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First Law of thermodynamics

Course Code: MCE2403 Course Name: Thermodynamic

Assessment Name: Lab 2 Percentage of total course grade: 5%

Date: 09-06-2020 Due date:15-6-2020

 Student Name: Shahad Saeed Abdulla Saeed Alnaqbi
  Shahad Saeed Saif Khalaf Alzaabi
   Shamma Salim Mohamed Alnaour Alnaqbi
   Taif Salim Mohamed Salim Alnaoor Alnaqbi
   Shamma Yousif Saeed Alshembaili Alnaqbi
Student ID: H00367863

Instructor Name: Awais Qasir

Total Number of Pages: 04

First Law of thermodynamics

Table of contents No. of page

1- Objective. 3

2- Equipment. 3

3- Theory 3,4

4- Abstract. 4

5- Introduction. 5

6- Procedure. 6

7- Procedure (Pictures). 6

8- Observations and calculations (Table1). 7

9- graph 8

10- Post Lab questions 10

11- Discussion. 11

12- Conclusion. 11
13- Reference. 12

First Law of thermodynamics

Title: First Law of thermodynamics


The objectives of this practical lab exercise is:

 How conservation of energy relates to the first law of thermodynamics.

 Calculate changes in the internal energy of a system, after accounting for heat
transfer and work done.
 Differences among the simple thermodynamic processes—isobaric, isochoric,
isothermal, and adiabatic.


 Download the java lab file from black

 You must have java 8 or higher to view
this lab. 

Fig.1 Fig.2

If we are interested in how heat transfer is converted into doing work, then the
conservation of energy principle is important. The first law of thermodynamics
applies the conservation of energy principle to systems where heat transfer and doing
work are the methods of transferring energy into and out of the system. The first law
of thermodynamics states that the change in internal energy of a system equals the net
heat transfer into the system minus the net work done by the system. In equation form,
the first law of thermodynamics is ΔU = Q − W.

Here ΔU is the change in internal energy U of the system. Q is the net heat

transferred into the system—that is, Q is the sum of all heat transfer into and out of
the system. W is the net work done by the system—that is, W is the sum of all work
done on or by the system. We use the following sign conventions: if Q is positive,
then there is a net heat transfer into the system; if W is positive, then there is net work
done by the system. So positive Q adds energy to the system and positive W takes
energy from the system. Thus ΔU  = Q − W. Note also that if more heat transfer into

First Law of thermodynamics

the system occurs than work done, the difference is stored as internal energy. Heat
engines are a good example of this—heat transfer into them takes place so that they
can do work.

Summary of Simple Thermodynamic Processes

Isobaric Constant pressure W = PΔV

Isochoric Constant volume W=0

Isothermal Constant temperature Q = W

Adiabatic No heat transfer Q=0

Thermodynamic engineers apply heat and energy transfer theories to generate
practical solutions to technical problems. They 're responsible for product and
machinery design, development and testing. The first law of thermodynamics extends
the theory of energy conservation to systems where the methods of moving energy to
and from the system are heat transfer and doing work. The equation for the first law
of thermodynamics is that:
∆ U =Q−W

We use in this lab Java to solve the energy (U), heat (Q), and work (W), also the java
gives us the graph. Thermodynamics' first law, perhaps the most important, is an
example of the energy conservation theory. The first law, in accordance with this
theory, expresses that energy can be transformed (i.e., transferred from one shape to
another), but it cannot be produced or destroyed. We have different type of state
change. The first on is Isobaric processes are processes in which the pressure is
constant. The second one, Isochoric is a process whereby the volume remains
constant. Th third one, Isothermal is a process in which a constant temperature. The
last type is that Adiabatic, adiabatic process occurs between a thermodynamic system
and its surroundings without transferring heat or mass. Adiabatic process, unlike an
isothermal process, only transfers energy to the surroundings as work.

