witness of five years in Alberta remands. Any in power
Federal, Provincial or municipal that deny this true record public warning
must be counted as accomplices or accessories to Alberta facility rape.
Yes in the name of strip searches remand guards act out sexual assaults.
Liars that rape call not-invited-contact rape (to dissolve) threat of rapers
into misunderstanding of trespassers. Reality founded humans know
there is the law of knowing not invited contact is a trespass, not a threat.
You are a threat only to the degrees of what your will designs to. Humans
are of one of two human nature sides of fear sensitivity governing how
far you will to go after another say no to your trespass or tempt trespass.
There are the ones who of a trusted reasoning core are measure-wise to
degrees that are of a trespass heading therefore degree-wise are not of
a threat design heading. To spin away and dissolve lies nefarious system
persons and players of that juniority pulchritude black market, (out to put
the truest ones on a social cannibalism dinner alter), used what I name
a evidence illusion alter thats a counterfeit of proof. To understand this,
have in mind the idea of truth affected by use of paronymous terms.
Persons use that so theres a belie falsehood proof illusion transference,so
any way you try to tell your story or a side you are condemned by illusions.

To denigrate and desecrate my good fight to be truthfull & straight, system

persons for years conscripted antsy propaganda that I am a sympathizer
of the Radical Free Press Network, (that I am a bible pusher), and a lag
dastard, a user of alter ego, accused me to rapers outside legal process.
Alta guards & staff running 3 remands and eps cops broke Canada’s laws
to spread that while I was being buried in remands as a prisoner of war.
Accusers are illusion users unjustly at work to assume, at work to use
and hyperfuse visually uncertain scripts or a uncertain story, unlawfully
violating story copyrights, as liars use to threaten, for-the-time-being-
inoperable illusions on story-truth and story-worth! That any accuse is
proof of a dissolver, not a solver, a dissolver designer not a solver signer.
2008 Curtis Evans filed a 1 million$ lawsuit against Alberta’s Justice
Minister and his sex crimes unit Detective Carol Glasgown for assuming
he was guilty of a sex crime and for spreading that throughout the system
to defame Evans. That was persons that run a youth porn market, Evans.
EPS cops stole proof exhibits I was trying to put on the internet for the
public interest, proof exhibits I put in a 2015 pdf I was working on, exhibits
of youth at work to seduce older men, exhibits that were not put on the
2019 crt record. That that was not put on the court record heads to cloak
and to conceal secret relationships in that a black market. There is a fact
of reality thats self-evident; Any human that act of fleshly lust, young or
old, act belittling and littling, in other words has in mind want of a enemy
handler and of acting little. And every youth that handles to self lust,
(manhandle) worth of little (parts). Theres the reality of human nature.
All lusters (young or otherwise) according to human nature are of a rape
seed mind that you might file as bumblebees (humblebees) in other
words trespassers, and file as killer bees. Not all youth are bumblebees.
What stings is not bumblebees, but arrogant lies on the facts of life.
Educate yourself Proverbs 20:11, Mark 13:12, Psalm 137:9, Numbers 31:15-18, Hosea 13:16
I got a letter from a tv preacher named Don Stewart who I gave a little
offering to. What he wrote came as a great surprise. He wrote; Shawn
forgive me, I took another look at you through the spirit and God revealed
to me that you are more gifted and amazing than I ever imagined. You
have rare and ancient traits. In the letter, for a mysterious reason he
referred to me as "God's special son", as what the Holy Spirit calls me.
And what was a mystery to me is Don had written that all those that spoke
evil about you behind your back shall be brought to shame. I did not know
what his prophesy was saying because his letter was before I was taken.
And Don had written that God let him know a female person was stabbing
me in the back putting all things at risk. I don’t know who that person is.
Inside of 2011 a tv Minister Peter wrote a prophesy stating; Shawn God
woke me up out of bed at 4am in the morning. I have not had an anointing
like this in 40 years of Ministry. I am still trembling as I write this to you.
I see something in a vision, its like a force, using people and things to
attempt to stop you. They lied about you. Theres people that think they
know you but you are keeping most things to your self. I see people at
work to plot your demise. -Peter later mailed me another time saying the
same thing as a warning. = Later I was abducted by eps cops Aug. 2015.
What the minister did not know is that his prophesy was seeing what
would happen to me from 2015 into 2020. - In 2011 the minister named
Peter Popoff mailed me a prophetic warning I did not understand.
The prophesy was seeing what would happen to me from 2015 into 2020.
The minister said: “I must tell you Shawn I feel so strong that psalm 109
3-5 describes what you have been dealing with”, “they compassed me
about with words of evil hate and fought against me without a cause”.
What the tv minister did not know is that his prophesy was seeing what
would happen to me from 2015 into 2020.] – I did not know until I was
abducted Aug.28 2015 - So surprised I documented what he said online.
As well I received this letter; "When I sat straight up in bed God was
speaking to me about you Shawn. People think they know you but you
have been keeping most things to yourself. You are a kind person
and make people feel good at 'important' times but no-one knows
the real you! People hurt you and go on their way like nothing happened.
Deep inside you are very sensitive. In a vision God let me see that you
are a person who has a lot of heart and a lot of courage in spite of
many things forced upon you. I see a battle has gone on a long time.
You have gotten very tired. You are a rare sort of breed for not giving up."
Clear signs from God !!! Foolish hellish eps cops that attempt to stalk and
abduct me should pay greatest attention to the underlined parts there.
Eps cops might be cursed to hell-fire or are nigh that without knowing.
Later in 2015 I was abducted by eps child units at 11:15 at night while
Albertans were asleep after a cop misled me out of my apartment using
a fake gmail. Det.Horchuk acted as if he was a supporter who wanted
to meet for coffee to invite me to be part of a board to help children. I was
on my bicycle heading down 105st and 107ave when I saw white vans
stalking me. A cop jumped out and the first thing he yelled was "rat".
He did not first say you are under arrest. Why did Judge Jerke discount
my court testimony of being called rat. Any man of truthfull knowledge
not in support of Kethuboth 11b, Sanhedrin 55b, 69a, 69b must be a rat!
Any might not believe the tv ministers that prophesied that I was being
targeted by a system force of people. Well how do doubters account
for the well known and respected non-tv minister Bob Gal who was
the minister for evangel Pentecostal from 98-2005 and First Assembly
Calgary. Bob prophesied saying to my ex-girl friend “Shawn is receiving
direct revelations from God. Shawn is just and Shawn loves God”. My
ex-girl friend Roberta can verify this. Are Christians saying Bob who was
heard on radio and served in churches city-wide is a fraud. From three
other churches children walked up to me prophesying. How do people
explain that. Children in Vanguard Bible College were raising their voices
asking are you Jesus, are you Jesus? Surprised church staff said that
was a sign from God because the little children never said that to anyone,
and a very young girl from Rhema chapel walked up to me and said;
keep preaching the truth. A 7 year old said God's keeping you Shawn.
which shocked parents who asked how the child even knew the concept.
A Christian named Chris who I never met before said the Lord was saying
I have a will stronger than steel and that he could see a light shining to
me straight from God. People can think what ever they want. There are
other signs written of on the last page of my 65 page report. A few foolish
christians I once knew ruined their walk with God by telling me who I am
rather than getting to know my thoughts. Judge not lest you are what???
All any need, is to behold my teachings. I have been headed at by system
persons that are caught acting as murderers. A murderer kills the spirit
of knowledge. That counterfeits the knowledge, designs sheep clothing.
Isaiah 29:15 Woe to those who (dig deep) to hide plans from the LORD.
What I know from years of facing , is that
are illegally using surveillance technology and predators
that run Edmonton's are at work with
persons to spy on and stalk citizens. Liars that falsely arrested me had
written police narrates to say they were in the area, but thats a bloody lie.
And theres illegal use of spy technology on Edmonton’s Telus building.
Albertans will need to take my word for it that there is
. This matter of great public
interest reminds of the news on ICE Chief Anthony V. Mangione caught
with material of youth right after he declared; “We will continue utilizing
our unique immigration authorities to identify and to arrest those who are
a threat to our communities. We will continue to use all law enforcement
tools including advanced computer forensics to investigate these types
of crimes." [There you can see what language hypocrites are using !!!]

