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C 10 Child Safety & Wellbeing


Yarra Ranges Council employee’s who
The purpose of this policy is to offer a care for and educate children have a
framework for best practice in legal duty of care (Teachers with a
maintaining safe environments for Victorian Institue of Teaching (VIT)
children. It responds to the registration are mandated) to report to
compulsory Victorian Child Safe child protection if they believe on
Standards and aims to assist reasonable grounds that a child is in
Educators to understand and comply need of protection from emotional /
with their legal responsibilities and psychological harm, physical injury or
provide clear procedures to effectively sexual abuse. There may be
manage child protection issues if they reasonable grounds when:
 a child states that they have
been physically or sexually
 a child states that they know
A child is any persons aged from birth someone who has been
to eighteen years (UNICEF). physically or sexually abused
(sometimes the child may be
Children have the right to be physically talking about themselves)
and emotionally safe at all times. As  a relative, friend, acquaintance
children are not in a position to ensure
their own wellbeing, that responsibility
is shared between the family, the
or sibling of the child, states that
the child has been physically or 1
sexually abused
community and relevant legislative
 observations of the child’s
bodies. Early identification and
behaviour or development lead
effective intervention supports
to the belief that a child has
vulnerable children and their families.
been abused
A clear procedure supports staff,
 signs of physical or sexual
contractors and volunteers in effecting
abuse lead to a belief that a
their duty of care with regard to
child has been abused
children in care.
Yarra Ranges Council is committed to It is important that all Educators have a
the safety, participation and clear understanding of their
responsibilities in relation to this policy
empowerment of all children. We have and that the practices and procedures
zero tolerance of child abuse, and all are implemented consistently. All
allegations and safety concerns will be Educators should be aware of the
treated very seriously and consistently. common signs and indicators of child
abuse and be clear about their
As a licensed children’s service, responsibilities and the process of
Sherbrooke Family and Children’s reporting such issues.
Centre abides by the Early Childhood
Services – Identifying and Responding If you hold a reasonable belief that a
to Incidents, Disclosures and child has been, or is at risk of being
Suspicions of Child Abuse (Draft). abused, you must make a report to
DHHS Child Protection and/or Victoria
Police, regardless of advice given to

 Yarra Ranges Council - Sherbrooke Children’s Centre Policies and Procedures

C 10 Child Safety & Wellbeing
 ensure that where the service has
you by others. This report may be been notified of a court order
critical in protecting a child from abuse. prohibiting or restricting an adult
from contacting an enrolled child,
such contact does not occur outside
PROCEDURES the requirements stated in the court
In relation to child protection order
matters the Centre Coordinator will:  ensure clear procedures (refer to
 keep up to date and comply with any Procedure for responding to
relevant changes in legislation and incidents, disclosures and
practices in relation to this policy suspicions of child abuse –
Appendix 1) are in place for
 ensure that staff members at the
reporting suspected child abuse and
service who work with children are
management of complaints
advised of current child protection
legislation, its application, and any  ensure Educators, staff, contractors,
obligations that they may have under volunteers and students undertake
that law on their induction into the appropriate and annual training and
service and at any other time as education on child protection,
appropriate including recognising the signs and
symptoms of child abuse, knowing
 identify the potential for and signs of
how to respond, and understanding
child abuse and develop and
processes for reporting and
implement effective prevention
managing concerns/incidents
strategies in consultation with the
Leadership Team and  ensuring that families are made 2
Educators/staff aware of support services available
to them (such as Child FIRST), and
 ensure recruitment and induction
of the assistance these services can
processes for Educators, staff and
contractors are in line with this
policy  develop co-operative relationships
with appropriate services and/or
 screen all Educators, staff,
professionals (including Child
contractors, volunteers and
FIRST) in the best interests of
students, including undertaking
children and their families
criminal history checks (if required),
Working with Children Checks  identify and implement appropriate
(except for individuals under the age programs and practices to support
of 18), reference checks and the principles of a child safe
interviews organisation, in consultation with the
Leadership Team and
 ensure that kindergarten teachers
Educators/staff at the service
employed by Yarra Ranges Council
undergo a Working with Children  notify the Approved Provider
Check as well as their Victorian immediately and DET, in writing,
Institute of Teaching (VIT) within 24 hours of becoming aware
registration of a notifiable serious incident or
allegation regarding the health,
 ensure that volunteers/students,
safety and/or welfare of a child
parents/guardians and other visitors
to the service are not left with sole  recognise the challenges and
supervision of individual children or stresses that may be involved in
groups of children working with families in the area of