First Law of thermodynamics

We have two laws in thermodynamics, first and the second law. In our lab, we will
explain the first law of thermodynamics. However, the first law of thermodynamics or
we can say conservation of energy, which means anything that we use it at any kind
of energy transformation changes the energy from one form of energy to another
energy, it’s right that can be converted from form to another form but the energy
should remain constant. It can be expressed as the statement that when the energy
cannot be created or destroyed in an isolated system. The energy can be only moved
from one form to another form, and it is a quantity. Moreover, we can calculate the
first law of thermodynamics by using the states of the change in internal energy is
equal to the positive heat transfer and negative work done in the system. Which we
can write it as:
ΔU = Q – W
ΔU = Change in internal energy (J).
Q = Heat transfer (J).
W = Work (J).
Also, in the change in the internal energy system, we will have different signs it
depends on it is going out or in as we can express it as:
Q = Qin – Qout
W = Wout – Win

Furthermore, the examples for the first law of thermodynamics are light bulbs that can
convert the electrical energy to the light energy form, also in this law can convert the
work into a heat form, and gas stoves turn the natural gas into a heat energy form.


First Law of thermodynamics

1. Open the java.
2. Choose the state change (Isobaric state, Isochoric state, adiabatic state,
Isothermal state).
3. Record the values in the table.
4. Take the graph.

As shown in figures 5 to 8 It explains step by step how we did in the


Fig 5 .Isobaric state. Fig 6 .Isochoric state


Fig 7 .Isothermal state Fig 8 .Adiabatic state

First Law of thermodynamics

Observations and Calculations:

Table 1: System Parameters.

Grou System State Internal Heat Enthalp Work by Work by

p no Parameters Change energy Q y pressure volume
U H influence influence
Wt Wv
1. V0=1*10-3m3 Isobaric 2.30E4 3.15E4 3.30E4 0.0 -9.00E3
P0=3.358*105Pa Isochoric -1.71E3 -2.25E3 11.61E3 -900. 0.0
V1=2.23*10-3m3 Isothermal 540. 2.30E3 1.54E3 -2.30E3 -2.30E3
Adiabatic -965. 0.0 -567. -2.11E3 -1.50E3
2. V0=1.93*10-3m3 Isobaric 2.30E4 3.15E4 3.30E4 0.0 -9.00E3
P0=5.550*105Pa Isochoric -1.71E3 -2.25E -1.61E3 -900. 0.0
V1=3.18*10-3m3 Isothermal 540. 2.30E3 1.54E3 -2.30E3 -2.30E3
Adiabatic -965. 0.0 -567. -2.11E3 -1.50E3
3. V0=3.77*10-3m3 Isobaric 2.30E4 3.15E4 3.30E4 0.0 -9.00E3
P0=3.358*105Pa Isochoric -1.71E3 -2.25E3 -1.61E3 -900. 0.0
V1=4.12*10-3m3 Isothermal 540. 2.30E3 1.54E3 -2.30E3 -2.30E3
Adiabatic -965. 0.0 -567. -2.11E3 -1.50E3
4. V0=4.83*10-3m3 Isobaric 2.30E4 3.15E4 3.30E4 0.0 -9.00E3
P0=6.20*105Pa Isochoric -1.71E3 -2.25E3 -1.61E3 -900. 0.0
V1=5.25*10-3m3 Isothermal 540. 2.30E3 1.54E3 -2.30E3 -2.30E3
Adiabatic -965. 0.0 -567. -2.11E3 -1.50E3
5. V0=6.14*10-3m3 Isobaric 2.30E4 3.15E4 3.30E4 0.0 -9.00E3
P0=7.80*105Pa Isochoric -1.71E3 -2.25E3 -1.61E3 -900. 0.0
V1=6.37*10-3m3 Isothermal 540. 2.30E3 1.54E3 -2.30E3 -2.30E3
Adiabatic -965 0.0 -567. -2.11E3 -1.50E3

First Law of thermodynamics


As shown in Graphs 1 to 4. It shows the difference graphs between

different state stages.

Graph 2. Isochoric state.

Graph 1. Isobaric state.

Graph 3. Adiabatic state.

