1ST Blogiversarry + Realizations

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Hello and welcome back for another blog post!

Today is just a really special day! My blog finally turns 1 today! *throws confetti
Time flies real fast, 12 months have finally passed and now I’m facing the real deal. I’m now
blogging for over a year now folks!
I’ve actually written a blog post back then during my first month of being a book blogger,
click here if you want to read the post: 1 MONTH BLOG CELEBRATION + REALIZATIONS.
I can’t believe I was so innocent back then, my old self being so happy and excited about his first
month in blogging and actually made a blog post about it is just hilarious I CAN’T LMAO.
I’ve read my blog realizations post back then, and even if I still believe in some of them, after
over a year of blogging my perception about the whole blogging community changed a bit.
There’s a couple of add-ons and that’s what we’re going to talk about today!
So far, this blog has reached over ___ views, ___ visitors, ___ likes and estimated ___
amazing people who follows this blog! Thank you so much!
Whether you’re just starting, or you’ve been in the game for years now, always feel
proud of what you’ve reached and what you become. All the hard work, time, and effort you put
into making your blog is commendable and something to be proud of! Likes, follows, and all
statistical numbers doesn’t matter. Always strive to do your passion regardless of what the
society dictates you!
Writing/Blogging, just like drawing, singing, dancing, and public speaking is something
which could be regarded as art! It’s basically the art of forming words to create meaning, as
means of expressing descriptively or critically! Be proud of yourself!
I really can’t stress this enough; I’ve always emphasized the importance of writing to all
of my friends. Writing down your thoughts and feelings feels good and is such a great outlet of
letting out toxic and suppressed hurt and pain. My blog has become not just a simple website, but
also a friend. Metaphorically speaking, it became my friend to whom I share my experiences
with, a friend without judgement and criticisms.
It greatly helped me to balance my physical and mental well-being. I could never imagine
surviving the past year without the presence of my blog to keep me sane and intact.
This is such a very bold statement, but I just realized this not long ago. Ever since I
started blogging, I never run out of ideas and concepts to be written. All of the ideas are
overflowing my brain is overloaded and excited at the same time. Book blogging or blogging in
general provides a wide range of topics to be tackled about, you’ll not run out of ideas!
You may ask why I haven’t posted that much even with the surplus of ideas, it’s because
of procrastination. Writer’s block? It doesn’t exist. It’s just an excuse of everyone for not
writing. It’s either you choose to write or not write. That simple. (Well, other factors such as
time and others is still considered, but most of the time is just us being lazy lmao)
P.S. Just in case it takes weeks or months for me to post a blog post, that’s because life’s
really busy and college life is killing me slowly lol.
I don’t want to tag specific people because I’m afraid I might forget a lot of precious
people. But y’all know who you are! Everyone whom I interacted here on my blog, on Twitter or
Instagram, for even just a slightest interaction is considered to be family! Blogging gave me the
opportunity to meet a lot of book bloggers around the world, to meet hundreds of people who has
the same interests as me. I couldn’t thank you all enough for making my 1 year of blogging so
fun and exciting! Love you guys!
Thank you as well to TheWriteReads gang for being so supportive as ever! To Dave for
exerting all the effort and hard work, we appreciate you! I’m just really blessed to be part of this
growing community of bloggers!
I always would like to thank all my friends in real life who supported me and always
believed in my capabilities. I don’t know if any of y’all are reading this, but if you happened to
be, I’d like to give you my biggest gratitude! Thank you!

I can’t wait to see what the future holds for all of us! More memories to come and always
continue doing what you love!

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