After enduring being spied on and stalked and abducted by eps for five years I now can
tell Canadians what way thats acted out. Cops get signals from persons that fly chopper
and that run spy technology, even cameras by telus. Cops use that to head to where I am
and abduct. Persons involved in that black market are even contacted by eps cops
and wait with cell phones to spy and act as informants. Technology for forced photo
against drivers is illegally used to spy and inform eps of where I might be. I know this
is all thats a reality from years of experience. Eps cops are guilty of federal spying
stalking crimes. Persons that run West Edmonton Mall security, telus security
management, peace officers in vehicles, managers that run public libraries, downtown
location, and church heads and business managers are involved in system stalking at
citizens, to possess power to cloak and manage that black market of youth I decloaked.
And businesses that act as administrators are involved in reporting citizens, as a Trojan
Horse into that material. Do not trust any that say they are monitoring that porn.
And we need to ask what system persons are murdering foster-care children in Alberta.

evidence of a to attempt; to cast doubt, to falsely label me,

to head threats at my voice and to affect the light of my right to get bail.
Lawyer Ron Morin asks LEGAL-AID; the 10 years Mr. Cullen
sent documentation to governmental bodies without attracting any police scrutiny?”
On the 2019 stand in crt rm 412 prosecutor Rowan asked me:
I told Alberta Senior Prosecutor Rowan; “I am a leading authority on
human nature and lust, and the police are not
(judge)(prosecutor)(officer)(opinion holder)
of my account of a eps cop two years before that
August 28 2015 unlawfull arrest,

from 2015 into 2020 did prosecutor J. Rowan nor any judge, nor aNY
psychiatrist or doctor
Thats proof that all
ways I was being heard and labelled, was and is a lie and illegal. That
corrupt Ontario Child advocate’s
that was to design that nonsensical story with eps to accuse me to divert
away from that black market.! Torontocitynews
Carefully examine my powerfull revelations proofing how we know eps,
and persons employed by corrections Alberta, are attracted to Juniority.
This means we have a reason to believe according to nature that #1 it is
not uncommon that police investigators possess evil motive to falsely
investigate and arrest, and #2 that it is common that court prosecutors
possess a motive to maliciously prosecute, and #3 common that theres
bad risks that judges possess a motive to falsely rule against an accused.
After witnessing ways remand guards, staff and eps cops acted at me
I am now 100% convinced that the monsters we must focus on are
persons that run child abuse units and remands, and any that play ball
with them including (corrupt lawyers). - And accusers accuse to divert.
Child abuse allegations are now Alberta's greatest wave of calculated
hysteria now comparable to those Salem witch trials of 1692, and child
advocates are charlatans. You know that, because my revolutionary
teachings exposes that. Since cops & guards were willing to abduct me
and were willing to hostage me inside Alberta remands, what children
might such be frightening and holding against their will !!! (A JUST QUESTION)
I am not saying youth cannot pose. Thats not my debate, but any that
are willing to act brutal at me and that try to bury me inside remands
to be enthralled and dislocated to remand crimes and structural abuse,
are clearly not to be trusted with any youth. - Shamefull abductors !!!
I have written this public record for the Commission and Alberta's political
representatives. That matter of extreme illegal use of surveillance and
tracking technology is sided with city-wide use of calling people rats.
We know from the Calgary herald a cop named Stephen Laurence
Huggett claimed he was charged with respect to visual data and that he
suffered police-brutality by Edmonton guards and Alberta Health medical
staff inside remand, citing sexual harassment by police, bullying and
being labeled (a rat). Hey Stephen, did you know your indicters are
attracted to youth? Now politicians need to figure out who is in charge of
Edmonton and Alberta. According to the scriptures of the bible, cops are
not supposed to possess rule over politicians. If MP'S and MLA'S allow
that to carry on it will be a curse. (like the great harlot) Professor Taras
of the dept of communications and culture at University of Calgary once
stated; "What we're seeing here is a degree of control inside government,
its caucus, that we haven't seen for a very long time". See now Taras?
Carefully consider the parts of this report revealing how you can know
lust at youth, can be a curse of counterfeit perfection and love. The
teaching is within the first 12 pages of this report. Evil liberties can exist
for a time, being a murderer, murders your own hope of living forever.


First a little on the first time that I was abducted; In a attempt to bury me
in the erc, at 11:15pm at night while Albertans were asleep a corrupt cop
misled me out of my apartment using a fake gmail. Yes a Det. Horchuk
acted as if he was a supporter who wanted to meet for coffee to invite
me to be part of a board to help children. I agreed and headed on my
bicycle heading down 105st & 107ave to meet for coffee. I was betrayed.
I saw white vans stalking me. A cop jumped out and the first thing he
yelled was "rat". He did not first say you are under arrest. I was criminally
assaulted and taken. I was put on a GP unit called 3-D. A guard heard
Christian inmates believe my story. That guard called me and marched
me to administration where I was put in a strange cell with no washroom
that I later learned was whats called a dry-cell. I was never told why and
for days guards & staff broke the law by not letting me use a washroom.
Note, that was days after I was taken with respect to the youth market.
Because of that I was forced to pass matter into a hand towel and a lunch
bag in the cell. Digital vid.records will prove this to Edmontonians and all.
Because I heard guards jest about illegal use death hot-sauce and
a heart fibrillator and Because Alberta health psych aids asked me
a unnecessary number of times if I was suicidal, and were asking a way
desolate of other questioning and communication, I was forced to count
the navigation to the cell as a imminent threat to my life. I believed with
my whole heart that guards and staff were at work to cause my demise.
I wisely chose to blacken my eyes by hitting myself to leave a sign that
murder was not suicide. I later spoke to a judge. A lawyer named Guy
Doyon told the judge: It appears theres a system outrage at this man.