 Yarra Ranges Council - Sherbrooke Children’s Centre Policies and Procedures

C 10 Child Safety & Wellbeing
child protection and wellbeing. staff in response to concerns or
Accordingly, an Educator will be reports relating to the health, safety
closely supported during and and wellbeing of a child
following any report or concern  thoroughly record/document all
raised. It may be appropriate that observations and or conversations
additional support is required, such related to any concerns, complaints,
as EAP allegations or disclosures regarding
 maintain confidentiality at all times. the health, safety and welfare of a
child at Sherbrooke Children’s
Centre (see appendix 3)
In relation to child protection
matters Educators/staff will:  identify and implement appropriate
programs and practices to support
 keep up to date and comply with any
the principles of a child safe
relevant changes in legislation and
organisation in consultation with the
practices in relation to this policy
Centre Coordinator and Educational
 undertake appropriate and annual Leader
training and education on child
 cooperate with other services and/or
protection, including recognising the
professionals (including Child
signs (see appendix 2) and
FIRST) in the best interests of
symptoms of child abuse, knowing
children and their families
how to respond, and understanding
processes for reporting and  ensure that where they are
managing concerns/incidents questioned by the Department of
 ensure that where the service has
been notified of a court order
Education and Training, Department
of Health and Human Services or 3
Police during the course of a child
prohibiting or restricting an adult
protection investigation, they
from contacting an enrolled child,
cooperate fully and provide a full and
such contact does not occur outside
accurate account of the events and
the requirements stated in the court
reasons that resulted in the
notification of the alleged abuse or
 implement the procedures (appendix neglect. Thorough and factual
1) for reporting suspected child records must be kept at all times.
abuse and management of
 ensure that no child is left alone (or
is out of sight) with a contractor,
 notify the Room Leader or Centre visitor, volunteer, student or
Coordinator immediately on parent/guardian at any time
becoming aware of any concerns,
 in the case of a parent/guardian or
complaints or allegations regarding
authorised nominee arriving to
the health, safety and welfare of a
collect a child and that person is
child at Sherbrooke Children’s
displaying behaviour or their state of
Centre. If the Coordinator is not
mind is inappropriate eg: under the
immediately available or you do not
influence of drugs or alcohol
feel secure in discussing this with
Educators are to refer to Delivery
this person, discuss the issue with
and Collection of Children Policy
the Executive Officer of Family and
Children’s Services (Approved  not engage in private babysitting
Provider) assignments for families of
Sherbrooke Children’s Centre
 offer support to the child and their
family, and to other Educators and  maintain confidentiality at all times

