The Hollow Earth

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Hershi Trish S.

Trinidad Oral Communication

ABM 1- Emilio Aguinaldo October 11,2019


Is it true that there is a hidden world? Agartha is a lost paradise where fallen angels
assigned to protect it and it is made by Gaia, Gaia send nephilims or fallen angels to
protect the lost paradise or Agartha.

Agartha the hidden city, the lost paradise that is spoken in the book of Enoch, where
futuristic technologies is invented and they uses flying saucers for transportation and
they use telephaty for communication, and to the extent of their technology, they even
created their own sun. Agartha is a paradise where every single people imagined,
where everything is possible, In short it is a futuristic paradise. Proof of its existence?
Admiral Byrd (the first person who saw the Agartha) saw a massive pit whole, where
he sees flying saucers enter and tall people enters, because of this, we can say
curiousity kills the cat, he enters the hole, he saw the inner paradise, he explained it
with it is the hidden paradise that is spoken in the book of Enoch, with futuristic
technologies and giant people live, they made a portable sun so that they can plant
crops for their food to eat, he says that there are tons of futuristic technologies are
their, technologies that is beyond thinking, he is so amazed by everything that he
see's, but a nephilim told him that don’t he ever say to everyone about the hollow
earth because surface people are abusive and can’t handle this powerful technologies
it might be the cause of the end of the world. Through this, Admiral Byrd created a
diary that tells everything that he sees inside the Agartha, he can’t even explain how
amazingly beautiful Agartha is.

However, I have my own explanation,I have doubts if the entire inner earth is hollow.
There can be caverns, caves, long tunnels etc inside the earth but may be not entirely
hollow.If the inner earth is really hollow, how can you prevent sea water from sinking
into that vast volume of space? Just come to think of it, Is it true that there is a
legendary city called Agartha? How many random entrances would a large city be
expected to have? How do Agartha entrances avoid the attention of ordinary people?
Are the entrances usually visible to some people? Where did the Agartha theory come
from? Do you believe in this?

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