Not at any time from 2015 into 2020 did

prosecutor J. Rowan nor any judge, nor
aNY psychiatrist or doctor question why
my (eyes) were brutally blackened right
after BEING put in EdmONTON’s Remand !!!
Thats proof all ways I was being heard
and labelled, was and is a lie and illegal.

That RECORD proof there is paramount !!!

Not letting me be heard and account on day one is proof my right to be
heard was being attacked from the start as my right was targeted at every
hearing for five years, from 2015 when I was abducted and into 2020
At the earliest bail hearings I raised my voice to say I CAN account.
That judge ended that fast video-tron time that knocked down, threw
into disorder and dislocated, my right to be heard, a ominous entrance,
a preamble to years of hell that was totally anti to the guaranteed charter
of rights, the rules of court, constitution and contrary to every principle
known to man and God. On November 27th 2015 I was forced to climb
to a high point on a unit I was later entrapped on, yes forced to head to
a safe point to try to get out of the erc because of life threatening medical
practice following being asked aalarming number of times if I was suicidal.
And a psycho con I was put in with said he’d act as a false witness as
guards plant drugs on me to cause murdering me to appear a suicide.
That con named David Dawson suggested he puts on a mental illness to
throw into disbelief any way hes used. Yes I acted as I was forced to act
on Nov. 27th 2015 after remand staff nefariously refused to do tests
and give antibiotics for violent infections I mysteriously experienced,
I later learned that was two +4Staph infections (related to flesh eating bacteria).
After hours I was let out of that erc only if I agreed to be defaulted to a
facility called the Alberta hospital that the Edmonton Journal years ago
wrote on to expose labeling & conspiracy. Thats where I found infections
were +4 Staph. I was an eye-witness of that medical diagnoses on a print
that a AH nurse showed me. June 16 2016 at a bail hearing prosecutor
Rowan stated that there has been no determination whether the material
I sent 250 political persons and to a few police was criminal or not.
(crt.transcript pg 6 lines 21-24) – An older woman who checks on unique
cases wrote on a web page for the system to see; We respectfully submit
that the words by that crown carries a damning question of why the crown
detained this man at all. Three days later June 19 2016 a Judge Allen
said he could not see from my approximately 2000 words, yes said he
could not see any evidence from my words that I fail to communicate and
understand the nature of whats happening in court. August17 2016
I defeated a corrupt Alberta Hospital psychiatric panel that was illegally
forced on me. (here you see evidence towards any attempts to label).
I was then spat out of AH defaulted to that erc again, this time to whats
called MaxD March 25th 2016 11:12am guards handed me a lunch with
a lunch lid that had 'kill your self' written. Guards said that was a mistake,
but I know better. Digital surveillance will verify that matter of evidence
of a remand plot to murder me by inducing suicide. Later because, I told
a female friend on the infirmary phone that guards and staff were causing
it to look like my life was in imminent danger, in the morning a high
ranking guard walked into the cell 11 I was in and said I heard what you
said on the phone. You are losing all your rights. Not any lawyer nor
professional first spoke to me. I was illegally sent to Calgary remand and
put on a super-max unit where threats to my life by guards and cons were
advanced at me, but this time I was too far away to call any I knew. Note
that that guard sent me there because of what I said on (the phone)! Not
Rowan nor any judge questioned why I was sent to Calgary Remand.
I was taken from remand to remand like a taken person being trafficked!
Clearly my vital and civil right to be protected was and is breached
contrary to the section 15(1) of the Canadian Charter of Rights
After corrupt remand staff handled me like a hostage for a year and 1/2
on lawyer Morin convinced the court to let me have bail.
I wisely chose to forget about the enthralling murderous Kangaroo trial
that was scheduled for . I was then hunted by corrupt cops.

I spent 7 months homeless in the fall & winter to try to get my story public
as I was not following the imposed totally illegitimate bail threat condition
of no internet. I was homeless to keep away from eps incumbering me.
Corrupt cops stalked me for the 7 months and used cop cars to stalk me
as I tried to head to trees that had crap apples and as I tried to get food
from soup line outreaches. two corrupt menacing cops
stalked me at meadowlark library. I ran and a cop headed at me and
blackened my eyes after I was assaulted. I had an accident in my pants
from being jumped from behind and crashing to the pavement. In that
remand again by death & rape threats, voyeurism, harassing defamation,
To get bail I was extorted into a time served plea.

I was free on threat by illegitimately imposed conditions. Sept 9th 2019

cops falsely arrested me for not following a bail instruction based on the
dissimulator mind of a sociopath liar named Clark. I posted proof online!
By that was a unjust unconstitutional arrest-find, yes a lap top used to
investigate the black market. After, I was extorted into a time served plea.
The lap top was dismissed. Eps sat on that to later entrap me in a false
arrest as I headed to the illegitimately imposed probation appointment at
corrupt eps hdquarters. Yes
dismiss a lap tap in a earlier
time -served deal and later reuse that. that
from (Nov.27toDec.12th2019) I had published proof exposing nnclub.
I am not debating whether or not that can be on the internet. But I must
get the proven totally false and unlawfull tags off my name and my life,
and illegitimately imposed bail conditions, equivalent to cops & courts
saying; Act as if you are guilty in nonsensical ways or we will hide you
away in unlawfull remands. - Well well well people cannot be hospitable.

Here I will try to help you see my adversaries make no sense. Dec.12th
2019 at corrupt downtown hdquarters I was abducted by eps cops. I said
this is entrapment,mischief at the station.The cop said that he put a arrest
when that lap top was .
They knew they were saying at that earlier dismissed-computer-time-in-
court;=any material on that computer we count as time served, or count
as a agreed question. Otherwise not any person of reason would agree
to that time ‘served’ plan guilty plea. You cannot look like you are cooking
me lunch and then like you are dining on me for lunch, So what Edm.’s
prosecutors office, judges, cops messaged is that knowing a lap top
was in my power for a significant time, they chose to dismiss that lap top
as evidence. A unknown potential rich evidence computer dismissed.
Of interest is that all of a sudden if I agreed to a time served guilty plea I
was counted as trusted with a Sept.lapT for weeks, therefore the Sept 9
found lap top was dismissed
You see that that Sept time and Dec12 2019 act
of eps being on time to reuse that dismissed laptop cannot make sense.
After there was a court crime. A predator guard D Orien of erc &Unston
said to me; Epstein never lasted long. I took that as a admission and
death threat. By using that language that guard likened his self and Orien
to systematic traffickers of children, guards that murdered Jeffrey Epstein
in a jail cell. I told Unston and guard Orien that I am not Epstein. I am a
scientist! I got bail. A Jan29/20 a plea date was set for that Dec12th
unjust (double-dip) [charge, Dec12th, 3 months later that was to reuse a
Sept. lap top that was dismissed in a time served ruling, forced guilty
plea for that Sept. lap top and untrue failure to follow a bail instruction.
(Yes with that June 2019 kangaroo trial false ruling were bs release conditions).
Dec.13th 2019 court

What was that public charge I first put forward?=(The nnclub proof exhibit) .