 Yarra Ranges Council - Sherbrooke Children’s Centre Policies and Procedures

C 10 Child Safety & Wellbeing
 review this policy in consultation with excursions and administration of
Centre Coordinator, the Leadership medication
Team, other Educators, and  ensure the physical environment at
parents/guardians. the service is safe, secure and free
from hazards for children
Supporting Children whilst at the  ensure that Educators conduct risk
Centre assessments for excursions and
Providing holistic support to address consider children’s safety when
the trauma and wellbeing issues leaving the service premises
associated with child abuse is best  ensure all equipment and materials
achieved through careful planning. used at the service meet relevant
safety standards (all Council owned
Where appropriate, Educators in playground facilities undergo an
annual external audit to ensure that
consultation with their Room Leader
the equipment meets Australian
and Centre Coordinator should Standards)
 implement and practise emergency
 establishing regular communication and evacuation procedures at least
with the child’s parent/carer to plan 4 times per year
support strategies and discuss a  ensure there are appropriate
child’s progress and the success of procedures in place for the safe
any support strategies delivery and collection of children
 engage allied health professionals  ensure that Educators and all staff at 4
with expertise in addressing child the service who work with children
abuse and trauma to support the are aware that it is an offence to
subject a child to any form of
service to design and implement
corporal punishment, or any
support strategies discipline that is unreasonable or
 establish a safety plan, in instances excessive in the circumstances
where the abuse has been led by a  implement and review this policy in
person within the service, and or consultation with the Leadership
visiting the service to mitigate risk Team, Educators, staff, and
of further abuse.
 identify and provide appropriate
resources and training to assist
In relation to providing a child safe Educators, staff, contractors,
environment at the service the visitors, volunteers and students to
Centre Coordinator will: implement this policy
 ensure children are adequately  protect the rights of children and
supervised and that Educator-to- families, and encourage their
child ratios are maintained at all participation in decision-making
times  ensure the Leadership Team,
 ensure parents/guardians have Educators, staff, contractors,
completed the enrolment form volunteers and students are kept
including details of authorised informed of any relevant changes in
nominees, and permission forms for legislation and practices in relation
to this policy

 Yarra Ranges Council - Sherbrooke Children’s Centre Policies and Procedures

C 10 Child Safety & Wellbeing
 ensure that all Educators and staff  ensure the physical environment at
who work with children are aware of the service is safe, secure and free
this policy, and are supported to from hazards for children
implement it in the service in  conduct risk assessments for
consultation with the Educational excursions and considering
Leader children’s safety when leaving the
 ensure learning environments are service premises
established that provide sufficient  ensure all equipment and materials
space, and include carefully chosen used at the service meet relevant
and well- maintained resources and safety requirements
equipment that will help enhance the
 actively participate in practising
quality of children’s learning and
emergency and evacuation
procedures at least 4 times per year
 organise / facilitate regular
 comply with appropriate procedures
compliance audits
for the safe delivery and collection of
 keep up to date and comply with any children
relevant changes in legislation and
 ensure that children at the service
practices in relation to this policy.
are not subjected to any form of
corporal punishment, or any
In relation to providing a child safe discipline that is unreasonable or
environment at the service excessive in the circumstances
 implement and review this policy in
Educators/staff will:
 maintain learning environments that consultation with the Centre
provide sufficient space, and include Coordinator, the Leadership Team,
carefully chosen and well- Educators, and parents/guardians
maintained resources and  protect the rights of children and
equipment to ensure a safe families, and encourage their
environment participation in decision-making
 maintain a regular cleaning schedule  keep up to date and comply with any
for all equipment to avoid cross- changes in legislation and practices
contamination in relation to this policy.
 maintain a clean environment daily,
and remove tripping/slipping
hazards as soon as these become
Volunteers and students, while at
 conduct a daily check of the building, the service, are responsible for
and outdoor environment. A written following this policy and its
record of the daily check will be kept, procedures.
signed by an Educator and filed for
future reference
 educate and empower children to
talk about events and situations that
make them feel uncomfortable
 ensure all children are adequately
and actively supervised at all times

