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Tribes: Oldest people with newest history (to start with everyone was in a tribe)

(Till recently not much was not known about them)

(Closed society)

Transformation process started late.

They are now part of modern society (those tribe who were open to modern policies, education etc.)

E.g. Tribes in Jharkhand, Chattisgarh, Bihar: Oraon, Marandi, Birsa Munda

They are given exclusive policy benefits. They think there are problems they have to face if they become
a part of our society.

Jungle/Forest is the way of life and resource for these tribes.

Tribal Transformation Process.

In 1881 census: They were given a name called forest tribe.

And then, in 1911 Census they were listed in a category called Animists (people who believe in super

In 1921 Census: Tribal Religion

In 1941 Census: Adivasis

Tribe: People living in primitive and barbaric conditions (as describe in Oxford Dictionary)

As per 2011 census 700+ approx tribes.

10.6 crore which is 8.5% of total population

Ministry of tribal affairs defines ST as those groups who fulfill the following criteria

a. Primitive traits (lack of human development, education etc.)

b. Distinctive culture (different culture)

c. Shyness in contacting with others (not to be confused with hate, other groups/people contact

d Geographical isolation: connected to 3rd one

British never disturbed tribes: they were difficult to govern

As governance has a cost (So, tribes gave no profit)

Difficult to fight with

Huge movement called "Tana Bhagat Movement" in Bihar against British and Muslim Zamindars (due to
presence of Mughals in North)

We club STs with SCs. Tribals are not the part of Caste System. Just like Laws of Manu did for outside
people. Because this is easy. They look outsider but they are not. We keep them in the fourth category

Transformation as they are taken as lower caste although they are not part of Caste system


Whole class system : exclusivity

Debate = Caste : No discrimination

Tribals : want isolation (don't spoil culture)

Under caste idea is inclusion

But, Tribes want isolation


Caste wants same benefits : give rights as part of same society

Tribe idea is don't take forest produce, resources i.e. forest life
Why we club them together then? In simple talk it's easy to club them together.

But why?


1. Hinduisation: For tribes there is no organised religion but their religious practices or concept of faith in
God matched with Hinduism. So, multiplicity or plurality of Hindu religion matched with Tribal culture.
(Kul devta and Kul devi- Jal:Vayu:Indra devta et cetera.) The basic idea of rituals, Superstitions, faith
matches. So, to align tribal with Hinduism.

Tribal groups are known for only last 100-150 years. They are outsiders where should we keep them?
because they were never part of rituals. So what Manu did?

2. Keep them in lowest category (Asura)

3. SC/STs they share negative attributes: primitive, underdeveloped, not modern, barbaric (for STs by
choice but for SCs never given choice)

4. Governance convenience: Both need similar policies for development so govt. kept them together for
ease of administration

SC and ST are administrative category where you have constitutional status and rights. It is different from
Caste system classification of Shudras and Asuras Or real Tribals.

It's not linear transformation as many still want isolation but those who are part of society now (living in
modern society) they want to be a part of it. It's a slow process.

OBCs are economic discrimination category of reservation not social discrimination as you can look at
them as peasant class. People don't want to leave their caste categories now acc. to many surveys. As
there are many policy benefits and privileges. It's a constitutional/political right.

You can't change religion but not caste. So, they may be alignment of categories in future or EWS in
multiple states and that may lead to reservations for everyone and in future some other form of
discrimination come up and then we may go back to old system. Philosophers say that nothing changes.
Every 40 years there is a cycle.
Cultural/Social change is unidimensional is wrong.

Why do we say that the oldest people with new history?

Tribals were always part of the land (forests) but preferred isolation from main stream people and rituals
thus, their history is new as it was never recorded.

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