With that said, JP strangely, said she’d mute me if I interrupt. I said, mute
for me expressing! Right there you see danger by use of remand video
screens for hearings. I said; this is my life.
, under guise of investigating.
In a quick way I said;
. I made certain to keep this Dec13th 2020 record
here on that court hearing. You never hear of such words raised in court.
Note; thats on a court record a year1/2 after the 2019 trial for Aug.2015 time when I was taken
A corrupt female prosecutor that appeared on erc vid-tron crt screen by
that JP, actually turned and suggested a publication ban. I then said Ohh
. That female JPfastly chose to not.
Why was that female Edmonton prosecutor of
the public, the citizens of Alberta, of
That Dec.13th 2019 court record there is
. I would not of
followed a publication ban, even if that judge ordered it. My true story is
and always was of paramount public interest for my rights and for all.
Yes Dec.12th is that double-dip conspiracy scandal

I was brought down to the remand video-tron court.

by a way I was compared to Epstein. I named, D.Orien & guard Unston,

that I was not fed food and not let out of a (erc ad cell) to use a washroom,
into a (paper) bag and drinking cup. I said

I needed to put on
the crt record that Orien
voyeurism by a Dec.12 hind strip search. That was after insults. That was
that remand guards in a change room were a party to.
Its crystal clear to me, remanded isnt a legal process and legal correction.
And Digital video records will prove records written in this public report
to all citizens of Alberta and Canada. I witnessed that erc guards were
insulting by sexual and death threats because my knowledge exposes
Edmonton, fort sask. and calgary remand guards and staff and persons.
in my published
report, proof I am innocent and proven persons running systems are
playing in a market of material under guise of investigating, and I told him
that for the record that (senior prosecutor) Mr. Rowan and Edmonton
prosecutors are involved in that black market nnclub. After that Dec16 day
I got bail but was forced to agree to illegitimately imposed bail conditions.

Because legal aid was disturbed on the phone and not letting me have
a lawyer I trust before the opening
of the court hearing that was unjustly forced against my will, and I went
to Edmonton's Crown Prosecutors Office in the Brownlee bld.
online with proof I am not guilty of any thing, and proof
I have a very sound mind,

I left that courthouse Jan 29th/20 and headed to the prosecutors office
For a second time I ended up homeless, for a month in the winter & peril
to try to perfect & publish my report story online. Feb.26 I was abducted!
Now at this part of this report I retell you of Feb.26 2020, the last time
I was abducted beaten, with fractured rib that took four months to heal,
a traumatized wrist that seems permanently damaged. That was after
I was homeless for a month, cold, forced to sleep in a abandoned garage
for a few days to make certain persons do not win by murdering the truth.
Feb.26th 2020 a cop that illegally used tracking technology drove where
I was, then ran at me and beat me face down until I was not recognizable.
Cops arrived, mocked a gotcha way, used a head cover., broke federal
laws by mauling me away by my head in a ninety degree body bent way
with hands cuffed behind my back, like a colored man taken away by klan .

Why did Edmonton’s prosecutors office deny the proof I hand delivered,
and why did J.Rowan not reject the unjust Dec12/19 and Feb26 charges?
That raises a question of are prosecutors stalking me, by proxy!
In the cop car, that Feb 26 cop threatened to hind rape me, as he used
the word, we, in a threat. I then raised my voice telling that downtown hq
cop that I know hes a child predator. I am saying as God as my witness,
as the full truth to all governmental & citizenry persons, that the eps child
unit cop did threaten that way in the car Feb26 2020. Governments need
to disappoint all police involved in Edmonton's child units.
At that Feb.26 2020 false arrest after I was illegally spied on, hunted
assaulted, abducted, threatened, I was brought to the Royal Alex, and
was in shock to learn that I was put in a area thats (like a remand cell),
a closed in area without a video camera connected to the Royal Alex.
A corrupt doctor read x-rays on my ribs and wrist.In only minutes he gave
the corrupt cops the ok to head me to erc. I was not clean because
I suffered a accident because of force of that assault by that eps cop.
Cops said if I failed to get clean in seconds that I’d be taken any way.
Thats a matter of cruel and very unusual acts by that royal alex and eps.
Why would eps cops want to speed me to a remand with human dung.
On the way out of that evil Royal Alex facility I yelled to Edmontonians in
the emergency waiting room telling them; “my name is Shawn Cullen,
I’m a scientist, child predator cops beat me up” In that emergency waiting
area citizens nodded to acknowledge my warning.