 Yarra Ranges Council - Sherbrooke Children’s Centre Policies and Procedures

C 10 Child Safety & Wellbeing
 Incident, Injury, Trauma and
 Inclusion and Equity
 Administration of First Aid  Interactions with Children
 Medication  Occupational Health and Safety
 Anaphylaxis  Participation of Volunteers and
 Code of Conduct Students
 Complaints and Grievances  Privacy and Confidentiality
 Infectious Diseases Illness  Staffing
 Medical Conditions  Sun Protection
 Emergency Management  Supervision
 Enrolment and Orientation  Water Safety
 Excursions and Incursions
 Hygiene
 Children, Youth and Families Act 2005
 Child Protection Protocol - Shire of Yarra Ranges and Department of Human
Services (Eastern Region) 2003
 Australian Early Childhood Code of Ethics (2016)
 NAPCAN Victoria 6
 Charter of Human Rights and Responsibilities Act 2006 (Vic), amended in 2011:
 Childsafety Australia:
 A guide for creating a child safe organisation. Commission for Children and Young
People. Version 2.0 December 2015
 Choose With Care: Building child safe organisations – an information and training
 Department of Education and Training (DET): aspx
 Victorian Department of Health and Human Services:
 Department of Human services - Child Safe Standards Guidelines
 Office of the Child Safety Commissioner:
 Safeguarding Children accreditation program, Australian Childhood Foundation:
 Service Agreement Information Kit for Funded Organisations:
 The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child:
 What is Child Abuse?:,-families-and-

 Yarra Ranges Council - Sherbrooke Children’s Centre Policies and Procedures

C 10 Child Safety & Wellbeing
 Working with Children (WWC) Check:
 DRAFT Victorian Early Childhood Services: Identifying and Responding to
Incidents, Disclosures and Suspicions of Child Abuse

Appendix 1 - Procedure for responding to incidents, disclosures and suspicions of
child abuse
Appendix 2 - Identifying and Responding to Incidents, Disclosures and Suspicions of
Child Abuse (DET)
Appendix 3 – Early Childhood Reporting Template

Date Developed 2002
Date Reviewed September 2016
Version Number 5
Due for Review September 2018

National Quality Standard Elements

2.3: Each child is protected 2.3.1: Children are adequately supervised

at all times 7
2.3.2: Every reasonable precaution is taken
to protect children from harm and any
hazard likely to cause injury
2.3.4: Educators, co-ordinators and staff
members are aware of their roles and
responsibilities to respond to every child at
risk of abuse and neglect

3.1: The design and location of the 3.1.1: Outdoor and indoor spaces,
premises is appropriate for the operation buildings, furniture, equipment, facilities
of a service and resources are suitable for their
3.1.2: Premises, furniture and equipment
are safe, clean and well maintained
5.1 Respectful and equitable relationships 5.1.1 - Interactions with each child are
are developed and maintained with each warm, responsive and build trusting
child. relationships.
5.1.2 - Every child is able to engage with
educators in meaningful, open interactions
that support the acquisition of skills for life
and learning.
 5.1.3 - Each child is supported to feel
secure, confident and included.

 Yarra Ranges Council - Sherbrooke Children’s Centre Policies and Procedures

C 10 Child Safety & Wellbeing
6.2 Families are supported in their 6.2.2 - Current information is available to
parenting role and their values and beliefs families about community services and
about child rearing are respected. resources to support parenting and family
6.3 The service collaborates with other 6.3.1 - Links with relevant community and
organisations and service providers to support agencies are established and
enhance children's learning and maintained.

7.1: Effective leadership promotes a 7.1.2 - The induction of educators,

positive organisational culture and builds coordinators and staff members is
a professional learning community comprehensive.
 7.1.5: Adults working with children and
those engaged in management of the
service or residing on the premises are fit
and proper
7.3 Administrative systems enable the 7.3.1 - Records and information are stored
effective management of a quality service appropriately to ensure confidentiality, are
available from the service and are
maintained in accordance with legislative
7.3.3 - The Regulatory Authority is notified
of any relevant changes to the operation of
the service, of serious incidents and any
complaints which allege a breach of
7.3.5 - Service practices are based on
effectively documented policies and
procedures that are available at the service
and reviewed regularly

 Yarra Ranges Council - Sherbrooke Children’s Centre Policies and Procedures

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