 Isobaric processes are processes in which the pressure is constant as shown in

Graph 1.
 Isochoric is a process whereby the volume remains constant as shown in Graph 2.
Graph is al process
4. Isotherma
 Isothermal state. in which a constant temperature as shown in Graph 3. 8 | P a g e
 Adiabatic process occurs between a thermodynamic system and its surroundings
without transferring heat or mass as shown in Graph 4.
First Law of thermodynamics

Post Lab questions:

1. Describe the photo of the tea kettle at the beginning of this section in terms of
heat transfer, work done, and internal energy. How is heat being transferred?
What is the work done and what is doing it? How does the kettle maintain its
internal energy?
The kettle takes thermal energy from stove to covert water into steam at a certain
temperature. This is how it works the boiler is on the stove the stove burns fuel to
transfer the chemical energy into thermal energy. The base of the boiler is perfect to
conduct heat also it absorbs the heat and transfer it to water. The water molecules will
move faster because the temperature has increased as soon as it reaches the boiling
point the water will transfer to steam which will let the molecules to float in air. when
the water changes it state at a constant temperature the internal energy will stay
constant and will not change

2. The first law of thermodynamics and the conservation of energy are clearly
related. How do they differ in the types of energy considered?
First theory on thermodynamics discusses the flow of heat, the work done as well as
the shifts in internal energy. Although the Energy Conservation Act with all energy
sources, such as potential, chemical, kinetic, thermal energy
3. Heat transfer Q and work done W are always energy in transit, whereas
internal energy U is energy stored in a system. Give an example of each type of
energy, and state specifically how it is either in transit or resides in a system.

When the water is heated on a gas stove in a pot, heat from the stove to the pan is
transferred and heat is in transit. The pot then transfers the heat to the water so that the
work is carried out also in the container. Response to heat stored in the closed pot /
system, internal energy increased.
4. How do heat transfer and internal energy differ? In particular, which can be
stored as such in a system and which cannot?
Heat transfer is a temperature difference-caused process that transfers from one
system to another, and is transit energy, which cannot be stored in a system. The
internal energy can be stored in a system while it is connected to the kinetic energy
and the potential energies of the molecules.
5. Identify the type of energy transferred to your body in each of the following as
either internal energy, heat transfer, or doing work: (a) basking in sunlight; (b)
eating food; (c) riding an elevator to a higher floor.

First Law of thermodynamics

(a) As sunlight sets, heat transfer is the form of energy transfer to the body. The
energy of the sun is revealed to the skin and the human body, so it can't store the
energy. Conversely, as the skin absorbs the heat, the temperature increases.

(b) The energy transfer type to the body is internal energy when food is consumed.
Eating enhances the body's inner energy by incorporating potential chemical energy.

(c) When riding a lift to the higher level, the form of energy transfer through the body
is work. Since work is done against the gravity, it maximize potential energy by going

6. Discussion:

The study of thermodynamics is very important knowledge area. It applies in many fields
of study like physics and chemistry. But in the field of mechanical engineering it plays a
vital role, because in most of the engines the laws of the thermodynamics are applied. In
this experiment we studied about the first law of thermodynamics. This is the most
fundamental law of thermodynamics; it states that energy can neither be created nor be
formed but changes its forms. And in mechanical engineering in most of the engines this
rule is applied as the heat energy from the burning of the gas changes its form into work
and heat dissipation. In this experiment we studied different forms of the heat
conversions like isobaric, isothermal, adiabatic and Isochoric process. These processes
are various forms of heat conversions and they play an important role in any engineering
applications. Like in the first process the which is isobaric process work is done by the
system while keeping the pressure constant, there changes involved in the internal
energies. Since the pressure is kept constant there are changes only in the volume of the
system. Here the work done is negative which suggest that the system volume is
contracted, Isobaric processes plays an important role in the working of a piston where
the work is dependent upon the expansion of the gas due to the temperatures while the
pressure is kept constant. So, it helps in designing various types of engines efficiencies
and calculating their capacities. The horizontal line suggests that the pressure is kept
constant throughout the experiment.