In the cop station a cop pulled my clearly injured wrist to head me away
into a cell containing another man that I could see was a dangerous
tattooed psycho with a mental health issues. It is clear that eps cops were
putting me at risk of further physical harm. Feb 27th and Feb.28th 2020
I saw (justices of the peace). A judge acknowledged that I looked beaten
up pretty bad. I said I don't have a mental issue. That JP said he wasnt
suggesting that. He agreed it is certainly my right to press assault
charges. Yes but not in six months did any head my way to service that!
Feb.26 I was illegally spied on, assaulted, abducted, had a rape threat by
eps, and days later raped by remand staff involved in that black market.
Days later March 5th 2020 a guard on erc's infirmary unit, a guard that
claimed his name is Bellehumeur acted out criminal rape in the name of
a strip search. Supervisor Veenstrow and others were a party to that.
That guard forced me to endure criminal voyeurism in the name of a strip
search, and said, "Know this, I saw inside your A- hole". That theres proof
of rape. I believe the digital surveillance might be lip read to serve as
proof of the rape. I also used the voice activated phone to report that.
Bellehumeur likewise headed to my infirmary cell door, and as a threat
said to me that the cops possess my lap top. At that cell I was in language
suggested that being without my computer was a threat to my story data.
March 6th I was brought to a erc cctv screen on erc’s vid crt remand area.
A March 6 2020 hearing judge broke the law, without any communication
discounted my warning that Bellehumeur, Veenstrow, and guards, were
a party to criminal remand voyeurism and were a party to criminal
language that was technically of a federal crime of rape.
Behold I endured two rape threats by a eps cop and guards in only days
(following a Feb26/20 false arrest) that Prosecutor Rowan abetted, one
of five false arrests for decloaking a black market of youth pulchritude.
And I was enduring that facility criminal voyeurism by gay system guards
and wickedly designated video cameras for years. Yes mla’s must know
remand cameras are positioned by bi-guards and staff to watch inmates
use toilets and wipe. That matter of immoral and illegal use of remand
surveillance technology weighs in on that matter of eps cops that illegally
use advanced immigration technology, biometric data & tracking devices.
March 2020 digital video surveillance will prove that following that rape
erc guards enlisted sex predators to harass me on erc's infirmary unit.
A bi-inmate named Jamal in infirm cell 13 was recruited by erc guards
while I was illegally detained for what the human rights commission
had written on. I heard on the unit Jamal on the phone denied to a female
that he raped his step daughter. He has been accused by child services
and accused of uttering death threats. March 19-20 2020 he was out on
bail. Remand digital surveillance will prove that for staff that con was
unclothing his body in obscene ways to sexually harass and threaten me
on the infirmary. Inmates that were a party to that were R.C. cell 7 that
uses inhalers for lung disease, cell 14 Paul G. a ex-trucker charged with
uttering death threats. Paul claimed he has a niece named Brittany. What
I must count as a clue is a con put in cell 9 had the name Brittany tattooed
on his neck. April 17th 2020 Paul was to be out on bail. What cons
had in common was that each day they jested about spreading cheeks.
March22/20 I was called to a remand crt screen by a guard named Taber.
I reminded of that rape. Judges did nothing to acknowledge my words.
March 22or23 2020 I was assaulted by a child predator C. Whiteknife.
From the food hatch of his cell door he threw a deodorant stick at my
neck in a unprovoked attacked while I was on the phone. I believe his
orca number might be 1421758, born May 29th 1988. Remand digital
surveillance will prove that con was unclothing his body in obscene ways
to sexually harass me, uttering hind rape and death threats at me on the
infirmary. I learned he was accused of child tax fraud and death threats.
He was either pretending or serious in suggesting to me that his missing
left hand finger was cut off as a sign of allegiance. Edmonton guards are
accessories to criminal assault, sexually harassment and threat at my life
by refusing to press charges against that con that was caught on camera.
Behold how many sexual attacks on my life I have records of, following
that stages of arrests, hearings and that false 2019 trial for material of
youth I was reporting and working to give paramount revelations on.
March 23/24 that sexually menacing con was out on bail contrary to
Clair's law. April 6th 2020 I was called to a cctv screen that suspectly had
no visual. I could not see who the judge was. I was told there was a visual
technical problem. Thats a lie. I was first put in a screen room to speak
to a man and was exploited into agreeing to using mental health court for
a future forced illegal trial. He said that he was not suggesting I have any
mental health issue but that even if I might suffer from depression it might
be good. I was then put in that technical issue screen room next to that.
That was not on the erc crt floor. On April 7th - 9th guards brought
free canteen for cons that were enlisted to act out sexual harassment
and death threats. I was the only one not given any of the free canteen.
Thats one way I know that was a bribe. Ben Alley was a con on that erc
infirmary unit accused of assaulting a female. Ben Alley turned to other
inmates and said guards illegally spread to inmates that you rape to
divert away from a Alberta remand system secret that guards and staff
cannot wait to get home to change diapers. Thats what I was an ear-and-
eye-witness to. April 16th 2020 I was called to a erc cctv screen as I was
asked if I’d speak to a Dr. Rod. He recorded a 48 minute interview. I was
then called to erc's court floor. He appeared on the left side of the erc
remand video court screen with the judge on the right as I reminded the
judge that Rod said he cannot find anything wrong with my mental health
and said I’m fit to instruct & participate with my lawyer in crt proceedings.
Rod did not deny that. I call for the release of the 48 minute recording as
further public interest proof of being put through illegitimate proceedings
and needless evidence of my sound mind.- April 16th 2020 I called to tell
a Edmonton Attendance Centre and Alberta’s human rights commission
and let them hear that inmates were used to inculcate name calling.
All of a sudden April 17 2020 erc transported me to the Fort Sask. prison.
On arrival to a Fort unit I was called a sexual name by a con I never met,
proof staff are involved in a incredibly disgracefull mega conspiracy with
other remands employed by corrections to target me for my knowledge
of a black market, secrets about pulchritude of youth. With Holy God
as my witness verily that there matter of that inmate is the 100% truth !!!
There is true proof I’ve been targeted by secret society organized crime.
Persons wasted energy, time, and money, since I decloaked that market.

You are witnessing one of the most paramount public reports in the world

April 20th 2020 a witness named Alvin Prasad A. told me guards were
spreading to unit cons that I am a skinner. I believe his orca # is 1409854.
Later on July 8th 2020 Alvin showed me papers that show Jesse Scheller
a guard acted out a suspect strip search on inmate Alvin A., and later
scandalously charged that witness with a institutional crime. a charge
by guard J. Scheller that targeted my need to use the phone. Alvin needs
to be subpoenaed to raise further proof Alberta's remands, are guilty of
spreading defamation inside Alberta's remands to threaten my life as a
diversion away from the truth. If anything happens to Alvin P.A. or he is
extorted or bribed that changes nothing because the records here of
what the man revealed to me is certainly the truthfull record !!!!!!!
Fort corrections Guard Jesse Scheller targeted my phone rights on April
24th and April 26th 2020, and other times. On July 27 and 28 2020 I
called law offices to remind that

Understand, inside erc and that fort Saskatchewan calls were

. And a law office said they were

puzzled why when I called one time there was a unusual long gap that
then said thank you for using tellmate. ERC and the Fort are using
companies Cisco Umbrella, Synergy and tellmate. In my investigations

April 29th 2020 in that Fort by cctv I saw a judge Groves. I quickly raised
question of whether there was a unlawfull plot to bury my life and voice
in Alberta remands. April 29th 2020 Judge Groves denied that there was.
In May in the Fort I was told that the most civilized unit is the ATU unit.
I was told if I went to any other unit I’d be assaulted by violent criminals.
to communicate with that
Fort Saskatchewan's case-worker Shirley Anne. As the truth the whole
truth and not anything other than, as God knows,
that in that ATU unit office conversing with that fort case-worker, that

that I filled out to complain of my concern that the Fort's phone system is
being manipulated to obstruct my right to contact (non) lawyer numbers.
May 2020 on that ATU unit all of a sudden on a day I was experiencing
that my foot was temporarily paralyzed. I lost total power to raise my foot,
total power to raise the foot and turn the talus towards the fibula and tibia.
Because of that I fell when I tried to shake it off. I suffered serious
damage to the lateral malleolus of the fibula and there was a purple color
on the medial side of the foot. Because of that I filled out a rfi medical
to ask whether or not I was being poisoned by Fort staff. After the harm
staff met with me. I said that staff and Alberta Health persons possess a
motive and actus rea because I wrestled with systems for years and have
been raising questions with respect to system persons and youth. And I
said that I must question because I have made known online that on April
19 2016 in Edmonton’s erc max-d I reported that my eye-lid and hand
was pulsating. April 22nd 2016 erc nurse Laura R. put in writing that I
would be brought for blood tests, but I was not. Later on after questioning
Fort staff I was able to raise my foot. I did not experience that mysterious
paralysis matter again. To be fair, there were two of the medical staff
who were nodding their heads in agreement while I explained that in light
of my public reports on system corruption, persons that run remands
possess nefarious motives to cause paralysis or to poison. And so I am
not saying here that (every) staff member is out to cause my demise.
May 13 2020 I reminded a judge that the phone system was not working.
Other evidence that weighs on that remand phone conspiracy


May 13 I let a few of the ATU unit inmates see the letter from the Human
Rights Commission Director who acknowledged that there might be a
great conspiracy that involves institutions and organizations that threaten
my life for uncovering that black market. Inmates began to laugh and give
me fist bumps and share canteen, which was seen by guards and staff.

