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NIM : 1900016052


Multiple choice questions, choose one of the best answer.
1. ________ are defined as people who oversee the activities of others and who are responsible
for attaining goals in organizations
a) Assistants
b) Managers
c) Secretaries
d) Apprentices
2. ________ is a field of study that investigates the impact that individuals, groups, and structure
have on behavior within organizations.
a) Psychology
b) Organizational behavior
c) Sociology
d) Leadership
3. The primary dependent variables (outcomes) in orgaizational behavior have been
productivity, absenteeism, turnover, and job satisfaction. More recently, ________add to the list.
a) motivation
b) ability
c) effectiveness
d) organizational citizenship
4. Which of the following is NOT considered a biographical characteristic?
a) Age
b) Gender
c) Intelligence
d) Tenure
5. Which of the following statement about older workers is most accurate?
a) Younger workers are more likely to have a strong work ethic
b) Older workers tend to have a lower rate of unavoidable absence.
c) Older workers are more likely to be dissatisfied with their jobs.
d) Older workers are less likely to quit a job.
6. The following are the organizational factors that influence employee behavior, except
a. Conflict
b. Organization culture
c. Human Resources Policies
d. Organization structure
7. The following are individual factor that influence employee behavior, except
a) Personality
b) Conflict
c) Ability
d) Biographical characteristic
8. The following is one of group factors that influence employee behavior
a) Personality
b) Conflict
c) Ability
d) Biographical characteristic
9. In what order do managers typically perform the managerial functions?
a) Organising, planning, controlling, leading
b) Organising, leading, planning, controlling
c) Planning, organising, leading, controlling
d) Planning, organising, controlling, leading
10. Which one is not a recognised key skill of management?
a) Conceptual skills
b) Human skills
c) Technical skills
d) Writing skills
11. Which of the following is not a reason why a manager candidate studies organizational
a) to understanding and explain employee behavior
b) to get promotion
c) to predict employee behavior
d) to shape employee behavior
12. __________is the discretionary behavior that is not part of an employee’s formal job
requirements, and that positively contributes to the organization.
a) Job satisfaction
b) Turnover/withdrawl behavior
c) Organizational citizhensip behavior (OCB)
d) Productivity
13. The set of actions that employees take to separate themselves from the organization is called
a) Job satisfaction
b) Turnover/withdrawal behavior
c) Organizational citizenship behavior (OCB)
d) Productivity
14. _____ is a positive feeling about one's job resulting from an evaluation of its characteristics.
a) Job involvement
b) Organizational commitment
c) Job commitment
d) Job satisfaction
15. By understanding OB, managers are able to explain, predict and shape subordinate behavior
in order to:………., except
a) lower the organizational citizenship behavior
b) Increase the employee job satisfaction
c) lower the turnover/withdrawal behavior of employee
d) Increase productivity
16. ______________is the failure of employee to report to work,
a) Job satisfaction
b) Absenteeism
c) Organizational citizenship behavior (OCB)
d) Productivity
17. The following are OB challenges and opportunities, except
a) Economic Pressures
b) Globalization
c) Currency rate
d) Workforce diversity
18. Organizations are becoming a more heterogeneous mix of people in terms of gender, age,
race, ethnicity, and sexual orientation, it is one of challenges of OB called as:
a) Economic Pressures
b) Globalization
c) Currency rate
d) Workforce diversity
19. Regarding to workforce diversity, which the following statement is/are correct:
a) Managers must treat everyone the same way.
b) Managers have to recognize the employee differences.
c) Managers have to shift their philosophy from treating everyone alike to recognizing
differences and responding to those differences.
d) All above are correct.
20. The following issues are related to Organizational Behavior, except:
a) Human Skill
b) Technical skill
c) Interpersonal Role
d) Communication

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