Isochoric is a process in which the volume of the system remains constant, since the
volume remains constant the system does no work. This variable in the thermodynamics
is the easiest to control because the system neither expands nor contracts. So, the first law
of thermodynamics will become that all the energy change will be equal to the heat

10 | P a g e
First Law of thermodynamics

transfer. It describes the behavior of a gas that cannot be deformed. In our experiment it
is also depicted that the work done by volume change is zero. But the change in energy is
not equal to the energy transferred which suggests that there are some errors which might
should be taken care of as the pressure may have been changed during this venture. So, if
the internal energy is equal to the change in pressure the heat transfer may be calculated
as Q=mcvt. This plays an important role in the Otto Cycle of the engines. This cycle
considers that the heat addition is considered instantaneously when the piston is at top
dead center. When the intake of the gas is continued. this process also occurs when
exhaust part when the heat is withdrawn at the same volume. This also depicted by the
graph in which a straight line is drawn showing the change in the pressure by the heat
energy but at constant volume.

Isothermal process is a process in which the temperature of the system remains constant.
The heat exchange must be such an equilibrium is attained to keep the temperature
constant. This is attained when the pressure is increased by keeping the temperature
constant. This will decrease the volume of the gas but the pressure will increase. This is
the most important phenomenon in the combustion part of the engines. When the gas is
burning this produces the pressure which compresses the air and then the piston moves.
Similarly, when the cycle of decompression starts the volume of the gas expands and
pressure is released. So, the study of isothermal process is very important in the study of
the cycle of engines as the efficiencies are calculated and the design is then optimized. In
this experiment the work done by the pressure and the volume change is the same
because the temperature is kept constant. The graph also shows and confirms that when
the volume is decreased the pressure is increased.

In adiabatic process no heat energy enters or leaves the system. This done by insulating
the whole system or by the process is carried out so fast that there is no time for
significant amount of heat exchange. In our experiment the total heat entering or leaving
the system is zero, the negative sign shows that the work is done on the system partly on
the volume and partly on the pressures region. The is very important in Carnot cycle as
the compression and expansion takes so fast that the system leaves little or no heat. Well
no heat going outside is in ideal system. In Carnot cycle a little amount of heat does goes
out of the system. So, within the expansion and compression the heat exchange remains
zero. That will ensure maximum pressure and as the expansions and compressions are
taking place so rapidly. The heat has no time to go outside. The study of the adiabatic
processes is very important in the mechanical engineering field especially in engines. As
it helps to improve the cycles of the engines that will produce maximum power leaving
no energy outside and utilizing maximum heat energy of the gas. There are some errors in

11 | P a g e
First Law of thermodynamics

the total enthalpy of the system as it is not equal to the sum of internal energy plus the
product of the pressure and volume which suggests that there the readings should be
taken carefully.

7. Conclusion:

We had successfully experimented, due to do all the objectives we had in this

experiment. Moreover, the objective was to know what is the first law of
thermodynamics, to do the conservation of energy related to the first law of
thermodynamics, how to use the java program, to calculate the changing in the
internal energy of a system after the heat transformation and the work is done, and to
see the differences among the processes which are: isobaric, isochoric, isothermal,
and adiabatic. Further, the important think about this lab was to know how to use a
java program and it was quite easy when we use it and show us the graphs, and many
think. However, I recommend every engineering to study well the first law of
thermodynamics and understood it because it is an important concept. Furthermore,
the lab was helpful and will help us in our engineering path.

8. References:

1. From the chapter

2. 2020. The First Law Of Thermodynamics

| Physics. [online] Available at:
of-thermodynamics/> [Accessed 14 June 2020].

12 | P a g e
First Law of thermodynamics

3. OpenStax. (n.d.). Physics. Retrieved June 14, 2020, from

4. Quizlet. 2020. Physics Final Exam Flashcards | Quizlet. [online]

Available at: <
flash-cards/> [Accessed 17 June 2020].

5. 2020. Describe The Photo Of The Tea Kettle At The

Beginning Of This Section In Terms Of Heat Transfer, Work Done,
And Internal Energy. How Is Heat Being Transferred? What Is The
Work Done And What Is Doing It? How Does Use Kettle Maintain Its
Internal Energy? | Bartleby. [online] Available at:
transfer/5d0fd90e-7dee-11e9-8385-02ee952b546e> [Accessed 17 June

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