Alberta REMANDS hard AT WORK to SET UP unlawfull STAGES for

criminal plot of defamation, harassment and extortion by death threats
I arrived at the ERC the same day May13 at approximately 3:45pm. I was
put in a AD cell and was told I’d be back on the infirmary unit in little time,
To my shock I was left in that cell until May 14, for approximately 24hrs.
A guard walked by and agreed that it appeared “very unusual” that I was
waiting that long in that AD cell. When I was brought to the unit
infirm I witnessed different cons, total strangers at work to call me names.
I began to judge them. I said: (“you act out dirty work for guards. I see
you turn eviler and eviler as you say that. Thats proof your are lying.”)
I said; (“As you say that you head away from self control. That evil of
what you say has control of you.”) (“you cannot know me. And accusers
are illusion users and abusers.”) And I said; (cons, you evil liars
at work for corrupt guards, a disgrace, shamefull diversion.) Cons after
were silent at me and appeared afraid to open their mouths.
a PO Kristine Tremblay cell 7 RC call me deriding
names, of a reeking hypocrisy and malicious play to buy his way out
of that remand erc.

I expect everyone to know I am giving the fully truthfull reality facts there,
but video and phone records will prove all this. * Early the next morning
May 15 2020 the ERC headed me out again to the Fort Saskatchewan.
Within days I was told that ATU unit is now just for girls. More nonsense
that further exposes theMay13 corona virus diversion conspiracy scandal.
Hmm… And if persons did not believe I was targeted and that I was exposing that
then why would they send me back to the Fort right after I was just sent from
the Fort to the ERC??? Great point, I am sure all who are wise readers will agree!
May 20 2020 I went to the Fort's cctv screen for a hearing. There was
a strange sound delay technical issue. Not much was said. I hope that
was not on purpose. June3 2020 I was escorted to the Fort's cctv screen.
I saw a female judge. Not much was said so I quickly told the court 267
judge I was reading Psalm 58. The reason is 58 says; Do you judge
people with equity? No, in your heart you plot injustice. I put that on the
court record as a sign that I wasn’t seeing the proceedings as just, safe.
Wolsely said I make really good points in a pdf report he seen. What
points Mr Wolsely? I think Canadians would love to know, Americans too.

Wolsely said otherwise the crown will attempt to put me away for years.

I asked Wolsely if I could see the six pictures. He said no, otherwise
the deals off. I was serving six months for six pictures I was not allowed
to see, pictures that if any thing were evidence in a civilian investigation.

July 2nd 2020 I was sent to Edmonton's provincial courthouse crt room
267 where I saw a Judge Groves. I began to speak. Mr. Wolsley a lawyer
appointed by legal aid interrupted my right to say a few words. I then
said: ( . .
The judge nodded her head to agree. I then said to judge Groves and
others in the court; (

To my knowledge I am the first to put on Alberta’s court records that
. And I said to the court;
(the Fort is worse than the erc, and
.) Mr. Wolsley tried to signal
me to stop. I then said; (let me elucidate. I will be attending the probation
officer. The reason I am saying this is that I am enduring that I am on a
two cell seg unit by a insidious inmate, a interloper that guards use to
inculcate name calling.) All of a sudden that prosecutor and Wolsely
spoke of the next crt hearing being in (crt room 446, by cctv.) I then said;
. The female Judge Grove's then said;

I assure Edmontonians there ^ is a very accurate account of what I said.

Yes Mr.Rowan we’ll head to that 4th floor of the Edmonton court-house
and Mr.Cullen will stay at that Fort and there head to a video crt. screen.
That way the public will not be a eye witness & ear witness of his words.
And that way we possess technology to mute Shawn if he has any words
on July 9th. As senior prosecutor I must say that’s brilliant Mr. Wolsley !

I faced another judge, a old Italian judge.

At 10am in court I said;

) Lawyer Wolsley for whatever reason interrupted.

I then said;
. “I am not revoking”.)
I chose the word revoke as its a word that has to do with playing cards.
That judge then said; we are having a short recess. After that you can
have five minutes to speak. ( Why a recess? We were only in court for
minutes. ) At 10:13am I said; (
.) [That judge
said; “O I have nothing to do with that”]. I said; (“I have 2 other points.”)
That judge then cut off the hearing as Sheriffs headed me out of court in
a perfunctory way, ,
; (“ .
= July 9/2020
None in court realized the scripture says; "The Lord told me of the plots
my enemies. I was like a lamb being led to the slaughter. I did not fully
realize that they were planning to kill me! “Let’s destroy this man and
all his words,” “Let’s cut him down, so his name will be forgotten forever.”
I assure Canadians, skeptics, that this is a very accurate account of the
July 9th 2020 hearings with respect to the two times I was in Edmonton
court room 446 at 10am and 10:13am. (I knew the times because I asked Sheriffs)
That scripture was to record a sign I fully was of the belief I was in peril.

That is the second corona virus scandal

I caught alberta system persons in.
I asked Wolsely why Corona virus pylons were put in front of the court
room 446 crt doors so not any members of the public could enter July 9.
Not all in court had masks. The judge and I did not. (And pylons without
masks !!!) Remember that was after July 2nd 2020 court room 267 where
there was not any pylons where proceedings were open to the public.

July 16th 2020 my inmate orca number for phone calls was not working.
I asked Guard S. White if I could use the other phone on the other side
of the Fort Saskatchewan seg unit. There I witnessed a con with a black
eye walk by me with guard S. White. Video surveillance will prove that.
After I heard that blacked-eyed con on that other seg side call me names.
Later S. White told me he'd call to get the phone repaired. That was a lie.
A man from the company Synergy came but strangely I had to instruct
that man from Synergy that he did not say any anything into the phone
as part of testing the voice activated phone. He then left to talk to the
black market guard Chacko at the seg station. A minute later that man
from synergy returned and acted as if he was talking to test the phone.

Later I let lawyers know of the evident conspiracy. Because of that on

the 17th of July 2020 guards headed into my cell to take away my second
blanket I was using. Video surveillance will prove that. That was after
my reporting for weeks that the vent in my cell was mysteriously blowing
in cold air at full blast. Guards & staff told me to just use another blanket.
I was for while until that Fort’s Sask. youth porn mafia took my blanket.
I know 100% with my whole heart as God as my witness this is the truth,
the whole truth and nothing but. I am not trying to take the remand
guards youth porn away from them but there is a great matter of phone
crimes and any willing to murder & bury me in remands are gone too far!!!

