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Harlem Renaissance Significant Figures and Events/Locations


This assignment is a webercise, so for each question there will be associated links that you will

use to find the answer for each of the questions. Follow the links as they may vary from articles

to videos describing certain people and/or events. When you are finished with the assignment,

submit it to the webercise section of our website. If you have any questions feel free to contact

me, and remember to take your time to learn more about each of the presented people/events!

Section I: Historical Figures (5 pts)

1. Who was Langston Hughes? (3pts)

a. What magazine helped Hughes get the recognition he deserved? (1pt)

b. Which college did Hughes enroll in that got him involved in the Harlem

Renaissance? (1pt)
c. What poem was published in the previous question’s answer that forwarded

Hughes’ career? (1pt)

2. Who was Zora Neale Hurston? (2pts)

a. What two professions did Nurston pursue? (1pt)

b. What play of Nurston’s became famous after her passing? (1pt)

Section II: Historical Events/Locations (5 pts)

3. The Great Migration (2pts)

a. In what time span did The Great Migration take place? (1pt)

b. What were the two driving forces behind The Great Migration? (Hint: One is

legal and one is a group) (1pt)

4. The Cotton Club (3pts)

a. What kind of acts would perform at the Cotton Club? Who would perform them?


b. Who was allowed to watch the acts? (1pt)

Section III: Writing Reflection: Now that you have learned more about larger figures, events,

and locations that revolve around the Harlem Renaissance, assess whether you think the Harlem

Renaissance was inevitable in the segregated United States, or simply just happened. Expand

upon this by writing about the works of writers and the actions of the African-American

community. (10pts)

Final Score: /20

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