Century and See It As An Opportunity To Make Positive Changes To The World. To What Extent Do You Agree?

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Sample essay-(Thesis-led Approach)

Topic: Some people are optimistic about the 21st century and see it as an opportunity to make positive changes to the world.
To what extent do you agree?

With the coming of the new era, we have witnessed the greatest prosperity human beings have never enjoyed; whereas,
even if the end of the world didn’t really fall on us, we are also warned of the gloomy future ahead of us. As an optimistic
person, I believe that despite the fact that we will walk on a zigzag road full of obstacles in the coming years, a promising
future is waiting for us. (Thesis statement)
The reason that immediately comes into my mind is that in the peaceful and developing period, even the most
challenging hardship cannot be paralleled with the ones our ancestors once encountered. In the primitive society, our
forefathers had nothing to do but suffer from the havoc wreaked by nature; however, in modern times, we can not only
reduce the damage caused by different kinds of disasters, but also predict the possibilities of them in advance.
The second reason that occurs to me is that the advancement of science and technology will solve all the puzzles on the
earth. History has proved that although man has constantly withstood numerous ordeals, the final victory always belongs to
us. Thanks to the development of modern science and technology, mankind has always struggled forward no matter what
difficulty lies in its way.
The last reason we cannot forget is that the increasing cooperation between countries can fortify the power of combating
any misfortune in the world. Every year, there are summit meetings held in the world. The leaders of different nations
exchange views on the key issues of common interests, including global economic and financial situations, climate change and
so on. Under the wise leadership of the heads from different countries, we can expect satisfactory solutions to all the problems.
Finally, I want to stress, in the 21st century, the current international situation is complex and human society is
undergoing profound reformations. However, no matter how many challenges we are facing, the spirit of unity and struggle
will not change and the path leading to success and prosperity will not change.

In this essay, the writer uses many synonyms to show he/she has a wide range of vocabulary. Can you find

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