And I was put in cells in which the music radio button on the intercom of
the cell wall was turned off. In my wits I knew that was because guards
plotted to use that cell intercom to listen to any thing I might say to myself.
Guards suspected I knew I was being listened to which is why on August
5th guard C.Drolet said as a threat to me that my ears are painted on.

June 25 I called and met with a Saskatchewan rcmp cop named T. Bantel
with respect to the ERC's and Fort's digital technology voice activated
phone system being illegally manipulated so I could not reach (non)
lawyer numbers. That cop did nothing and redirected me to question the
remand. Thats a deception and I must suspect Bantel was there at the
Fort to scope at what info I had to tell him. I hope there are a few good men!

The 3rd week of July I called a Fort Saskatchewan rcmp named Holly
Allison who came to hear my need to file that as a complaint. Allison
audio recorded a 10 to 15 minute report I gave on that matter. Allison
refused to let me fill out a complaint in writing. I was let down, by the
deepest concern that that officer was there to act as a reconnoiter for my
adversaries. I am warning politicians here that I am a eye-witness
that calling police from inside a Alberta remands does me no good
and in fact puts my life in greater peril. I let that rcmp know that a number
of times guards D.Chacko, C.Drolet and others were sifting through my
written annotations to know whether or not I was after Alberta’s systems.
I let that rcmp know of that threat, and that guards S. White, C. Drolet,
A.El Mire, H.Derksen, J. Hurley, Ben Garfirgy and others were involved
in a conspiracy to target my use of the digital voice activated phone, and
target time I was needing to use the phone. I know with all my heart
that many were involved in a hurtfull conspiracy to call me names and
to target my need to contact others outside the unlawfull Fort remand.
Remember I was brought from the erc to the Fort on April 16 2020. And
Remember on May 13th 2020 I was brought from the Fort to the ERC,
Remember May 16th 2020 I was brought from the ERC to the Fort again
I was put on a seg section, then to a (strangely designed two cell section)
on the seg floor, where on the first day a con in a baby doll being charged
with assaulting a female, a evil con put in that other cell next to me, called
me a skinner. That fort Saskatchewan rcmp Allison would not listen to
my proof of a insidious inmate with 3-D letters tattooed on his back, put
in a cell beside me, D.L. was calling me names and saying guards will
be letting him out to hind rape and murder me. This was on the two-cell
seg section. This inmate is what I warned of on July 2nd to Judge Groves.
July 18 2020 digital video surveillance will verify that that inmate was
sexually harassing me as he was other days. That inmate was using
verbal and non-verbal language that he would love to assist guards in
raping me. He also told me he sold his soul to Satan and was targeting
me because I am a Christian and that persons that run corrections love
to send lambs to the slaughter. From time to time I heard a staff person
head to D.L's cell to say; whats your plan? DL always answered saying;
I heading home! I will let Canadians consider what all that could mean.
On one day D.L. yelled from his cell saying; I can get you a hot girl,
Do you want a female? In August 2020 I heard him say on the phone to
a mysterious female: You never cared for me, you want other skinners.
What could that mean? Why was I put on a two cell seg area with a inmate
in a baby doll accused of assaulting a female, yes a inmate in a baby doll
colluding with staff, and that (without ever knowing me, on the first day)
spoke through his sink to call me a skinner. This public record account is
the very truth to all Canadian citizens and others, as God as my witness.
I’ve never been more convinced we know the truth that system persons
are enlisting rapers that are skinners, to call others names as a diversion
for a black market persons that run Edmonton and Alberta remands.
Remands are used as revolving doors that use skinners for propaganda
and head such out contrary to Clair’s law. That saddens my heart much.

In Edmonton’s Remand, March 9th 2020 I filled out a rfi to the caseworker
stating; "The phone only works to contact lawyers. I am not able to reach
any non-lawyer numbers. Can you figure this out? Whats going on?
In a March 10th 2020 date stamp response ERC stated; "Typically this
only happens if you are suspended. You are not suspended. So you will
have to call 211 for all technical issues". = (I have proof published online)
I called that 211 number. I left a message. Not any responded. For
1/2 a year I wasn’t able to reach any citizen not any non lawyer numbers.
Because of that I was calling lawyers leaving messages on voicemails to
warn that what was appearing is that for six months digital technology
was manipulated to obstruct my need to let others know of a conspiracy
to assimilate me to a voiceless dislocation of who I am, my civil rights,
using a seg cell as a sarcophagus and segregating to consume time
to cause my demise, so not any would not get my correct knowledge.


July 20th 2020 in whats like a metal box for a pet I was driven to the
Edmonton courthouse, court-rm 446. There was a different female judge.
Lawyer Wolsley spoke of an adjournment. I said I agree with adjourning
til August 6th. 2020. I said; (“I just need to remind of July 2nd 2020 with
Judge Groves court room 267 because I don't want to be left in that Fort,
dislocated to that pancreas prison, corrupt phone system, and its
ostensible labels at inmates, labels that are not a real prescriptive right,
labeling and matters that equate into structural abuses using a corrupt
phone system. Yes because I am able to circumstantiate. I have tenable
words. I say this because I know guards at the Fort are not comfortable
with my publications.”) - The words here a very accurate record -
On August 8th 2020 I called the lawyer referral number 18006611095
to get numbers of civil and criminal lawyers to inform the legal community
that it was evidencing that there was a conspiracy involving the remand
phone system, and threat to storage me by habeas corpus breaches.
Two persons were appearing to be acting as accessories by redirecting
my call to the answering machine of a John Dukes of the law society.
I left a message warning directorJohn Dukes that redirecting me is illegal,
because thats not respectfull and appears out of a nefarious picture of
right to access non-lawyer numbers not working for six months, ½ a year.

When I signed the joint submission to get out on August 14th I called Mr.
Dukes on August 22nd 2020 from a telephone booth` to ask him why
its looked as if he was involving two employees from lawyer referral in
a system-wide plot to entrap me in the remands by not letting me contact
citizens and limiting my access to #’s. Mr. Dukes bless his heart was not
able to give me any sound explanation. Yes I would like to know!
I remember you Mr. Dukes Sir on the phone saying, I speak very well !!!

Since when are remands so evil that they head citizens to euthanasia
Because of feeling entrapped and hostaged by bi-guards that act out
hind voyeurism in the name of strip search contraband checks, yes anti-
lawfully entrapped by guards and staff involved in a market of material,
I was on the phone letting lawyers know that if I fast from food and water,
its not because I am suicidal, and not that I am protesting, and its not that
I have any mental health issue, but because I am being held against
my will and being criminally and sexually harassed by system persons
that put lusts ahead of human rights and justice. I was enduring fear
that I might be left with not any choice other than to fast to escape that
unlawfull trap I was in. A guard suggested he’d call my not eating
and drinking a protest, that way he could excuse a systemal homicide.
There was a court date before August 14 2020 when I was forced to plea.
In court I said that any ought to be able to tell by the way I articulate
myself words that I have stable thoughts. Yes my you know, my words !
2019 I Shawn said in that K trial; “When I (could not) follow bail conditions
in 2017, I was assaulted by a officer and brought to the Royal Alex.
I spoke of my faith in God for (a few minutes) with another. Then nearby
I heard a female staff head laugh mockingly. I then heard her say;
“I can hear him talking about God, this is perfect’”. Minutes later Joyal,
she walked up to me and said; “I’m sending you to the Alberta Hospital”.
Guilty of a scandal Nov. 22nd 2017 that Royal Alex Psychiatrist Marsh
Joyal wrote up a certificate that labelled me “hyper-religious.” According
to Martin’s criminal code 2016 book under annotations page 1866
section (2a), almost word for word, says I have a right to entertain and
declare my religion as I choose, openly and without fear and a right to
protection against Government intimidation with respect to my religion
and conscience which includes indirect attempts to control, like what
Marsh Joyal did”. - Why did that 2019 K trial judge not answer to that ?
Thats ^ proof of illegal psychiatric labeling
I do have a sense of humor; My first lawyer's name was Morin that sounds too much like Moron, and the Judge's name Jerke sounds too much like Jerk and the latest lawyer Wolsey, is a patronymic name pre 7th Century a compound of elements 'wulf' wolf, + 'sige', victory, hence, 'wolf-victory'.

And Prosecutors are recycling falsities I have brought to shame !!!

I am publicly and internationally warning that what Zedkova said June
27th 2019 in court room 412 is ‘perjury’. And I warn Canadians and
others, that in court June 27 2019 on that witness-stand Zedkova and
Haig insulted me in a illegally ostensible opinion that referenced 1998 =
I began to investigate how my Sept28 1998 Grey Nunns health records
were rewritten. I found that they do not have a way of proof of the year
of micro-filming reels of micro-filmed health documents, ‘therefore
documents can be falsified’. And I found that Alta.Health Authorities and
Alta.Hospital are accused by the privacy commissioner of letting
sensitive health records be breached and lost with respect to sect. 34.1
and sec.60.1(2). On that June 27th 2019 witness-stand Lenka Zedkova
tried to label me another way when she lied under oath by saying her
opinion is that I am a narcissist and persecutory. For years system
persons were aware I posted a video on narcissists. Do you really think
Albertans are that stupid to believe a man who posted a video on his hate
for narcissists is himself a narcissist. Inside of the last five years system
persons knew about that blogged video, yet were at work lying so much
they forgot. What a tangled web they weaved!!! Right here is the proof-
Lenka Zedkova’s associate Mr. Oto Cadsky labelled a respected doctor
a narcissist. And persecutory is a delusion of believing you are being
persecuted with reasons to believe you are not being persecuted, acting
harmed with a reason to believe you are not that harmed. At times it is
termed Querulant Paranoia which is to obsessively feel wronged about
minor causes. They that are that way at times design false reports of
being stalked and want to file lawsuits. As you see its absurd to believe
I am persecutory having given you here my rightly reasoned knowledge
on what that is. My report exists. I exist!!!

The Human Nature Scientist Shawn Gordon Cullen

Alberta Edmonton’s prosecutors office had to have known of Edmonton
businessmen and citizens heard in a online audio podcast voicing their
agreement and support for me, Shawn Gordon Cullen, but not one time
did any acknowledge the existence of that from Feb.26 to Aug.14 2020
Submit to authority is the Greek word hupo-tasso not hupo-kouo = Acts
5:29 = Hypocrites that want to be teachers of the law of moses, and other
counterfeit persons that name Christ, cannot see that that instruction,
persons take out of context, and more so out of context in the latter days.
Except your righteousness exceeds that of whats called a pharisee or
scribe, you shall not out of any excuse inherit the Kingdom of Heaven !!!



After getting free like the man from Shawshank Redemption I ended up
having to head to the Hope Mission. A colored man and a few other bad
actors that are running Edmonton’s Hope Mission and a number of
church heads of churches, act as systems, and as organized crime, that
feed cloaking and concealing of activities involving youth. (read Jeremiah
5:31) That man that claimed his name is Jeremiah at work for the Hope
told me (he IS God). He and a female mocked by putting water in a cup
to act out a mock of giving me holy water. (Corruption at 9908 106ave).
I have not reported that to the management yet, but that colored man
used language that evidenced leaked info and system- wide arrogant
defamation plot to target the perspicacity of the truth. How did that evil
liar possess knowledge on my case? I let him know that his unlawfull
knowledge of who I am and privacy breach of that intense preoccupation
with my business is proof theres a systems wide matter of liars of lust
running Alberta organizations. Now we see why they call that organized
crime. He said he is God. Thats what I found God hating guards saying
to me in erc and Fort. – We know there was a Jeremiah 11:18-19 plot,
and vs18:18. Like it or not my truth report is now fulfilled. = 1 John 4:6

And below is proof of system spread criminal defamation and proof of

violations to freedom of religion. Words on the August 31 2020 dated
ticket was to mock my faith in Jesus, as that Hope Mission man at work
at the Hope wrote that on that hope sign-in-ticket for a free homelessness
mat to sleep on, (wrote that I am Jesus on earth). Without justification
that man banned me when I voiced he would be in trouble for writing that
on the floor mattress ticket given to me. I slept outside!!! He made
the mistake of writing that, because thats proof of a system spread
conspiracy to target me for exposing system persons with respect to
a youth pulchritude black market and as well my science. By writing
that insult he showed theres been a system hate crime at my right
to freedom of religion. Thats Jeremiah’s hand writing on that ticket proof.
This is serious matter of great public interest! That fits with my record
on Marsh Joyal, record of that remand strip search team singing Jesus
loves you while there was rape and rape threats, and fits with other
attacks and death threats by satan worshippers at my faith in Christ.
As you see that man named Jeremiah wrote; Cullen, Jesus on earth!!!

Blessed are you when men and women shall persecute you and cast out your name as evil for being one of my witnesses

Matthew 7:22 On the day of judgment (many) will say; Lord Lord, we prophesied in your name, in your name
acted out many miracles, wonderfull works. Luke 13:26 26 you will say, Did we not eat and drink with you,
in your name, but I shall say I do not know you! 1 Corinthians 13:2 If I give you a gift of knowing languages,
mysterious spirit language, and if you appear to possess all knowledge and knowledge of mysteries,
and act as a person of charity, and act as if you will sacrifice your life as proof, but have not the true love,
I the Lord, the only wise one, will count you as nothing, yes as called but not chosen !!!









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